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JW Insider

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  1. Haha
    JW Insider got a reaction from Bible Speaks in A POINT OF NO RETURN? — ? ❄️?   
    Send it to paradise!
  2. Upvote
    JW Insider reacted to Anna in Spiritual Hierarchy Within The Jehovah's Witnesses   
    1 John 5:20  "But we know that the Son of God has come,  and he has given us insight* so that we may gain the knowledge of the one who is true. And we are in union with the one who is true, by means of his Son Jesus Christ. This is the true God and life everlasting.
    * Lit., “mental perception; intellectual capacity.
      Proverbs 2:1-4  "My son, if you accept my sayings And treasure up my commandments, By making your ear attentive to wisdom And inclining your heart to discernment;  Moreover, if you call out for understanding And raise your voice for discernment;  If you keep seeking for it as for silver, And you keep searching for it as for hidden treasures; Then you will understand the fear of Jehovah, And you will find the knowledge of God".
    Is this only the privilege of the Slave/GB or is it all of the anointed and by extension those who are associated with them, the great crowd?
  3. Upvote
    JW Insider reacted to Noble Berean in Spiritual Hierarchy Within The Jehovah's Witnesses   
    I know you think that my complaints are fault-finding, but I'm seeking truth just like anyone else on here. And things just don't always add up to me. I've given a lot of my time and energy to this organization, and I need to know that my decisions are right.
    Comparing the GB to Moses? Moses was a prophet of God. He performed miracles. Murmuring against him was inexcusable. The GB has made missteps in direction that have negatively affected people. Again and again we must give the GB free passes for their errors in direction and continue giving them unquestioned loyalty. Do other JWs have that luxury? If we're all "equal" then why is their a double-standard?
    I think a spirit of working together is important, but it's so difficult to work together with this organization when there's basically no room for personal conscience.
    We've all worked with someone that is dogmatic and micromanaging. It is frustrating. Personal research has taught me that many matters are gray rather than black-and-white. Accepting the GB as the group taking the lead is not my issue. I understand that for an organization to function there has to be a person or group taking the lead. I just can't shake my belief that the GB has gone too far in its control. I would praise the GB if they allowed for more areas of personal conscience. That would show a trust in their fellow Christians to follow God to the best of their ability...according to their own Bible-based conscience. Instead, we have a system in place that shows a mistrust of Christians, because we all need to live on a short-leash. We are punished if we question the status quo. Are JWs genuinely motivated to find spiritual truth or stay in line with a human organization? These are concerns I have.
    Working together as a body implies collaboration...does one organ have absolute authority over the entire body? The way the human organization is now...one group directs and the 7+ million other members obey. Does that sound like a body working together?
    The GB's attitude toward its role in the congregation is frustrating. They feel that they are the definitive authority on doctrinal understanding, but where does it say that in the Bible? I need a little more than just trust us. The FDS parable has always been a claim of authority, but now the organization states that most of Jesus parables are not prophetic. So, why would the FDS parable be any different? This new thinking weakens the GB's authority.
  4. Upvote
    JW Insider reacted to TrueTomHarley in Spiritual Hierarchy Within The Jehovah's Witnesses   
    If the whole body were an eye, where would the sense of hearing be? If it were all hearing, where would the sense of smell be? But now God has arranged each of the body members just as he pleased.  If they were all the same member, where would the body be? - 1 Corinthians 12:17-19
    It is enough that Witnesses can entertain whatever notions they want on these periphery teachings - you are far too hung up on asserting they cannot. What they cannot to is grab hold of the wheel of the bus. Many verses speak to promoting sects and stirring up divisions.
    This is not difficult and I cannot understand your harping on this. If you can't accept something, don't accept it. Nobody says you have to shout these things from the rooftops. It is increasingly hard not to take these complaints of yours as the complaints of Korah: 'that is enough of you because all of Jehovah's people are holy.'
    People here are searching for the divine/human interface. It is perfectly okay to do if you assume there IS no divine/human interface - that it is all a matter of human politics. Just be honest about it. But if you concede there is one - I am uncomfortable trying to peek between the curtains of the tabernacle into the Holy compartment - which is why I don't go there. And it is not getting caught by the attendants of the priest or even the priest himself that worries me.
  5. Confused
    JW Insider got a reaction from Foreigner in 1975 and the Jehovah's Witnesses   
    As a follow-up on my last post, it's important that this speculation was considered appropriate for SERIOUS Bible students.
    WHAT about all this talk concerning the year 1975? Lively discussions, some based on speculation, have burst into flame during recent months among serious students of the Bible. Their interest has been kindled by the belief that 1975 will mark the end of 6,000 years of human history since Adam’s creation. The nearness of such an important date indeed fires the imagination and presents unlimited possibilities for discussion. My father was counseled by a District Overseer in front of the Circuit Overseer for "toying" with Jesus' words at Matthew 24:36 when he added the verse to an assembly talk along with a sentence about not getting too carried away. The counsel was based on this same article quoted above:
    *** w68 8/15 pp. 500-501 par. 35 Why Are You Looking Forward to 1975? ***
    This is not the time to be toying with the words of Jesus that “concerning that day and hour nobody knows, neither the angels of the heavens nor the Son, but only the Father.” (Matt. 24:36) To the contrary, it is a time when one should be keenly aware that the end of this system of things is rapidly coming to its violent end.  
  6. Confused
    JW Insider got a reaction from Foreigner in 1975 and the Jehovah's Witnesses   
    Thanks for providing what you did. You left a few relevant things out, which would give the fuller picture, but what you included was especially interesting in the change from 1962/3 to 1968. Suddenly in 1968, speculation was encouraged as a sign that a Bible student was serious. And that approved speculation was expected to spread like wildfire among serious Bible students because it about something so important.
    The answer to those questions from paragraph two became the conclusion of the article:
    *** w68 8/15 p. 499 par. 28 Why Are You Looking Forward to 1975? ***
    Thus, through a careful independent study by dedicated Bible scholars who have pursued the subject for a number of years, and who have not blindly followed some traditional chronological calculations of Christendom, we have arrived at a date for Adam’s creation that is 22 years more distant in the past than Ussher’s figure. This means time is running out two decades sooner than traditional chronology anticipates. . . . That means, in the fall of the year 1975, a little over seven years from now (and not in 1997 as would be the case if Ussher’s figures were correct), it will be 6,000 years since the creation of Adam, the father of all mankind!
    30 Are we to assume from this study that the battle of Armageddon will be all over by the autumn of 1975, and the long-looked-for thousand-year reign of Christ will begin by then? Possibly, but we wait to see how closely the seventh thousand-year period of man’s existence coincides with the sabbathlike thousand-year reign of Christ. If these two periods run parallel with each other as to the calendar year, it will not be by mere chance or accident but will be according to Jehovah’s loving and timely purposes. Our chronology, however, which is reasonably accurate (but admittedly not infallible), at the best only points to the autumn of 1975 as the end of 6,000 years of man’s existence on earth. It does not necessarily mean that 1975 marks the end of the first 6,000 years of Jehovah’s seventh creative “day.” Why not? Because after his creation Adam lived some time during the “sixth day,” which unknown amount of time would need to be subtracted from Adam’s 930 years, to determine when the sixth seven-thousand-year period or “day” ended, and how long Adam lived into the “seventh day.” And yet the end of that sixth creative “day” could end within the same Gregorian calendar year of Adam’s creation. It may involve only a difference of weeks or months, not years.
    It's the textbook definition of a call for speculation. No one was "coerced" to speculate. But they were told that it was the appropriate thing to be doing if you were among "serious Bible students" This very material was admitted to be "fuel" for the imagination that produced speculation like a wildfire.
  7. Like
    JW Insider got a reaction from Srecko Sostar in 1975 and the Jehovah's Witnesses   
    Thanks for providing what you did. You left a few relevant things out, which would give the fuller picture, but what you included was especially interesting in the change from 1962/3 to 1968. Suddenly in 1968, speculation was encouraged as a sign that a Bible student was serious. And that approved speculation was expected to spread like wildfire among serious Bible students because it about something so important.
    The answer to those questions from paragraph two became the conclusion of the article:
    *** w68 8/15 p. 499 par. 28 Why Are You Looking Forward to 1975? ***
    Thus, through a careful independent study by dedicated Bible scholars who have pursued the subject for a number of years, and who have not blindly followed some traditional chronological calculations of Christendom, we have arrived at a date for Adam’s creation that is 22 years more distant in the past than Ussher’s figure. This means time is running out two decades sooner than traditional chronology anticipates. . . . That means, in the fall of the year 1975, a little over seven years from now (and not in 1997 as would be the case if Ussher’s figures were correct), it will be 6,000 years since the creation of Adam, the father of all mankind!
    30 Are we to assume from this study that the battle of Armageddon will be all over by the autumn of 1975, and the long-looked-for thousand-year reign of Christ will begin by then? Possibly, but we wait to see how closely the seventh thousand-year period of man’s existence coincides with the sabbathlike thousand-year reign of Christ. If these two periods run parallel with each other as to the calendar year, it will not be by mere chance or accident but will be according to Jehovah’s loving and timely purposes. Our chronology, however, which is reasonably accurate (but admittedly not infallible), at the best only points to the autumn of 1975 as the end of 6,000 years of man’s existence on earth. It does not necessarily mean that 1975 marks the end of the first 6,000 years of Jehovah’s seventh creative “day.” Why not? Because after his creation Adam lived some time during the “sixth day,” which unknown amount of time would need to be subtracted from Adam’s 930 years, to determine when the sixth seven-thousand-year period or “day” ended, and how long Adam lived into the “seventh day.” And yet the end of that sixth creative “day” could end within the same Gregorian calendar year of Adam’s creation. It may involve only a difference of weeks or months, not years.
    It's the textbook definition of a call for speculation. No one was "coerced" to speculate. But they were told that it was the appropriate thing to be doing if you were among "serious Bible students" This very material was admitted to be "fuel" for the imagination that produced speculation like a wildfire.
  8. Upvote
    JW Insider reacted to DefenderOTT in 1975 and the Jehovah's Witnesses   
    This observation could conceivably be true *IF* 99.8% of Witnesses disobeyed the FDS spiritual food about speculation, and only 0.2% didn’t, out of their own volition. That would have indicated a mass exodus that wasn’t covered by social media and is not in evidence.

    World evidence doesn’t seem to support such a theory. If it had, then social media would have made a larger contribution to that prospect. There was no stigma or notoriety attached to 1975 to conclude mass hysteria by witnesses if they knew the world was coming to an end, in 1975.

    Peoples Temple (1978), Solar Temple (1994–97), Heaven's Gate (1997), Adam House (2007)

    Movement for the Restoration of the Ten Commandments of God (2000)

    What the evidence does prove by the time period that is provided, 1968-1973, show that the Watchtower had no definitive STOP measure that wouldn’t go beyond 1975. The Awake! And Watchtower Magazines attest to that.

    *** w62 6/15 p. 381 Avoid Unprofitable Questions ***


    Handling God’s Word of truth aright requires that we discern between profitable and unprofitable questions. Naturally we have questions about the past, present and future. In the Bible Jehovah has provided authentic answers to the questions that properly concern us at this time. Sometimes secular history can fill us in on details not given in the Bible. But there are other questions to which neither the Bible nor profane history provides an answer. It is not wise or safe for us to speculate about questions of that nature.

    For example, in all good faith one might ask, What was Jehovah doing before he created Jesus, by whom he made all other things? If Adam and Eve had repented, would God have forgiven them? What happened to the bodies of those who perished in the Flood? Did the expensive gifts brought to the babe Jesus make Joseph and Mary rich for the rest of their lives? What did Jesus do between the ages of twelve and thirty besides his carpentering? How would Jehovah have redeemed the race if Jesus had not proved faithful? Exactly how long did Jesus’ trip to heaven take? Much time could be spent conjecturing on such matters.

    Likewise it is possible to spend valuable time speculating on matters concerning the future. One might ask, In what year will Armageddon begin? Will the faithful angels eventually receive immortality? Will there be factories and machines in use after Armageddon? Will men wear beards again? What will be the medium of exchange in the new world? Will women now past the age of childbearing share in the procreation mandate? If dedicated parents and children happen to die before Armageddon, which parent will raise the resurrected children, since resurrected mates will not remarry? (Luke 20:35) These are typical questions to which Jehovah has not provided answers at this time. Do you think it wise for Christians to take time from more profitable Bible study to speculate on the answers? Consider the dangers involved.

    *** w63 5/1 p. 288 Questions From Readers ***

    Abel’s offering was accepted because it was both of the right kind and offered in faith. Cain lacked faith, but this fact came to the fore only when he found that his sacrifice was not being accepted by God. So we read: “By faith Abel offered God a sacrifice of greater worth than Cain, through which faith he had witness borne to him that he was righteous, God bearing witness respecting his gifts; and through it he, although he died, yet speaks.” Just how God indicated that Abel’s sacrifice was acceptable and Cain’s was not the Bible does not say and it would be idle to speculate.—Heb. 11:4.


    *** w68 8/15 p. 494 Why Are You Looking Forward to 1975? ***

    Why Are You Looking Forward to 1975?

    WHAT about all this talk concerning the year 1975? Lively discussions, some based on speculation, have burst into flame during recent months among serious students of the Bible. Their interest has been kindled by the belief that 1975 will mark the end of 6,000 years of human history since Adam’s creation. The nearness of such an important date indeed fires the imagination and presents unlimited possibilities for discussion.

    2 But wait! How do we know their calculations are correct? What basis is there for saying Adam was created nearly 5,993 years ago? Does the one Book that can be implicitly trusted for its truthful historical accuracy, namely, the Inspired Word of Jehovah, the Holy Bible, give support and credence to such a conclusion?


    *** w70 5/1 p. 263 Why the Clergy Are Quitting ***

    Is it significant that many of the “best men” are leading the exodus? Yes, it is. For as former Catholic priest Alex MacRae explains: “Most priests aren’t equipped to do anything outside, and this is what is keeping many of them in.”

    Now, however, a number of agencies have been set up to help former priests and ministers get adjusted and obtain secular employment. Thus, the exodus is gaining momentum. Why, just one of these agencies now handles about 165 new priest-clients a month—2,000 a year! John Wesley Downing, director of another such agency, predicts that more than half of the 450,000 Protestant ministers and Catholic priests in the United States will quit by 1975.


    But why are so many quitting? The celibacy law that forbids priests to marry is most frequently cited as the reason.

    However, it would be wrong to conclude that the celibacy requirement is the only or fundamental reason for priests quitting. As Monsignor Myles Bourke of New York city observes: “Most of them get out because they’re frustrated in their work. Many of the young people are treated like adolescents and feel restricted.”



    *** w75 10/1 p. 579 The End of 6,000 Years of Man-Rule Approaches—What Has Been Accomplished? ***

    The End of 6,000 Years of Man-Rule Approaches—What Has Been Accomplished?

    SINCE a new Jewish lunar year began in September 1975 a significant point in human history was reached. What was that? According to the Bible’s count of time, mankind then completed 6,000 years of existence on earth. Yes, the first man Adam, if he had chosen to remain obedient under God’s rulership, would have still been alive and 6,000 years old in September of this year.

    Does this mean, then, that mankind has now reached 6,000 years into the 7,000-year period that God ‘blessed and made sacred’ as his great “rest day”? Does it mean that Christ’s millennial Kingdom rule, as the final 1,000 years of that “rest day,” is to be reckoned from September 1975?—Gen. 1:27, 31; 2:2, 3; Rev. 20:1-6.

    No, it does not mean that. Why not? Well, the Bible record shows that God’s creations on the “day” just preceding that 7,000-year “rest day” did not end with Adam’s creation. It shows a time lapse between the creation of Adam and that of his wife, Eve. During that time, God had Adam name the animals. Whether that period amounted to weeks or months or years, we do not know. So we do not know exactly when Jehovah’s great “rest day” began, nor do we know exactly when it will end. The same applies to the beginning of Christ’s millennial reign. The Bible provides us no way to fix the date, and so it does us no good to speculate when that date may be.—Gen. 2:18-25; Matt. 24:42, 44.

    However, the Bible’s time clock does indicate to us that 6,000 years of human history end in this year 1975. Early in God’s “rest day” Adam became a rebel against God-rule. Thus, for the most part, the first 6,000 years of man’s history have been marked by man-rule. What did man’s independent rulership accomplish during those six millenniums of time, or six spans of 1,000 years each? Let us take a panoramic view of those millenniums, each in its turn.



    *** g71 10/8 The Greatest Pressure of All Time Begins ***

    Building Toward Climax

    Authorities in every field generally agree that the pressures of today are building up to some sort of climax.

    Not long ago scores of respected scientists, economists, historians and philosophers met in the United States to discuss mankind’s problems. There was much disagreement on various points. But on one thing they all agreed: “All insist that the human family is approaching an historic crisis which will require fundamental revisions in the organization of society.”—The New York Times.

    On another occasion, television commentator Walter Cronkite said: “The scientists themselves disagree on the schedule of disaster. Each specialist counts the time to his own special catastrophe. But we found not one scientist who disagreed that some disaster portends.”

    Authorities were asked how long they thought it would take for the current problems to reach “crisis” proportions. And a problem was said to have reached that point when it caused the deaths of at least a million people a year, or severely affected their health, welfare or standard of living. A chart was drawn up based on their opinions. Some of the items listed were as follows:

    Note that the problem of overpopulation was considered as already having reached crisis proportions. One reason for this is that about 10,000 people a day now die as a result of malnutrition, an estimated 3,500,000 a year. Also, instead of slowing down, the rate of population increase has actually risen in recent decades. The world’s population is now doubling every thirty-five years!

    Any one of the problems in the chart could have catastrophic effects on all earthly life. And they do not even include the threat of nuclear war. Combine all of these and you can understand why experts are so pessimistic about the future. They see mankind moving swiftly and certainly to some sort of disastrous climax.

    God’s Word, the Bible, foretold this time of unprecedented pressures. The events experienced since 1914 fulfill Bible prophecy with amazing accuracy. However, while bringing about huge pressures, those events, of themselves, are not the basic causes of the pressures. And unless these are eliminated, nothing can be done to relieve the heavy pressures on humankind today. What, then, are the basic causes?

    [Graph on page 17]

    (For fully formatted text, see publication)


                        1970   1975   1980   1985



    Ecological Collapse

    Urban Air Pollution

    Waste Heat

    Water & Land Pollution

    Oxygen Deficiency

    There seems to be some indication of this *minimum dates of crisis* comment, that the Watchtower had perceived social crisis’s BEYOND 1975. That was the extent of the message, Between 1966-1975, with periodic follow-up, thereafter.

    *** G71 4/22 pp. 20-21 Can Man Solve the Problem? ***

    Can Laws Do It?

    Can new laws, or better enforcement of laws, stem the tide? Without doubt, they can help. But late in 1970 U.S. News & World Report noted that air and water pollution in the United States was increasing “in spite of stricter regulations and substantial expenditures by government and industry.”

    A much-publicized new law in the United States affects automobiles. After January 1, 1975, carbon monoxide and hydrocarbons in exhausts from new cars must be reduced by at least 90 percent compared to 1970 models. After January 1, 1976, nitrogen oxides must be reduced at least 90 percent also.

    While that is encouraging, note what Russell Train, presidential adviser on environment, says: “We do project that pollution from automobile exhaust will be on a downward curve until about 1985. After that, even with the most pollution-free internal-combustion engine that we can now foresee, the sheer growth in numbers of cars will start the curve going up again.”

    *** W66 2/1 p. 72 “How Will They Hear?” ***

    “How Will They Hear?”

    “How, in turn, will they hear without someone to preach?”—Rom. 10:14.

    WHEN was the last time your minister called on you at your home? How long has it been since he made a call on you and your family? If it was a recent visit, did you enjoy what he had to say on this occasion? Were you spiritually uplifted? Were you encouraged by his words? If it has been some time since he has made such a call, have you ever asked yourself why this is so? Why is he so busy? Why does he not find the time to make calls on his parishioners as ministers in past times did?

    2 Actually, despite the so-called loud cry of a “resurgence of religion” in postwar years, there seems to be one of the most strange and serious paradoxes in modern-day religion occurring before our eyes, namely, a rising church membership roll and a declining ministerial seminary enrollment existing parallel to each other. To illustrate, by 1975, if three Protestant spokesmen are correct in their estimates, North American Protestant churches will experience a clergy shortage of up to 50,000. Moreover, according to the same source of information, “If the churchgoing percentage of the population rises more sharply than the total population gains, as it did in the 1950’s, the shortage will be even more severe. But since the increase has diminished during the past year or two, the estimated shortage may not be quite so serious. Taken on any terms, however, it is obvious that millions of people will soon be sheep without shepherds unless a crash program of ministerial training is undertaken.”—The Christian Century, April 26, 1961, page 509.

    *** W69 10/15 p. 614 pars. 5-6 The Approaching Peace of a Thousand Years ***

    5 The settling of minor wars, as in Vietnam and in the Middle East, cannot change the overall picture. The hostility of the two great political groups still remains. In discussing the “Nation’s Business,” the New York Times of December 6, 1968 (page 96, paragraphs 4, 5), said: “ . . . the cold war, though vastly changed, is far from over. Its perils are not diminishing. If anything they’re on the increase.” It expressed the fear that continued disintegration of the Soviet bloc of nations may tempt the Russians into new and desperate measures. This reminds us that the Soviet Union’s next-door neighbor, Communist China, is a big problem for her, yes, and for much of the rest of the world. Added to the awesomeness of her tremendous population is the disquieting fact that Communist China is now a nuclear power with the capacity of launching long-range missiles. By continued success in the missile field and by beginning to stockpile her weapons in the year 1972, and then keeping this up, the Communist Chinese “should be in a position to deploy 15 or 20 Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles by about 1975.”—New York Times, February 3, 1969.

    6 Truly the problems that need to be solved for world peace by human means are formidable, and yet there are men who offer themselves to tackle such problems. One such appears to be the thirty-seventh president of the United States of America. In his address following his inauguration on January 20, 1969, he said:


    *** W70 5/1 p. 270 par. 21 Keep Close in Mind “The Conclusion of the System of Things” ***

    21 Time magazine reported that in the previous five years before its issue the world’s population had increased twice as fast as its food production. It has been calculated that it took from the beginning of human history until the year 1800 for the population of the earth to reach one billion, 130 years more to reach 2 billion and just 36 years later the population had jumped to 3.28 billion. In recent years the United States has been feeding one out of twenty persons in Africa, Latin America and parts of Asia. It has been reported that India devoured a quarter of the United States’ wheat crop in 1966 as compared to a fifth the year before and an eighth five years earlier. No wonder the book Famine—1975! reports there will be “a famine that will happen no matter what anyone does.” Certainly a new system of things is needed to overcome the specter of mass starvation as the “black horse” continues its famine-striking course.


    https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1970s_energy_crisis Once again, what has been proven by ex-JW’s about 1975? The sustainability of their evidence doesn’t support the actions of the watchtower versus the actions of a few. I for one remember the lottery ticket campaign that was implemented after the shortage of gas in the 70’s. Odd and Even addresses could only get fuel at designated times. Some could only put 10 gallons if it was for recreational use.

    *** w74 4/1 p. 196 Modern Food Shortage—Does It Fulfill Bible Prophecy? ***

    But many persons, perhaps including you, do not now live in obvious famine conditions. You may still have access to an abundance of food, relatively speaking. Nevertheless, U.N. Food and Agriculture Organization director-general A. H. Boerma says worse conditions are ahead for the whole world. Biologist Paul Ehrlich believes that actual worldwide famine is approaching. When? Back in 1970 he stated: “I think an estimate of 1975 is still as good as we can make, but it could be anywhere from 1972 to 1985, depending primarily on luck. I think the actual date is a quibble.”

    The evidence of worldwide shortage is already evident in most “developed” countries. Have not food prices taken a sharp upward rise in recent months in the U.S., western Europe and elsewhere? Why? The food supply is limited. So the greater demand causes prices to go up.

    *** w75 1/1 p. 12 Insight on the News ***

    Insight on the News

    The World and 1975

    ● Nineteen-seventy-five finds mankind facing as never before the harsh fact that its problems are truly global—and that global problems demand global solutions, nothing less. “Science News” magazine says that the internationally known group of scientists and industrialists called the “Club of Rome” describes the situation as “unique.” Why? Because past crises were usually local, but today ‘only a global solution is now adequate,’ and whereas there was time to search out solutions to previous problems, ‘only rapid action will now suffice.’

    In similar vein, editorial writer Anthony Lewis says: “The fear that something fundamental is changing in the relationship of man and nature, the concern that things are out of joint in the world, is not confined to the problem of food. The use of oil as a political and economic weapon, the pressure on other resources, the inflation raging across most of the world—all give rise to uneasiness.” “Oil, food, prosperity, security, everything is connected to everything else.”—New York “Times,” November 10, 1974.

    Prominent economist Robert L. Heilbroner believes that ‘the world will move toward a new social order to meet its problems.’

    The Bible foretells that the nations will arrive at some kind of global arrangement allowing them to claim they have found the way to “peace and security.” But it shows that such will be short-lived and that only God’s promised new order will bring the desired relief from global distress.—1 Thess. 5:1-3; 2 Pet.

    The evidence just isn’t there that the watchtower coerced anyone to speculate. But, everyone is entitled to their opinion…

  9. Thanks
    JW Insider reacted to Evacuated in 1975 and the Jehovah's Witnesses   
    Yes, very neatly laid out. But it still misses the point. The attaching of relative value to people just because they occupy this or that functional role in an arrangement of humans, even if it's theocratic,  is where the problem lies. Everybody does it we know, and as @JW Insiderdeftlly points out:
    Jehovah puts it more bluntly when He says that the inhabitants of the earth "are like grasshoppers" at Is. 40:22.
    Jesus gave clear counsel at Matt.20:24-27 when he instructed his disciples: "Jesus called them to him and said: “You know that the rulers of the nations lord it over them and the great men wield authority over them. This must not be the way among you; but whoever wants to become great among you must be your minister, and whoever wants to be first among you must be your slave".
    There will always be problems when the waiter starts to think he is more important than those at the table, just because he has the job of handing out the food. Even Harry Callahan observed of a "waiter" with deluded self importance "You're a legend in your own mind".
    There is much that could be said on this matter. But to stay on topic, the '75 brouhaha was(is) the product of the minds of "grasshoppers" in the heat of the sun. One starts jumpin'.... they all start jumpin'........
    Thankfully, it's all cooled down a bit now, on that front at least. 
  10. Upvote
    JW Insider reacted to Ann O'Maly in 607 B.C.E. - Is it Biblically Supported?   
    The JW interpretation can't accommodate either meaning because, if it was "at Babylon," the context demands that the exiles Jeremiah was addressing would have been there 80 years - not 70, and the destruction of Jerusalem was still only a future possibility rather than a foregone conclusion. Anyway, we've had this conversation many times before - the scriptural and historical facts speak for themselves and you *still* won't change your views to align with them. Hope you and yours are well, btw.  
  11. Like
    JW Insider got a reaction from Evacuated in 1975 and the Jehovah's Witnesses   
    Good point. "Rank and file" has bee a common expression within Bethel for the publishers outside the Bethel headquarters.
    Sometimes F.Franz used the term "rank and file" and sometimes just "the publishers" as in "the publishers don't always know what they need until they see it." Assembly talk in 2014 spoke of how the faithful slave is producing material and that "You, the rank and file take it from door to door." (He was a circuit overseer, so I remember wondering if he should have said "We, the rank and file . . .") A member of the Governing Body speaks of the "rank and file" witnesses in the 2011 video "Jehovah's Witnesses -- Faith in Acti0on." Also the Watchtower has used it a couple of times: *** w86 9/1 p. 28 Must You Be in the Limelight? ***
    A similar situation exists in the Christian congregation. Some individuals are used quite prominently, but others play rather inconspicuous roles as rank-and-file publishers of the Kingdom message. Should these ones feel, however, that they are somehow less important because they are not in the limelight? But it's true isn't it, that each of these "prominent ones" should also be considering themselves to to be the "rank and file" at least on weekends.
  12. Upvote
    JW Insider got a reaction from Noble Berean in 1975 and the Jehovah's Witnesses   
    Good point. "Rank and file" has bee a common expression within Bethel for the publishers outside the Bethel headquarters.
    Sometimes F.Franz used the term "rank and file" and sometimes just "the publishers" as in "the publishers don't always know what they need until they see it." Assembly talk in 2014 spoke of how the faithful slave is producing material and that "You, the rank and file take it from door to door." (He was a circuit overseer, so I remember wondering if he should have said "We, the rank and file . . .") A member of the Governing Body speaks of the "rank and file" witnesses in the 2011 video "Jehovah's Witnesses -- Faith in Acti0on." Also the Watchtower has used it a couple of times: *** w86 9/1 p. 28 Must You Be in the Limelight? ***
    A similar situation exists in the Christian congregation. Some individuals are used quite prominently, but others play rather inconspicuous roles as rank-and-file publishers of the Kingdom message. Should these ones feel, however, that they are somehow less important because they are not in the limelight? But it's true isn't it, that each of these "prominent ones" should also be considering themselves to to be the "rank and file" at least on weekends.
  13. Upvote
    JW Insider got a reaction from Noble Berean in 1975 and the Jehovah's Witnesses   
    Just because something is not true does not strictly mean it is dishonest. I have honestly seen perhaps dozens of people who knew all about the publications drumming up speculation about the 1970's but who were then very quick to blame themselves or decide that they weren't at all affected when they were. What I think I have seen is that blaming individual Witnesses instead of the publications for the speculation became a mental rite of passage for all those who lived through it but didn't exactly know what to say afterward. In 1976 we got the message that it was our own fault, and I think this came at the peak time to settle any confusion about what just happened. I remember thinking that this was easier if all of us just saw it as our own weakness because we don't have to worry about the reputation of Jehovah's organization, and we are all humble enough to take the blame. It seemed to me that whole congregations were breathing a sigh of relief that this was the solution. I think that most of us (I'm guessing 66%) were thoroughly convinced that it really was our own fault. Those who didn't fall for it were given a chance to judge themselves as slightly superior to those who did.
    And the reason it worked is that it was partly true. While the WTS had requested that we speculate about 1975, and it drove the parameters of that speculation so that we would see a high probability of end-time events taking place that year, we were never told specifically that Armageddon would come that year. Yet this was exactly what people were thinking. That was improper, individual speculation. The closest the Watchtower had said was that the 1970's would see end time events. The events would begin, not years, but only months from 1975. This is really the equivalent of saying, before October 1977, (because that would be "years" not just "months"). But there was enough looseness to the language and the tie in with expectations for the 1970's so that we should not have been surprised if the end took until 1979. But it was almost surely going to happen prior to 1979.
    In 1976 we really had been speculating about a specific year (1975) and we were never told to do that, per se. Yes, we were told to speculate, but there really were unwarranted conclusions being drawn from the speculation. It seems curious how even the internal speculation at the Society's headquarters was not going to wait until 1977 to see if it really would be only months, not years from 1975. They understood that when 1975 was only a few months behind us, that the whole speculation had to be put to bed. In fact, they put the brakes on the speculation beginning in the summer of 1974, as I recall.
    So all the initial enthusiasm had been generated by the WTS publications, but only up through 1973, and even then the most important enthusiasm had been at assemblies between 1968 and 1971. I think that HQ knew that there was something wrong with the 1975 thing in late 1973 and early 1974. They probably felt that after the counsel beginning in the summer of 1974, any individuals who still pushed 1975 with the same enthusiasm were on their own.
  14. Upvote
    JW Insider reacted to Evacuated in 1975 and the Jehovah's Witnesses   
    Amen to that, and probably in that, relief that Armageddon did not come in 1975 if they're honest!

  15. Upvote
    JW Insider reacted to Evacuated in 1975 and the Jehovah's Witnesses   
    This reveals a basic characteristic of those who "observe" JWs from the sidelines. The presumption of a sort of heirarchy along the lines of typical human organisation.
    Actually, all JW's are rank and file. Any other "heirarchical perception" exists only in the minds of those men who hold it I'm afraid, whoever they are.. So in reality, 1975 enthusiasm, (other than enthusiasm for just another "last days" year nearer the end than 1974), was generated by some rank & file JWs. And there were some other rank & file JWs who did not share that enthusiasm.
  16. Upvote
    JW Insider reacted to Evacuated in 1975 and the Jehovah's Witnesses   
    Imagine these statements were made in the 1st Century.
    I believe that an example of a life-saving statement then was given by Jesus himself when he said:
    "This means everlasting life, their coming to know you, the only true God, and the one whom you sent, Jesus Christ." John 17:3
    And to match the fuller quote, note the reaction of some at the time to that same life-saving direction that had come from Jehovah's organisation:
    "For the speech about the torture stake is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved, it is God’s power." 1Cor.1:18.
    I'm not sure ironic is the right word without talking to him. I'm open on that one.
    However, (with respect) I get a clear message of "relative unimportance" when it comes to the significance of "generation" debate.
  17. Like
    JW Insider reacted to TrueTomHarley in 1975 and the Jehovah's Witnesses   
    I think they just don't want to find themselves saying something crucial and the sons-in-law of Lot think they are joking.
    I find it hard to quarrel about that (and am not saying that you do).
    I don't think they know themselves, going back to the verse that says they are but brothers and just one is the leader.
    I think they look at the likelihood of ISIS walking the same beat with grenades that Officer O'Malihan once walked with his nightstick, and people donning genders as they once donned clothes, and they think the time of decision may soon arrive - best to be prepared.
  18. Like
    JW Insider got a reaction from Noble Berean in 1975 and the Jehovah's Witnesses   
    It might be that low, assuming you don't trust the Watchtower's own reports. But if you're right, it means 98% of us were not obedient when we were asked to speculate in 1968 through 1973. This might give us a better picture of why the WTS brought the subject of 1975 up again, and it might answer @Anna's question about the lesson to be learned. 
    Here's what I think it is:
    1. The WTS has been highlighting the idea of obedience and following any and all instructions even if asked to follow a course that does not seem reasonable or rational. This idea, spelled out in 2013 below, has been repeated again this year.
    *** w13 11/15 p. 20 par. 17 Seven Shepherds, Eight Dukes—What They Mean for Us Today ***
    At that time, the life-saving direction that we receive from Jehovah’s organization may not appear practical from a human standpoint. All of us must be ready to obey any instructions we may receive, whether these appear sound from a strategic or human standpoint or not. (4) Now is the time for any who may be putting their trust in secular education, material things, or human institutions to adjust their thinking. 2. But someone will point out that when asked to follow instructions in the past, such as when we were told to speculate in the late 1960's and early 1970's, many people ended up doing things that were considered wonderful at the time (like selling your home) but irrational upon looking back on that time.
    3. To answer this objection, the WTS knew it had to address the 1975 issues again, but remind us that this was the fault of individuals speculating on their own, and not the fault of the WTS.
    So I'm thinking that some brothers put the 1975 skit together specifically as a way to clear up that particular objection about the past, so that we are better prepared to be obedient without objections in the future. We don't want to be overly concerned with reasonableness. If we feel always tied to a reasonable, practical, sound or strategic instructions, we will need to adjust our thinking because these could be a hindrance to following instructions. Some would say this is similar preparation given to the soldiers in the poem "The Charge of the Light Brigade" by Alfred Tennyson:
       Theirs not to make reply,    Theirs not to reason why,    Theirs but to do and die.   I'm not saying this is all bad advice. Egos get in the way of progress when one always relies on the absolute best solution. There is paralysis through analysis. Perfect becomes the enemy of good. People who are not humble need to leave well enough alone. But in trying to prepare people for the likely needs during such a time, which is based on speculation anyway, it's probably best to start with reasonable suggestions rather than telling everyone to prepare to follow advice that may sound unreasonable. If you are gong to speculate on what the advice could look like, then speculate on some specific scenarios so people know what you are thinking. Otherwise we are asking for a different type of follower than the ones that Jesus and the apostles asked for.
    (Philippians 4:5-7) 5 Let your reasonableness become known to all men. . . . 6 Do not be anxious over anything, . . .  the peace of God that surpasses all understanding will guard your hearts and your mental powers by means of Christ Jesus.  
  19. Thanks
    JW Insider got a reaction from Anna in 1975 and the Jehovah's Witnesses   
    Looks like some of the items I responded to under this topic were moved to the following two topics: (The first of the two was the one intended to answer this question about concrete evidence.)
  20. Like
    JW Insider got a reaction from The Librarian in 1975 and the Jehovah's Witnesses   
    Ahhh! So that's what I need. A wife as editor. Actually she cuts it down to ZERO lines when she catches me looking at this site while sitting at a convention. Between talks of course.
    LOL. Of course, this brother should have told me he might be in trouble. He had written a commentary on Ecclesiastes that was really good and had also given a version of it as a non-outline talk in several congregations. The portion on marriage was so good that I have used it myself for wedding talks even in the last few years. (Nobody ties it to this poor brother anymore.) Fortunately my wife had the sense to balance the portion of the talk he gave with that of another brother from Writing who remained on good terms with the Writing Department until his death just a couple years ago.
  21. Upvote
    JW Insider reacted to James Thomas Rook Jr. in 1975 and the Jehovah's Witnesses   
    From one viewpoint,  a renegade writer can STILL write ... and knows where "the bodies are buried".
    From his viewpoint, he usually wants to eat three times a day, and not sleep in the snow.
    Quid Pro Quo
  22. Haha
    JW Insider reacted to TrueTomHarley in 1975 and the Jehovah's Witnesses   
    There is a lot of that going around. There ought to be a vaccine for it.
  23. Upvote
    JW Insider reacted to Evacuated in 1975 and the Jehovah's Witnesses   
    Quite true.
    And more than ever I'm convinced this is apparently a US thing. I just can't recall hearing anything particularly emphatic on this matter, other than magazine statements here and there with qualifiers as quoted above, and US CO talks on cassette tapes with starry-eyed brothers saying "You've got to listen to this!".  And of course the odd brother who were (at our level) viewed endearingly as "eccentrics".
    I remember meeting an old friend on the street in early '72 who told me, cynically, that I was expecting the world to end in 1975. I didn't know much about that idea then, but I just said to him well, if it doesn't, we will both be here, but if it does, who will be laughing then? I didn't even bother to follow it up after at all. In reality, it just didn't figure in my day to day thinking. But it certainly effected some it appears.
    It was most definitely NOT a big subject in my experience on a KHall level, neither in the book studies (apart from a brief flurry in the Nations Shall Know study). It didn't figure at at all in my Bible Study coming into the truth. (I was asked to study the Life Everlasting book, but I rejected it over some sort of "great tribulation" confusion.) I remember a  group of witnesses from my area moved to California in '72. They were very "end soon" oriented I remember, but we just thought they were "over the top"!
    It must be a "British" thing. As far as my limited experience goes, we were just not swayed by American hysteria on this matter. We took no notice of end date statements. Maybe we were ALL APOSTATE!!! 
  24. Upvote
    JW Insider reacted to Anna in 1975 and the Jehovah's Witnesses   
    I was hoping that the reason why 1975 was brought up again (at convention) was because it was a reminder that the Slave err, and that some of the new things i.e. the OVERLAPPING GENERATION theory was perhaps to be treated with caution.
    But how wrong I was!....... listening to Br.Herd.... we have finally got THAT part figured out!
  25. Upvote
    JW Insider got a reaction from JOHN BUTLER in Raymond Franz   
    No. [on the topic of never wanting to admit fault]
    That comes from R.Franz in CoC. But nothing in CoC has ever been rebutted, and I have spoken to one member of the Governing Body who said that just because everything he said in the book was true, it's still poison, because the intent is to expose weakness, while love covers a multitude of sins. Two members of the Writing Department, not Governing Body, have said approximately the same thing. One said he never should have written the book, even though everything in it was true. Based on these words of people who worked with him, I find the book to be very credible from a factual standpoint. Also a "Public Relations" office person at Bethel, and personal friend of mine, has talked to me about things he said to outsiders (related to slight admissions of guilt on the part of the WTS in the past) that resulted in problems for himself among "higher-ups" at Bethel.
    Also, the person supposedly behind this idea in R.Franz' book is the same person behind the exact same sentiment on never admitting a mistake in the area of child abuse, and I do know for a fact that he, this same GB member (Jaracz),  pulled an article from a magazine on the subject after it had gone to the presses, resulting in a delay for the final publication of that same issue with the article replaced.
    Also, I was a "special request" tour guide for Bethel tours requested by outsiders who were not JWs, and who therefore might have included reporters unbeknownst to us. Therefore, I was personally given instructions by D.Sydlik and D.Songer and G.Couch about how to respond to questions that might seem like they are coming from someone who has no right to the answer. These included questions about an expensive press that had lost us millions of dollars and which we had finally decided to scrap, a similar situation with the early computer expenditures, and some bad press that the local Brooklyn Heights civic associations were evidently spreading about pollution fines we had to pay. When such questions came up, I was to say I didn't really know anything about these, even if I did, and if they came up more than once, I was to ask the appropriate persons mentioned above if there was a better answer. On the topic of paying fines for pollution from factory smokestacks, I was to say according to one of the brothers mentioned, that all factories, no matter how careful, will go over the limits now and then, but that the Watch Tower Society was scrutinized much more closely because there are those who are looking for bad press to pin on us. (I had no personal knowledge of any pollution, but I had heard the rumors, and the question was actually being asked.) But another person who was on the GB (Sydlik), when he heard about the suggested answer, was livid that it admitted error of any kind.
    And, of course, I have previously mentioned an experience, in a rehearsal for Bethel's "Family Night," while sitting approximately between Bert Schroeder and Merton Campbell, when they decided to make an old brother change the quote in his experience from many years earlier when he said that Bethel factories were once given an award for having the second cleanest factories in Brooklyn, with only Squibb Pharmaceuticals coming in first place. For the actual Family Night production, Schroeder had it changed to: "Both factories received a rating of 100%."
    The last two or three paragraphs just go to the credibility, in my opinion, of the tendency not to want to admit even the slightest error. This also fits the sometimes comical ways in which we "adjust" and "clarify" past doctrines so that they are more correct, even if they were ridiculously false in prior explanations. In an article about why we were completely dropping over one-hundred former doctrines, the Watchtower described it in typical fashion:
    *** w15 3/15 pp. 8-10 pars. 6-10 “This Is the Way You Approved” ***
    Third, consider some of our recent refinements in understanding. For example, our clarified understanding of “the faithful and discreet slave,”. . . . As we might expect, over the years Jehovah has helped “the faithful and discreet slave” to become steadily more discreet.  
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