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JW Insider

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  1. Upvote
    JW Insider reacted to Ana Caban LLoret in Representatives of the Guinness Book of Records is ready to commit a new world record for the number of letters written   
    News don't mention it , still makes God happy to see we love our brothers 
  2. Upvote
    JW Insider got a reaction from OtherSheep in IS THERE PREPARING THE THIRD WORLD WAR?......   
    I have no doubt whatsoever that we should NOT be devoted to imperfect men. The early congregation during the time of apostles was NOT supposed to be devoted to the apostles, only to the teachings of the apostles. The teachings of the apostles formed the foundation of the first century congregation. This is the very reason we need no apostles today, and it is why we have no apostles in the congregation today.
    (1 Corinthians 12:28, 29) 28 And God has assigned the respective ones in the congregation: first, apostles; second, prophets; third, teachers; then powerful works; then gifts of healings; helpful services; abilities to direct; different tongues. 29 Not all are apostles, are they?. . .
    (Ephesians 2:19, 20) 19 So you are no longer strangers and foreigners, but you are fellow citizens of the holy ones and are members of the household of God, 20 and you have been built up on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, while Christ Jesus himself is the foundation cornerstone.
    (Ephesians 3:5) In other generations this secret was not made known to the sons of men as it has now been revealed to his holy apostles and prophets by spirit,
    (John 16:13) 13 However, when that one comes, the spirit of the truth, he will guide you into all the truth, for he will not speak of his own initiative, but what he hears he will speak, and he will declare to you the things to come.
    So one could also say that there are no new teachings, or new truths, to be learned after the time of the apostles. This does not mean that we should not have older men and teachers in the congregation, but they should be here to help lead the work, and encourage faithfulness, not make new teachings. New circumstances arise and therefore good teachers will help us make better application of the existing teachings in the Bible. But the Governing Body does NOT need to make new teachings, they are basically asking to be "keepers" or "guardians" of the doctrine that already exists in the Bible.
    If they come up with something new, such as an application of a Biblical prophecy to our own time, then this is a suggestion that we can keep in mind and watch for and hope for. These men have collectively studied the Bible much longer than any of us have, and they have access to a range of information about various situations from around the world that the rest of us do not have. But if they give us guidance for the end times, it's a suggestion about how they may believe the prophecy will likely play out. But we should never be "devoted" to their teaching. (Much less "devoted" to them.)
    Remember, too, what happened when a Council at Jerusalem (including apostles) decided to offer Bible-based counsel to all the congregations who had been affected by a serious error that members of the Jerusalem congregation had been perpetrating. (Prejudice against the uncircumcised Gentile converts to Christianity.)  Paul accepted this counsel, and even though apostles were involved in promoting it, Paul treated it as only limited. For example, they said to:
    (Acts 15:29) 29 to keep abstaining from things sacrificed to idols (εἰδωλοθύτων ),. . .
    But Paul, evidently realizing the limited scope of this counsel, used the exact same word explaining the limited nature of their counsel:
    (1 Corinthians 8:4,8) Now concerning the eating of food offered to idols ( εἰδωλοθύτων), we know that an idol is nothing. . . we are no worse off if we do not eat, nor better off if we eat.
    Paul said it best when referring to the very men who made up that Jerusalem council:
    (Galatians 2:4-12) 4 But that matter came up because of the false brothers brought in quietly, who slipped in to spy on the freedom we enjoy in union with Christ Jesus, so that they might completely enslave us; 5 we did not yield in submission to them, no, not for a moment, so that the truth of the good news might continue with you. 6 But regarding those who seemed to be important—whatever they were makes no difference to me, for God does not go by a man’s outward appearance—those highly regarded men imparted nothing new to me. 7 . . .  9 and when they recognized the undeserved kindness that was given me, James and Ceʹphas and John, the ones who seemed to be pillars, gave Barʹna·bas and me the right hand of fellowship, . . . . 11 However, when Ceʹphas came to Antioch, I resisted him face-to-face, because he was clearly in the wrong. 12 For before certain men from James arrived, he used to eat with people of the nations; but when they arrived, he stopped doing this and separated himself, fearing those of the circumcised class.
    And getting back to the idea of being "devoted to imperfect men" Paul had already explained his reasons for disagreeing with such a notion, in the wider context of Galatians 1 and 2, while minimizing any rumors about his contact with or dependence on or even "devotion to the teaching" of the apostles who came before him:
    (Galatians 1:10) . . . Is it, in fact, men I am now trying to persuade or God? Or am I trying to please men? If I were still pleasing men, I would not be Christ’s slave. . . .  I did not immediately consult with any human; 17 nor did I go up to Jerusalem to those who were apostles before I was, but I went to Arabia . . . Then three years later I went up to Jerusalem to visit Ceʹphas, and I stayed with him for 15 days. 19 But I did not see any of the other apostles, only James the brother of the Lord. 20 Now regarding the things I am writing you, I assure you before God that I am not lying. . . . Then after 14 years I again went up to Jerusalem with Barʹna·bas, also taking Titus along with me. 2 I went up as a result of a revelation, and I presented to them the good news that I am preaching among the nations. This was done privately, however, before the men who were highly regarded, . . . But regarding those who seemed to be important—whatever they were makes no difference to me, for God does not go by a man’s outward appearance—those highly regarded men imparted nothing new to me. . . . James and Ceʹphas and John, the ones who seemed to be pillars . . . .
    So, to what extent are we supposed learn from Paul's example and teaching?
    (1 Corinthians 4:1-17) . . .A man should regard us as attendants of Christ and stewards of God’s sacred secrets.  In this regard, what is expected of stewards is that they be found faithful.  Now to me it is of very little importance to be examined by you or by a human tribunal.. . .  Therefore, do not judge anything before the due time, until the Lord comes. He will bring the secret things of darkness to light and make known the intentions of the hearts, and then each one will receive his praise from God. . . .“Do not go beyond the things that are written,” so that you may not be puffed up with pride, favoring one against the other.  For who makes you different from another? . . . Have you begun ruling as kings without us? I really wish that you had begun ruling as kings, so that we also might rule with you as kings.  For it seems to me that God has put us the apostles last on exhibition as men condemned to death, . . . For though you may have 10,000 guardians in Christ, you certainly do not have many fathers; for in Christ Jesus, I have become your father through the good news. 16 I urge you, therefore, become imitators of me. 17 That is why I am sending Timothy to you, because he is my beloved and faithful child in the Lord. He will remind you of my methods in connection with Christ Jesus, just as I am teaching everywhere in every congregation.
    Note that Paul considered himself a faithful and discreet steward, or guardian, but that there would be no need for any human tribunal to judge anyone "until the Lord comes." There was no need to go beyond the things written. Therefore, there was no need to favor any persons over other persons. No one should begin governing before the time came. While there may be 10,000 faithful and discreet stewards, or guardians, of the apostle's teaching, it was the apostle's teaching itself that provided the foundation to the congreation -- and thus Paul was like a father, a source of their learning from his teaching. In the future, even if Paul or another apostle never visited them again, people like Timothy would not teach anything new, but remind them of Paul's methods. Anyone who tries to "govern" or "rule" in advance -- in the area of doctrine -- is going beyond the things written.
    Obviously, you read these verses a little differently. I think we can apply these verses and still be very appreciative of the counsel, encouragement and guidance given by the Governing Body.
  3. Upvote
    JW Insider reacted to bruceq in IS THERE PREPARING THE THIRD WORLD WAR?......   
    What is important is that people right now that I am speaking with in the field are scared to death about things happening this past week. So now is a good time to "comfort them from the Scriptures".
  4. Upvote
    JW Insider got a reaction from OtherSheep in IS THERE PREPARING THE THIRD WORLD WAR?......   
    Not that it matters, but I'd like to add my own opinion that a third world war is just as UNlikely today as it was 10 years ago and 20 years ago. (It is also just as likely.) Things can change again quickly, of course, and a potential stand-off due to USA-Korea "posturing" raised a red flag last night, but it likely not going to flare up again for a while.
    We are probably supposed to get all worked up whenever the general climate of the world becomes more on edge and it probably sounds wrong not to go along with the idea that the whole world could blow up at any minute. I don't think the Biblical end of this system has much to do with the kinds of multi-pronged tensions that the world continues to face. The end can happen at any time, with or without any specific cry for "peace and security" and with or without any specific interpretation of Bible prophecy that we have anticipated.
  5. Upvote
    JW Insider got a reaction from OtherSheep in Jehovah’s Witnesses former members tell court they were subjected to ‘total control’   
    How WE see us:
    How some RUSSIANS sees us:

  6. Upvote
    JW Insider reacted to Evacuated in 7/17 Wt. “Seeking Riches That Are True”   
    Has something been mispelt here? I've liked on the basis of what I think you mean.
    Anyway, I would be concerned if the Society did not invest prudently a proportion of its assets. I would see otherwise as a negligent mismanagement of donated resources.
  7. Upvote
    JW Insider got a reaction from OtherSheep in 7/17 Wt. “Seeking Riches That Are True”   
    OK. You made me look. I wanted to see if "my company" was listed there, too. And it was.
    By "my company," I mean the company I retired from after 27 years. I've even attended the GSAM Summits in New York and elsewhere, not to pay attention to them, but just to provide a presence so our name could be among the list of hundreds of other financial institutions. We paid for the summit and sometimes sent substitutes rather than the fund asset managers, just because we needed our name listed among many other companies, and because our company managed over a trillion dollars in assets from some of those same companies on the list, especially their retirement accounts for example.
    But I didn't really think I'd see the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society on the list. At the time, I suppose they were already planning to centralize all the excess funds from all the congregations up to their various branch headquarters, and then, in some cases, move all the excess branch money up to the central New York headquarters. In addition they were and are still in the midst of between 1 and 2 billion dollars worth of real estate sales online.
    I know that it might look bad to some, but this is not an "unrighteous" thing. Remember that Jesus also said in an illustration:
    (Matthew 25:27) 27 Well, then, you should have deposited my money with the bankers, and on my coming I would have received it back with interest.
    I know he wasn't talking about real money in the final application of the illustration, but in principle, Jesus does speak out against bankers.

  8. Upvote
    JW Insider got a reaction from Tennyson Naidoo in IS THERE PREPARING THE THIRD WORLD WAR?......   
    Not that it matters, but I'd like to add my own opinion that a third world war is just as UNlikely today as it was 10 years ago and 20 years ago. (It is also just as likely.) Things can change again quickly, of course, and a potential stand-off due to USA-Korea "posturing" raised a red flag last night, but it likely not going to flare up again for a while.
    We are probably supposed to get all worked up whenever the general climate of the world becomes more on edge and it probably sounds wrong not to go along with the idea that the whole world could blow up at any minute. I don't think the Biblical end of this system has much to do with the kinds of multi-pronged tensions that the world continues to face. The end can happen at any time, with or without any specific cry for "peace and security" and with or without any specific interpretation of Bible prophecy that we have anticipated.
  9. Upvote
    JW Insider got a reaction from SuzA in Jehovah’s Witnesses former members tell court they were subjected to ‘total control’   
    How WE see us:
    How some RUSSIANS sees us:

  10. Upvote
    JW Insider got a reaction from Ann O'Maly in Jehovah’s Witnesses former members tell court they were subjected to ‘total control’   
    How WE see us:
    How some RUSSIANS sees us:

  11. Upvote
    JW Insider reacted to John Lindsay Barltrop in 11 killed, 45 injured in St. Petersburg Metro blast   
    It is always sad to hear of these extremist terror attacks, no matter where in the world that they occur, however, one thing that it it will not be.............is an attack by the "extremists" known as Jehovah's Witnesses.............Mr Putin and co., this is what REAL extremists do, and you can be assured that ALL of Jehovah's witnesses are as appalled as yourselves by the events that have taken place in St. Petersburg, including our Brothers in the Russian Federation. 
  12. Upvote
    JW Insider got a reaction from Witness in Jehovah’s Witnesses former members tell court they were subjected to ‘total control’   
    Good! Because, for a minute there, I thought I recognized one of our local elders, there on the right.
  13. Upvote
    JW Insider got a reaction from Evacuated in 7/17 Wt. “Seeking Riches That Are True”   
    OK. You made me look. I wanted to see if "my company" was listed there, too. And it was.
    By "my company," I mean the company I retired from after 27 years. I've even attended the GSAM Summits in New York and elsewhere, not to pay attention to them, but just to provide a presence so our name could be among the list of hundreds of other financial institutions. We paid for the summit and sometimes sent substitutes rather than the fund asset managers, just because we needed our name listed among many other companies, and because our company managed over a trillion dollars in assets from some of those same companies on the list, especially their retirement accounts for example.
    But I didn't really think I'd see the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society on the list. At the time, I suppose they were already planning to centralize all the excess funds from all the congregations up to their various branch headquarters, and then, in some cases, move all the excess branch money up to the central New York headquarters. In addition they were and are still in the midst of between 1 and 2 billion dollars worth of real estate sales online.
    I know that it might look bad to some, but this is not an "unrighteous" thing. Remember that Jesus also said in an illustration:
    (Matthew 25:27) 27 Well, then, you should have deposited my money with the bankers, and on my coming I would have received it back with interest.
    I know he wasn't talking about real money in the final application of the illustration, but in principle, Jesus does speak out against bankers.

  14. Upvote
    JW Insider got a reaction from The Librarian in Jehovah’s Witnesses former members tell court they were subjected to ‘total control’   
    Good! Because, for a minute there, I thought I recognized one of our local elders, there on the right.
  15. Upvote
    JW Insider got a reaction from OtherSheep in A Personal Handwritten Letter by Pastor Charles Taze Russell   
    Bad use of (parentheses). "Liverpool (for London)" is what I meant.
    The PSL Johnson story is quite interesting. He had worked with Russell, too. In fact PSL Johnson was the one who tried to keep Russell from starting the "New Covenant" apostasy, so it wasn't the first time he had been involved in controversial problems. Henninges was loyal, but his wife had been involved in controversial problems, and his wife's brother had died "under Russell's roof" years earlier.
  16. Upvote
    JW Insider reacted to Anna in A Personal Handwritten Letter by Pastor Charles Taze Russell   
    Not sure what you mean by that because to my knowledge there isn't a Liverpool in London. It seems to me he must have docked at Liverpool and then took the train to London, about a 3 hour ride. Thanks for the interesting info!
    It brings to mind the story of PSL Johnson and the fiasco that ensued when Rutherford sent him to London to take care of some business at the London Bethel. This is what "Harvest Siftings" was based on, and was the beginnings of the dispute and apostasy shortly after Russell died. I remember reading the original story in the WT (1917 I think) and reading about how Johnson jumped out of the Bethel window in his underwear to escape the brothers knocking at his door. Apparently a passerby described the scene to a policeman, it sounded quite comical.
  17. Upvote
    JW Insider got a reaction from Ann O'Maly in A Personal Handwritten Letter by Pastor Charles Taze Russell   
    Bad use of (parentheses). "Liverpool (for London)" is what I meant.
    The PSL Johnson story is quite interesting. He had worked with Russell, too. In fact PSL Johnson was the one who tried to keep Russell from starting the "New Covenant" apostasy, so it wasn't the first time he had been involved in controversial problems. Henninges was loyal, but his wife had been involved in controversial problems, and his wife's brother had died "under Russell's roof" years earlier.
  18. Upvote
    JW Insider got a reaction from Anna in A Personal Handwritten Letter by Pastor Charles Taze Russell   
    Bad use of (parentheses). "Liverpool (for London)" is what I meant.
    The PSL Johnson story is quite interesting. He had worked with Russell, too. In fact PSL Johnson was the one who tried to keep Russell from starting the "New Covenant" apostasy, so it wasn't the first time he had been involved in controversial problems. Henninges was loyal, but his wife had been involved in controversial problems, and his wife's brother had died "under Russell's roof" years earlier.
  19. Upvote
    JW Insider got a reaction from OtherSheep in A Personal Handwritten Letter by Pastor Charles Taze Russell   
    Thanks @Queen Esther for posting this.
    Here's what it looks like it says to me:
                                                                                           March 21, 0 [1900]
    Dear Brother,
           Just a word of greetings to accompany lists I am now sending - not knowing what use you might have for them before reaching London. I have written you more at length by type-writer not yet ready.
           Glad to know of your safe arrival and glad to hope that you are still well & that the Lord's blessing attends your efforts to know his name & to bless his flock.
           My love to you & to all the dear ones with whom you are now associating - Bro. F. et al.
                              Yours in our dear Redeemer
                              C. T. Russell
    It would appear, therefore, to be a letter to Brother Henninges, who Russell had just sent to London and who had just arrived at Liverpool (for London) in March 1900. He was probably making use of lists of potential properties to use as a warehouse for publications. It would be the beginning of the first branch in London, also opened in 1900. Brother Henninges found a suitable warehouse on April 23, 1900.
    For some modern history of IBSA. Some very nice London properties for sale.
  20. Upvote
    JW Insider got a reaction from ARchiv@L in A Personal Handwritten Letter by Pastor Charles Taze Russell   
    Thanks @Queen Esther for posting this.
    Here's what it looks like it says to me:
                                                                                           March 21, 0 [1900]
    Dear Brother,
           Just a word of greetings to accompany lists I am now sending - not knowing what use you might have for them before reaching London. I have written you more at length by type-writer not yet ready.
           Glad to know of your safe arrival and glad to hope that you are still well & that the Lord's blessing attends your efforts to know his name & to bless his flock.
           My love to you & to all the dear ones with whom you are now associating - Bro. F. et al.
                              Yours in our dear Redeemer
                              C. T. Russell
    It would appear, therefore, to be a letter to Brother Henninges, who Russell had just sent to London and who had just arrived at Liverpool (for London) in March 1900. He was probably making use of lists of potential properties to use as a warehouse for publications. It would be the beginning of the first branch in London, also opened in 1900. Brother Henninges found a suitable warehouse on April 23, 1900.
    For some modern history of IBSA. Some very nice London properties for sale.
  21. Upvote
    JW Insider reacted to Anna in TrueTom Conducts a Fine, Scholarly Discussion and Exchange of Ideas with Persons Who Really Don't Like the People He Hangs Out With   
    Hey, I was the one who raised that point with the video, but I don't think I ever said it was no good. I just thought it would have been better had the pedophile started out as a normal person, because esentially that is how they start out. The video (at least what I see) assumes that a pedophile is immediately identifiable because there is something different about them. In this case they are like a monster. In reality though, children are groomed very carefully and the younger they are the easier deceived they are. I think it would have been better had they started out looking normal, and as friends, and then turned into a monster in sinc with inappropriate behavior. That would have been more realistic. The mention of "even if it is someone you trust" may possibly get overlooked by a child, since they are so focused on the monster. Children have very selective hearing you know.
    I dont think children are stupid, but it has been shown by experiment that young children will go with a stranger DESPITE having been taught not to! Why? Because practice is very different from theory, and and even us adults have trouble with the two, how much more so young children.
    On the other hand, I very much doubt the video was put together without any thoughts or imput from professionals. The society has used the services of Monica Applewhite a number of times. I would be interested to know the reason for the way the video was made.
    I have not seen the other video. Did someone post it?
  22. Upvote
    JW Insider got a reaction from OtherSheep in Jehovah’s Witnesses former members tell court they were subjected to ‘total control’   
    Harley Miller. (In 1967 through 1970)
    In 1967 (same year I was baptized) we pretty much knew the reason that anyone was put on probation or disfellowshipped because up until about this time the reason was sometimes announced from the platform. Depending on the nature of the "conduct unbecoming a Christian" and knowledge of the infraction within the congregation, it might be announced the same week or the next week. The brother was the "literature servant" and the "accounts servant," and yes he would lose his privileges, and then gain them back in a few months. But the seriousness of the problem (to the point of disfellowshipping) was when he was caught trying to keep it hidden, and had been in trouble for the same thing two times previously. It was hard keeping things completely hidden, however, because of the extended family (his brother, cousins, nephews, uncles) --some Witnesses, some not-- who also worked for the same boss. In a congregation of only about 45 publishers, there was also unavoidable gossip, and everyone knew each other pretty well. (We sold our house to this brother's brother.)
    Some scriptures or some appropriate Watchtower comments would also be read from the platform. For example:
    *** w68 8/1 p. 455 Keeping Abreast with Jehovah’s Organization ***
    Since then God’s people have obtained a better understanding of many teachings. . . .They also understand better many Bible principles and requirements, such as the need to keep wholly separate from the military and religious parts of Satan’s organization even in employment.
    Jehovah’s organization being a moving, progressive one, those who would keep abreast with it must also make progress. . . .  How can we who are Jehovah’s witnesses today keep abreast with God’s rapidly advancing earthly organization? A basic factor toward our doing so is obedience. . . . Of Jesus Christ while on earth it was stated that he learned obedience from the things he suffered. We too, then, must learn obedience.—Heb. 5:8; 13:17.
    There are four things that we must do to perfect our obedience. . . .
    So it was no secret. And because we knew, that's why I asked my father about his own labs in the electrical engineering dept of the university. They would get electronic military equipment and one of their major funding sources was a large yearly grant from the DoD. Sometimes the university would be expected to respond to requests for research the DoD needed.
  23. Upvote
    JW Insider got a reaction from OtherSheep in Who Are Jehovah’s Witnesses?   
    One of the downloadable informational packets, like this one:
    Found it.. plus a bunch of others.
    Downloadable Information Packets
    Who Are Jehovah’s Witnesses?
    An overview of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Europe, including a brief explanation of their core beliefs.
    Benefits of Publications of Jehovah’s Witnesses
    The religious literature produced by Jehovah’s Witnesses promotes understanding of the Bible and its practical benefits.
    Jehovah’s Witnesses and the Community
    Jehovah’s Witnesses are socially integrated, attentive to the needs of the community in which they live, and respectful of the right of others to adhere to their personal beliefs.
    Jehovah’s Witnesses and Their Public Ministry
    Jehovah’s Witnesses cherish their right to freedom of expression. In exercising this right, they share the Bible’s message of good news with their neighbors.
    Family Life
    Jehovah’s Witnesses highly regard family life and strive to apply Bible principles in a way that benefits each family member. They value the right to educate their children in their religious beliefs.
    Frequently Asked Questions
    Answers to ten frequently asked questions about Jehovah’s Witnesses.
    Medical Care
    Jehovah’s Witnesses seek nonblood medical management for their health-care needs. In exercising their right to bodily self-determination, they want the best medical treatment for themselves and their children.
    Conscientious Objection to Military Service
    International law recognizes conscientious objection to military service as a fundamental right. Jehovah’s Witnesses are grateful when governments show respect for their neutral political stand by providing alternative civilian service or by exempting them from military service.
    Political Neutrality
    Jehovah’s Witnesses are law-abiding citizens who subject themselves to governmental authorities while remaining neutral in political affairs.
    Recognition in the European Union
    An overview of the legal status of Jehovah’s Witnesses in European Union countries.
    Assembling Together for Worship
    Jehovah’s Witnesses appreciate the right to freedom of assembly and association. Their religious services feature Bible education and are open to the public.
    “Jehovah’s Witnesses of Moscow v. Russia”
    A summary of the European Court of Human Rights judgment in favor of the Moscow Community of Jehovah’s Witnesses.
  24. Upvote
    JW Insider got a reaction from John Lindsay Barltrop in Who Are Jehovah’s Witnesses?   
    One of the downloadable informational packets, like this one:
    Found it.. plus a bunch of others.
    Downloadable Information Packets
    Who Are Jehovah’s Witnesses?
    An overview of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Europe, including a brief explanation of their core beliefs.
    Benefits of Publications of Jehovah’s Witnesses
    The religious literature produced by Jehovah’s Witnesses promotes understanding of the Bible and its practical benefits.
    Jehovah’s Witnesses and the Community
    Jehovah’s Witnesses are socially integrated, attentive to the needs of the community in which they live, and respectful of the right of others to adhere to their personal beliefs.
    Jehovah’s Witnesses and Their Public Ministry
    Jehovah’s Witnesses cherish their right to freedom of expression. In exercising this right, they share the Bible’s message of good news with their neighbors.
    Family Life
    Jehovah’s Witnesses highly regard family life and strive to apply Bible principles in a way that benefits each family member. They value the right to educate their children in their religious beliefs.
    Frequently Asked Questions
    Answers to ten frequently asked questions about Jehovah’s Witnesses.
    Medical Care
    Jehovah’s Witnesses seek nonblood medical management for their health-care needs. In exercising their right to bodily self-determination, they want the best medical treatment for themselves and their children.
    Conscientious Objection to Military Service
    International law recognizes conscientious objection to military service as a fundamental right. Jehovah’s Witnesses are grateful when governments show respect for their neutral political stand by providing alternative civilian service or by exempting them from military service.
    Political Neutrality
    Jehovah’s Witnesses are law-abiding citizens who subject themselves to governmental authorities while remaining neutral in political affairs.
    Recognition in the European Union
    An overview of the legal status of Jehovah’s Witnesses in European Union countries.
    Assembling Together for Worship
    Jehovah’s Witnesses appreciate the right to freedom of assembly and association. Their religious services feature Bible education and are open to the public.
    “Jehovah’s Witnesses of Moscow v. Russia”
    A summary of the European Court of Human Rights judgment in favor of the Moscow Community of Jehovah’s Witnesses.
  25. Upvote
    JW Insider got a reaction from OtherSheep in Our brothers and sisters are defending us in the Supreme Court of Russia   
    I'm sure that thousands of people hold about the same view I have about higher education and the Watchower's view of higher education. And I'm sure that thousands of current JWs believe the Watchtower's view of higher education is much more extreme and negative than it really is. The Watchtower has sometimes equated higher education with immorality, drug use and other risky behavior. But it is not totally forbidden and if one can show that they are able to handle the demands of higher education and still keep up with congregational responsibilities there is never a backlash from official organizational channels, as far as I'm aware, although one might have to put up with some local prejudices against education.
    There is no TOTAL control as has been claimed. That goes for education, blood, shunning and a lot of things that are questioned. But there is still a lot of control, and to the extent this is true, we should be proud of it if we think it's correct. If we feel that something should be hidden from a tribunal of some sort, then we obviously are not proud of our view, or we are fearful of being persecuted for something we think is right.  
    The kind of control that I don't think the Russian court is concerned about is the more subtle pressure that comes from judging. Persons who have participated in higher education are often told that they probably have "materialistic envy brewing" for example. Or else it might be implied that they are not paying attention to Paul's words when he said: "Do not be conformed to this world...."
    At any rate, for reasons I have pointed out many times, we should always be open and honest and give everyone a reason for the hope that we have whenever anyone demands it. We should really never have to be prepped for court unless we feel we are doing something wrong, or that we don't trust Jehovah's backing if we tell the truth. We should always be able to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, so help us God.
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