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JW Insider

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  1. Haha
    JW Insider reacted to Pudgy in Armageddon comes in two phases...   
    ….. if you notice a bony grey hand clawing it’s way up out of the ground, it’s probably just Wally McNasty come to downvote.

  2. Thanks
    JW Insider reacted to Arauna in Armageddon comes in two phases...   
    You have shown what you are sir.  You have been exposed as an  egotistical..... puffed up.....human being.   When someone does not agree with you .....you take the route of personal insults, false accusations and twisting of the others person's words to get a  cheap "win"' at any cost.  You protect your ideas asif they were the bible itself.
    Satan also quoted Jehovahs words and put a deceitful spin on it.... as he did with Eve.  Quoting the bible and putting false reasoning with it  - is not a truth. 
    I have always been polite and put some reply on your "icons to your greatness "  on this forum to get a conversation going.... but now I realized..... you are not interested in an honest discussion of your "not-so-well-thought out ideas" .... You do not want any discussion on this forum........of any of your teachings.
    You want your  words hanging here untouched  as a picture icon of your greatness.  And if someone upsets your apple cart and finds a dent in your reasoning -  you show a very ugly side to your personality.
  3. Upvote
    JW Insider reacted to Mic Drop in Climate Hysteria in the Media   
  4. Upvote
    JW Insider reacted to Mic Drop in Tomorrow, someone will give birth to George Jetson.   
    When The Jetsons debuted in 1962, George was 40 years old. Given that the show was set 100 years in the future, one can extrapolate that George was born in 2022, and, according to Warner Bros. Wiki, his exact birthdate is July 31.
    The implications are pretty staggering.

  5. Haha
    JW Insider reacted to Pudgy in Tomorrow, someone will give birth to George Jetson.   
    I hope his flying car has better brakes than Fred Flintstone’s.
  6. Upvote
  7. Upvote
    JW Insider got a reaction from Pudgy in Flooding in Sochi, Russia   
    In the Sochi video, the following picture appears:

    This one is from 0:22 seconds in, where a taxi driver (?) opens his door to get out of the car. That was the Sochi, Russia video. This next one is from the 1:22 point in the China video, which you also provided here: https://www.theworldnewsmedia.org/topic/90025-china-river-overflows-china-city-disappears-and-a-flood-hits-zhong-county-in-chongqing/

    I get the feeling that both floods happened and both were disastrous. (Although you can get more visitors if you hype up the title to make it even more disastrous.) But there is often very little reporting footage available when a flood has just happened a few hours earlier. So YouTube channels and news sites that are anxious to pretend they have the most up-to-date reporting will splice in footage from all the similar floods they can find, even using footage from previous floods that go back several years. (It's not just YouTube, of course. Major news organizations have been caught doing the same thing.)
  8. Like
    JW Insider got a reaction from Mic Drop in Flooding in Sochi, Russia   
    In the Sochi video, the following picture appears:

    This one is from 0:22 seconds in, where a taxi driver (?) opens his door to get out of the car. That was the Sochi, Russia video. This next one is from the 1:22 point in the China video, which you also provided here: https://www.theworldnewsmedia.org/topic/90025-china-river-overflows-china-city-disappears-and-a-flood-hits-zhong-county-in-chongqing/

    I get the feeling that both floods happened and both were disastrous. (Although you can get more visitors if you hype up the title to make it even more disastrous.) But there is often very little reporting footage available when a flood has just happened a few hours earlier. So YouTube channels and news sites that are anxious to pretend they have the most up-to-date reporting will splice in footage from all the similar floods they can find, even using footage from previous floods that go back several years. (It's not just YouTube, of course. Major news organizations have been caught doing the same thing.)
  9. Haha
    JW Insider reacted to Pudgy in Bro Rando is a rogue jw, which jw's here believe in him?   
    ⬆️⬆️(Satire Alert)⬆️⬆️
    Critical discussions of theology, over time, make our own better.

  10. Upvote
    JW Insider reacted to Pudgy in Bro Rando is a rogue jw, which jw's here believe in him?   
    ….. Which of course would mean that “Gog of Magog” is really Lawrence Welk, or some other polka-Geist, and when Armageddon starts you will hear accordion “Lady of Spain”!
  11. Upvote
    JW Insider got a reaction from Thinking in Bro Rando is a rogue jw, which jw's here believe in him?   
    A few months ago, I looked up "Stephen Lett" together with "Bells Palsy" in Google to see if I could find anything on this. I found out that TTH had presented an article about Stephen Lett called Let us Appreciate Stephen Lett (https://www.reddit.com/r/exjw/comments/96dllz/let_us_appreciate_stephen_lett/)
    The article was from 4 years ago, and there was a later edit from TTH which said:
    Edit: It turns out that Brother Lett has grappled with Bell's palsy, which paralizes facial muscles on the affected side, and as part of rehab, he got into the habit of exagerated facial movements, a habit that stuck, or is perhaps even still advisable. The elder telling me this said, when I pressed him, that he had it "on good authority." Knowing him, I rate it as probably a 90% chance. So you never know. You just don't.
    Even before locating that, I had already clicked on another much more recent comment in reddit that said:
    According to what I read he had Bells Palsy and his exaggerated facial expressions were acquired over time in response to trying to overcome the nerve damage.
    I don't know if that more recent comment had been picked up through TTH's comments, or if it was from an independent source.
  12. Upvote
    JW Insider got a reaction from Arauna in Bro Rando is a rogue jw, which jw's here believe in him?   
    A few months ago, I looked up "Stephen Lett" together with "Bells Palsy" in Google to see if I could find anything on this. I found out that TTH had presented an article about Stephen Lett called Let us Appreciate Stephen Lett (https://www.reddit.com/r/exjw/comments/96dllz/let_us_appreciate_stephen_lett/)
    The article was from 4 years ago, and there was a later edit from TTH which said:
    Edit: It turns out that Brother Lett has grappled with Bell's palsy, which paralizes facial muscles on the affected side, and as part of rehab, he got into the habit of exagerated facial movements, a habit that stuck, or is perhaps even still advisable. The elder telling me this said, when I pressed him, that he had it "on good authority." Knowing him, I rate it as probably a 90% chance. So you never know. You just don't.
    Even before locating that, I had already clicked on another much more recent comment in reddit that said:
    According to what I read he had Bells Palsy and his exaggerated facial expressions were acquired over time in response to trying to overcome the nerve damage.
    I don't know if that more recent comment had been picked up through TTH's comments, or if it was from an independent source.
  13. Upvote
    JW Insider reacted to TrueTomHarley in Bro Rando is a rogue jw, which jw's here believe in him?   
    I put it first on my own blog. It’s also in TTvtA.
    It didn’t carry the day with that Reddit bunch, but then they ARE a hostile crowd. And even I have to admit those mannerisms do take getting used to, regardless of their origin. I think we have to drop back to Pudgy’s comment:
    Coming from cynical Pudgy, this is extraordinary praise, the equivalent of ‘Stellar’ from anyone else. 
    It may be just an example of God ‘laughing at the wisdom of this systems’s wise ones,’ proof that his anointed are, as in the first century, seldom of ‘noble birth,’ nor ‘wise,’ but decidedly ‘uneducated and ordinary.’
    I’ll take substance over style any day. Turn on the TV and you can see endless people whose ‘style’ is impeccable. Among them are some of the stupidest people whom God ever let roam the earth.
  14. Upvote
    JW Insider got a reaction from Pudgy in Bro Rando is a rogue jw, which jw's here believe in him?   
    A few months ago, I looked up "Stephen Lett" together with "Bells Palsy" in Google to see if I could find anything on this. I found out that TTH had presented an article about Stephen Lett called Let us Appreciate Stephen Lett (https://www.reddit.com/r/exjw/comments/96dllz/let_us_appreciate_stephen_lett/)
    The article was from 4 years ago, and there was a later edit from TTH which said:
    Edit: It turns out that Brother Lett has grappled with Bell's palsy, which paralizes facial muscles on the affected side, and as part of rehab, he got into the habit of exagerated facial movements, a habit that stuck, or is perhaps even still advisable. The elder telling me this said, when I pressed him, that he had it "on good authority." Knowing him, I rate it as probably a 90% chance. So you never know. You just don't.
    Even before locating that, I had already clicked on another much more recent comment in reddit that said:
    According to what I read he had Bells Palsy and his exaggerated facial expressions were acquired over time in response to trying to overcome the nerve damage.
    I don't know if that more recent comment had been picked up through TTH's comments, or if it was from an independent source.
  15. Upvote
    JW Insider got a reaction from Pudgy in George Benson in Concert - Cardiff, UK   
    (Galatians 6:4, 5) 4 But let each one examine his own actions, and then he will have cause for rejoicing in regard to himself alone, and not in comparison with the other person. 5 For each one will carry his own load.
    That one has a verse for it, too, maybe a few:
    (Deuteronomy 5:16) . . .so that you may live a long time and you may prosper . . .
    (Deuteronomy 5:33) . . .that you may live and prosper and prolong your days. . .
    (Acts 15:29) . . .you will prosper. Good health to you!”
    (3 John 2) . . .that in all things you continue to prosper and enjoy good health. . .
  16. Upvote
    JW Insider reacted to xero in Bro Rando is a rogue jw, which jw's here believe in him?   
    If your religion doesn't have remora-like apostates, it isn't likely the right one.
  17. Thanks
    JW Insider reacted to TrueTomHarley in Bro Rando is a rogue jw, which jw's here believe in him?   
    “Then Truetom, also called TTH, becoming fed up, looked at her intently  and said: “O woman full of every sort of fraud and every sort of villainy, you daughter of the Devil, you enemy of everything righteous, will you not quit distorting the right ways of Jehovah?  (Acts 13:9-10)
    What he said was: 
    “Now, if we think about it, we're not born as friends of God because we're born as sinful offspring of Adam. Actually, when we think about it, we're born as enemies of God. Sometimes you'll hear people say of a little baby, ‘Look at that little angel,’ but more accurate would be to say, ‘Look at that little enemy of God.’ Now, of course we love that little baby and it's now not hopeless because our loving creator has made reconciliation with him within the reach of everyone. We can become a good friend of God and that close relationship with Jehovah will become our most valuable possession.”
    Notice how he twice said, ‘when [if] we think about it?’ You have to do that: think about things and not just parrot sound bites to make people you hate look bad. Oh, you spiteful woman, who quotes scripture by the bushel basket but never lays hold on the one that applies, besides the reference to Adam in Genesis, the place to focus is here:
    “…through one man sin entered into the world and death through sin, and so death spread to all men because they had all sinned—.” Romans 5:12
    “when we were enemies we became reconciled to God through the death of his Son,” by exercising faith in him, which a baby cannot yet do, and thus is temporarily ‘grandfathered’ via the faith of it’s parents. (vs 10)
    Now, as for Bro Lett, for a guy who will quote Job 12:11, “Does not the ear test out words As the tongue tastes food?” you’d almost think he’d test them out a little more before letting loose with a phrase that every evil cherry picker will use against him to “distort the right ways of Jehovah.”
    Still, I hate to think what you would have done to Jesus, after his, ‘Whoever feeds on my flesh and drinks my blood has everlasting life, and I will resurrect him on the last day; for my flesh is true food and my blood is true drink.’ John 6:54-55
    Taking into consideration that passage in John, I would say Lett is supremely adhering to and following Christ as a model, more so than any of the other GB members.
    Imagine: what sort of vile person would comb through a convention in which every talk explores the verse ‘seek peace and pursue it’ to find and exploit a faux pas?
  18. Haha
    JW Insider reacted to xero in Bro Rando is a rogue jw, which jw's here believe in him?   
  19. Thanks
    JW Insider reacted to C-D67 in Bro Rando is a rogue jw, which jw's here believe in him?   
    *** w98 3/15 p. 21 par. 14 Living Up to Christian Dedication in Freedom ***
    14 The Governing Body is a loving provision and an example of faith worthy of imitation. (Philippians 3:17; Hebrews 13:7) By their adhering to and following Christ as a model, they can echo Paul’s words: “Not that we are the masters over your faith, but we are fellow workers for your joy, for it is by your faith that you are standing.” (2 Corinthians 1:24) By observing trends, the Governing Body draws attention to the benefits of heeding Bible counsel, offers suggestions about applying Bible laws and principles, warns of hidden dangers, and provides “fellow workers” needed encouragement. It thus discharges its Christian stewardship, helps them to maintain their joy, and builds them up in faith so that they can stand firm.—1 Corinthians 4:1, 2; Titus 1:7-9.
  20. Haha
    JW Insider got a reaction from Patiently waiting for Truth in “Yahweh” or “Jehovah”?   
    @Arauna has often pointed out that something she calls "hate OCD" will affect the ability of a person to tell the truth about another person's point of view when it disagrees (at least in part) with their own point of view. @Patiently waiting for Truth (John) has made several arguments that are wrong in my opinion. Yet he  has clearly made the point that the letter "J" was used prior to 1949. You create a false, "straw man" argument, something akin to a "lie" when you pretend that he claimed something different.
    Of course, it's so ludicrous to pretend that John claimed there was no letter J before 1949 that I wouldn't call it a lie. It's so obvious that you already know you are wrong that it falls under some other category. It's purposeful nonsense, just like claiming that Hitler is his hero.
    My best guess is that you were merely grasping at "strawmen" so that you can divert to the claim that "he is wrong" because that is easier for you than admitting that @Patiently waiting for Truth was correct at least on that one particular point about the Spanish monk, Raymund Martini. Even the Watchtower admits that John's information was right on that point.
    For a 70-some year old man, John sometimes comes across as childish. I'm sure that I, too, sometimes come across that way. But when it's obvious that I am responding childishly, I don't mind having it pointed out to me.
  21. Upvote
    JW Insider reacted to Arauna in “Yahweh” or “Jehovah”?   
    When I left South Africa, I left 3 African language bibles behind which was printed by the exact same company which had printed the Afrikaans translation.  My first language is Afrikaans.  Our bible did not have the name in at all but the Bantu bibles (as these languages were known at the time), had the name Jehovah more than 6000 in them.
    I used to show the name of the company to people and then the different translations - so they could spot the deception. 
    The company which translated our Afrikaans bible had been active since 1933 when the most well-known translation was done.  Prior to that there were some Dutch translations done by Mr. Pannevis which had the Name Jehovah in a few places.
    Sad that bible companies elect to leave out the Name of the true God. The Gideon bibles, well-known across the world also do not have the name of the true god in them.  Does that not tell you that Satan can masquerade as an angel of light?
    The newest Bantu translations have the name removed as well. 
  22. Downvote
    JW Insider got a reaction from C-D67 in “Yahweh” or “Jehovah”?   
    @Arauna has often pointed out that something she calls "hate OCD" will affect the ability of a person to tell the truth about another person's point of view when it disagrees (at least in part) with their own point of view. @Patiently waiting for Truth (John) has made several arguments that are wrong in my opinion. Yet he  has clearly made the point that the letter "J" was used prior to 1949. You create a false, "straw man" argument, something akin to a "lie" when you pretend that he claimed something different.
    Of course, it's so ludicrous to pretend that John claimed there was no letter J before 1949 that I wouldn't call it a lie. It's so obvious that you already know you are wrong that it falls under some other category. It's purposeful nonsense, just like claiming that Hitler is his hero.
    My best guess is that you were merely grasping at "strawmen" so that you can divert to the claim that "he is wrong" because that is easier for you than admitting that @Patiently waiting for Truth was correct at least on that one particular point about the Spanish monk, Raymund Martini. Even the Watchtower admits that John's information was right on that point.
    For a 70-some year old man, John sometimes comes across as childish. I'm sure that I, too, sometimes come across that way. But when it's obvious that I am responding childishly, I don't mind having it pointed out to me.
  23. Downvote
    JW Insider got a reaction from C-D67 in “Yahweh” or “Jehovah”?   
    This is an interesting point. The information that @Patiently waiting for Truth included is true, and it does not confirm the 1970 Watchtower article. That article was wrong, and the Watchtower kept that wrong view from about 1950 to about 1980. Without admitting that this old view was wrong, the Watchtower has more recently (1984) made a correction to it, which I have included at the end of the post.
    The 1970 Watchtower article that Chioke Lin quoted earlier says:
    *** w70 6/1 p. 343 A New Bible Translation—Does It Honor God? ***
    But French scribes did not invent the name “Jehovah.” It was in use centuries before, Raymond Martin’s Pugio Fidei using it in the form “Jehova” in the year 1270.
    Here's the same wrong information repeated in 1980:
    *** w80 2/1 p. 11 The Divine Name in Later Times ***
    Interestingly, Raymundus Martini, a Spanish monk of the Dominican order, first rendered the divine name as “Jehova.” This form appeared in his book Pugeo Fidei, published in 1270 C.E.—over 700 years ago.
    This incorrect information had been presented in further detail back in 1950. Many of the extra details are correct:
    *** w50 12/1 pp. 472-474 An Open Letter to the Catholic Monsignor ***
    Your quotation from the Catholic Biblical Encyclopedia says Jehovah was the incorrect pronunciation given to the Hebrew tetragrammaton JHVH in the 14th century by Porchetus de Salvaticis (1303). But let us say: The origin of the word Jehovah used to be attributed to Petrus Galatinus, a Franciscan friar, the confessor of Pope Leo X, in his De Arcanis Catholicae Veritatis, published in 1518. But the latest scholarship has proved he was not the one to introduce the pronunciation Jehovah, and neither was your aforementioned Porchetus de Salvaticis. As shown by Joseph Voisin, the learned editor of the Pugio Fidei (The Poniard of Faith) by Raymundus Martini, Jehovah had been used long before Galatinus. Even a generation before Porchetus de Salvaticis wrote his Victoria contra Judaeos (1303), the Spanish Dominican friar Raymundus Martini wrote his Pugio, about 1278, and used the name Jehovah. In fact, Porchetus took the contents of his Victoria largely from Martini’s Pugio. And Scaliger proves that Galatinus took his De Arcanis bodily from Martini’s Pugio. Galatinus did not introduce the pronunciation Jehovah, but merely defended it against those who pronounced the Hebrew tetragrammaton Jova.
    In 1557 Jehovah became established in John Forster’s New Hebrew Dictionary, and Marcus Marinus admitted Jehova in his Lexicon Arca Noae of 1593. Sebastian Muenster uses the name Jehova in his text of his Latin translation of the Hebrew Scriptures (1534), and in his notes on Exodus 3:15 and 6:3 he uses the name as though it were well known. Also in 1557, in bringing out Pagninus’ Latin version of the Hebrew Scriptures, Robert Stephanus used Jehova uniformly for the Hebrew tetragrammaton. In a note on Psalm 2:1 he remarked that substituting Adonai for it was to be rejected as a Jewish superstition.
    Cardinal Thomas de Vio Cajetanus in his Commentary on the Pentateuch, of 1531, regularly used Jehova. In his translation of Genesis 2:4 he has “Jehova Elohim”; and in his note on Exodus 6:3 he says: “Jehovah the God of your fathers appeared to me (Iehova Elohe patrum vestrorum visus est mihi).” To be consistent, you should call that “shallow scholarship” on the part of your cardinal, what?
    But that such “shallow scholarship” is not limited to Roman Catholic clergy of the 13th to the 16th centuries, ...
    The pronunciation Jahweh, usually credited to John L. Ewald of the 18th century, goes back farther, to the 16th century. Ten years before Ewald was born (1747), Jahveh was found in Eichhorn’s Simonis, the Lexicon in most general use in Germany. F. H. Gesenius adopted the pronunciation Jahveh when Ewald was still defending Jehovah.
    A correction to this misinformation was made in 1984, in our publication "The Divine Name That Will Endure Forever." (Appropriately released at the time of the 1984 Reference Edition of the NWT.) In this publication, it was tacitly admitted that the monk, Raymundus Martini, had never used any form like "Jehovah" or "Iehovah" or "Jehova" or "Yehova." These forms were not generally evidenced until the 16th century, literally several centuries later.
    *** na pp. 17-18 God’s Name and Bible Translators ***
    In time, God’s name came back into use. In 1278 it appeared in Latin in the work Pugio fidei (Dagger of Faith), by Raymundus Martini, a Spanish monk. Raymundus Martini used the spelling Yohoua. Soon after, in 1303, Porchetus de Salvaticis completed a work entitled Victoria Porcheti adversus impios Hebraeos (Porchetus’ Victory Against the Ungodly Hebrews). In this he, too, mentioned God’s name, spelling it variously Iohouah, Iohoua and Ihouah.  Then, in 1518, Petrus Galatinus published a work entitled De arcanis catholicae veritatis (Concerning Secrets of the Universal Truth) in which he spells God’s name Iehoua.
    The name first appeared in an English Bible in 1530, when William Tyndale published a translation of the first five books of the Bible.
    *** na p. 17 God’s Name and Bible Translators ***
    In time, God’s name came back into use. In 1278 it appeared in Latin in the work Pugio fidei (Dagger of Faith), by Raymundus Martini, a Spanish monk. Raymundus Martini used the spelling Yohoua.
    *** na p. 18 God’s Name and Bible Translators ***
    [Picture on page 18]
    God’s name in the form Yohoua appeared in 1278 in the work Pugio fidei as seen in this manuscript (dated to the 13th or 14th century) from the Ste. Geneviève library, Paris, France (folio 162b)
    *** na p. 17 God’s Name and Bible Translators ***
    Printings of this work dated some centuries later, however, have the divine name spelled Jehova.
  24. Confused
    JW Insider got a reaction from Thinking in Bro Rando is a rogue jw, which jw's here believe in him?   
    It's gotta be templates from wix.com for brorando.com. But a quick search will show that he has used several different sites and domains over the years.
  25. Upvote
    JW Insider reacted to xero in Bro Rando is a rogue jw, which jw's here believe in him?   
    Man, I wish all this whining about the organization would quit. You'd think these idiots would be able to better able to prioritize their annoyances.
    With these idiots the answer to the question:
    "What is the one problem facing humanity which deserves the most from your scarce resources and time?"
    It's always whining about the organization.
    Faced with that level of idiocy and lack of self awareness , what can you do? You might as well be talking to a chatbot.
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