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JW Insider

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  1. Upvote
    JW Insider reacted to Mic Drop in The average net worth of a 30 year old in the U.S. is -$1,043.   

  2. Upvote
    JW Insider got a reaction from Equivocation in The average net worth of a 30 year old in the U.S. is -$1,043.   
    I happened across an excellent commentary of how the current "system of things" has been affected by Covid19. (linked below) The speaker hits on many of the most salient points and it stands as an excellent review from a perspective that sees a bit beyond just the medical issues. But about 20 minutes into the 30 minute video, I learned some interesting points: Americans owe 1.7 trillions in student loan debt. It was only 500 billion in 2006; up 1.2 trillion in just a decade and a half.
    He also says that In bankruptcy court, the only non-dischargable debt is student loan debt. [Therefore, I like the wording you used: "chained on to the individual."]
    What's worse, I think, is something he didn't say, but is fairly obvious. Students are still paying their $30,000 to $50,000+  per year, where part of what a student should be paying for is the ability to interact with professors and specialists in their chosen area of specialization. Instead, what they are often getting lately is a hands-off video stream of a professor who can't interact much at all with students. Might as well be video-taped lectures. No one-on-one in-depth guidance towards a specific area of pursuit. No semester abroad in France, UK, or China, or special internships. Only on-line access to the university library for what's been digitized, which is often a small percentage of what would have been available. 
  3. Upvote
    JW Insider reacted to Space Merchant in BETHEL'S BIG SECRET   
    Nothing in that video pertains to facts, merely opinion and a bit of bias. You won't be able to validate anything because it is pretty clear you didn't do the research on the video of choice, which is common because every time you post a source or link, it is deemed questionable, and it shows you even more you rely on this vs. the ability to attest to legitimate research.
    And what I said is true, you do not do the research and accept nearly anything outside without looking into it.
    That said, you have to understand the difference between what a fact is and what an opinion is - Facts and Opinions are NOT in the same category in this sense.
    This is why this video of yours (which I know you did not review) is being called out in that regard. Just because this person is a former JW Bethel member, it does not mean whatever he deems a big secret is unknown to JWs, granted, numerous JWs (and non JWs, i.e. Reslight) are aware of the things of which this person slaps his opinion and bias on.
    There is a difference between The Facts and An Opinion. Some people may think, you included, they are quite similar, but actually, a fact and an opinion are very different ideas, for facts can be verified whereas opinions cannot.
    Facts  - are a statement(s) that can be proven true or false.  
    Opinions  - are expressions of a person's feelings that cannot be proven. Opinions can attempt to rely on some information deem factual, with inclusion of emotion, however it can be used in a basis based on this notation, which can sometimes be a means to deliberately mislead others. Therefore, it is important to be aware of the whatever it is someone or something is professing, even when it comes to the choice of language and conveyance of said proclamation.  
    What are you talking about? For someone who is chosen, you being convoluted, so to speak, in what you are conveying.
    Never gave advice, gave a statement, do not confuse things, mainly in regards to something so basic. If you can't do research on things and be a Yes Woman to everything without even critically thinking at all, then that is a problem. In a sense, to a degree, you may seem to be the type to not think for yourself.
    That being said, this is why people like me also take issue with those of the paradigm who have some abundance in whatever it is the Agenda is telling them, sad to say, this mentality makes people appear to hypocritical, even those who do not know any better.
    I always proclaim facts, so much so I am aware of the events of the 1900s. As for this former Bethel member, he does not, as with you. The irony here you are perhaps older than the me and the former Bethel member, perhaps by a decade and or more, so historical events should not be this unknown to you.
    This is irrelevant… Why mention Storm Trooper to deviate from the fact you are attempting to use bias opinion as an absolute truth? For someone who is chosen by God, you are seemingly stumbling near with every step in that regard. As we know already, God isn't the author of confusion (1 Cor. 14:33), nor are his chosen.
    Your problem is you accept nearly anything and everything videos like this tell you and you yourself do not take the time to either
    [A] Review your own material/source and  
    [B] accept such things without even doing an ounce of research. This explains why you are attempting to deviate with irrelevant remarks and now going after a profile picture which has nothing to do with what the video is being accused of.
    You assuming opinions to be fact, shows you do not do research, let alone apply Discernment as a Christian should – this is not only laughable to those who speak harshly of what is a legitimate Christian (you giving ammunition to those who hate God and Christ), but it is also a tragedy that someone such as yourself, lacks such things.
    Again, with the Storm Trooper remark. Everyone knows what a Storm Trooper is factually, in the realm of fiction, Star Wars, unit soldiers of various groups, etc. and in the realm of non-fiction, German Specialized Soldier Units known as the Sturmtruppen in the era of WWI (World War I), for something of this is a known fact for
    [A] If you are unaware, people have been taught this elementary knowledge of World War I and events leading to/and the aftermath of it and  
    [B] In regards to Star Wars, people know what a Storm Trooper is. That being said, it seems you lack reasoning also because although not that important, I do not simply have the profile picture of a First Order Storm Trooper for no reason, in short, it is in regard to my experience of debating in regards to the gospel; refuting people, hence why I was called a Bible Storm Trooper, and the other, was due to a child who died before the age of 11 because of an infection. For these reasons were already known as to why I have the image, and it was only mentioned when I was challenged and or asked.
    Again, deviating only shows that you are not even committed to your source at all despite the fact the spin doctor approach this former JW Bethel member used.
    Not really. Stuff like this is elementary, mainly to anyone who knows basic history of World War I, as is with Lore of fictional characters. an 8 year old can research these things and find out what a Storm Trooper is in real life and in fiction.
    If I really wore a mask, as you claim, I would be using several accounts and pretending to be something or someone else, unfortunately, I am only one, and how I present myself here, is how I am in present, i.e. dealing with Pearl followers, MSCers, those in the paradigm, etc.
    For me to pretend to be someone or something else is a waste of time and energy, no one has time for childish games, as is, have time to make, in your case, an unfounded claim.
    Sadly, your appeal to motive does not work, as is your deviation.
    Also 1 Cor. 4:5 usage here is irrelevant, makes no sense, but it can be used to exposed your video.
    As for the video in question.
    Now then, the former JW Bethel member stated that the WT library has a public and private use, which is not a big secret for Institutions be it Government, Educational, even Religious has archive of old publications and or documents of older teachings, practices, etc. as is with the practice of privacy protection laws and the like, despite archives. Regarding Jehovah’s Witnesses, the archive data of old publications. He claims that no one knows of this, however, many, even JWs who look into the past of their faith, are aware, it is evident due many who can cite and or pull up information dating from the pervious years of the 1960s, especially those who archive some, if not most, of the works of Bible Students, mainly in their early years.
    His bias opinion to the audience is that this stuff is unknown and or hidden, however, this isn’t the case, everyone is aware institutions have archived information, in which some cases, such information requires a login of some sort.
    Even in my eyes, this is nothing uncommon granted I have seen Network Infrastructures of some local businesses and institutions that mirror the same thing when it comes to privacy, keeping said information private despite most of it already been made public and searchable. In addition to that, just because this seems to be the case, does not make it something of some conjured up mystery.
    So, is this a Big Secret that the Jehovah’s Witnesses and their religious leaders of keeping from the people, the general public? Not really. The irony of this people in the comment section of that video called out the uploader, however, these people were silenced by the ExJWs (which seems to be the norm) using the YouTube comment options to have their comments marked as spam/removed. So, if the video was in fact true, in your eyes, why was there a need to silence the people who said something else, attesting even? If that is the case, the video is not factual, even on the YouTube layer.
    Now we can go on his first example, even though it is the first, he uses bias opinion in the other two examples without factual merit.
    The first example is in regard to Racism. If you do not know what that is, Racism is the belief that different races possess distinct characteristics, abilities, or qualities, especially to distinguish them as inferior or superior to one another; even in some ways to mock/taunt, i.e. JB (Butler) made remarks that is deemed problematic in the past, and pretends it is no issue, he was called out for it by not only myself, but the Admin who saw escalation.
    This former JW Bethel pointed out that everyone, even Jehovah’s Witnesses who adhere to Scripture abhor Racism, as is discrimination of all races, something of which is common knowledge - people indeed hate Racism. The problem here, he went to a 1900s source in regard to the Watchtower, and explained that in those days, Bible Students (since Jehovah’s Witnesses didn’t exist yet) were semi-racist, even going as far as to make remarks that they purposely segregated their churches in regards to that. He gave an opinion here and concluded with it, using this source, but never stated the fact as to why this is.
    The fact is from the 1900 to 1939, there was racism and segregation in those days. This is why that year range is noted as The Segregation Era (1900–1939) whereas essentially it was during a time where hell can break loose at any second (literally). The Segregation Era had some intense moments, however, then came The Civil Rights Act of 1964, which prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, sex or national origin. The Act prohibited discrimination in public accommodations and federally funded programs. It also strengthened the enforcement of voting rights and the desegregation of schools, although some schools have already attempted desegregation (i.e. events of 1954~), it was increases at the time.

    Now this brings us to the Bible Students (the predecessor of the Jehovah’s Witnesses). The issue with Racism was not unknown to the Bible Students granted them originated from 1881, and the fact that how Racism was before the 1900s. During that time, the Bible Student indeed have segregated churches, but it was not because they held some sort of racist mentality against black people.
    For the Bible Students had segregated Kingdom Halls in some places whereas white people congregated in some, and in others, black people congregate. This also goes in regard to people going to people’s homes for worship, Bible Study, or a gathering, etc. In the early 1900s, it was a very, VERY, bad idea to have mixed institutions, even Churches. For any institution caught with a mixed face of people inside or else, it would result in violent and dangerous attacks from those who deem such unification is wrong, in addition, it would trend into the political spectrum of things, which would make it even more damning for anyone who becomes victim.
    We already know what happens to the Black folks in those times, they get hit with a high level of attacks, even from those of the Ku Klux Klan (The KKK), as for a white person, they’ve be punished as well, should the opposite sex, Women, be involved, and children, such also get the worse kind of treatment if caught in someway shape or form, likewise with Black Women whereas beatings, scarring, rape and possibility of death is high.
    Moreover, the Bible Students themselves did not do this because they believed in segregation (as your video alluded to), they did it because society required them to do so. In 17th and 18th century they probably would have done the same - kept neutrality and adhere to secular laws and customs.
    An example of this, which is fact, is prior to, during, and after The Tulsa Race massacre on the Summer of 1921. There were Bible Students who had congregated with each other regardless of skin color (black or white) in some instances, may have helped each other during an extremely violent and bloody time, and when I said bloody, I mean that literally. At the time, since pastor Russell had since expired, it was Pastor Rutherford who was head of the Bible Student group. It is also why when people saw pictures of Rutherford during the Tulsa situation, it drew confusion, so they did the research, I can say much for ExJWs and Trinity believing folks who claim a different narrative.
    That being said, facts in this regard can be verified, always has been the case, however, opinions are opinions, they can’t be verified.
    Mind you although this is the first of 3 examples from the video, the JW Bethel member used the same spinning of the narrative using his own opinion and bias with his other example, more so, it is silly to apply today's type of thinking in regards to such examples, such as Racism, with how things were in the past. 1919, 1920, and 1921 is vastly different from 2019, 2020 and 2021.
    The biggest irony here is February is known as Black History Month, I recommend you look into the events of 1900-1939 instead of believing someone who has his own opinions.
  4. Upvote
    JW Insider reacted to Srecko Sostar in Governing body will sue anyone?   
    They often cling to (follow) their own interpretations of biblical passages. For this reason, they need a "new light" along the way/road.
  5. Upvote
    JW Insider reacted to Srecko Sostar in Governing body will sue anyone?   
    Personal or collective maneuvers from GB are visible through written texts in publications, and they are even more colorful when you watch them via JWTV.
    A close and fresh example is Stephan Lett's statement (March 2020) that these are "the last days of the last days",........... and Tony Morris (February 2022), with a grimace of disapproval in his face as he repeats his colleague's words, says it is "beautiful expression, but words are powerful".
  6. Upvote
    JW Insider reacted to Pudgy in Governing body will sue anyone?   
    As usual, Dimitar, your understanding is agenda driven, and demonstratively faulty.
    Charles Taze Russel was not speaking favorably about Satan …. He was speaking favorably about TRUTH.
    Scanned copies of the first issue of the Watchtower are almost instantly available on the Internet. If memory serves, the article title is “What Is Truth?”.
    As usual, you gave your disassociative diatribe BEFORE you read the article, and as usual were wrong and blusterous.
    You could at least TRY to be funny. Occasionally that in itself is  inadvertently funny.
    If sad and pathetic is what you were looking for ….. you NAILED it!
  7. Upvote
    JW Insider reacted to Space Merchant in Get your money back.   
    Christians should be giving out of free will, what they can give or whatever promise they made themselves to give. The Tithe is not something required for Christians to do, but in churches of the mainstream, this is a practice, not only 10% in money given, but in some situations, 10% in other things too. This is why some in even the educational spectrum sees this as a money making type of thing and utilize it in the churches themselves. 
    Reasons why I take issue with Prosperity Preachers of the New Theology.
  8. Upvote
    JW Insider got a reaction from Pudgy in Jehovah's Witnesses money   
    I'll NEVER recommend that he be banned. I am more than happy to let him make his own motivations clear. If he's banned, all that evidence he provides against himself just goes away, and he just starts it all up again with one of his 40 other names.
  9. Downvote
    JW Insider reacted to TrueTomHarley in Jehovah's Witnesses money   
    That last name is actually Shwiii with three ‘I’s. He hasn’t been around for a long time.  I used to call him Shwiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii.
  10. Downvote
    JW Insider reacted to Anna in Jehovah's Witnesses money   
    You have zero sense of humour 
  11. Downvote
    JW Insider got a reaction from TrueTomHarley in Jehovah's Witnesses money   
    I'll NEVER recommend that he be banned. I am more than happy to let him make his own motivations clear. If he's banned, all that evidence he provides against himself just goes away, and he just starts it all up again with one of his 40 other names.
  12. Upvote
    JW Insider reacted to Space Merchant in Jehovah's Witnesses money   
    He seems to be drawing others in to not answer to his claims. He does not realize how CSE folks operate. Granted JWs are known for knocking on doors, in this sense, regardless of his faith, he knocked on the wrong door, and evidently will end up like the Pearl Doxsey followers prior to the Washington events concerning the Mandates.
    That being said, in my eyes, I don't care if he is banned or not, he seems to be venting fustration here I guess, often times you have these types on various forums.
    He seems to think of it otherwise. Often times in forums when someone gets banned to many times, even in the realm of online video games, this angers the person (at rare times some reform), they come back more fratured and unstable then last time. So in this case, it seems this forum has created this Allen Entity to come back fratured each time. The only difference between this one and the early Allen was Allen was legtimately unbroken vs current Allen.
    This incarnation of Allen is essentially The Joker to your Batman. He seems to connect you to his newfound existence, even learning to make claims to unsuspecting folks, but not so much against those who are knowing.
    He is lucky this isn't CSE, for how bans work there, you cannot create another account due to the website recognizing a former user's attempt, elsewhere, you can't have more than one account, often times you slide with two.
    That being said, I wouldn't say that, I was able to trace back my own comments in reponse to a person from the UK we are all familier with to use as examples, or caitations. But what is true, for those banned, it may not be easy for them to find reponses from an account that has fallen into oblivion.
  13. Upvote
    JW Insider reacted to Space Merchant in Jehovah's Witnesses money   
    On the contrary, you did shift, look at the pervious page (2 specifcally), you brought the claim, I asked yuo to prove it.
    No mistake in regards to my culture was ever made, even prior to you mentioning said notation. Even several years back, I uphold what I was molded by in conjunction with Scripture.
    This has nothing to do with a Bible question, granted to what was being asked of you.
    You made it an issue when you challneged my culture, something Srecko and Witness destoryed themsevles in doing. Therefore, it isn't a problem when you are asked to prove your claim. If you bring something up at least attest to it, do not run from it.
    I don't dwell on politics - I am of no paradigm, Truthers are not leaning Left, or Right, even center. This should be evident if you are aware of what I profess on here for I am against the agendea of the paradigm.
    I don't invovle myself with politics, however, if there is a lion in the midst of the people, I do everything and anything to profess to others of said lion so they themsevles do not get devoured. Therefore, I am vigilant of my opponent, my opressors, and evidently those higher up among the beast and Babylon. The Bible makes example of that, as is examples in the Book of Proverbs - to this should be known to you. More so, you did make comment when I mentioned one of my rivals.
    On the contrary, I am aware of what JWI says about various things even China. Actucally no, if you paid attention to the events of China for the past several years, it is kind of absurd to linked a JW to the CCP, the CCP supresses people of faith. It wouldn't make sense for JWI to be aligned with China either because of what has and is taking place with Christians, as is Muslims, in that country, likewise with the situation concerning the Endemic, and the Illegal Black Markets, as is with the situation of Transhumanism and Project Ambrosia who are interconnected, the list goes on. Unless, you are trying to paint JWI as an advocate of said things, however, that remains to be seen.
    That being said, you utter Christain entics yet discerment and to test the spirit is nowhere to be found on your part, in this thread alone, paints evidence to that, even going as far as to brush over several Bibical verses of which I alluded to without uttering a citation; ironically, you didn't notice that.
    Cowardice. If you claim something prove it.
    What I see as foolishness is a man who says something, but is too afraid to speak said claim because others can see falsehood. As for your remark, this is true, never seen JWI challnege anyone in the realm of culture let alone attest to 1 John 4:1 - unless you want to show evidence to that claim, I challnege you to this too, granted your claim is unfounded. In regards to that, JWI was not aware the person in question was a Statist, a Statist is a contributor to the Left vs Right Paradigm, such ones will prove to be problematic later down the road when anything of the Bible will conflict with their new world based view for the next generation.
    What I find interesting is you are among the type of Christains who dwell on assumptions, that is unenthical for a Christian.
    Then let's see you name one form of misinformation with any prove of a citation.
    For I attest to the following:
    Last I checked, JWI and the JWs here do not harbor guns in bunkers to attack everyone in the End Times. If you can prove a moblization of attacks, then be my guess - Witness and RT News failed here, let's see what you can do.  
    The JWs do not own any resources associated with military grade missiles and weapons of war. The very reason I brought up Mr. Zelda in the first place. Is he right, or is the former JW who knows Encomics in the right? The thread was given to you already.  
    They are not New Agers, nor Prosperity Preachers, etc. Something of which Disgruntled ones often proclaim, even Witness herself. Unless you have evidence, be my guest, I like to see what evidence you have of them associated with PEAK, Kairos, etc.  
    JWs are not immune to brazen conduct and or the imperfections of this world, granted all flesh can fall to sin at any given time, some with ill intent, despite how some EXJWs who are disgruntled claim otherwise for shock value. For JWs themsevles have their own members who sccumb to such imprefections as is the spirit of this world for those who are not capable of dealing with it. Unless you have something else, I wait.  
    The list goes on.
    That being said, it has nothing to do with respect, respect is given to God and his Word, facts and evidence is evrything. Therefore, if a claim is made, the only way it is to be true is by means of the facts itself. To make a claim with no evidence shows deceit and lying, therefore, falsehood. You being afriad to assert your own claims attest to the narrative, therefore, you use the term Christian entics, but cannot back it up with evidence, whatsoever.
    Can you show me or anyone here as to where I proclaim to hate respect as is to promote disrepect; mainly outside of a debate disccusion? If anything, it is known I have a disdain for a number of this, primarily falsehood, Paradigms, and the Triune.
    Carribean folks have respect, and display said respect which corrlates with the fruit of the spirit, but when they see falsehood, they will say something or do something. Likewise if any of them are faithful men and women of God, they will speak the truth, bring up the facts, etc.
    The difference between you and I is that I respect Scripture, I do not cherry pick and use something random, I do this 24/7, therefore I adhere to discerment, as did our early Christian brothers and sisters. You seem to apply entics whenever you feel like it, and you most likely lack expirence in the real world when confronting people about the coming of the Christ.
    I myself do not hate discerment, or testing the spirit.
    Anti-Agenda folks are not comformist. If I was a comformist, I would comply with an agenda of some form, even my own culture and views would be forfeited to the paradigm, more so, I would not be a Truther, therefore, being Anti-Agenda, as is dealing with grave issues such as missing/abused persons, would never be professed by me. My last remark about Facebook, would be in support to Big Tech, not against it, likewise with the MSM, espcially CNN.
    If you missed it, I often speak of the different between Freedom vs. Compliance, even if the situation calls a situation where you can lose your life.
    That being said, you made claim, proven to be false. Truthers are not comformist, due to that, this is why we are enemy # 1 to the MSM, and as of recent, The PM of Canada, the list goes on.
    Ironic, when you challnege a non-JW, you cannot prove any of your claims to be true, let alone Truthers.
    Moreover, you say you are not a comformist, but one only needs to look at your past tenure, perhaps they might find something. All I need to do is ask you one question, which can easily determine the conclusion, as I did with some already.
    An appeal to motive. Just so you know, childish remarks does not work on me, people tried, Srecko, Butler, Witness, Cos, Shwi. Some even tried to make racical remarks, others in my debating expirence threaten to kill me, but has no effect. Nice try though.
    I assume you are a grown man, why enterian the idea of childish remarks? Absurd.
    Anyways, no one defends me, I am of myself and myself alone, I fight my own fights, that is how us CSE folk operate. If you cannot show an example of said claim, then you my friend, just professed a falsehood.
    That being said, ironic, you say this, yet you are the one to tage JWI several time, unless, you want him to come and save you from your own claims so you can deviate again.
    Although Srecko and Witness are wrong most of the time, he did make remarks of err on their part in the past. Like I said, if you are indeed the entity that some people speak of, you are in your baby boy form, unable to witness your own past remarks vs those who can look for them at will.
    That being said, you made several claims I will do you the favor of listing them - stop running from your own words:
    Where is your evidence of narrcisim whereas the latter's culture is struictly against it?
    Name one peice of misinformation profess, of which you made the claim.
    Can you cite one of my comments as to where I specifcally promoted hatred against respect?
    How is discerment/testing the sprirt show a lack of Bible understanding as is in useage of I use it literally all the time?
    Where is your evidence of one being a Conformist when the latter speaks highly of anti-goverment and agenda, as is the difference between freedom vs compliance?
    Out of all my response, to which you didn't relaze the multiple times I alluded to Scriptutre; how did you deem this as lack of Christian entics?
    If you cannot attest to your own claims, it seems your Christian entics was null here, and you tried to bluff your way out with claims and appeals to motive, namely, in a childish manner, coming from an adult, which is very sad, so to speak. So much for entics (the appeal to motive killed it for you...)
    That said, if you cannot give any shred of evidence in that regard, even though you were challneged to it in page 2 already in which you deviated from, then you professed falsehood, effevtively, leaning you towards being a bad actor yourself.
  14. Haha
    JW Insider got a reaction from Anna in Jehovah's Witnesses money   
    I'll NEVER recommend that he be banned. I am more than happy to let him make his own motivations clear. If he's banned, all that evidence he provides against himself just goes away, and he just starts it all up again with one of his 40 other names.
  15. Upvote
    JW Insider reacted to Thinking in The Most Important News About Covid-19 !!!   
    Should Peter have known to the depth he would fall In Renouncing Jesus…did he understand the extent of his persecution…no…he still failed in sinking into the stormy seas…but Jesus spoke kindly to him even tho lacking faith.
    The problem here Ditmar..is you actually cause more harm than good to the truth…you come out so self righteous ..and no matter how some one tries to be kindly to you…no matter how many try to make allowances for your over zealousness…you won’t listen.
    Thus you are not acting like Jesus in any form….but roaring out of piousness…..you would condemn the very men Jesus loved when they fled in terror and abandoned him….in your actions and words what you are showing is the very lack of the understanding of Christ….the very essence of his being and reason for being ….Jesus would not speak as you do…nor would he judge as you do.
    Im not saying some of your thoughts are wrong…for they are not all wrong…but the spirit in which  you speak is wrong…..you are not helping anyone come into the truth or even want to…..you are doing more harm than good.
    you yourself are acting as a rouge element of Jehovahs people even being on this forum….yet that’s okay with you…..because you feel you have a right to….as we all do here….you honestly feel you are being used to defend this institution….thus in your mind defending Jehovah and Jesus…..thus you condemn yourself with a double standard …so why do you condemn us your fellow brothers and sisters.
    I know talking and trying to reason with you is actually whistling in the wind..and it’s no good even being kindly to you…but I hope that those that read you…or this realize we are not all like you…you are very proud Ditmar and you lash out at one’s who truly are your brothers and sisters….
    Anyway these days are hard and we need to keep putting up with each other….and I know you mean well 🤗
  16. Upvote
    JW Insider reacted to TrueTomHarley in Jehovah's Witnesses money   
    I appreciate the kind words. I have taken on Witness before but no longer do so because the task never ends. Upon being confronted, she just repackages the same stuff and runs it through again. 
    As for her most recent CSA contribution, I think the words of Holly Folk (herself a victim of child abuse, and not a JW) give the overall picture:
  17. Like
    JW Insider reacted to Amidstheroses in This is so sad.   
    Tragic. The Judas element. Sexual perversion and abuse opens ones up to demonic possession. Satan was a manslayer when he began.  Demonic possession moves compliant ones to kill!
    I know a dfd former Pio and Min Servant in Colorado who was sentenced to 6 years in prison for domestic violence after multiple assaults, death threats and practice murders on his Pio wife. He told me that he was addicted to porn and prostitutes. He became demonized. I was his wife.
    His abuse was too shocking to be believed by the brothers. They told me that I must have provoked him and caused him to assault me! They told me to be quiet or I would damage his reputation! They did not bring him before a Committee until he got out of prison. It was very hard for me to be told that I could not pioneer because i was telling people that my husband was in prison and why. I refused to divorce him and my worldly family did not speak to me for 5 years. When he was taken before a Committee, upon his release from prison, he was dfd for a pattern of violence and repeated incarcerations for it. Then HE divorced me, the innocent victim, and deprived me of thousands of dollars in back marital support (he is a multi-millionaire). It is a miracle that I survived. 
    Dear Child who created this video - Know that the one who created the eye can see. He who created the ear can hear. The things hidden will be revealed. You have a keen sense of justice and righteousness. You courageously speak the truth. Gather with the organization that God is using even though they reflect the bad seen many times in the nation of Israel many times. Recall the faithful ones, like Joseph, who were mistreated by family. God is not one to be mocked. Feed at Jehovah’s Table and trust in Jehovah and King Jesus to get the judgments right. They won’t be fooled like men are.
    I am so sorry for your losses. 💔💔💔💔💔💔 Your pain is warranted.
    Be there in paradise when your aunt, uncle and their unborn baby return to life.        ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
  18. Upvote
    JW Insider got a reaction from Space Merchant in The Most Important News About Covid-19 !!!   
    I am not an anti-vaxxer. I believe that almost all the current vaccine types intended for Covid-19 have been proven, at least in the short term, to do more good than harm for a select group of individuals who have not previously had the virus itself, and/or who have the typically identified comorbidities such as obesity, diabetes, advanced age, cancer, prior respiratory issues, etc.
    However, because these vaccines really can produce better outcomes for some, many people apparently do not understand why there should be any limitations on its use. The NYT has finally included some dissenting opinions about the efficacy of the vaccines (without ridiculing them) in a recent discussion among Israeli doctors and an ex-health minister. 
    It admits that several scientists have claimed that boosters may make it more difficult to fight the virus.
    But that's not the news I refer to here. It's the 3-hour interview (below) that Joe Rogan had with Dr. Malone, who was the man who invented (got several patents for) the mrna technology on which many of the vaccines are based. If anyone has spent any time at all discussing the virus or the vaccines, or spent any time listening to news reports about them, then this could easily be the most important information ever presented about these topics.
    It's here:
    Dr. Robert Malone interviewed by Joe Rogan
      I think everyone ought to at least give it an hour, especially considering the many hours that other news sources that we will be exposed to.
  19. Thanks
    Very serious and shocking subject and accusations. It took me some reading to learn that CSA stands for ‘Child Sexual Abuse’. As a victim of severe Domestic Violence for which my apostate husband was sentenced to six years in State Prison, I see patterns familiar to me in this tragic story.
    I preferred reading the 34 pages of charges presented to the Kings County Supreme Court over the verbal summary of the upset woman.
    This egregious series of sins has, understandably, caused long-lasting and severe damage to the ‘child’ now responding by means of the Court. I pray that the negligent and severely abusive adults involved get their legal and just reprisal. I am very interested in seeing how King Jesus, who holds the congregations in his hands and views them with eyes of fiery flames (Revelation 1:14-16), chooses to handle this.
  20. Upvote
    Indeed. Cyrus was fearful of the Judean God, just like Babylon. However, how do you believe this to be a point of order, since I’m referring to Christianity that didn't start until the time of Jesus. Are you suggesting, there was a religious sect called Christianity before Christ? Can you give me an example of Christianity before Christ? Judaism is excluded.
    Subjected freedom of religion is true. The Russian Government doesn't seem to have a problem with the Orthodox Christian sect, yet it holds the Watchtower as an extreme Christian group. Since you are into the Watchtower History, you should be aware of the challenges your former institution took up. 
    In the United States, numerous cases involving Jehovah's Witnesses are now landmark decisions of First Amendment law. In all, Jehovah's Witnesses brought 23 separate First Amendment actions before the U.S. Supreme Court between 1938 and 1946.
    First Amendment
    Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
    There are many position the Watchtower has taken in order to have their merits heard in courts of law. 
    In part, look at this comment.
    "I would argue that here precisely lie the core problems of religious liberty in the 20th and 21st centuries. The forms of sacralization are different, but the human individual is one, and inhabits different spheres at the same time. One may be a member of a particular “religion of God,” yet being subject to the “religion of the nation” as a citizen, and partaking of the “religion of the person” as a general cultural climate. This situation may be lived as not conflictual. One example is Alcide De Gasperi (1881–1954), who was Prime Minister of Italy between 1945 and 1953. He was such a pious Catholic that he is now being considered for beatification. At the same time, he certainly regarded himself as an Italian patriot, and was an enthusiastic apologist of the then newly proclaimed Universal Declaration of Human Rights (Romano 2008)."
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  22. Upvote
    JW Insider reacted to Patiently waiting for Truth in Time to ban dimtar.   
    Um. right.
    So I was partly right then  .  I wouldn't have thought non-Witness moderators would be interested in moderating this Witness open club. But i can understand if it gets too nasty or threatening then yes it needs a form of control.
    I'm still at a loss as to why i was banned though. I didn't think I actually threatened anyone or encouraded violence. But that's life, we all have different opinions. Have a good day. 
  23. Thanks
    JW Insider got a reaction from Patiently waiting for Truth in Time to ban dimtar.   
    That would be Anna. because one of the moderators (I think it was The Librarian) didn't have time to manage it.
    The Librarian, Anna and I are Witnesses, but I know of no other Witness moderators. Posts I have seen from "admin" and "TheWorldNewsMedia" accounts make me believe that they are not Witnesses. (I also believe that one of both of them are owners of the site, or perhaps its the same person.) I got a note from the Librarian once asking if I could take over some moderating duties to keep topics from getting too mixed up. I can move posts to new topics with a function called "Split." It allows me to split a post from one topic and move it to another topic. 
    I assume that like lot of these forums, if someone is extremely active, that they will be asked if they can help moderate.
  24. Haha
    JW Insider got a reaction from Patiently waiting for Truth in Time to ban dimtar.   
    From what I gather it absolutely is not a JW Elder run forum. I believe that the person who might actually be ultimately responsible for the forum rules is not the least bit concerned with what we talk about over here. It's probably all based on the report feature, where people can raise flags about a specific post, or spamming, which the owner(s), administrator(s) and some moderators can act upon to either give warnings or ban a person. This feature can no doubt be abused, and it's probably true that a person who abuses it for revenge (or whatever) probably risks getting banned for that, too. I think that overuse of the down-vote 25 times a day might also be seen as spamming. (Some forums prohibit down-votes unless you have been a participating member for a good period of time.)
    I think sometimes that lots of people on religious forums end up saying things that are not even considered all that bad among the members, since we are quite used to being judged and even "condemned to hell" by persons of all sorts. For most of us it just "rolls off our back." But to a more secular person, it might sound a lot more like cyber-bullying, and they believe they must take action or be held responsible for tacit permission of a hostile, bullying environment.
  25. Haha
    JW Insider reacted to TrueTomHarley in Time to ban dimtar.   
    I’ll take this as a response similar to that of the elder I love to tease.
    I told him frankly that I was fearful of giving any possible future hard-hitting message of doom, but that it might help if I had some practice. Therefore, would he mind if I was the one to announce it whenever he was to give a public talk?
    He took a moment to process, then hurled back, “You’re a piece of work!”
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