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Posts posted by JAMMY

  1. olympic_medal.jpghttp://blog.dictionary.com/olympic-medals/


    At the first Olympic Games back in 776 BCE, competitors did not receive medals. Instead the top athletes were crowned with wreaths made of olive leaves. This tradition continued until Roman emperor Theodosius I (or perhaps his son) abolished the Olympics around the year 400 CE. The revival of the Olympics dates from the late 19th century, with the first modern Games taking place in 1896. The awarding of medals arose around this time as well, though its roots lie in ancient Greek mythology.

    The materials gold, silver, and bronze play a major role in the Ages of Man, which form the basic timeline of Greek mythology. The Golden Age refers to a time when men lived among the gods in peace and harmony. The Silver Age is characterized by impiety and human weakness, and in this time, youth lasted 100 years. The Bronze Age marks a period of war and violence. Following these ages are the Heroic Age (the time when the heros of the Trojan War lived) and the Iron Age (modern times). The Greek poet Hesiod includes all five ages in his famous didactic poem Works and Days, written around 700 BCE. However Ovid’s Metamorphoses, written around 8 CE, omits the Heroic Age.


  2. 268QLjqAsc11fa998182849b0f8a-3730558-Thi






    • Caleb Thomas Schwab, 10, died Sunday while riding an 168-foot-tall waterslide at Schlitterbahn Waterpark in Kansas City, Kansas
    • Witnesses say he was decapitated after he flew off raft and hit safety nets
    • On Monday, medical examiners were scheduled to conduct an autopsy on the body of Caleb, the son of Kansas state Congressman Scott Schwab
    • Two female passengers on the ride, believed to have been sat behind him suffered facial injuries as Caleb was ejected from his seat at the front 
    • A source told Dailymail.com that velcro straps on the ride were apparently not working properly on the day of the tragedy
    • The ride used to have an age restriction of 14 - something that was later scrapped in favor of a minimum total weight requirement per raft
    •  Police say they are not investigating his death as a criminal incident  
    • On Sunday, officials said ' We honestly don't know what's happened'




  3. Quote
    And to think we use to have to hold it up to the light
    Remember the Kaleidoscope when we were kids?
    This is really incredible! How amazing that someone could not only create this, but make it to change when you move your mouse/cursor...or you can just sit back and let it change by itself.
    Either way it is awesome!!! Very nice.........and pure genius!
    Be sure to run your mouse over the screen slowly.


  4. https://www.disneyresearch.com/project/revel-programming-the-sense-of-touch/


    REVEL is a new wearable tactile technology that modifies the user’s tactile perception of the physical world. Current tactile technologies enhance objects and devices with various actuators to create rich tactile sensations, limiting the experience to the interaction with instrumented devices. In contrast, REVEL can add artificial tactile sensations to almost any surface or object, with very little if any instrumentation of the environment. As a result, REVEL can provide dynamic tactile sensations on touch screens as well as everyday objects and surfaces in the environment, such as furniture, walls, wooden and plastic objects, and even human skin.

    REVEL is based on Reverse Electrovibration. It injects a weak electrical signal into anywhere on the user’s body, creating an oscillating electrical field around the user’s skin. When sliding his or her fingers on a surface of the object, the user perceives highly distinctive tactile textures that augment the physical object. Varying the properties of the signal, such as the shape, amplitude and frequency, can provide a wide range of tactile sensations.




  5. On 6/19/2016 at 10:14 PM, JAMMY said:

    There are many videos on You Tube to teach you if you do not know how. I will post this free pattern you can try. There are many more to be found on YouTube, Patterns can be one of the major expenses in this craft, but you can easily learn to improvise,



    Always try to use coupons from the newspaper or internet when purchasing your supplies. Jo-Ann fabric store usually has coupons. Sometimes the patterns are half price. Some Wal-Mart stores have patterns as low priced as 99 cents. Treat them gently and you will be able to reuse them many times. Some things can be made without a store bought pattern. Search u-tube for ideas, or use your own creation. Here is access to some free patterns for you.



    1. ITV Report
    2. 9 August 2016 at 10:51am

    Asad Shah death: Tanveer Ahmed jailed for minimum of 27 years for murdering Glasgow shopkeeper



    The Shah family, who moved to Scotland from Pakistan in the 1990s to escape persecution, belong to the Ahmadi sect of Islam whose beliefs differ from the majority of Muslims.

    Ahmed took the unusual step of releasing a statement after Mr Shah's death admitting that he had carried out the killing.

    He said Mr Shah had "disrespected" Islam by claiming to be a prophet.


  6. https://www.jw.org/en/publications/books/gods-love/disfellowshipped-person/#?insight[search_id]=2b9e8c60-3477-4d48-ba85-facd68b6da37&insight[search_result_index]=4

    “Keep Yourselves in God’s Love”


    How to Treat a Disfellowshipped Person


    “Keep Yourselves in God’s Love”


    How to Treat a Disfellowshipped Person


    Few things can hurt us more deeply than the pain we suffer when a relative or a close friend is expelled from the congregation for unrepentant sin. How we respond to the Bible’s direction on this matter can reveal the depth of our love for God and of our loyalty to his arrangement. * Consider some questions that arise on this subject.

    How should we treat a disfellowshipped person? The Bible says: “Stop keeping company with anyone called a brother who is sexually immoral or a greedy person or an idolater or a reviler or a drunkard or an extortioner, not even eating with such a man.” (1 Corinthians 5:11) Regarding everyone who “does not remain in the teaching of the Christ,” we read: “Do not receive him into your homes or say a greeting to him. For the one who says a greeting to him is a sharer in his wicked works.” (2 John 9-11) We do not have spiritual or social fellowship with disfellowshipped ones. The Watchtower of September 15, 1981, page 25, stated: “A simple ‘Hello’ to someone can be the first step that develops into a conversation and maybe even a friendship. Would we want to take that first step with a disfellowshiped person?”

    Is strict avoidance really necessary? Yes, for several reasons. First, it is a matter of loyalty to God and his Word. We obey Jehovah not only when it is convenient but also when doing so presents real challenges. Love for God moves us to obey all his commandments, recognizing that he is just and loving and that his laws promote the greatest good. (Isaiah 48:17; 1 John 5:3) Second, withdrawing from an unrepentant wrongdoer protects us and the rest of the congregation from spiritual and moral contamination and upholds the congregation’s good name. (1 Corinthians 5:6, 7) Third, our  firm stand for Bible principles may even benefit the disfellowshipped one. By supporting the decision of the judicial committee, we may touch the heart of a wrongdoer who thus far has failed to respond to the efforts of the elders to assist him. Losing precious fellowship with loved ones may help him to come “to his senses,” see the seriousness of his wrong, and take steps to return to Jehovah.—Luke 15:17.

    What if a relative is disfellowshipped? In such a case, the close bond between family members can pose a real test of loyalty. How should we treat a disfellowshipped relative? We cannot here cover every situation that may arise, but let us focus on two basic ones.

    In some instances, the disfellowshipped family member may still be living in the same home as part of the immediate household. Since his being disfellowshipped does not sever the family ties, normal day-to-day family activities and dealings may continue. Yet, by his course, the individual has chosen to break the spiritual bond between him and his believing family. So loyal family members can no longer have spiritual fellowship with him. For example, if the disfellowshipped one is present, he would not participate when the family gets together for family worship. However, if the disfellowshipped one is a minor child, the parents are still responsible to instruct and discipline him. Hence, loving parents may arrange to conduct a Bible study with the child. *Proverbs 6:20-22; 29:17.

    In other cases, the disfellowshipped relative may be living outside the immediate family circle and home. Although there might be a need for limited contact on some rare occasion to care for a necessary family matter, any such contact should be kept to a minimum. Loyal Christian family members do not look for excuses to have dealings with a  disfellowshipped relative not living at home. Rather, loyalty to Jehovah and his organization moves them to uphold the Scriptural arrangement of disfellowshipping. Their loyal course has the best interests of the wrongdoer at heart and may help him to benefit from the discipline received. *Hebrews 12:11.



    From Keep yourself in God's Love  :  Print date April, 2016




    Ms Chanu has been force-fed through a tube in her nose for more than a decade. She started her fast 16 years ago after 10 civilians were killed by Indian soldiers in Manipur ,  _90710131_8c26fdd8-9b7c-45d4-881c-67e445


    She has spent most of the last 16 years in judicial custody in a hospital in Manipur's capital, Imphal, where she was force-fed a cocktail of medicines and baby formula. _90707922_6ff37d9c-fa88-4785-a89b-369239


    Ms Chanu was released in August 2014 after the court rejected the charge that she was "attempting to commit suicide". But she was re-arrested two days later after she refused to end her protest.





    A memorial has been built at the site in Manipur where the 10 civilians were killed by Indian soldiers. The state has a population of about 2.5 million people and a huge force of army, paramilitary and state police are deployed there to fight insurgent groups


  8. http://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-india-36972650


    India has the highest number of children suffering from stunted growth in the world, the charity WaterAid says in a new report. Stunting, which is a consequence of malnutrition in the first two years of a child's life, is largely irreversible. It also affects a child's mental growth.

    Apart from food shortage, other factors like poor sanitation and contaminated drinking water also cause malnutrition, leading to stunted growth among children.

    "A lack of access to a toilet, clean water and good hygiene practices also play a major role, as repeated bouts of diarrhoea - often caused by dirty water and unhygienic environments - are directly linked to malnutrition," the report says.


  9. _90677067_c0288798-fibrosarcoma_cell_sem


    Detecting mutations

    They analysed the DNA sequence of 72 genes linked to increased cancer risk in 1,162 patients with sarcoma.

    One in five patients was found to have mutations or errors in more than one of the cancer genes tested.

    Patients with mutations in multiple cancer genes were found to be more likely to develop cancer at a younger age than those with just one single genetic mutation.

    So this suggests that many genetic mutations working together could be causing sarcoma in some patients, rather than just a single gene error causing their disease.


  10. _90707325_mediaitem90707323.jpg


    Emperor Akihito did not publicly express a wish to abdicate, as that could be interpreted as him interfering in politics What does the emperor do? The emperor has no political powers but has several official duties, such as greeting foreign dignitaries. Japan's monarchy is entwined in the Shinto religion and the emperor still performs religious ceremonies. He also plants and harvests a small rice paddy inside the palace while the empress raises silkworms. http://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-37007106


  11. _90708473_034465363-1.jpg_90709576_034421612-1.jpg


    What are they, and why is everyone suddenly going dotty over them?

    The mark of an Olympic athlete, at least at Rio 2016, seems to be a scattering of perfectly round bruises. Swimmers and gymnasts, particularly from Team USA, are among those seen sporting the mysterious dots.

    No, not paintballing misadventures or love bites - they are the result of a practice known as "cupping"; an ancient therapy where heated cups are placed on the skin.

    So how is 'cupping' done?

    The technique, which is a form of acupuncture, is done by lighting flammable liquid in a glass cup.

    Once the flame goes out, the drop in temperature creates suction which sticks the cups to the body.

    The suction pulls the skin away from the body and promotes blood flow - and leaves those red spots, which typically last for three or four days.

    Why are some Olympians using it?

    Athletes say they are using it to ease aches and pains, and to help with recovery from the physical toil of constant training and competing.


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