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Status Replies posted by Arauna

  1. Hi - it seems that we look at the posts first, as our time zones are in the east and then later the answers start pouring in.... Things are heating up in the world..... new laws installed without people knowing and so forth....

    Hope you the best dear! 

    1. Arauna


      I agree, we will not sleep too long.  I do think that those who do not cooperate with new world mandates may be liquidised.  Literally, they now have a patent to turn humans into liquid fertilizer. 

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  2. I hear Hank Marvin's back in town....

    1. Arauna


      I have no desire to sing in the way I used to.  Ambition has gone... and I can truly say that from my heart. 

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  3. I hear Hank Marvin's back in town....

    1. Arauna


      So he found a balance. It was difficult, but can be done. 

      This is where men have better opportunities because women cannot be seen as forward. I had a 4 octave voice.... from low F under middle C to G# above C3 ....  I sang the highest opera song in the world.  Top C or even E flat above C was easy pie.  In short I had a world class voice.  It takes too much work to be good at this craft.  minimum 5 hours practice a day.   It is not like people who sing with a mike. One is an athlete. 

      After I left my singing - I came in the truth at age 21.... I worked as a reporter for a while and then went back and became the senior publicity officer for the national orchestra. Radio, TV and press.

      I learnt much of the inside egotistical stories there of singers and instrumentalists alike and I was glad I did not pursue this career. 

      I know several singers who would like to sing now for the org.  but cannot.... because the organization mostly produces songs which are not really for a classical voice.  I cannot listen to the pop ones .....  I prefer the ones who require a good voice and the orchestration is a little more complex....  that is just a matter of taste.... but there are many opportunities for "certain" categories. 

      So many young people may try to go in the world to get rid of the urge to sing.....  this is the reasoning behind my criticism of putting people on a pedestal.   

      I do not like public attention even when I do sing. and I do love to sing.  Now and then.  

      But I left the discussion because there are very nasty people out there and I was answering them but it has reached an abusive state. 

      Thanks for the warning ... or reminder.... I appreciate it.

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  4. I hear Hank Marvin's back in town....

    1. Arauna


      and creativity helps our mental state to just keep living.

      I understand what you are saying. I sing opera at home sometimes.  I help young singers.... or chat with them to encourage them not to abandon the truth for chasing after careers in the world. 

      I had to defend myself  after saying that he sets a bad example.... and everyone defended him. I am actually shocked that they defend JWs  who make themselves public icons when there are many whith more talent who choose to pioneer.... that is all.  Some if those people there are trolls... and are not sincere.

      it is not about the singing or playing an instrument. It is about staying in the public eye. 

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  5. I hear Hank Marvin's back in town....

    1. Arauna


      I better go out there and put him in Boot Hill.

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  6. I have coronavirus... ... day 6 now..... lungs are full.... coughing... but still breathing.  Stupid Wuhan labs!

    Wuhan Empty Street GIF by euronews

    1. Arauna


      Very good link James!  When lying on the back one can also have distress because the lungs are more to the back. So lying on stomach and let someone pat the back to loosen phlegm is good!

    2. (See 10 other replies to this status update)

  7. I have coronavirus... ... day 6 now..... lungs are full.... coughing... but still breathing.  Stupid Wuhan labs!

    Wuhan Empty Street GIF by euronews

    1. Arauna


      Sorry to hear!   Yes be very careful.... do not allow it to reach a stage where you are too congested and cannot breathe.  Pre-emptive strike better! Ask your doctor to prescribe the hydroxychloroquine and take it with zink.  This medicine allows the zink to enter the cells.  I took the vit C and D and B as well. Afterward my trachea was dry and pained so much I tried the nebulizer. Intestinal pains and pains in the body.... 

      Yes -  I just could not get over the side effects, so I bought a nebulizer and and 3% hydrogen peroxide.  I dilute the peroxide one teaspoon to 3 teaspoons of water and breathe about 10 minutes.  One can do it 4 times a day but I  now do it less.  It clears up a lot of other problems too!

      All the best and I will think of you in my prayers!   

    2. (See 10 other replies to this status update)

  8. You seem to be bitter, unhappy and have a hate for the Witnesses - hence the constant criticism.  You seem to presume I do not read other materials .....For your information, I am not a spring chicken who has only lived in America.  I was a reporter for many years (not in English) and I therefore DO look at other materials so as to inform myself of what they say - and they seem to have similar stories. Most believe in Hell fire, Immortality of the soul and hence do not understand that Jesus' really died (his soul died),  are not neutral in wars, take blood, and believe Jesus is coming back in the flesh...  etc.

    I am actually on my way to live in Scandinavia - my husband and I are packing up.... I have lived in Africa, Europe and America.... so I have 'lived' in many cultures, I have seen many different ways of life and how people react to their environments.... and Yes - I have experienced the association with Witnesses in all of these countries.  I have learnt one gets out of it what you put in.  Nothing one does well comes easy - and one must be prepared to sacrifice things - then you get more back -  like Jesus did. 

    I also read Arabic (taught myself) and preach to mainly Muslims.... I have read the Qur'an, Hadith,  the Siri and much more.  Have you investigated all of this?   Have you really sincerely sat down and study what the Witnesses believe? ...And how this fits in with what is happening on earth today?  As a loving fellow here on earth, I refuse to tell you what to believe  - I can only encourage you to not to be a smarty-pants.  I have met many apostates/opposers - and they all trust in their own brilliance...and seem to have an all consuming hate of the Witnesses. It takes up their whole lives.

    1. Arauna


      I just moved to the country of Georgia in Asia  minor (caucuses mountains)  not far from Ararat either.  I lived for two years in Sweden.   One meets all kinds of Christian's in every country........  but the Witnesses are the same everywhere.  Kind, generous, welcoming and helpful...... and there is really world-wide unity.

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

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