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Status Updates posted by Arauna

  1. Hi - it seems that we look at the posts first, as our time zones are in the east and then later the answers start pouring in.... Things are heating up in the world..... new laws installed without people knowing and so forth....

    Hope you the best dear! 

    1. Thinking


      Thank you sis…yes one never knows what is going to happen next in this world…everyday something else major is happening…let’s hope we live to see the final exciting end but if not…I don’t think we will be asleep too long….and even if we are we won’t even know it…..and we all can have concerts and I will hear you sing…I might even be able to sing myself one day lol…..look after yourself….xxxx

    2. Arauna


      I agree, we will not sleep too long.  I do think that those who do not cooperate with new world mandates may be liquidised.  Literally, they now have a patent to turn humans into liquid fertilizer. 

  2. Sorry, I did not intend for this to blow up in your face.  I just mentioned the discrepancies I saw!  The name is legit and it is old. And it is good to know about.... 

    I also do not like to follow humans for their accomplishments -  we are all fallible in our judgments.

    1. The Librarian

      The Librarian

      No worries. I enjoy the extra information 🙂. Thanks for sharing.

  3. Hi, it seems we are the only two left talking about it as the rest have lost interest.  PITY, because they will soon see what is coming. I have always had a good imagination for understanding injustice. ..I watched the video about the injustice you put up.... very sad. We understand those things.....the other video is just a parody, of snippets of a very nasty person.... I do not know who she is but she was standing  next to the health minister.....

    I am not well, so I may not make it thru this system..... and I am happy to say maybe it is a  good thing.... I want to praise jehovah until I die ...but the opportunities are getting less.... and who wants to see people suffer?  If I were still around I would be severely stressed by it.  

    My father always said " know all, blow all" when people think they know it all.  And I have seen some pretty opinionated people on here. Mostly people who have had very little suffering and had authority in congregations.   

    I encourage you to stay strong dear sister and please devote more time to worship Jehovah in love. I also want to cut my time on internet ........ I spend time trying to find hidden  news about new developments in UN etc.  Soon all news about what is really  going on will not be available..... just mandates from governments and propaganda from the governments. People will be liquidated and we will not be able to get news about it. 

    Just stay strong. I am glad you spoke out about Australia.... I have a friend there who is too afraid to talk on internet.  They have already built  Covid "camps" in USA and Australia.... the  ĺorcing all "faith in god" out of everyone..  only worship of the state will be allowed. .... to compromise as many as he can.

    Strengthen yourself. No one can do it for you. 

  4. Hi Tom, where are u?  I miss ya! 

    1. TrueTomHarley


      Hi Arauna: Not to worrry. A little bit of traveling lately. Be back in the saddle soon. 

    2. Arauna
  5. Hi - sorry - I quoted your clip but wrote to schreco (mentioned schreco)  because my eyes are to tired to go searching for the original clip.  Yes it happens with me.  I cannot read through all.  I just read what interests me because I save my eyes.

  6. I listened again.  Thanks.  We often listen but do not follow the advice.  I recently sent money to a refugee  and a close friend (a sister) tried to talk me out of it because the "brother" may not be a strong brother or may not use the money for the purpose I sent it to him. Now that I call fleshly thinking.  I rather err on the side of showing love and mercy than the other side. 

    1. The Librarian

      The Librarian

      I agree. In the end it is always better to err on the side of love rather than judgement.




      Perhaps the Victims of Child Abuse within the JW Org should be shown Love  then. 

    3. Judith Sweeney

      Judith Sweeney

      Gracious...I thought the Seditionist left the room.   Tear Down John.  Don't you understand where there are humans involved, there will be error?

  7. I tried to send you an email - but it came back... Is your e-mail correct?  Or do you put off your computer?


  8. Thanks sweety pie - yes one wastes one time on people who have made up their mind and believe everything bad about Jehovah's people.... that we still follow Russell religiously.  But I am sure that some other people who love the truth can pick up something to think about.  I did not try to write scholarly notes... too much time to research for people who do not care anyhow...

    Thanks for the encouragement!..... I think I will really show more restraint in future as these people have so much time to waste.... but of course they do not think it is a waste because they have an agenda....

    I don't really have the time.... learning 2 languages and also packing up to go to Sweden .... and then I get sucked in....

  9. You seem to be bitter, unhappy and have a hate for the Witnesses - hence the constant criticism.  You seem to presume I do not read other materials .....For your information, I am not a spring chicken who has only lived in America.  I was a reporter for many years (not in English) and I therefore DO look at other materials so as to inform myself of what they say - and they seem to have similar stories. Most believe in Hell fire, Immortality of the soul and hence do not understand that Jesus' really died (his soul died),  are not neutral in wars, take blood, and believe Jesus is coming back in the flesh...  etc.

    I am actually on my way to live in Scandinavia - my husband and I are packing up.... I have lived in Africa, Europe and America.... so I have 'lived' in many cultures, I have seen many different ways of life and how people react to their environments.... and Yes - I have experienced the association with Witnesses in all of these countries.  I have learnt one gets out of it what you put in.  Nothing one does well comes easy - and one must be prepared to sacrifice things - then you get more back -  like Jesus did. 

    I also read Arabic (taught myself) and preach to mainly Muslims.... I have read the Qur'an, Hadith,  the Siri and much more.  Have you investigated all of this?   Have you really sincerely sat down and study what the Witnesses believe? ...And how this fits in with what is happening on earth today?  As a loving fellow here on earth, I refuse to tell you what to believe  - I can only encourage you to not to be a smarty-pants.  I have met many apostates/opposers - and they all trust in their own brilliance...and seem to have an all consuming hate of the Witnesses. It takes up their whole lives.

    1. Ann O'Maly

      Ann O'Maly

      Great.  I'm glad you have had a rich and varied life.

      I did not presume you didn't read other materials. It was only the material in the OP you said you hadn't read I was referring to.

      And I don't 'hate' JWs. Some of my best friends ... But I do like to challenge people when they seem to be shooting their mouths off or have a one-sided view of matters - you included.

      All the best with your move to Scandinavia :)


    2. Arauna


      I just moved to the country of Georgia in Asia  minor (caucuses mountains)  not far from Ararat either.  I lived for two years in Sweden.   One meets all kinds of Christian's in every country........  but the Witnesses are the same everywhere.  Kind, generous, welcoming and helpful...... and there is really world-wide unity.

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