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Everything posted by Arauna

  1. Ye Yes, muslims believe that if you die in jihad you immediately go to heaven with 72 virgins and you can intercede for family members. Vikings believe in Valhalla- where you go after dying a valiant death in battle and also having access to beautiful women. To compare these pagan teachings to the bible is ludicrous..... not logical. Atheist thinking.
  2. "Targeted " in the headline is the wrong word. It gives the impression they were targeted by a crime.... China has one million muslims in concentration camps at present - separating children from parents for communistic "re-education". They are using body parts of "Falun Gong" members for CCP members and the rich, they are closing Christian churches and much more! No justice in China. Read up what they are doing - you will get a massive shock. Ignorant people write these kind of reports above...... Most foreigners are leaving China at present and will never go back because the freedom is being curbed and ones life is not worth much when you land up in the judicial system. To give people a chance to learn about God is not "targeting" them.... they are being targeted in their own country if they happen to be a thinking individual who does not worship only the state.
  3. Ah- 1944. The world was a different place then. In most African countries there were oppressive white colonists living lives of the white elite. America had black soldiers fighting for the country without having equal rights when they returned home....... so the whole society had blinkers on..... so why expect more from the JW artist who drew the picture? Again, a case of taking something out of historical context and applying 21st century values retroactively.
  4. Thanks for a lovely experience.... I tend to sometimes be impatient with stubborn rediculers..... good experience.
  5. Yes- you are judging historical sayings it by modern standards and expect perfection. All I know is there is no other religion teaching the name of Jehovah all over the earth. Other Christian denominations believe in the immortality of the soul and believe that Jesus did not put his soul in death (Isaiah 53) . Hence they really do not believe that Jesus really died for all......and only after death Jesus received immortality as a reward for his faithfulness to his father. They do not understand that the kingdom will be a real government which will restore the earth......and we should be politically neutral. Most Christian's are quick to vote and grab their guns.... There are tons of other basic teachings which only JWs teach which are crucial to have a good understanding of what God and jesus did for us, so we can build a good relationship with God. Thanks to the continued preaching efforts of JWs, I learnt the TRUTH. Whatever the human flaws of our brothers 80 years ago or even 100 years ago, I always remember that Jehovah used Israel in his purpose and they were for sure also a bunch of imperfect men....... why ..... groups of men constantly thought they were better than Moses - and paid the penalty...... similar to what you are constantly doing. Moses did not realize that his son should have been circumcised - his wife saved the son's life. Moses did not know all even though he was the mediator of the new covenant and went into the mountain. He came back with his face shining, saw the glory of Jehovah as transmitted by angels. He was also flawed and made mistakes...... You only focus on the mistakes and not the undeniable truths that are taught by JWs. You use the bible and history as a misleading weapon. I have seen your writings...... you do not fool me. Nothing honest there but an accuser of our brothers day and night.
  6. If you belong to a golf club and break the rules you may get expelled from the group...... there are many other worldly clubs that do the same to keep their good reputation. When people join the club they know the rules. If you are unrepentent - and did a gross sin - you are saying the person must still have full rights? Even after being baptised and he knows the requirements? Worldly organizations recognise the need for shunning but we must be different? Anything goes? Even if God gives this instruction for unrepentent people? Remember - we only do this for people who PERSIST in unrepentent behaviour - who are hardened in their sin - because we first try to win them back.
  7. This is the gumboot dance they used to do on the mines. I love African singing and dancing.
  8. Satan is mentally diseased by hate. He is totally twisted in his reasoning. ....... God is the final judge..... but when a person shows the same destructive and hateful behaviour over and over again, then one should call a duck, a duck. If it quacks like a duck and walks like a duck over and over again - it's a duck. When Jesus exposed the pharisees and called them graves...... he was speaking about their hate for truth and their unclean condition. Unfortunately, there are people like that everywhere. While it is true that some repent after a debauched life and come back into the fold......like the prodigal son, there are those one can identify as being unrepentantly hateful and destructive. They all usually display the same frame of mind over and over again ...asif they are in a mental prison that cannot let them out.
  9. OCD comes out in behaviour when people keep returning to the same old, same old, same old.... same old........behaviour of JW bashing. Just ONE agenda...... no new arguments or LOGICAL thoughts, no new ideas - just repetition. No intelligent intellect. ..... just repetition....same old rehash over and over. Question: do you think there is something wrong when I keep repeating the same words in this one paragraph? Makes a point, doesn't it? Why do you think I do not come back here to this site. I like to learn new things. I will rather listen to a atheist debate on YouTube than your CONSTANTLY recurring and rehash of similar bashing..... I, at least, learn how these atheists think - so I can answer them logically in the field. Thanks for refreshing my memory about how many times I have said some here have OCD - quite a common behaviour I have noticed amongst apostates. Satan also has OCD - a ONE track mind- he says the same thing over and over with a few changes in words to get as many people as possible to doubt Jehovah and his organization........ he acts in the exact same fashion. While true sufferers of OCD repeat behaviours out of severe anxiety.... and I truly feel sorry for them.... yours comes from pure hate. Nothing loving or upbuilding in anything you say....... just breaking, breaking, breaking... down .... lol. ... and then the doll is wound up again and sings the same old broken song........ over and over....
  10. Yea, I will not believe any person who says they cannot get out of JW......it is pretty easy.....
  11. In the end - JHWH will judge. ...... Let them slander, let them get us thrown into prison, let them sow disorder and hate. What a man sows - he will reap. Do not oppose the wicked, if they have no self-restraint they will go from bad to worse and show the world what they are - part of the "man of lawlessness".
  12. Most have a campaign of hate towards witnesses - which gives a good indication of who their real father is. They suffer from OCD and cannot move on but must destroy...... another indication of who their father is. Those ex-witnesses who move on and do not try to hurt or damage those who remain in the faith sometimes return after many years.
  13. I just don't get people who quote things out of historical context and evaluate it by today's modern standards. It is a bending of the truth. If I quote Franklin, Wilson, Rooseveldt out of historical context then people will call me a bender of historical context. By today's standards a "scholar" that evaluates quotes out of historical context is also a crackpot. Most people in USA in this time did not even think of giving black people human rights..... and there are so many other things I can mention...... that were totally different in society then - so please get real. ......
  14. Full justice in this world is not possible. And those who feel entitled to wrongdoing and still be accepted as brothers will be the first to cry "injustice". Thanks to Jehovah, in his wisdom he will be the final judge and compensator. If you were really treated unfairly - he will compensate you - that is if you really believe he exists and is the rewarder of unselfish suffering.
  15. When one reads these reports there is no difference between Islam and orthrodox christendom.
  16. China uses prisoners for body parts for the rich..... the details are absolutely evil. No doubt this evil regime has used some of our brothers in this way. We know this is coming (prophecied) but it is still heart wrenching to hear about it.
  17. Most probably the authorities want bribes. Totally corrupt country. We do not owe them money. There is supposed to be freedom of religion. Zimbabwe is on its last legs. Economy is falling apart and Russia/China was going to lend it some money.. They will therefore squeeze any amount of money from a foreign entity and if you give in once....... the bribes will never stop.
  18. Many muslims from Azerbaijan here in Rep. Of Georgia. A lovely Uzbeki sister is often my partner in the field. In Islamic countries one is not allowed to preach another religion. Yet in western countries they fight for their rights and "islamaphobia" is often cited. This hypocricy is part of supremacy of the religion..... Christian's in Canada and UK who have converted from Islam are sent back to Iran and other countries where they face the death penalty. Western countries are turning against Christians of any kind. Nothing in the news about the dessimation of Christian's in North Africa and Muslim countries in middle east. Soon we may find ourselves in prison with some of these Christians- and then another phase of our preaching will start.
  19. A pretty old video quoted above - from a forgotten era. My parents were born in 1920s. Most women did not work until after WW2 because women did the work of men during the war. Even after the war the consensus was that women were made to be subject to men and had to stay at home with children. My mother was fortunate She was a nursing sister and helped my father in his practise. Freedom of women and children came with contraception and flower power of the sixties. So to me it is natural , due to the times, that brothers would interpret scriptures in the same way as society. Reflect the conservative values if society. I attended a wedding talk last week and it was really good! The brother compared the wife as "helper" with God being our "helper " - same word used.
  20. I placed this answer earlier today on a debate about morality and atheism: The word "reality" is connected to the 'sovreignty' of God in the bible. His name JHWH means "he causes to become" and the active verb associated with these 4 letters in his name means: " I shall prove to be". (Most religions in christen-dom (rulers with a domain) and the rest of the world empire of religion as described in Revelation 17 & 18, unfortunately do not teach what is in the bible but have been corrupted by babylonian pagan thinking, such as superimposing hellfire and immortality of the soul as dogmas on their members) - just as a sidenote. For human society to function in harmony and cooperation we need one set of external principles for all humans on earth to adhere to. One standard of justice. Some call this natural law..... for example, to refrain from causing undue pain for others and to respect all life. This is why the UN now wants to arbitrarily impose one set if human-made laws on mankind and then technocratically monitor (do surveillance on) all human behaviour to try to create acceptance and cohesion on earth. They think that the model in China is acceptable and want to save the future of the planet they say. This is why the bible does prophecy that these rulers in the last days will turn against all religion on earth - propably to bring in their one "human set of laws". Those who do not comply to this will be "reeducated."..... almost in a totalitarian fashion/ the state will become the sovereign or the "God" and the state will claim the worship or place of a God. This will be the new "reality" for everyone........ in future so it seems. Interestingly, this is the main theme of the bible: humans, (Adam & Eve) chose independence from the sovreignty of god JHWH. They would have all been equal under His benevolent godship when they had children. But they chose to do their own thing - become their own God. They chose their own morality (good and bad) not the good and bad God gave to society. In order for one set of standards to really work for all people they must be free and have personal responsibility. But this responsibility must not be forced onto people. They must understand that their cooperation (in willing free will with no coersion) will bring peace and security for all. Free will is most important in obtaining a free and happy society. After Adam and eve chose their own way, humans have made up their own religions and philosophies as they went along but mankind has still been plagued by wars and injustice because there are always people who are selfish and greedy and oppressive of others to gain power...... be a god. ........ a flaw which comes from rejecting the sovreignty and morality of god. This is why God does promise an intervention in human affairs when mankind has proved that their "independence " from Him has led to global oppression and sufferings. Humans are now at our apex of development but our greed is destroying our habitat - all life (revelation 11:18 prophesied this). We invented medicine but also agent orange and all kinds if weapons for warfare with our technology. We have had 20 years of free internet but soon the technocrats will turn it into a weapon for controlling the masses. So- God has given us freedom to prove our capabilities without him. He created us with free will but bound us to him in only one thing: We need to apply his principles in our decision making process. Jesus (the true messenger from god) taught us to love others like ourselves and to give our lives (die if needed) in integrity to prove that we will not detrimentally hurt another human being....... respect all life. If everyone willingly did this - most people will make willing sacrifices to restore the earth and keep peace with others. But the reality is that people and the oppressors want to be their own gods/sovereigns and force others to do their will. Human governance does not and will not work (as predicted in eccl 8:9) because humans were created to be equal and free under one God (the one that shall prove to be) and have freedom of expression while showing willing self-control for the greater good of all and following the law of love in all they do. If you love your neighbour you will not take his wife or covet his things. The laws were given to Israel to teach them but christ fulfilled the law and taught: self-sacrificing love. I believe sincerely this is the only ideology which can restore mankind after God removes the greedy oppressors who refuse to cooperate with decent society. God is reality. I have studied the religion of darwinism and many other religions but a lack of logic and continuity of the main theme has convinced me the God of the bible will "prove to be".
  21. As you know JWs do not stick to dogmas like other churches. We continue to grow spiritually to new insights. What Franz said 60 years ago has nothing to do with how circuit overseers now appoint elders. The precedent is in there the bible but the slave did not seem to notice it then..... so they have corrected themselves.... nothing wrong with that. You, on the other hand have remained stuck in the past somewhere with old grudges etc. Nonsensical production of old things.... I
  22. Just to clarify: There were no laws in place in the 1950s, 1960s and even most countries in 1970s......regarding sexual abuse. "Mandatory reporting" is a relatively new law and covers the loopholes in the law that previously existed........ This was not the fault of institutions but the negligence of law makers. What was the JWs to do? JWs therefore kept records of suspected child abuse cases since 1950s to be able to notify other congregations of this possibility when suspected perpetrators moved. JWs were the only organization to try to mitigate this problem and now they are "smeared" because of these records. As I said before - Congress should be blamed for all the loopholes in the laws in the past......no one really knew what to do with these cases and therefore most perpetrators got away with it...... until 2007 ...when the law changed. How? During new court proceedings the victim (children) could no longer be cross-examined in an open court with the perpetrator in view. Recordings and other methods of testimony was now allowed. This was the main reason most perpetrators got away with crimes in the past because children had to go through a second abuse of court proceedings and could not measure up. (However, mosr governments still do not provide enough "expertise" in this field to support children going to court. ... it costs too much.) The one law which still exists and should be debated is this "priviledge of privacy" of lawyers and spiritual advisors. It is not without merit: it does not matter if you have a team of lawyers or only one ..... (a team of priests or one) you have the right to privacy with them (even if you are guilty), in order to have a fair trial.... well that has been the past legal premise. Similarly, a person could confess to a priest and then go to a trial for murder. The priest was never called up to testify about the confession (he merely looked after the soul of the person) but the court proceedings had to produce sufficient evidence to get a conviction. If necessary - the state should change this "privacy of confession" law. So - If someone started coming to our meetings and confessed a past sexual sin. Must elders now report it? Or is it up to the "victim" to report past sins to the police? Especially now that one can report it retro-actively. The law macine is in place to follow up and investigate.......and get evidence. But the law has failed many people.......why? Lets face the truth - child victims and their parents never felt free to go to the law - even in adult rape cases women and men face a terrible time after a rape. (The congregation proceedings as in case of priests is separate from the law - it deals with only the spiritual side of things). What I do get is that the government is now enabling victims to go after the wrong people - not the perpetrator .....but the organization which can give the most compensation.... Why did the victim not lodge a complaint with police ? Because the law machine was inadequate. It is too much trouble to get a good court case together and the evidence. And even if they have enough evidence - it depends on the social status of the perpetrator. A good example of this is the current case of Epstein. The law actually actually allowed Epstein to go after the victims in the Epstein case....to silence them ..... and Epstein got away with 34 counts of abuse and trafficking of minors about 10 years ago. To me it is clear case that the state has not been doing its job and now want to blame and saddle the organizations who have had children in their midst with ALL the reckless irresponsibility.... that they ( lawgivers) hould have been sued for. The state legislators of the past were clearly the ones who neglected putting solid laws in place and the law machine has been inadequate.
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