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Everything posted by Arauna

  1. I am almost 67 years old....... but I still remember many of my reactions which could have been related to hormones - especially my quick emotional reactions. I think older men also remember many of their reactions and now look back at this time with more wisdom and maturity. Apart from judging humans by applying Jehovahs' righteous principles I do think that memories of our own imperfections and situations (for example: which situations were very difficult to show subjection to a husband ) help us even now (here on earth) to not judge others too harshly......
  2. I think you tend to stray off the main topic. The point is not who organized Paul's personal ministry and who chose him ....but who he himself was subject to report to. In proof: He went all the way back to Jerusalem to go and report to the "body" that was making central decisions about circumcision of former pagans now in the congregation. All that travelling to report to an organization headed by James in Jerusalem? It indicates he viewed himself as subject to them and their opinions mattered for the unity if all the congregations. The outcome was sent out to all the congregations.
  3. Did not understand your question...... I did not speak of virgins....... I have read the Quran, hadith and sirah and speak some Arabic. I also lived in Sweden and know the similarity between nordic Valhallah and pagan teachings of Islam. I see no relevance in my answer to your jumping to conclusions my dear - so explain yourself please so I can correct any misunderstandings.
  4. Again a deceitful mispresentation. Locusts are "clean" for eating according to Mosaic law . They were the food of John the Baptist. And these locusts have "golden crowns"..... "7And in appearance the locusts resembled horses prepared for battle; on their heads were what seemed to be crowns of gold, and their faces were like human faces." Locusts can be a sign of Jehovah's judgement. A swarm of locusts progresses like a well-organized, disciplined fighting force and nothing can stop them. "and their torment was like torment by a scorpion when it strikes a person." It did not look like a scorpion but stung like a scorpion. Jesus wears a golden crown, these scorpions have golden crowns in his image. The human quality of the face is not disribed as angry but a job of love is done. Unfortunately the truth is more like stings of torture of a scorpion to fleshly people "those who do not have the seal of god" as the scripture quoted indicates. Please be reminded that those heavenly creatures in the presence of God also have " human faces". There is no indication in the scripture in Revelation indicate that these spread falsehoods. One has to twist the scriptures to come to your conclusion. ..... a
  5. It was maybe called the Jerusalem central committee or Jerusalem elders or whatever name you want to give it..... It is definitely deceitful of you to say that such a central organization/body/committee did not exist. It set a precedent for us. You again prove willful amnesia about a bible fact. Paul, the apostle, and his companion had to go to Jerusalem to testify before this body of elders which centrally made the decisions. They testified how the non-Jews received gifts of the spirit and were blessed by jehovah. We have the outcome decision which was sent to all the congregations at this time. Acts 15 tells us what happened and what this group of elders under James decided. Acts 15: 29. All elders, including Paul, abided by this decision. So much so that Paul later chastised Peter who hypocritically sat separately only with the circumcised Jews.
  6. The hierarchical structure of the Catholic church comes directly from the structure of pagan religions. The Pope is a title which comes from "pontifus maximus" a title of the ceasar. I do not know of any JW elder which is called a 'cardinal' or a 'father' - titles which are against the bible. The bible instructs the one working as a circuit overseer to appoint elders and gives the qualifications needed to become ministerial servant or elder. Titus and Timothy both served in this kind of capacity - visiting congregations and strengthening them and appointing the elders.
  7. There are legal precedents in the bible such as Paul who called on the ceasar (legal procedure) in Rome for recourse. To criticise JWs for their submission of documents to the authorities to protect their right to preach and protect the organization - which produces material for preaching - is hypocritical and convenient amnesia regarding the precedents in the bible. This is not participating in politics. It is acknowledgement of the authority these organizations have for protection. Other citizens have the same rights.
  8. Recently met a lady from Africa here in Georgia. She was highly religious but feared JWs. Managed to speak to her twice. She was in trouble with the law and she was convinced in was JWs who were the source of her problems. She was at the point of paranoia.
  9. It is fitting that our future government will represent all races and both genders. Resurrected ones will be represented by these king/priests who were also imperfect in the past. Women's makeup is different in a biological, emotional and physical way to men - so it is good that someone will understand how it feels to be a woman even if they are now in heaven and no longer have gender. All those who receive heavenly life is judged by jehovah to receive this mercy. Most have proven faithful under very different circumstances - such as being a woman or living in a different era or country.
  10. Political systems everywhere are excellent bedfellows with Islam. UN migration compact signed by 176 countries last year has a clause which forbids criticism of migration (in effect also migrant crimes). Migration in Europe is mostly from north African or middle east countries which are from ' the religion of peace " - which has political aspirations to rule the world
  11. Thanks for your personal note. My husband and I have lived in many countries. And we are now in the republic of Georgia (between Turkey and Russia) because we are retired and it is cheaper here (we can survive). We have decided to make our last stand here and expect problems in future. (Russia is already boycotting Georgia. ) Europe is in a financial and immigration mess and one will face extinction there in future from hostile immigrants when food gets more expensive. There are many dangerous areas where police and emergency vehicles cannot go in. Daily random stabbings with " Allahu akbar." BUT UN compact 2018 (signed by 176 nations) says it may not be published. America has been infiltrated by many front organizations (from Islamic ones funded by Qatar etc to those funded by foundations belonging to the super rich) and many NGOs furthering the UN objective of one world government on a so-called "sustainable planet". Racial hatred is growing by the day as is the open hate of he Christian religion by the new minority groups. Devide and destroy -heh? So all the minority groups now have a loud voice which is the only one pushed in the propaganda (only 6 people own all the press too).. It is building up to a situation which in future can ignite social forces. If Trump wins again the hate of the left will be furious and we will see serious demonstrations and antifa etc . Police will not be able to curb this. I think more serious measures will be needed to keep law and order. The dollar will fall because this has already been planned to bring in a digital currency system. If the Democrats win we will go into the one world government under UN sooner and the financial shenanigans will get worse and we will see cities become slums. Much more poor people. Weather (climate) is starting to impact food production all over the world and by end of next year we will see higher food prices. South Africa (my country of birth) is on the brink of financial collapse due to extreme corruption (despite financial bailouts from the West) and civil war is threatening. Black on black and also extinction of the whites. My heart goes out to friends who cannot leave (black and white). Africa is brutal . So there is really nowhere to go to. America is under severe subversive attack from all sides and the people are bickering over stupid stuff. It will be too late before they wake up. The "iron and the clay" is now really so irreconcileable in all Western countries and the financial situations so dire (debt) with restless populations (this situation has been deliberately engineered by the UN) the only solution will be is to give full power to the UN. Many nations are now resisting to give up autonomy to the UN but as the divisions in populations are growing the social volatility will become so bad that they may willingly go along. How far this will go wee cannot foresee. UN will bring some hope of unity and upliftment. I started writing a book about the bible. I called it " Reality Check". Proving in an interesting way that it is the only true reality. It is a study of the intrinsic logic and continuity if the bible's main theme It will answer many philosophical and scientific objections to the bible.... but I stopped because I doubt it will be published. Not in the hostile world we are living in now. Amazon removes books from their list which does not please the new agenda under far left pressure. This is the power of the post modern way of thinking. We will stay here and await our inevitable future. We have had a good life. I thank Jehovah for it all. I think it will be downhill from here with one highlight only - when UN declare "peace and security" then we know what will follow. No time now to make money and be comfortable...... I do as much preaching as I can. There are many tourists here from Emirates, Saudi Arabia, Iran, Jews, Russians, etc. .... a great field to do street work. I do a lot of streetwork
  12. Sad. Even in healthy individuals, a colonoscopy can be dangerous. In old age there is usually thinning of the colon which makes it more dangerous. I think the doctor was not thinking clearly when he took the biopsy. He was over eager to help and it was routine for him. The patient was to blame too by not stopping her blood thinners as instructed.
  13. It is not about winning and neither is it to try to block you. (Jesus said we must not resist the wicked). However, It looks like a JW logo..... period. I worked in public relations throughout my life and I would not like anyone using my color, shape and script in a logo (perfect imitation) to divert my customers to a different site. That is the simple reality of it.
  14. Islam is more than one billion and growing but have they spiritually grown in the sense that they understand more truths and become more mature?
  15. There are new (and serious) economic and financial developments on the world stage. China has been lending vast amounts of money to countries in Asia, Africa, South America. Under the guise of "assistance to develop" they have lent vast amounts to poor countries to build infrastructure such as airports and harbours. When counties cannot pay - they take over the infrastructure under a 100 year lease. Predatory lending. In this way they have acquired ports in Africa, Sri Lanka, Philippines, apart from building all those islands in the Asia sea. They can suddenly put embargoes on trade in these seas - and have the capacity to enforce it. In this predatoty lending" manner they have acquired ports, airports all over and then send their "police" in to protect the new infrastructure they now own. All the countries on the silk road too! They built the road - when Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan could not pay - the infrastructure became theirs. They build fast and are organized - unlike anything you have seen. Their engineers work long shifts as the Chinese people work like slaves. They tried to take over a gold mine too in Uzbekistan but locals fought this. Australia already feels threatened by China because they have financially taken over in their country - high rise cities have sprung up. By the way Russia has also done some of this. They already have Ukraine, want Gottland (the swedes are in alert), have a port in Syria and have allies in Turkey and Iran (Access to their ports to control the seas). They have taken over many mines in Africa which produce rare metals for cell phones and batteries. It is therefore not a surprise that China, Russia and USA are vying to buy Greenland for its port possibilities as well as its rare metals. USA corporations moved their manufacturing to China and (inadvertantly?) gave them our top technology. Google, Amazon etc working with China. China has been getting rich while USA manufacturing is getting less. To crown it all they found that most high level Chinese students in USA and government have access to our military RND etc. China has an extreme surveillance system on their people. The "social credit system" is so oppressive that one cannot buy a coke, buy a plane or train ticket if you are perceived to have the wrong attitude about the government. Read up about the extreme credit system which the UN says is an example (a model to follow) in the West. China has 1 million muslims in brutal re-training camps which no-one can film. Christian's and some Buddhists are persecuted. Russia has financially started to block off Georgia. China wants control of all the seas to block off trade or control trade. They can already do that to a large degree. Hence the financial "pushing" between USA and China. China is building many air craft carriers etc. These new measures by Trump is a last minute attempt to try to make China' s economy tank. So China is now using a new strategy to "lessen the perception of their "power". They are paying for many propaganda ads in USA newspapers. The NWO (under control of UN) is close as UN is pushing a "digital" monetary system on the west with digital currency. They want this done by 2022. The Petro-dollar will go. When all people pay in digital currency then digital corporations will assist central UN federal government to monitor and punish any individual in the same way China is now doing. Fascism - the marriage between global organizations and world central government - the worst government ever! Because at apex of human development and technology they have become Dr Evil. The new AI developments are frightening - the way they can now manipulate crowds and individuals. It is no surprise that G5 (short wave cell phone and internet) is being installed everywhere despite warnings of severe impact on human health and animal /bird/ insect deaths. China's Huawei company has been installing it all over Europe and had contracts in USA which Trump now tried to stop. They can steal all technology with this, have surveillance and even weaponize it to kill targets..... So what is my point? Read Daniel 11:40. It is economic pushing. Then read how the plan to control all wealth.... with sudden blockades if necessary. Read Daniel 11 from verse 41 to end. Lydia and Egypt represent the south. The king of the north is the alliance between Russia and China and their other partners. UN and EU is using China as their model . They openly praise their system. The UN (UNESCO) has been overseeing the school and university curriculims for the last 20 years. This is why we see the dividing in "minority groups" such as black minirity groups and LGBTQ to name two groups. Divide and conquer. The new feminism has been politicized by communism and the new post modern philosophy comes from the Frankfort school. It is a subversive cultural communistic teaching. Communism teaches revolution and destruction of all spirituality and religion so the state can be worshipped. The communist manifesto is similar to Zionism and "religion of peace" because it wants world dominion. The youth is ready (via their free school indoctrination) and curricula at universities to accept the new morals which will be put on them under the NWO. Now read Daniel 11 from verse 36. Worship of the state will be demanded or you will face the consequences. This is my take of the frightful events we can expect soon. The petro-dollar will make place for digital currency..... it will bring much upheaval BUT the UN and the corporate and extreme rich in the world feel that this revolution is worth all the loss if life and the loss of individual wealth. They are materialists. They believe when all are equal and own the same the world will suddenly become an "utopia" where human behaviour will be managed collectively. As in previous communist regimes the revolution will go the same way. The educated (those who do not work with the government) will be sacrificed for the sake of the revolution and millions will be starved to save the earth (meat production will stop as well as air flights etc.) It is their plan to lessen the human population on earth as UN is actively trying to lessen births. Hence the new abortion rules. So much more I can mention..... but that is it for now.
  16. I love this too! Where are the seventh day adventists today? Has there been any spiritual growth? Have you spoken to one lately? They are still clinging to the mosaic law - but only parts of it....... the parts which are possible to keep such as sabbath. The other parts of the law are ignored. We are no longer under law. Paul gave a wonderful illustration of this in Galatians 4 : 21 Tell me, you who want to be under law, Do you not hear the Law? 22 For example, it is written that Abraham had two sons, one by the servant girl+ and one by the free woman;+23 but the one by the servant girl was actually born through natural descent*+ and the other by the free woman through a promise.+ 24 These things may be taken as a symbolic drama; for these women mean two covenants, the one from Mount Siʹnai,+ which bears children for slavery and which is Haʹgar.25 Now Haʹgar means Siʹnai,+ a mountain in Arabia, and she corresponds with the Jerusalem today, for she is in slavery with her children. 26 But the Jerusalem above is free, and she is our mother.
  17. You seem extremely satisfied. Your fanaticism is really remarkable. Thanks for alerting us to NOT put anything on this forum in future which you can use against us. Do not be misled - ........ you know very well what you are doing. A hateful and destructive attitude displays the mind of christ? Or his opposer? Oh, excuse the faux pas - you do not care to have the mind of christ. You are really committed to self-destruct with the typical arrogance of extreme foolishness. Revel in your minute victory! Give a party! Tweet online about your victory! It will really make you feel the "power and control" you can have over others! ..... oh, I forgot - to crave power and control over others is a another action that gives away who your true father is. John 8:44.
  18. There are good reasons for the government laws to give certain privileges to lawyers and religious overseers - ever thought of that? The state is not supposed to be all powerful otherwise one would see justice eroded. God hates paedophilia- and witnesses are taught that all porneia is serious sin - yet there are those few individuals who go back to eat vomit like a dog. The law itself does not cover every situation of paedophilia but yet they expect JWs to cover every situation (retroactively) - which is truly different in every case. We could cover all bases. We also allow people off the street at out meetings ......and individuals may have a history. God is not unmerciful......if someone wants to change their life. So what rules do you think would improve this situation - and should we ban all previous child molestors from our meetings? The law should have balance and so should we not err on side of injustice to not give people a chance to change. I think the rules JWs have in place is sufficient and balanced. Parents still have the prime responsibility to protect their children. Accompany them to the bathroom at a meeting and other practical advice often given off the platform. What I find ironic is that the government allows an organization like ours to be attacked.... when our cases are much less than in other churches and sports organizations etc.....Cases are rare - not a regular occurence. On the other hand the government does not have good laws in place and to add to the injury - the government now allows children to be sexualised from age 5 in the school curriculum. Children are now being sexually groomed in the school curriculim. The UNESCO school curriculum is in all schools and parents of young children are no longer allowed to opt out. Go on line and see the complaints of teachers who have to teach young children: Children are taught on computer about oral and anal sex, LGBTQ, parents who have 2 mommies or daddies, transvestites, young children are taught to allow others to touch them and not to disclose if they have AIDS. Shocking stuff! The entire system of government is hypocritical and morally rotten to the core! Why is there not coverage in the press regarding this in schools? It is the universal promotion of new moral values which rejects Christian values. UNESCO threatens African countries to cut financial aid if the refuse to teach the curriculum. First they taught evolution in schools and took the bible out... now they teach moral corruption and Islam under the guise of social studies. They hold Christian organizations to higher moral standards ....while teaching moral corruption to children...... it is the sign of the times..... The biggest threat to Christian children is that parents should be counterbalancing the teachings received at school with regular talks to their children at home. Soon children will think that paedophilia is normal..... because they are being groomed for porneia in school.
  19. But which reporter is going to write about this- heh?. They prefer the perceived perception that JWs are all criminals who abuse people. It fits the new post modern probressive narrative to get rid of Christian's so they can really bring in a totally amoral society where children can be abused without any restrictions. Does this sound far-fetched? The new philosophies are all based on Marxism which advocated the destruction of all old moral values and all humans (revolution) which stood in the way of it. Which newspaper has investigated in depth how the FBI colluded with Epstein ( who trafficked 34 teenagers) so he was only indicted for one minor offence 11 years ago? The other lords and millionaires in the pedophile decadent pleasure ring are now protected because of his death..... I have come to one conclusion after looking at child trafficking in USA and UK in the top echelons of society: It is so corpse-rotten that no-one really knows how deep the cesspit goes. ..... and law enforcement and the legal system is a tool used by these "princes" of the earth to cover up their dark, unmentionable deeds. They go about doing what they like and are unchallenged..... while clean living decent people are made out to be the culprits. I just hope the witnesses use the history of the loopholes in the law to place the blame where it actually needs to be. There is one set of rules for the wicked and another for those who try to live clean lives. .......
  20. Boys scouts may close..... and many other sports institutions may close. .....etcetc but I have a nasty suspicion that only religion will be held accountable. Why? I see that Jeffrey Epstein and all his high society friends (millionaires /billionaires and princes) got away with child trafficking for many years (covered up by the FBI) and top echelons of society in EU and USA which are rotten to the core regarding child trafficking and abuse. Epstein conveniently was murdered - but the victims can hopefully do claims...... if they are not intimidated by MI5 and FBI -as they were before. I think it is fulfillment of prophecy - to get rid of religion...... the reason being that the last statute to protect children was only tabled in 2003..... but I will write more about this later..... Congress did not do their job properly....... regarding the legislation. For many years it was taboo to speak about sex abuse and the legislation passed was so weak it actually passed the buck to organizations. Hence the perceived neglect at organizations .... because the law was not thought through properly. How can an organization be retroactively be held accountable by legislation when there was no proper legislation in place for a very long time.... and there were no proper and free child services available from government to determine if the abuse really happened or not. One is innocent until proven guilty..... but this crime happens in secret and qualified people need to work with it. Congress should be taken to court for payments because they were too slow to cover the loopholes in legislation.
  21. I think you must go and study the new woman's rights movement that is now at all western universities. It has been politicized by communism. It I s not just about feminism any longer - the movement that started with the suffrogets and then got momentum in the 1960s when women were empowered because of the contraception pill. Famius feminists and scholars are now speaking out against it. It has led to all men being rejected as oppressors - especially. if you are a white man. I will not go into all the details for which you can be taken to court. A lot of young men are now too frightened to date (or ask for a date) for fear they can be taken to court for something that was done or said innocently without consent - anything that could make her feel like a victim. All legislators must now be women because the are the " mothers" of the nation. Men do not have compassion because they are natural oppressors!
  22. A "woman" (not a teenager) who repeatedly was abused by someone outside the congregation? Sounds fishy - don't you think? Any case - we will see more and more of these type of cases as the post modern philosophy (which erodes all sense of morality) becomes the world doctrine. All barriers to immorality will be removed and the law will be used as a weapon. Mischief by law.... I hope she enjoys her krone.... and the blow she gave the JWs. In the end she will answer to the highest authority in the universe. If she was humble she would have come back the way all other truly repentant) people come back...... The manipulation must have been really severe for her to succumb to the abuse more than once and then she became a "victim" again when her victimhood was not accepted . I wonder at what stage of the abuse this secret was revealed and by whom? The victimhood of the post modern philosophy is really as excuse for anyone to do as they please.
  23. Well when Satan lied, Jehovah allowed for time to prove him wrong. All lies cannot be countered immediately. It depends on the lie. But we all know that there are thousands of lies told by many people - from the degree of skewing the truth a little to look like and angel if light to blatant lies. Lies come in many different flavors and degrees.... It really takes time and effort to answer the lies which look like they are coming from an angel of light and are deliberately created to waste our time. Better to leave it in Jehovahs hands because those people are not ignorant of what they are doing and neither are they sincerely in search of the truth - so I just give the other cheek and heap coals on their head.
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