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Posts posted by Arauna

  1. Space merchant you understand the implications. It started with the beautiful thoughts of freedom, egalitarianism long before the French revolution.   Human philosophies has been inspired by Satan and he has been preparing for this world government for a very long time. ..... if one looks at the histories of these utopian philosophies and how it progressed until now.

    I put a note on the other subject related to this which shows how spiritism and indirect worship of Satan is all part of this trend.  The Lucis Trust writes blogs for the united nations.  Read up about theosophy....  You may get a shock. 

    I also found a link between Rosicrucian's and Islam...... and this explains so many things to me because many of the worlds organizations which have secret higher levels (such as free masons) are linked to false worship  and ideas of power in a one world government.

    All these organizations are linked to creating a "counterfeit"  word government in opposition to Jehovah.  Satan does not care how many people are killed - he is being drawn out to create one world order to substitute the purpose of Jehovah.

  2. Looked into Theosofist teachings - just a drop - and got the shock of my life.  They believe that Lucifer did an act of unselfish love when he rebelled.  This is the religion behind the Lucis Trust.... which writes a daily blog on the UN website to bring "sustainable living" to the world. (Lucis  (theosophy) is also part of the new age movement of  light - "enlightenment."   It is nothing other than pure spiritism with  kabbalism, hinduism and buddism (the meditation) smacked in between the sandwich.)

    I met a woman in a shop and we started talking; she comes to my house when she wants answers from the Bible when she has seen something in internet.  She is a good example of people who now go on internet and get sucked in on these "esoteric" websites which spout ideas similar to theosophy.   They are in actual fact worshiping the fallen angels (the ones which fell before the flood). 

    Many websites talk of god-men as aliens who came to earth and refer to ancient Sumerian writings as mentioning this hidden knowledge. This happened to be one of her questions as well. It is quite something to see that theosophy has similar ideas. The word occult means hidden. 

    Spiritism is absolutely rife in Africa - it is everywhere!  It seems it has now got a foothold in the West through all these weird "esoteric" - hidden knowledge philosophies.  

    Good people used to hold back the full power of Satan....... Satan has been ruling behind the scenes but it seems he and his angels will soon be a tsunami which openly will rule everything! It is the hidden force behind the UN. 

    Hope this is not too boring to you .... but I thought I will mention it for those who are active in field-service.  It is good to be aware of these trends then one can answer accurately and swiftly from the bible.

  3. Thanks for information on the dark and deep net.  I have read about the snuff movies on there regarding small children.  The internet and its hidden domains are a tool in the hands of Satan to do every evil work .  I was very careful to accept that this UN Agenda 21 is a reality. 

    When I understood  the goals of Islam (world rule and to institute sharia law) , I quickly realized that it is a counterfeit earthly world government  in place of Jehovah's heavenly government - pushed by Satan.  Satan has more than a billion people under his control because they are indoctrinated from childhood to accept actions which are not righteous by bible standards.  They are afraid of each other - to leave the religion. This is apart from the rest of Babylon the Great.

    Some churches in USA are voting to accept these new gender ideas..... 

    When I read about the roots of the philosophy of communism and how it infiltrated the west as cultural communism (and many other manifestations such as gender engineering ) , I realized that this push for one world government is a push by Satan to get most countries under his rule (again a counterfeit government in the place of Jehovah's government - the same MO.) 

    I then understood why all the  governments are so blind to Islams purpose because these UN/EU officials are secular rulers and do not understand religion.  They honestly think all religions are equal and if they give all the same 'material outcome ' - give all the same stuff and keep all in equal position - there will be world peace. 

    They will soon realize that all humans are equal but all cultures, philosophies and religions are NOT equal.  They will eventually bring in their own set of moral standards for everyone to follow and abolish personal religions.  At present they are covering up the atrocities and bad things to get the primary goal going as fast as possible - to remove borders and get everyone equalized in areas where they can control them. (People are being killed every day by knives in name of Allah - the press do not report it properly and just say the reason is unknown or the  persons involved were mentally ill.)  Now this new Migration Compact  will criminalize anyone who says anything about it. 

    I am not interested in the secular world - to be part of it -  but I am interested to see how it fulfills bible prophecy.  I am already " lifting my head up"  because it is only a matter of time... How far this will go - I do not know - but I understand that Satan is behind it all and I understand what his goals are. He is manipulating the propaganda and the hidden things for his ONE purpose (to completely control the world) a - physically, mentally and spiritually) and there are some influential people /rulers/billionaires (who do not really believe that Satan exists ) who are playing the entire game completely into his hands. 


  4. In Islam the penalty for heresy or blasphemy is the same  - death.   Indonesia has become intolerant.  The extreme form of islam is spreading everywhere now.  If one looks at old pictures of Egypt or Iran in the fifties - the women were wearing modern clothes and no hijab.  The new phenomenon is a political statement and women must adhere to this.  If they do not - they bring dishonor in the society to their husband and honor killing rakes place.  In Islam the behavior of women in a family is closely linked to the entire families' honor... so if a brother of a young girl who was alone with a man  for a while does not kill her - a cousin or extended family member can. 

  5. If I live in fear of the ruler and my neighbor is watching me all the time because they do not like me  - and one word from them could have me liquidated......I would definitely say that Stalin is the most wonderful man living. I would praise the government and bow to every request of the government and follow all its instructions. 

    People were so afraid of the authorities because not only did you suffer yourself.  They would come and take your children, your parents (everyone you loved and had contact with),  and lock them up. 

    It is easy to just read as a scholar (but with no imagination to put yourself in the shoes of the proletariat's)  well..... then it becomes a disputed number....  because there is no living person in a family to tell the story.

    It is now happening in North Korea.   If a person escapes - then the entire family is rounded up.   This is the method of communism.

  6. Frankly - how can a dispute on the numbers make Stalin less of a monster? He was a  killer like Genghis Khan  - but I am sure he fathered not as many children .... LOL    They found his genes in a fairly large percentage of earth's population.  (I am too lazy to look up the statistic but it is quite huge).

    I know that you want 'balance':  They call it here in Sweden "Lagom"  and it is a national mind set......  but there is no balance when we are talking about a monster who is responsible for a 'conservative' number like 20 million deaths. That is what atheism and an utopian philosophy does when they are put together.

  7. Yes - inside Russia the old state propaganda machine is working better than ever!

    Sweden, at present, is worried about Russian aggression to take Gotland for a port.  Russia has been silently taking pieces of land (and ports) and the world is doing nothing.  The propaganda machine of nationalism and church is flowering under Putin... 

    Heard of Alexander Dugan?  His ideas were radical 20 years ago but now all the Russian leaders are following his ideas.  He wants Russia to rule Europe - Eurasia

  8. So you are saying all anointed would have speaking of tongues, write bible books, prophecy - basically all  have the same gifts?  Why would they then need each other if all could do it all?  Sorry - this is simplifying the spirit Jehovah has and which he gives. 

    The spirit does give all the same qualities - of love , peace, joy etc. as mentioned in Gal 5:22 because it flows to all produce these qualities in all .... but the 'gifts' are given as needed.  So different brothers ha ve different gifts.

  9. Just saw this news item: Google is supporting snitching on neighbors - This technology will  probably eventually be used in the west.   (No gulag  but the death penalty for blasphemy)  In Pakistan so many Christians are being accused of blasphemy and are dying.  The children are  enslaved and their parent's possession taken.

    "Thanks to Google, blasphemy app is now a thing for folks in Indonesia who don’t approve of each other’s behavior.

    Journalist Laura Loomer (who herself was kicked off Twitter for ‘blasphemy’ against Congresswoman-elect Ilhan Omar) reports the app was approved by Google at the request of the Indonesian government.

    While Indonesia has strict blasphemy codes against hostility, hate and contempt against religion, it’s also the country which sourced the Islamic renewal movement. Islamic renewal is in the vein of Muslim reform and urges tolerance and critical thinking within the context of faith and theology.

    However, technological surveillance communities initiated by peers within that community is a very slippery slope, particularly when the app is used to address “deviant” behavior, which can mean anything." 


  10. Someone posted a response today on one of those two videos about the "code" enforcement for Agenda 21.  They said it was to get people off the land to build a speed train track.   Trains are a large part of the UN plan - to get people out of cars and in public transport.

    I may mention that South Africa is badly polluted too!  DDT was used when I was a little girl - literally everywhere!  I played on grass with DDT.  It was later banned but when the new government came in  it was again legal  and most probably ongoing.

    In Sweden there are many wilderness areas and public transport is excellent. So this part of the plan is very good.  I believe Sweden already has a high conformity to  Agenda 21.  People ride cycles and walk a lot!  Which is also healthy.   My husband and I love to walk in the "skogen" the forests - which are stunningly beautiful.  We do some "Oxygen bathing" in the forests. 

    Food is my greatest concern.   Production will be planned and will be rationed.  All mass meat farming is  the largest food sector producing methane - which is the largest contributor to global climate change. ... than transport. And what will the quality of food be if companies like Monsanto/Bayer produce it?  They genetically engineer as much as possible.... one sickness in a potato or a rice plant can leave millions without food.  They remove all diversity of plants and only genetically engineer one variety.

  11. There is a difference between being 'inspired' and being led by holy spirit.  The Holy Spirit has many functions and all these various functions produce results in line with Jehovah's purpose.  In times of Apostles some preached, some healed, some produced the scriptures, some spoke in languages.... all different results but fulfilling Jehovah's purpose.  


  12. Stalin killed so many of the trusted people in his government - those who were close to him.  His mind was cold and calculating. They were all afraid of him.  That was why they did NOTHING when he had his stroke.

    Stalin reminds me of Herod who killed most of his close family members because he was paranoid they would take his throne.  If there was just a whiff of a person "seeming " to be disloyal (no proof needed)  they were executed.  To try to say that such a person was not so wicked..... and that he was not behind the killings is ... well..... like Herod not being responsible for the order to kill all the babies. 

  13. I agree blood is blood - if it is 10 or 40 million.   But I am interested in how people get to that point of killing large numbers and how they justify it.... and could it happen again.  Are we on our way to another wave of this? 

    My mentioning these  numbers was to demonstrate how deadly the philosophy is and how we may see more killing. Under communism, neighbors snitched on neighbors they did not like and made up stories to get their apartments, food or other privileges.  Could this happen again?  Many of those in the Gulags were innocent victims.

    There is an arabic word THULM which means injustice... and the related word : thalaam means darkness.  Very apt for what is waiting for mankind.



  14. There is a BIG difference between 6 million and the "conservative" numbers of 20 million.  .....  As you say - one can see what you want to see.   So to complain about the 40,000 or 20,000 does not take away the possibility that we can see the same happening in future caused by the same philosophical thinking.  There is no "wish" in my heart to see what I see.  The next time it will not just be 20,000 or even 40,000 million or  a conservative 100 million.

    I see the same goals in the EU and the UN - it was reached by different pathways but the same goal.

    Looked at a clip today where Mr. Guy Verhofstadt shouted at the EU members in a meeting at the EU that the problems in the EU is  because some countries do not want to  "give over their sovereignty to the EU." 

    History has proven that humans are inherently wicked - we have ample examples in history of despots killing as many people as they wish and getting away with it.  If people do not actively work at being righteous according to the standards of God - anything is possible.

    I therefore believe that this will lead to the worst tribulation the world has ever seen.  Maybe they will have a Babylon of confusion before they try to reverse its original effect - but they will go down trying.... 


  15. This is  not about individual properties  " between other properties in suburbs" who can lose their homes.   This is about large areas where the people are deliberately targeted to get the land free from any homes... 

    This is different.... not a property tax issue but a "environmental code" issue.

  16. James - I am living in Sweden at present.  Next year we are moving to Georgia.... I have already started to learn the language. Stopped learning Swedish.  It is sufficient to get by for now. 

    I am in Arabic congregation at present.  There are individual adherents to the "religion of peace" which are attending meetings but they often change their name... and friends... 

  17. The heavenly woman which gives birth to a "heavenly kingdom" is not earthly congregations!  It is the same woman which is referred to in Gen 3:15...a heavenly woman - just as the 'bride' will be heavenly.  

    Galations  compares the two covenants (Moses and Jesus) to show that we are no longer under law - and are free from any "laws" under Christ - the woman "above" is free!  

    We are now under principals which we ourselves need to put into action.   Total freedom - but with responsibility..... even now I think the earthly class to not grasp that they are similar to anointed.  They have to follow the principals and love of Jehovah by free will and self-control.... and they can also be taught by Jehovah because we are already under Zion.  We do not need rulers.  We are already under total freedom under rule of Christ.  Our obligation is justice and love...... and keeping without blemish from the world..... and we all learn this from the bible and improve our behavior daily.

    The woman is not earthly.



  18. The Russian government were covering up their atrocities - this is why it is so hard to determine how many really died.  Even if people are wicked - they still try to cover up what they are doing because somehow they know it is wrong....

    Do not be misled......  this kind of power in the hands of few together with the philosophy that the death of few is for the greater good - is satanic.  This new world order speech looks similar.... this is why it is much more insidious than we expect.  The far left youth in America is talking this way. Because I am vigilant I notice it immediately.  Have you seen what Ms Cortez has been saying? This is an indication of the thought of the new generation.

    Use it  but do not trust Wiki - the pedia.  It is edited by scholars who come from these universities which are pushing the gender engineering agenda.  I have seen history rewritten when the agenda changes.   A good example is UNESCO - see how they are rewriting history to suit their agenda.  In South Africa, the history has also been rewritten.  I lived it - I know what is true and false. 

    Similarly, the scholars at all major universities are saying there is a wonderful religion of "peace". Hence, all the killers who are committing a real genocide in North Africa and middle east against Christians (large percentages of Christians are not getting refugee status and are being killed - but nothing in the news about a genocide) are called isolated cases by people who are mentally ill.  I know the religion and the history (I did my homework) .....I 'know' the university scholars are rewriting the 1400 years of war history.  ( Note: I hate the religious ideology of this religion - not the people......  I love the people but feel extremely sad to see them exploited by a bad mental state and the lies they are indoctrinated with). Fortunately there are the odd few who become JW but they all have a terrible time from family and a lot of suffering. 

    I live in a socialist Europe and I see how and when socialism works..... Communism is much different - it is extreme socialism - you do not want to live under it. There is a trend now to whitewash the history of communism. Why?  It is underestimated by the West and it is getting a better reputation...... Why?

    So despite the death tolls - this philosophy is back in another, more acceptable form.......And it was carefully engineered back! 

    Perestroika was a short aberration.  The Frankfort school left Germany (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frankfurt_School) and came to USA during the second world war. Its ideas were taken up by the French and changed to the new post modern way of thinking. This new way of thinking is "rebranded" communism but much more dangerous......the French revolution and the Russian revolution comes to mind.  The second phase of both revolutions killed many people.

    Why is this new philosophy so appealing to all students, colors of people and genders?  It promises total equality, dignity and acceptance.  Why are they so militant about it?  It teaches that social revolution is good for the greater good of all.  Communalism (the new philosophy of Agenda 21) fits in with this like a glove. This philosophy has  been undermining the west since the sexual revolution of the sixties.

    I know this is not going to work.  They will call 'peace' when they get the major part of the agenda done.... and then bring in the morals that all will have to adhere to - ONE human religion which accepts all creeds and all religions (and morals) and one may not protest it.  If you do not cooperate and preach your own religion - big problems for you!!

    With surveillance capabilities now available and already in operation - there is nothing they cannot do.

    This is how I see this unfolding...... Bible prophecy being fulfilled - exactly to the letter.    When one watches TV and sees the indoctrinated youth then one gets an idea what is lying ahead.  

    These riots in France started with the elderly and spread to others as they are sick of the social injustices of the governments who are only telling the news they are filtering.  Rapes, no-go zones, attacks, daily mentally sick people are killing others with knives... People are already afraid of the future and the new citizens have all the rights. 

    No matter how much they protest - behind the scenes the plan is going ahead as governments have committed to the agenda (Agenda 2030 is on internet too!) and the new migration compact which guarantees the rights of immigrants at financial expense and the rights of its citizens. (godly justice? - I call it human justice.....) 

    This is my take on the events happening.  I could be wrong.... but I am not taken in by this new diabolical philosophy.   

    I believe that all people will be equal under Jehovah - but it is a loving and willing process...... not forced on people.  It is a willingness to share at expense of self and yes - it will be a form of communalism - but loyalty to Jehovah and is principals will make people cooperate unselfishly to get the earth back to its previous condition.  No-one will tell others what to do.  The elders will be facilitators, inform and ask us to cooperate. explain the reasons. Unselfish love is no part of any human philosophy - only in the teachings of Christ.

    (So this Agenda 21 sounds wonderful!  it will not meet Jehovah's standards and will bring the great tribulation.)

    The 144000 will oversee from heaven but society here will be like loving sheep - no nasty qualities. Cooperation will be there in loving way.  This is the way of Jehovah.  (by the way - this is why I do not buy the story that the real anointed are outside the congregation now)..... The real anointed are going to heaven and elders are now being trained to take their place.  The 144000 do not need important places in the congregations right now.  They share in a precious heritage - but their focus should now be on preaching not ruling/teaching the congregation as individuals.

     We do not need human rulers...... this is the message throughout the bible.  Jehovah and Christ are our rulers - with the understanding of the previously imperfect 144,000 in heaven.  Each person will have self-control and correct themselves according to Jehovah's laws.   Their happiness at receiving "life" during the 1000 years will be their most cherished gift. 



  19. Sorry - I was sloppy.  I should have said 'communism' or officially atheist / totalitarian governments instead of just mentioning Stalin.

    How many deaths there really were we can debate about forever but one thing is sure - one should not whitewash what happened there. 

    It was state sponsored killing -   deliberate and with no accountability. And it was going on all the time.  People disappeared and were never seen again.  Conservative estimates are 20 million.  But it is a staggering number - even by  conservative estimates. It proves that communistic type governments or atheist governments are deadly.   Within a short time after Darwin we find such staggering numbers killed in a relatively short time compared to the centuries before.



  20. It has nothing to do with property taxes but with 'environmental codes' which are enforced in a tyrannical way. Codes are changed by stealth to obtain environmental sustainability in line with Agenda 21 for 21st century.  They want this completed by 2030. 

    Therefore, there is the urgency to push migration into  certain areas to redistribute wealth and get people off property and into high rise buildings.  They plan to have good transport in cities (trains, trams, busses etc.) so private cars will not be needed. All wonderful ideas.  

    Monsanto/Bayer is one of the companies to provide food!  (This is really troublesome!)  It is a system where all the global and powerful companies are now putting in stakes for the future. Water will be controlled and food production controlled and rationed as well. Control of consumerism is a good thing - things will be rationed!   If you are a bad citizen - beware!  I agree with you that all is done in 'good faith' . 

    The Bilderberg meetings once a year where all the rich and powerful are meeting in privacy are "good faith " meetings where they all talk about this and the progress already made and new problems.  The upper echelons of our world really believe they will bring the earth into a condition of cooperation and peace.  This was after all what the founding fathers of the UN wanted - when Elena Roosevelt recited the Theosophical creed when the UN was formed! 

    I too believe in environment sustainability. I know the scripture in Rev 11:18 very well.  I know all about the water that is poisoned in USA and the poisoning of the earth and the pollution of the sea and water.  Coming form Africa,  I too am appalled that we have lost 50% animals in 20 years and I read recently that 20 elephants were shot in one session and their tusks taken - apart from all the other incidents.  The last black rhino in North Africa was killed recently.  Agreed - drastic measures are necessary. 

    Since humans are not cooperating to get things done and there are environmental deniers putting out crazy paid-for studies - the UN is going on with this plan without the populous' consent.

    Maybe we will inherit an earth with some wilderness areas and a few hundred animals left after all!  

    I am bringing attention to this: Humans cannot govern humans successfully - especially when a few autocrats with huge egos do it .  The EU is a very good example of this.  What is going on in Europe is a farce!  I truly believe these people are blinded by satan when they cover up all the rapes and killings going on daily!  I have my sources to get this information but they soon will be de-funded. 

    This is an usurping of authority at local level to complete UN plans.  If you do more research you will find that there are certain areas they want to designate wilderness areas - but at present people are living there.  So (if you listened well to the presentation  and read what you said you did - they want to amalgamate rural areas into major areas to be able to control land, water and all mineral resources.)

    I would call - the pushing of these compliance "codes" through on ordinances (and sidestepping the laws already in place); allowing a home-owner to be billed thousands of dollars as a form of landgrab - to get them off the land.  The landowner is guilty until proven innocent - contrary to laws of the land.  All kinds of fees including legal fees have to be paid by the land owner - so they lose their house for violating new environmental "codes" - I would call that tyranny.  Just one incident is too much for hard-working people - it is called injustice. 

    So if this is the form the justice that is starting to taking place - what do you think the actual rule will be like?  When the nations give their rule over for a short period of time to this UN will it be better than what we have?  A short time when the environment will be more important than the people.....?.   maybe Jehovah is drawing Satan out so he inadvertently gets part of the job done before Armageddon - thinking he can fix and rule the earth - who knows?

    State laws were brought in to stop this - but local NGOs are going ahead with these UN plans.  Local governments and NGOs are receiving money for this from billionaires and also from money syphered off the federal government.  (This is why I feel that Trump is a flash in the pan..... I could be wrong.... but this planning and maneuvering has been going on for years.  This agenda will win.

    A forensic accountant, who worked for the government , says that 21 trillion dollars is missing. She was joined by a professor and his students who went through the government ledgers and info online and confirmed her suspicions.  She thinks part of it  it has been used to implement agenda 21 behind the scenes.  Time will tell.  US nature reserves such as Yellow Stone are already falling under UN control as heritage sites  - did you know that?

    Ever wondered how the UN will get back its teeth?   It has it already - by all the richest people on earth believing that this new form of governance - called Communalism"  will bring an utopia to the world.  I know that human, and especially UN government, is not going to work.  There is a prophecy against it.   Will I oppose it?  Definitely not.  It is gone way too far and anyone speaking against it will soon be shut up because of the Compact signed this week.  Those in ignorance of it will remain in ignorance of it. 

    The new post modern philosophy which hates god (patriarchy) and has its gender engineering is a major part of it , is also being pushed by the UN.  Any form of sex is acceptable except the kind which brings forth children.  The new morality is already pushed onto young children in schools without their parents being aware of it.  Vaccines may help to control population.  It may be part of the plan - bill gates has been talking openly about it. 

    All agencies in the UN are working together to implement this plan - hence the education department pushing all these new moral ideas on children and students at university level too.  Ever wondered why there is so much hate and chaos at universities - the new philosophy. The top echelons of the education departments in most countries have already been brain-washed during the past 20 years to accept these ideas and view it at crucial in new school curriculums.

    We have seen this form of re-training of journalists and land reform before -  in Russia and China...

    I believe we will see the worst tribulation ever when they start to schedule the production of food and possible the rationing thereof.  If you have read about the inside workings of Russia regarding the production and rationing of food as well as the forced equalizing of society - you will have a good idea what is waiting.  

    How far they will get - I do not know.  All I know is - I am informed and will watch from the sideline, if I am still alive, how everything starts to implode - right on time for the Bible prophecies to be fulfilled. 

    EU is fast approaching the time when the UN can step in.  Paris is in flames and many countries here are in culture shock due to too rapid migration.  The Compact forces countries to supply necessities to migrants.  Old people who paid into the social system are being put out of their homes to accommodate migrants - who actually are violent and unappreciative.  They have the attitude that they have rights and wants and it must be accommodated.   The press do not write about it.  An old lady on Sweden was brutally attacked on her bike.  She awoke in hospital and when she recovered she put it on FB.  She got a 2 year prison sentence.  This is not the only case but the easiest one to write about quickly.

    Their beautiful dream of ruling the world under Satan will have to be broken up by Jehovah - no one can stop it..  This is already too powerful to contain.  The UN is going ahead behind every ones back and they are penalizing organizations which are not cooperating - Google got a fine.  Silencing of speech is already here! 

    They banned all journalists from the Compact signing ceremony and the Compact itself has a clause which can be enforced in Human Rights Court (which recently ruled that all blasphemy against the "Prophet of peace" is valid to be prosecuted).... so soon the preaching will have to be done very, very carefully!  The Compact clearly states that journalists must be re-trained and that opposition to the plan will have legal consequences.  ..... International human rights court.  

    If you have not realized this yet - the migration Compact is to get everyone "equalized".  A redistribution of wealth.... kinda nice version of world-wide communism. 

    This is only my opinion - but I think the spot is on bible prophecy.  Satan really thinks he can have one world government and peace!   He will try to force all into one world government if he can do so!   How far he will get - I do not know.....  

  21. Unfortunately - this item is just available on the far-right news. But this is indicating how subtly the local authorities are working to get this Agenda 21 completed before 2030.   Watch this and give your comments:  This is land appropriation under "sustainability" - one of the buzz words for  Agenda 21. 


  22. If you do not have the mark  - if you are dissident - you will not have many rights.  They are already curbing rights of those individuals who are objecting....  Visa, Mastercard and patreon.  It is only the beginning of these restrictions but when we get digital currency they can watch all your buying and selling - because all banking will be digitized - it will be like the present Chinese surveillance.  They will know everything about you.

    I live in Sweden and everything is almost totally digitized.  Parking spaces digitised - almost no cash used anywhere.  Swish is used and easy card payments everywhere!

  23. Back to OCD symptoms! 

    You love to pull my words out of context don't you?    The bible itself says that we must not mix or "greet" with anyone who does certain things - you are familiar with the list of actions. So you have 'convenient amnesia' of these scriptures - - UNLESS of course you have disrespect for it and you are now using my words to forward your own agenda.

    So please control the OCD and get back to the subject of human rulership and Agenda 21 - the 2018 UN compact.

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