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Everything posted by Arauna

  1. The heavenly woman which gives birth to a "heavenly kingdom" is not earthly congregations! It is the same woman which is referred to in Gen 3:15...a heavenly woman - just as the 'bride' will be heavenly. Galations compares the two covenants (Moses and Jesus) to show that we are no longer under law - and are free from any "laws" under Christ - the woman "above" is free! We are now under principals which we ourselves need to put into action. Total freedom - but with responsibility..... even now I think the earthly class to not grasp that they are similar to anointed. They have to follow the principals and love of Jehovah by free will and self-control.... and they can also be taught by Jehovah because we are already under Zion. We do not need rulers. We are already under total freedom under rule of Christ. Our obligation is justice and love...... and keeping without blemish from the world..... and we all learn this from the bible and improve our behavior daily. The woman is not earthly.
  2. The Russian government were covering up their atrocities - this is why it is so hard to determine how many really died. Even if people are wicked - they still try to cover up what they are doing because somehow they know it is wrong.... Do not be misled...... this kind of power in the hands of few together with the philosophy that the death of few is for the greater good - is satanic. This new world order speech looks similar.... this is why it is much more insidious than we expect. The far left youth in America is talking this way. Because I am vigilant I notice it immediately. Have you seen what Ms Cortez has been saying? This is an indication of the thought of the new generation. Use it but do not trust Wiki - the pedia. It is edited by scholars who come from these universities which are pushing the gender engineering agenda. I have seen history rewritten when the agenda changes. A good example is UNESCO - see how they are rewriting history to suit their agenda. In South Africa, the history has also been rewritten. I lived it - I know what is true and false. Similarly, the scholars at all major universities are saying there is a wonderful religion of "peace". Hence, all the killers who are committing a real genocide in North Africa and middle east against Christians (large percentages of Christians are not getting refugee status and are being killed - but nothing in the news about a genocide) are called isolated cases by people who are mentally ill. I know the religion and the history (I did my homework) .....I 'know' the university scholars are rewriting the 1400 years of war history. ( Note: I hate the religious ideology of this religion - not the people...... I love the people but feel extremely sad to see them exploited by a bad mental state and the lies they are indoctrinated with). Fortunately there are the odd few who become JW but they all have a terrible time from family and a lot of suffering. I live in a socialist Europe and I see how and when socialism works..... Communism is much different - it is extreme socialism - you do not want to live under it. There is a trend now to whitewash the history of communism. Why? It is underestimated by the West and it is getting a better reputation...... Why? So despite the death tolls - this philosophy is back in another, more acceptable form.......And it was carefully engineered back! Perestroika was a short aberration. The Frankfort school left Germany (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frankfurt_School) and came to USA during the second world war. Its ideas were taken up by the French and changed to the new post modern way of thinking. This new way of thinking is "rebranded" communism but much more dangerous......the French revolution and the Russian revolution comes to mind. The second phase of both revolutions killed many people. Why is this new philosophy so appealing to all students, colors of people and genders? It promises total equality, dignity and acceptance. Why are they so militant about it? It teaches that social revolution is good for the greater good of all. Communalism (the new philosophy of Agenda 21) fits in with this like a glove. This philosophy has been undermining the west since the sexual revolution of the sixties. I know this is not going to work. They will call 'peace' when they get the major part of the agenda done.... and then bring in the morals that all will have to adhere to - ONE human religion which accepts all creeds and all religions (and morals) and one may not protest it. If you do not cooperate and preach your own religion - big problems for you!! With surveillance capabilities now available and already in operation - there is nothing they cannot do. This is how I see this unfolding...... Bible prophecy being fulfilled - exactly to the letter. When one watches TV and sees the indoctrinated youth then one gets an idea what is lying ahead. These riots in France started with the elderly and spread to others as they are sick of the social injustices of the governments who are only telling the news they are filtering. Rapes, no-go zones, attacks, daily mentally sick people are killing others with knives... People are already afraid of the future and the new citizens have all the rights. No matter how much they protest - behind the scenes the plan is going ahead as governments have committed to the agenda (Agenda 2030 is on internet too!) and the new migration compact which guarantees the rights of immigrants at financial expense and the rights of its citizens. (godly justice? - I call it human justice.....) This is my take on the events happening. I could be wrong.... but I am not taken in by this new diabolical philosophy. I believe that all people will be equal under Jehovah - but it is a loving and willing process...... not forced on people. It is a willingness to share at expense of self and yes - it will be a form of communalism - but loyalty to Jehovah and is principals will make people cooperate unselfishly to get the earth back to its previous condition. No-one will tell others what to do. The elders will be facilitators, inform and ask us to cooperate. explain the reasons. Unselfish love is no part of any human philosophy - only in the teachings of Christ. (So this Agenda 21 sounds wonderful! it will not meet Jehovah's standards and will bring the great tribulation.) The 144000 will oversee from heaven but society here will be like loving sheep - no nasty qualities. Cooperation will be there in loving way. This is the way of Jehovah. (by the way - this is why I do not buy the story that the real anointed are outside the congregation now)..... The real anointed are going to heaven and elders are now being trained to take their place. The 144000 do not need important places in the congregations right now. They share in a precious heritage - but their focus should now be on preaching not ruling/teaching the congregation as individuals. We do not need human rulers...... this is the message throughout the bible. Jehovah and Christ are our rulers - with the understanding of the previously imperfect 144,000 in heaven. Each person will have self-control and correct themselves according to Jehovah's laws. Their happiness at receiving "life" during the 1000 years will be their most cherished gift.
  3. Sorry - I was sloppy. I should have said 'communism' or officially atheist / totalitarian governments instead of just mentioning Stalin. How many deaths there really were we can debate about forever but one thing is sure - one should not whitewash what happened there. It was state sponsored killing - deliberate and with no accountability. And it was going on all the time. People disappeared and were never seen again. Conservative estimates are 20 million. But it is a staggering number - even by conservative estimates. It proves that communistic type governments or atheist governments are deadly. Within a short time after Darwin we find such staggering numbers killed in a relatively short time compared to the centuries before. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Black_Book_of_Communism
  4. It has nothing to do with property taxes but with 'environmental codes' which are enforced in a tyrannical way. Codes are changed by stealth to obtain environmental sustainability in line with Agenda 21 for 21st century. They want this completed by 2030. Therefore, there is the urgency to push migration into certain areas to redistribute wealth and get people off property and into high rise buildings. They plan to have good transport in cities (trains, trams, busses etc.) so private cars will not be needed. All wonderful ideas. Monsanto/Bayer is one of the companies to provide food! (This is really troublesome!) It is a system where all the global and powerful companies are now putting in stakes for the future. Water will be controlled and food production controlled and rationed as well. Control of consumerism is a good thing - things will be rationed! If you are a bad citizen - beware! I agree with you that all is done in 'good faith' . The Bilderberg meetings once a year where all the rich and powerful are meeting in privacy are "good faith " meetings where they all talk about this and the progress already made and new problems. The upper echelons of our world really believe they will bring the earth into a condition of cooperation and peace. This was after all what the founding fathers of the UN wanted - when Elena Roosevelt recited the Theosophical creed when the UN was formed! I too believe in environment sustainability. I know the scripture in Rev 11:18 very well. I know all about the water that is poisoned in USA and the poisoning of the earth and the pollution of the sea and water. Coming form Africa, I too am appalled that we have lost 50% animals in 20 years and I read recently that 20 elephants were shot in one session and their tusks taken - apart from all the other incidents. The last black rhino in North Africa was killed recently. Agreed - drastic measures are necessary. Since humans are not cooperating to get things done and there are environmental deniers putting out crazy paid-for studies - the UN is going on with this plan without the populous' consent. Maybe we will inherit an earth with some wilderness areas and a few hundred animals left after all! I am bringing attention to this: Humans cannot govern humans successfully - especially when a few autocrats with huge egos do it . The EU is a very good example of this. What is going on in Europe is a farce! I truly believe these people are blinded by satan when they cover up all the rapes and killings going on daily! I have my sources to get this information but they soon will be de-funded. This is an usurping of authority at local level to complete UN plans. If you do more research you will find that there are certain areas they want to designate wilderness areas - but at present people are living there. So (if you listened well to the presentation and read what you said you did - they want to amalgamate rural areas into major areas to be able to control land, water and all mineral resources.) I would call - the pushing of these compliance "codes" through on ordinances (and sidestepping the laws already in place); allowing a home-owner to be billed thousands of dollars as a form of landgrab - to get them off the land. The landowner is guilty until proven innocent - contrary to laws of the land. All kinds of fees including legal fees have to be paid by the land owner - so they lose their house for violating new environmental "codes" - I would call that tyranny. Just one incident is too much for hard-working people - it is called injustice. So if this is the form the justice that is starting to taking place - what do you think the actual rule will be like? When the nations give their rule over for a short period of time to this UN will it be better than what we have? A short time when the environment will be more important than the people.....?. maybe Jehovah is drawing Satan out so he inadvertently gets part of the job done before Armageddon - thinking he can fix and rule the earth - who knows? State laws were brought in to stop this - but local NGOs are going ahead with these UN plans. Local governments and NGOs are receiving money for this from billionaires and also from money syphered off the federal government. (This is why I feel that Trump is a flash in the pan..... I could be wrong.... but this planning and maneuvering has been going on for years. This agenda will win. A forensic accountant, who worked for the government , says that 21 trillion dollars is missing. She was joined by a professor and his students who went through the government ledgers and info online and confirmed her suspicions. She thinks part of it it has been used to implement agenda 21 behind the scenes. Time will tell. US nature reserves such as Yellow Stone are already falling under UN control as heritage sites - did you know that? Ever wondered how the UN will get back its teeth? It has it already - by all the richest people on earth believing that this new form of governance - called Communalism" will bring an utopia to the world. I know that human, and especially UN government, is not going to work. There is a prophecy against it. Will I oppose it? Definitely not. It is gone way too far and anyone speaking against it will soon be shut up because of the Compact signed this week. Those in ignorance of it will remain in ignorance of it. The new post modern philosophy which hates god (patriarchy) and has its gender engineering is a major part of it , is also being pushed by the UN. Any form of sex is acceptable except the kind which brings forth children. The new morality is already pushed onto young children in schools without their parents being aware of it. Vaccines may help to control population. It may be part of the plan - bill gates has been talking openly about it. All agencies in the UN are working together to implement this plan - hence the education department pushing all these new moral ideas on children and students at university level too. Ever wondered why there is so much hate and chaos at universities - the new philosophy. The top echelons of the education departments in most countries have already been brain-washed during the past 20 years to accept these ideas and view it at crucial in new school curriculums. We have seen this form of re-training of journalists and land reform before - in Russia and China... I believe we will see the worst tribulation ever when they start to schedule the production of food and possible the rationing thereof. If you have read about the inside workings of Russia regarding the production and rationing of food as well as the forced equalizing of society - you will have a good idea what is waiting. How far they will get - I do not know. All I know is - I am informed and will watch from the sideline, if I am still alive, how everything starts to implode - right on time for the Bible prophecies to be fulfilled. EU is fast approaching the time when the UN can step in. Paris is in flames and many countries here are in culture shock due to too rapid migration. The Compact forces countries to supply necessities to migrants. Old people who paid into the social system are being put out of their homes to accommodate migrants - who actually are violent and unappreciative. They have the attitude that they have rights and wants and it must be accommodated. The press do not write about it. An old lady on Sweden was brutally attacked on her bike. She awoke in hospital and when she recovered she put it on FB. She got a 2 year prison sentence. This is not the only case but the easiest one to write about quickly. Their beautiful dream of ruling the world under Satan will have to be broken up by Jehovah - no one can stop it.. This is already too powerful to contain. The UN is going ahead behind every ones back and they are penalizing organizations which are not cooperating - Google got a fine. Silencing of speech is already here! They banned all journalists from the Compact signing ceremony and the Compact itself has a clause which can be enforced in Human Rights Court (which recently ruled that all blasphemy against the "Prophet of peace" is valid to be prosecuted).... so soon the preaching will have to be done very, very carefully! The Compact clearly states that journalists must be re-trained and that opposition to the plan will have legal consequences. ..... International human rights court. If you have not realized this yet - the migration Compact is to get everyone "equalized". A redistribution of wealth.... kinda nice version of world-wide communism. This is only my opinion - but I think the spot is on bible prophecy. Satan really thinks he can have one world government and peace! He will try to force all into one world government if he can do so! How far he will get - I do not know.....
  5. Unfortunately - this item is just available on the far-right news. But this is indicating how subtly the local authorities are working to get this Agenda 21 completed before 2030. Watch this and give your comments: This is land appropriation under "sustainability" - one of the buzz words for Agenda 21. https://youtu.be/WnQy8h7PsHM
  6. If you do not have the mark - if you are dissident - you will not have many rights. They are already curbing rights of those individuals who are objecting.... Visa, Mastercard and patreon. It is only the beginning of these restrictions but when we get digital currency they can watch all your buying and selling - because all banking will be digitized - it will be like the present Chinese surveillance. They will know everything about you. I live in Sweden and everything is almost totally digitized. Parking spaces digitised - almost no cash used anywhere. Swish is used and easy card payments everywhere!
  7. Back to OCD symptoms! You love to pull my words out of context don't you? The bible itself says that we must not mix or "greet" with anyone who does certain things - you are familiar with the list of actions. So you have 'convenient amnesia' of these scriptures - - UNLESS of course you have disrespect for it and you are now using my words to forward your own agenda. So please control the OCD and get back to the subject of human rulership and Agenda 21 - the 2018 UN compact.
  8. Yes - the new Buzz words of the UN is "sustainable living" It is all wrapped up in their UN Agenda 21 plans for the 21st century and to get all people living on only half the planet..... this is why they have the migration policies.
  9. There is slavery and there is injustice from worldly governments and the slavery which Christ calls us to - which is totally different. There is also fleshly thinking and spiritual thinking. The principals of Jehovah will definitely be slavery to some people. I recall doing field service in South Africa during the apartheid / segregation years. If some of those whiteys learn they have to live with black people in the new world they would decline to speak to us - similar to the militant black people who belong to the "five pennies" religion or the black Israelite movement. This is slavery to them or something beneath them. They close the kingdom for themselves by their attitudes. Well one can apply this lesson to almost anything. How many people close the kingdom for themselves because of their unyielding attitudes - they are the first that will call yielding a form of slavery.
  10. As Mr Hartley rightly said. If a person cannot submit himself to others - each one wants to be the king sitting next to Jesus? How is an anointed going to rule together in peace with others in heaven? Blessed are the peacemakers for they will see God. Jesus was the ultimate humble one. We should show the fruitage of the spirit and just be grateful we understand the scriptures and are taught by the holy spirit. This helps us to carry on in a world and congregation where everything is not perfect. The nation of israel was not perfect - but they were used by Jehovah to bring forth the messiah. There is also a time to talk and a time to keep quiet. ...... But I truly believe that ego is the source of all problems - like satan. One can easily believe that you have the right and the knowledge to create divisions. I have a recent example in my own life: been in several Arabic groups and recently joined an arabic congregation in my territory. I moved from one city to another as my husband changed jobs. There are brothers there who come from Islamic background. They asked me not to speak to the newcomer visitors who are men too much. Just greet them. (Even though some of them love to talk to me - an old silly lady who is very friendly and crazy - they look me up - not me them!). These elders were thinking totally from a Muslim perspective. I was taken aback? Is this not the place where these Muslims must see the difference to their own world and culture? They did not appear to be offended to speak to me? With the brothers and their cultural background I can give them many explanations to prove they are wrong - their thinking is wrong. I have worked with Muslims and I can honestly say - in the field service the men just love my strong confident and funny way of explaining things......Nevertheless - I accepted the correction and will just trust in Jehovah that he will sort it in his time.... I trust Jehovah. For a small stupid thing like that .... I can promote peace and help create peace in the congregation. I can tell them I have superior cultural insight ...... will this work? I do not think it will be a wise or smart move.... Most things sort themselves out in time - similarly the teachings.... I honestly believe that one must identify the slave. " Who is the discreet slave?" . The bible asks a question. This slave will be organized so it can give spiritual food to all of the disciples on time to keep them strong. It is in the congregation where we have the brotherhood to stay strong and get Jehovah's spirit and be encouraged by others. I am not going to jeopardize my place in it for my superior insight..... and I have a very good way of reasoning to prove they are wrong..... but I will not go into that now. The bottom line is this: an anointed (or any other) who separates from his brothers has a problem. Especially if he /she is not showing fruitage of a peaceful spirit and uses the knowledge they have to cause divisions. These dissenters can be mild tempered - more so than other brothers..... but their intent has shifted just a few degrees to make them an enemy of Jehovah while still thinking they are serving the true god. So anyone telling Mr Butler he is right to separate himself has proved their fruitage.... The bible shows there will be 'one' undivided nation on earth in time of end who learn war no more. If you can give me proof of some other nation which does not follow the trinity, immortality of the soul etc etc and are united - let me know...... I might investigate them to join. Until you bring the evidence - I trust the "imperfect men who form the GB - to do their imperfect job - as Jehovah always uses imperfect but obedient men for his purposes. (Noah got drunk- david committed adultery - want more examples?) Similarly , Paul, Barnabas and Peter subjected themselves to the GB in Jerusalem and went to testify there about the acceptance of Jehovah of the "nations". If you are not in unity with this nation - you have a problem and may not be sealed. This is between you and Jehovah.... but I hate to see people misleading others by kind but deceptive words. If you find yourself outside the congregation - there is usually a good reason for it. Do not blame the brothers like Adam blamed Satan.... I need the brothers and sisters - so I will promote peace and quickly forgive so I can remain in peace with all..... after all - righteousness can only grow where there is peace.
  11. I do think that the united nations is now forcing everyone to comply as far as possible. Next week when they sign the immigration Compact one of the stipulations are that journalists would be 're-trained " to only speak positive of the plan. Journalists who print anything negative will be hauled before the Human Rights court (UN Human Rights Org) which is an organization now run by mostly muslim leaders. This Compact will basically get rid of national autonomy and replace it with open borders - to get all people equal - this is the goal and the dream. Muslim leaders are voting each other in at the UN - this is why they (UNESCO) voted more than a year ago that Israel has NO history in Palestine at all! So Rome in 70CE never happened??? and this organization is supposed to protect "heritage". At present - African countries who do not comply to the UN "re-education" of children are already cut off from much needed funds. Google, Facebook, twitter have received fines if they allow certain kind of speech and are actually enforcing sharia restrictions on speech in many Western countries and of course also complying with surveillance in China. Independent journalists on internet are finding their funds cut off - I used to follow and ex-intelligence analyst who served in British intelligence for many years. His funding was cut on Youtube recently by Mastercard. Visa and Patreon doing the same. Many people against this plan are disappearing off internet - this is really happening- it is not a conspiracy. These global corporations have digital clout and their master is the EU/UN with its utopian ideology. All global corporations are now staking their claims and influence to supply the future food, housing, water, property for this plan. Monsanto is one of them. All food, water etc will be rationed.... and all other utilities will be provided to you. Of course - China is already getting ready for this... with huge empty buildings standing around..... I always wondered what this was for? Now I know. I do not know how far the UN will get - but I think pretty far because the young people have all been indoctrinated with this new philosophy without anyone realizing how far it has gone. (this gender equality and feminism is part of it). Many organizations in America has already been infiltrated....... so nationalism may just be a flash in the pan. The IMF or world financiers will break the US economy by bringing in a global monetary digital system. At present the US dollar is coping because of the dollar exchange rate which is propping it up. This could disappear. The large digital Corporations have been brought in control by legislation or fines to do the bidding of the UN masters. Bilderberg and all these guys with their trillions have a dream of uniting the world under the UN and they are ideologs who really think that peace can come by providing everyone with one set of morals and laws and restrictions and control everyone. Digitally they will be able to see what you are buying and selling and basically everything about you. You will be classed as a favorable or unfavorable subject.... and there will be penalties just like in China at present..... So do I believe we will see the worst oppression in human history when they only allow so much food to be produced for everyone? And water and all your needs rationed? I think so. It will be a tribulation all right. The dream of satan and his lackeys to bring a wonderful, peaceful, united world under his UN governance.... If this happens then Jehovah has been so accurate in his predictions..... The GB have not yet said anything about it..... and they must be careful to say anything about it......I know that. What I see is that Satan is being drawn out of his liar.... he does not care what suffering he brings or if many people die - he is the father of death after all..... he just wants to see if he can manipulate things to get this done. All these people are under his influence. - the philosophies of the last 2 centuries has been leading up to this. Communism was a beautiful philosophy but together with atheism it brought 40 million dead in USSR and 100 million dead in China etc etc. The world leaders are so blind they cannot see that Islam is a dangerous religion - all people and all religions are the same - so they think. They are using it to bring one government. islam believes it must rule the world so it has infiltrated all the "freedom organisations such as women's rights (even though they have no women's or children's rights). Iran etc. has been funding many organizations in USA. So when they have served their purpose - satans purpose - the UN will act against religions by bringing in their own moral set of laws. This plan comes from 18th century philosophers and was picked up by Kalergi - go read about it. There are other spiritists also involved. This is why the Lucis trust is so heavily involved with the united nations and the Bahai religion.... I have not read this document below but I quickly looked it up for you just to give you an idea what has been lurking under our noses all along. See which prominent religions have been influenced by this way of thinking! https://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/sociopolitica/esp_sociopol_lucytrust04.htm Yes - the world will soon see the biggest upheavals in 2 millennia.... it will start with protests and oppositions groups such as the nationalists ...but then protesters may disappear in the sea of control. Satan loves to control - anyone who loves to control - has qualities of satan in their personality. It will show very soon! I have a lot more to add... but I think the implications are huge for the future of the globe. I may not be around but I would like to hear how it played out when I am resurrected. China and these governments also want their stake. What if there is a great war? Then the UN will get its wish even faster than anticipated because then most countries will be so relieved to have the UN around and will willingly give them control of unity and peace in the world....... (this compact also talks in a very strange way of freedom of religions - it must be subject to UN thought). The 8th world government (mentioned in revelation) will rule for a short period of time. They will also restrict religion for their purpose. I hope they put us all in prison together.... will that happen ? I do not know..... only our creator knows. But he is preparing us now in a most loving way.
  12. I agree with what you said about knowledge. The scripture in 1Cor 8: 1 says: "Knowledge puffs up but love builds. " So I think we should not judge those too quickly who sit with the problems of collecting evidence or making a decision on this. I agree with you when you think all the signs are there that a person is guilty and they get away with such a horrible secret crime..... it breaks my heart too because children carry the guilt with them for the rest of their lives! Unfortunately - they become more secret once they think someone knows. Jehovah is the great compensator...... so we should not just look to this life when we have suffered but look forward to the time when we will not look back and we will not remember the sad things. Jehovah is the great compensator! Always remember that. I can see at least that you have been badly hurt by this and you are hitting back but it is like ineffective swipes...... I am sure those elders feel the same way..... you just see from the outside. They are definitely not nonchalant about this. Jehovah after all does see everything and the wicked - those who are in our love feasts and are wicked - they will be sorted out soon. Just try to keep yourself clean as possible from this world, be just, be merciful and do not judge too quickly..... and remain close to Jehovah.
  13. Mr Butler - I feel for you - really. But one cannot transpose your own emotions about this onto other cases. It is a serious sin....... but hard to prove... So lets agree on this... it is not easy to prove this. I do not think you know half how difficult it is. I know child abuse happens but it is NOT accepted as part of our culture. In fact if the evidence can be proved the person would be out of the congregation immediately. Hearsay is not evidence. Accusation is not evidence....... unfortunately.... So Jehovah will bring those to justice. It is an absolute heinous crime because it is perpetrated on innocent and vulnerable children and this is why suspected cases are informed to other congregations. Do you have any other suggestions about how the procedure should be done when evidence is not enough to prove guilt? We can talk about the implications of this and how it would affect the assumption of guilt before proven guilty.....
  14. A name does not give the time, place and circumstances something happened - so I grieve with you that they did not manufacture the evidence... As I said before..... go and speak to someone working in the field and find out how hard it is to prove.... and what was the nature of molestation? Just touching or what.... if you have the evidence to convict - then sure, give the proof. Was the child taken immediately to the authorities for tests? ....by the parents? I think the parents should report it themselves to the authorities. There are so many level and degrees of abuse that one cannot judge the situation from an outside perspective..... and the lack of good evidence - especially if it is hearsay. I am trying to educate you on how complicated the matter is. It is not as easy as you think.... and if you do not have proof it is definitely slander....... until hard evidence is provided. So now you may find out it is not so easy to judge...... unless you have been in their shoes.
  15. You're right - that was a lazy slip up of words.... I meant exactly the way you corrected it. Thanks for correcting my spelling too! I guess you do not know how many languages I speak and just assume English is the only one and English is my first language ... your contribution tells me you only speak: emotional rant. Yes - so let the elders be judged by god - but it seems you have appointed yourself as judge and executioner! And you seems to assume that you know every situation. Does the bible not say that God will judge those who judge unjustly? Be careful that you are not one of them.
  16. Oh Mr Butler - you are outrageous.... if you knew the history of Hitler you would not be so quick to make comparisons! I bet you recall the history of Corah.... .... so I just leave it at that.
  17. Mr. Rook show respect for the subject...... who has now got the "agenda" you so quickly accuse others of. I would like to hear your comments on the captioned subject UN Compact 2018 - that is if you have any..... OCD again - GB bashing.
  18. Yes - I agree - the government authorities have the authority and the expertise to assess if sexual abuse really happened, when and how. We need only report it to the authorities - since the law for the reporting of this crime have now appeared in most first world countries. The authorities must follow up on the abuse ........ but in many cases they do not because of fund restrictions! England is up in arms because sex rings which have been operating for 15 years - where parents have gone to authorities themselves - and the police did nothing! Police are too busy looking on-line to see who is speaking against the new privileged class! Of course elders will try to assess the problem in the congregation - but since this is the most difficult crime to prove - due to its secrecy - they may make mistakes. Elders will have to keep an eye on the alleged perpetrator and if he moves they will let the next congregation know of the allegations. Only proper authorities know how to obtain proof in most cases directly after it has happened! When time passes it is easier for victim to testify or maybe as an adult.... Children can be groomed too! - especially in bitter divorce cases. So experts really need to assess this. Since these laws have improved it has made the task for the elders easier. This does not mean that they do not follow up. A pioneer sister brought a boy child to a meeting. The parents of the child had asked her - they were not witnesses - merely a return visit. A brothers kindly called her and said to her she must not do this again because she can be falsely accused..... so they really do try to protect us all. Parents are responsible to see their children do not go to bathrooms alone and vet those they do field service with. The elders cannot watch everything or know everything! The law of legal and spiritual confidentiality has not been removed from the statutes! So within the LAW, legal council need not reveal if a person is guilty or not.... and this also stands if a person has confessed to a priest or spiritual leader..... So lobby the government to remove this law if you feel it is unrighteous.
  19. If you really want to fight child abuse where it happens daily on a massive scale then put your life out there : go on a campaign to fight the child marriage, child female genital mutilation, pleasure marriages and sex abuse in Islam...... this will really bring you a lot of attention...... but NO, the reason why you bash JWs only on this subject is because you think they are easier to bash! Like a true bully you make sure the victim is easy to bully. Witnesses are easy to bully and deep down you psychologically know that - they avoid being confrontational - especially Americans. Me - I am a little different. I come from a strong culture. I know the American mentality - lived and worked there for 15 years. So go on be a real Hero - not just a miserable GB basher - go and fight the real cause... out there..... if you think it is really worth fighting then put your actions where your mouth is!
  20. I say what I think - it depends on how you say it ...... and I am a woman!...... You see, woman do not have as big egos as most men. It is a control thing with men or to be important or in charge. Brothers have a life-long battle to learn to control this. Some acknowledge this and some don't. If they are honest before Jehovah - they improve. If not - they get themselves into all kinds of problems.... I am not going to argue with you guys - your are so negative and toxic - you do not even come close to understanding how toxic you are.... so lets leave it at that. If you still want me on this forum then discuss the subject above and do not start to pull the GB apart.
  21. I have an idea you know nothing about the Pharisees and the Talmud - Mishna and all that - the reason you can compare the GB to the Pharisees. Also not the history of Israel from 200 BCE to 70 CE and the Greek influence in Palestine..... if you knew the history - then you might have respect for the GB..... and not be so quick to make comparisons....
  22. You have not done your research on pedophilia..... I can see that. You have not done your research on the outcome on the Australian enquiries and how many organizations participated...... so do not be an "accuser" like satan when you know little of the history...... I will just mention one item to you because I think you are very uninformed ....... There were no laws in any country against pedophilia in the 50s and sixties. Governments are to blame because there were no laws in place. People were too afraid to openly speak about it. It was only in the late 60s and seventies that we find newspapers starting to talk about this. How do I know? I worked for newspapers........ So in the fifties and sixties the JWs at least kept track of brothers they did not have sufficient proof for to put them out of congregation. When the suspect moved to new congregation the next congregation was notified.... this is what they did during the 50s and 60s. This is way too little that was done but still much more than most other sports associations did or even other churches did at the time. Child molestation is everywhere you find children - it is everywhere. Sports associations and scouts etc etc. It was only in the 80s when one could get a possible conviction - but it is a crime hard to prove. Very important! - As late as 2003 the first law in America appeared to protect the child from being cross-examined in court in front of the perpetrator - this was a second trauma to the child...... so I would say that legislation was to blame for the nonchalant approach to this problem. in 2003 the law allowed for a recording to be used.... Today - it still a problem to get child services to properly evaluate children because most counties do not have funds to give proper support services. Legislation took so long because the top echelons of society such as judges and many legislators are part of child sex rings - or do you really live in a world of naivety? most of these people have their cases suppressed - or do you think you live in a fair society? Think again. In England now there has been suppression of rape cases for 15 years because the perpetrators were of a race that was "sensitive" for police authorities. At present the age of consent is getting lower and lower - did you not notice that? In California it has changed - so it is viewed as consensual sex when a child is involved. With Islamic 10 year old marriages and Female genital mutilation things are changing fast..... and in many countries police do not even follow it up any more. Only in America one finds people who want to make a buck from their suffering go to court and the law is kinda retro-active because people judge 40 year cases on the current laws and not on the laws that were in place at the time..... So there is just a little for you to think about before you spew you accusations again...... So this is why I left the forum because one has to constantly deal with people who spew deceptive information and have not made sure of their facts or do not want to know what is the truth. They just need an eco-chamber....
  23. Mr Butler - you find this fabulous because it is an eco-chamber. You saying that what I said fits the GB- this indicates you do not understand what I said. The GB is part of a nation - these people are not. Most probably like you they have lost their privilege to be a witness and now take to revenge on internet to justify their positions - something I see here all the time. The OCD syndrome..... over and over the same of same.... I learnt nothing new here and I did not in the past.
  24. Jesus had insight which you do not have..... unless you think you are especially gifted. Jesus was loving to everyone except the Pharisees. I see a lot of ignorance and arrogance here on this forum. One cannot answer anyone that thinks they have all the answers and give themselves the right to put themselves on a pedestal - they suffer from the same disease as the Pharisees. People here think they are especially intellectual. Logic don't work in them.
  25. I put this here to make you aware. There are far right conspiracies everywhere -so be careful. But in the light of George Orwell's 1984 book - this control of speech seems to be part of the "big brother" which can only augur misgivings about this rule of the UN. ..... and we have bible prophecy to back it up. Their peace will be deceiving! When they call that - we will not be deceived!
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