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Everything posted by Arauna

  1. I believe I do have an open mind and I am open to new ways of looking at things but when one argues about history and dates one really has to have the expertise in the field to distinguish fact from fiction... And unfortunately most experts will accept dodgy historians of ancient days while overriding what the bible has to say. This is when I evaluate what the bible has to say first and look at what material the organization has looked at and evaluated before me. In the past I used to get the books ( quoted in the Insight book) from the library (when possible) and look at it for myself. I think one should really evaluate the information which the governing body has put together as part of your decision making process and not be an expert on your own. In collaboration with others one will reach a better conclusion. I do not reject new thinking but I think that when someone has done the trouble to go through all the available information on the subject to assist us one should NOT be suspicious that they are pushing an agenda as though they are our enemy and wish to harm us. They truly believe they have a mission to uphold Jehovah's word - despite the fact that they are fallible and sometimes grumpy old men. This is why I like the idea of writing committees because this ensures that most agree with what must be written before it is published. Yes there are always domineering individuals but I do think that this is eventually sorted out - and when it comes to history or evaluating ideas - one has to evaluate everything that is available. One of my first test of any new information is : how does it fit in with what the rest of the Bible says about this subject.... if there are several other places which confirms a particular viewpoint - this is what I will go with. I believe that there will in future be wicked individual slaves - like in the past - who will sow seeds of apostasy and as part of Satans final onslaught to attack the slave --- by slanderous material (already happening) and spreading false information (already here) and sowing doubt about basic teachings. I am vigilant to this - not to be infected by persons who are not really convinced in their heart of the time-line in the purpose of Jehovah. I have studied this time-line before but now I have renewed vigor to look at it again! I do look at Darwinian websites so I can think like one of them when I speak to them. I like to see issues I have not thought of before. I also like Physics and the new developments... to see where my faith may be challenged ; and I have always love history - ancient history and modern. I am NOT a scholar but an autodidact..... and the more I know the more I realize how little I know.... I had a big ego when I was younger and had a great future with a great talent but I have let all that go and work daily to be the best I can be to the glory of Jehovah. Now and then I get on this site and let go - to the chagrin of my fellow witnesses.... Apologies if I hurt someone's feelings because it is arrogant to think that one can be the protector of what Jehovah has said. He has the power and insight to do it all by himself. But I do think that I should love my fellows enough, to tell them with honesty when I see that they do not value what has already been prepared for us and value their own ideas more - to the detriment of themselves.
  2. Yes quite sure! They are publishing this story to cover over the story of professor Armitage who won his court case a few years back! I think this lady was working with him when she was a student. He was teaching them to use highly specialized equipment.... they found the blood vessels.... They were working together and he published a paper in a scientific journal which got him fired because the entire scientific world was angry! He found soft tissue and remnants of arteries in the bone which proves that dinosaurs are not as old as people theorize on.... The world of science is not as scientific as you think! If you publish anything against the status quo (especially contrary evidence to their Darwinian ideas) one cannot get a job and you may be ostracized - Darwinism is basically a religion! The creationists after the court case took his case and recorded conversations with well-known darwinists and they all refused tests! They were so angry they went bonkers on the recording! I will try to find it for you and sent it here. I have to leave now I am teaching my fellow brothers and sisters to read arabic today.... I was not on field service because my husband is home today... Put this in the headline on Google search: soft tissue in dinosaur bones..... and a bunch of articles will come up.. first read all the headlines.... But there is one which describes the court case and the interview with darwinists who go crazy! They did not know they were being recorded!
  3. I do not have time to respond to all comments but it is absolutely clear to me that NONE of you have taken the time to really study the entire sections on Chronology as set out in the Insight book. And -"NO"- the Sumerian, Assyrian and Babylonian Chronologies are NOT firmly established! ... There is too little reliable evidence for that. I read some of the (translated) lists and I was not impressed when I investigated these things......... .. . The Insight book also gives good reasons WHY they are not trustworthy..... while the Bible chronology is very well set out. One does not need secular dates to establish bible chronology - but some people are not happy if they do not receive this. One can count the years from the date of creation of Adam until today......(go and look in the Insight book! it is all there! ) As I said before - we do not need any secular dates to corroborate the Bible because one can pinpoint the date of the start of Jesus' baptism in the year 29 CE (because there was no year 0) and work BACK! as well - and it still gets one to the same numbers and dates! I think you are enamored of you own scholarly endeavors and pushing your own ideas above those of a groups of researchers from our organization who have all contributed to these articles and who have been looking at all possible evidences. Yes they are fallible but their arguments are more acceptable to me than the ones I have seen here on these pages. And I said before the bible chronology is part of Jehovah's PURPOSE.... see how the chronology fits in with his purpose....
  4. Russia ( it seems ) has created its own Internet to be free om the world internet and its possibilities of hacking. They are preparing for the future while USA is in chaos. Russia's monetary system may also become totally independent with their partners (their own money exchange on internet ) which will protect them in ways the money of the West is not not. (I am thinking this is viable - there is no way I can prove this! but) - their internet hacking capabilities and disruption of Western business and processes is just the beginning (cyber warfare) and the nationalism in Russia is at all time high. All kinds of propaganda and false news is circulating the internet with false Russian (government) personas everywhere who is getting into Western systems. This may be the beginning of a different warfare! to weaken the US government ....and the entire West responds with Google and FB just removing all hate speech directed at Muslims! Russia is building alliances with strange bedfellows who love power (also behind those so-called religious governments lie a lust for power). The West is open for chaos..... most people who are not absolutely- blind- militant- far-left are seriously radicalized far -right with militant terrorists hiding in every dark corner doing their business out in the open and no proper Western counter measures in place (or the will) to stop what is going on. It leaves the West (Europe, UK, Canada, Australia) open for total anarchy in future... Satan will use religion to ride the "beast" and then they will turn on her when security is almost impossible for its citizens. USA dollar is shaky - it is the dollar exchange rate for oil which is keeping it afloat - and US is not investing in the technologies of the future..... it is inward looking. Europe is getting rid of electricity production from coal etc and investing in new technologies..... New technologies are being developed in China and other countries.....and will soon be able to sell it cheaply. USA......is running on its glory of the past and it owes trillions of dollars..... and when things get really bad the government will take people's life savings to keep things afloat...... so your savings may be down the tubes. China is already producing its own mobile phones which can compete with anything on the market in USA and they have control in Africa (stripping Africa) for its minerals and trees - anything worth selling from Africa. They also have a relationship with North-Korea - which is sitting on untouched mineral deposits for mobiles etc. And finally - we have a leader in USA who is a liar and a crook who has managed to get away with shady business dealings for a very long time. The establishment wants him out! And they will hound him until they get the evidence but the far right are just as dumb as the far-left! They will protect him as much as they can- and the judicial system is now in their hands. During his campaign I was telling my husband that Trump was saying treasonous things but no-one called him out on it! US has lost the respect it had in the world (the injustices perpetrated is shocking to all) and many other countries will watch with glee when they see her money and pride slowly sinking ...... but like many stupid people (Russia, Iran, Turkey etc.) they never reason that we are all connected in several ways and that we are ONE human race on this planet and we should care for each other...... because all need to have a little spot to survive and thrive.....Their attitude is divisive, egotistical and Satanic! The economic migrants from Africa is proof that we are one family on earth and neglect in one part of the earth will bring woe to everyone else! I am astounded at the power of the far-left in the universities with extreme Muslim organizations infiltrated in all important organizations everywhere (even in the UN)! So if they manage to bring down alt-Trump, the next election may bring in the far-left with its humanism philosophies..... which is just as crazily incoherent (as the alt-right) in their alliances with the very people who want to take over the government. Bernie and his Muslim friends will rule....... So is there a healthy choice for USA to survive the coming..... lamentable catastrophe ? No - all logic and reasonableness has left the west and chaos is ensuing.....So the longer the steam pot is cooking.... the bigger the explosion. Russia's economy is not doing fantastic and it is aggressively pushing nationalism - so it may start acting in unexpected ways to show its power (to satisfy its nationalistic adherents and take attention away from local problems). China is also flexing its muscles to show its power..... so they have nothing to lose once the Western markets have dried up... they will act aggressively too! At moment they are careful because of business interests but both China and Russia are expanding their merchandising tentacles to other more lucrative areas of the globe.... Drugs seem to be a very large problem in the world - all over. Recently I read an article that there are thousands of jobs open in USA (many jobs where people must work with dangerous machinery) and they cannot find drug-free people to work these jobs! Cartels are using the states where marijuana is legal to export it all over.... The fact that people cannot distinguish between "right and wrong" any more because they do not know the Bible is bringing extreme woe to the earth and a free hand to Satan for total rulership. He has been ruling behind the scenes but now it is all coming out in the open.... we will see it with our own eyes the difference between the righteous and the wicked. Then they will persecute those who have a clean decent life... I cannot help but see all of this in the light of bible prophecy because it proves that they bible has been right all along! Our faith and loyalty to Jehovah will not be in vain!
  5. They will of course refuse to have the DNA tested. There is a new way whereby DNA can be obtained.... but most paleontologists refuse because then the true age of the specimen can be determined. It does not suit the agenda...
  6. Watched a video on Trump's connections with other billionaires who are known for many unscrupulously shady dealings and many of them are also connected to Putin or former Russian states. Son in law Jared Kushner as well. All these baddies have shares in each other's companies and have money laundering services in Netherlands to bring in money from other countries to invest. Trump apparently has declared bankruptcy 6 times and after this he manages to immediately open a new business with investors. Americans do not invest in his companies but secret money comes in from former Soviet states. There is no way I can verify this .... but these shady people were thoroughly investigated by journalists who have followed their dealings and how they manage to lie and get out of trouble. Trump denies knowing these shady partners but old photos always seem to appear where he has been seen in their company or there are reports of business with them in the news or by friends.......
  7. What part of this scripture does not fit in with your theory? Daniel 9:2 "2 in the first year of his reign I, Daniel, discerned by the books* the number of years mentioned in the word of Jehovah to Jeremiah the prophet to fulfill the desolation of Jerusalem,+ namely, 70 years.+ 3 So I turned my face to Jehovah the true God, entreating him in prayer, along with fasting+ and sackcloth and ashes. 4 I prayed to Jehovah my God and made confession and said:“O Jehovah the true God, the great and awe-inspiring One, who keeps his covenant and shows loyal love+ to those who love him and keep his commandments,+ ........ you said: "the Bible never says to count back 70 years from 537" If Daniel discerned the 70 years to be coming to an END in the first year of the new king's reign ....... than it is making a LOGICAL deduction from a secularly accepted date for the return to Jerusalem such as 537 BCE..... to add 70 years to determine the date of the BEGINNING OF THE 70 YEARS......when this king started his reign.....607 BCE (It is totally logical and I am sure any mathematician would agree. I did a lot of those kind of arithmetic exercises as a child..... ....If the end of the period is 1924 and the number of years that passed are10 ten, what would you say is the start of the period? ) The other arguments about the 19 th year of Nebuchadnezzar is weak - I am not even going to go there.... You bring me a secular date that is more accurate then 539 BCE, which is the only one which most scholars agree on.... and we all know that secular dates are more shaky than Biblical dates. Israel had to organize itself to meet together at a certain time to trek across a desert area - they had to trek with their belongings...... with children and had no protection. As I said before ...they did not have cars and internet etc... it took a long time to organize and do the moving and settling and then only could they start the building! So yes - it is not unreasonable to expect to took more than a year. I believe the Bible to be correct and I think the slave has done some excellent research. ... Go and read Chronology in the Insight Book and you will see the many different reasons and calculations they use for getting to the same year that most secular historians as well as the Jewish scholars reach as 539 BCE- and Jewish scholars also put the return at 537 BCE. The Insight book goes into the many eclipses etc..... and it also goes into the counting of the years which you refer to as 19 years ..... because there is no year 0 and also cardinal and ordinal numbers also changes the months and possibly the year....It also gives the secular sources of the year 539 etc etc... Read the entire Chronology section PLEASE! I am sure that after you have read the evidence you will rethink some of your own ideas.... and hopefully those persons who agree with you as well! I know that they regularly update this information in the insight book (I think they ask scholars because I am aware of a brother who is a scholar in the field) . I have read some of the historical articles many years ago when I was studying the history of Sumeria and Babylon and managed to get my hands on some of the books quoted at the time....some of the information has now been updated. Good reading to you.... as a matter of fact I will go through it myself again!
  8. Thank you for the good outlay of the date of Cyrus's capture of Babylon. I studied it years ago and frankly I do not have to prove it to myself again. But as you say - IF the Persian rule began in 538 BCE (most scholars put it at 539 BCE such as quoted from Wikipedia - " After the fall of Babylon to the Persian king Cyrus the Great in 539 BCE, exiled Judeans were permitted to return to Judah.[4][5] According to the biblical book of Ezra, construction of the second temple in Jerusalem began around 537 BCE." So if the call went out in 538 BCE or 539 BCE by secular confirmation - then it could have taken them up to a year or even two to get ready and trek the distance to Jerusalem. So this could easily have brought the secular date to 537 BCE as indicated by the date in Wikipedia.... The Bible prophesied that they will be in captivity 70 years (most secular historians put their captivity at 50 years but Jehovah said it would be 70 - so we stick to 70 if we really believe in Jehovah's word)..... Count seventy years back from 537 BCE then you get to 607 BCE....... and you have your date for the true date for the fall of Jerusalem by the Babylonians. ...... So 1914 is not such a "murky' date after all! .......... I have looked at these dates before ...... and most of the Assyrian dates such as the fall of Nineveh is not absolutely set in stone but the ONE date on which most historians agree is the date of Cyrus the Great...... . As I have indicated before in my replies here on this website - even the Egyptian chronology is on shaky grounds and most scholars do not trust the Bible!. To understand the ' reality ' of the bible one needs a time-line and chronology and proof that the entire message in its various segments of time - came true - on time. This is why I can show Muslims that Jesus is the 'true messenger' because of his genealogy of 2025 years and the accurate prophecy about the time of his birth. Why did Jehovah give these prophecies if he did not think that we "need to understand them" at a certain time in the timeline ......and we can search and study and find these things out? He foresaw that we will discover more about history and that ' knowledge would abound in the time of the end." Daniel 12: 3 “And those having insight will shine as brightly as the expanse of heaven, and those bringing the many to righteousness like the stars, forever and ever. 4 “As for you, Daniel, keep the words secret, and seal up the book until the time of the end.+ Many will rove about,* and the true knowledge will become abundant.” (This scripture also indicates a period in the time of the end!) The beasts and the understanding that there would be several world powers gives us a sense of the "reality of Jehovah because it gives us a better sense of the timeline and came true as prophesied. Also Daniel 2: 44 “In the days of those kings the God of heaven will set up/begin building a kingdom+ that will never be destroyed.+ Those anointed who have died have received the "first resurrection" and are invisibly ruling. The rest will be 'changed in an instant' after they have been sealed. The timeline of this "first resurrection" is linked to the Kingdom beginning invisibly to human eyes. The rest of mankind will be resurrected during the 1000 years as stipulated in Revelation 20:1-3. So one believes these realities because everything in the timeline fits into each other perfectly like a glove - the logic of it! Even the test of every earthly "perfect" person at the end of the thousand years proves that Jehovah was thinking of every possibility when he inspired people who write down his thoughts. No human could have conspired and foreseen that we need rulers in heaven who were imperfect beings on earth before being resurrected to heaven..... and that earthly humans will need to undergo the same test as Adam before they are granted ever lasting life. I do not believe in dissecting a few words in one little chapter of the bible and throwing out the baby with the bathwater. One can become too scholarly on only a few words and then become so obsessive about it and forget to take note of the entire long-term plan and the logic of Jehovah. Jehovah is a perfect timekeeper. When I look at USA politics I see the same frame of mind. People looking at things so shortsightedly- the overall picture and the next 10 or 20 years are never planned for. In the study of the bible we can also be shortsighted and not look at the long-term or overall plan/purpose of Jehovah and get bogged down in measly little details that can make one lose faith and doubting Jehovah and his very imperfect slave which he is using by his eternal grace and mercy. I mean to bring my thoughts over - not in a derogatory way but in a way which can make my fellow believers think of things in the overall time-line of Jehovah's purpose. Eph 1:9 after all shows that Jehovah has worked throughout the ages on "the administration" the management of his purpose..... So we must grow to maturity and study deeper to understand how the time-flow interacted with his purpose. Once one sees the entire chronology and the purpose - how it unfolded -this helps to really understand the "realities" Jehovah has given us. Eph 1:9"by making known to us the sacred secret+ of his will. It is according to his good pleasure that he himself purposed 10 for an administration* at the full limit of the appointed times, to gather all things together in the Christ, the things in the heavens and the things on the earth.+ Yes, in him. We understand the sacred secret now - a government that will start ruling invisibly in heaven with a first resurrection..... etc. which will bring everything in heaven and earth together. Clouds - Only Jesus's apostles saw him go up to heaven in clouds..... Similarly the anointed would understand when he started to rule (shrouded in clouds) ....... but the day and hour no-one knows. 13 “I kept watching in the visions of the night, and look! with the clouds of the heavens, someone like a son of man+ was coming; and he gained access to the Ancient of Days,+ and they brought him up close before that One. 14 And to him there were given rulership,+ honor,+ and a kingdom, that the peoples, nations, and language groups should all serve him.+ His rulership is an everlasting rulership that will not pass away, and his kingdom will not be destroyed.+
  9. I am not a young person so I have seen how the world has changed just in my lifetime. 40 years ago was much different to 70 years ago and 70 years ago was unbelievably different to 150 years ago.... before the telegraph etc. During Russell's time they were still exploring the wild west..... shooting it out in Tucson. As I have said before so many times on this site - we need to evaluate every attitude and way people look at the bible and at life from the perspective of the entire generation/society and the geographical area. We cannot look back and judge the past with a modern view of things! That would be a wrong evaluation of what happened and what was said! Back then people wanted and 'needed' deeper explanations of everything because they were more scholarly - so they dissected it with detail. Not that it is wrong in itself to dissect - but one can make the error of reading MORE into it than intended. What kept brother Russel active in Jehovah's work and faithful to his cause was studying the scriptures. What he got out of the scriptures was the identifying of some of the wrong teachings prevalent in the world at the time and wanting to expose them. Did he do many stupid things which one can attribute to a factor of his time - a time when everyone was looking at the pyramids in a certain way .....most certainly..... This was after the dark ages when no-one was allowed to say anything against the churches and they had great power. This was when Darwin also appeared! People were looking at everything in a new way - the industrial revolution was on the way and people felt empowered to investigate everything in a scholarly way - in the light of classical influence.... This is why our new "Gods Kingdom Rules" study recently quoted Mal 3: 1-4. It was fulfilled in the time of John the Baptist (a messenger of preparation) as he prepared the way for Christ and the messenger of the Covenant (Christ). They also applied it to Russel and those who followed him as the 'messenger of preparation' before the "slave" was appointed. They were also thoroughly cleaned and beaten like one does when you wash washing with lye! (2 messengers below!) 3 “Look! I am sending my messenger, and he will clear up* a way before me.+ And suddenly the true Lord, whom you are seeking, will come to his temple;+ and the messenger of the covenant will come, in whom you take delight. Look! He will certainly come,” says Jehovah of armies. 2 “But who will endure the day of his coming, and who will be able to stand when he appears? For he will be like the fire of a refiner and like the lye*+ of laundrymen. 3 And he will sit as a refiner and cleanser of silver+ and will cleanse the sons of Leʹvi; and he will clarify* them like gold and like silver, and they will certainly become to Jehovah people presenting a gift offering in righteousness. 4 And the gift offering of Judah and of Jerusalem will actually be pleasing* to Jehovah, as in the days of long ago and as in the years of antiquity.+ The days of Noah did not get a sign (Matthew 24) They saw the ark being built and asked questions about it. Noah preached until the day he went into the ark. They took no notice until the rain came down. The Pharisees saw Jesus doing miracles ........ did it change their faith? No they loved their lives that they had and were not spiritually inclined. I had a Muslim ask me this week where (the place) Jesus going to appear. I knew why he was asking- because the Muslims believe that Isa will come back as a Muslim and everyone will recognize him because he will have a certain appearance described in Islamic writings...... to me it is absurd to think that a spiritual being will come back as a literal body and appear somewhere....on earth. The Shia and Sunni muslims believe that Jesus is going to land in 2 different places according to their writings........ So I used the scripture in Matthew 24 to show this: 23 “Then if anyone says to you, ‘Look! Here is the Christ,’+ or, ‘There!’ do not believe it.+ 24 For false Christs and false prophets+ will arise and will perform great signs and wonders so as to mislead,+ if possible, even the chosen ones. 25 Look! I have forewarned you. 26 Therefore, if people say to you, ‘Look! He is in the wilderness,’ do not go out; ‘Look! He is in the inner rooms,’ do not believe it.+ True Christians do not need a special sign..... we know Jesus is ruling. We have recognized the signs of the times as the fig tree illustration says (Matt 24). The final sign will be for the ones who will be gnashing their teeth ..... and Jehovah's name will have something to do with it. When all religion is banned..... preaching banned .....and all have the mark of the beast - I am sure we will reach world news.....and Jehovah's name (Jesus is already known by most in the world) will be known by all. Our preaching work (like in the time of Peter when he said we must obey God as ruler rather then men) will become the issue and our disobedience regarding preaching - as subversion (like Jesus). They will kill us in the name of God thinking that they are doing God a favor....... But we may see physical signs like the Egyptians did before the finale! This week I read that the New World translation has been banned as extremist in Russia because it has the name of JEHOVAH in it.
  10. FAKE NEWS - I did not even read the other comments because something is seriously wrong with this item!! Here are a few things to think about: There is no name given to this woman. There are no important news sources from reputable news companies. (They would be onto this like a flash) I looked at the original source of this 'soundbite' and it looks suspicious - any person with malicious intent can record this...."secret" conversation. The over-the top - reporting; utmost secrecy of it; and the spreading of it on social media - popular malicious media - is suspicious. I do not say it is untrue but this seems to be fake news BECAUSE IT IS ILLOGIC FOR THE FOLLOWING REASONS: Why was only ONE expelled when an entire "underground network" was going on. This would surely hit the news because true apostates are nasty, malicious people when they leave the organization (They try to hit back in any possible way they can and in my experience often play the victim- it would make a wonderfully nasty 'victim' story in mainstream media). The group would band together and cause a media stir for sure. Why was a young woman singled out as the leader? .... at such a young age? Was there other, older people, maybe an elder who was the leader and could have been misleading her? Then he should have been expelled before she was! There are many more questions which could be asked about this. Naaa...... fake news. I do not doubt that maybe a young person was sent home for inappropriate behavior; or she could not fit in with the rigid life style (not everyone can adapt to it) - maybe she really had brazen conduct? Who knows.... The whole "VICTIM" tone of this story - is like many others I have seen..... old ploy of Satan. What I have noticed is the following and I am going to shout it out: APOSTATES ARE GAINGING GROUND AGAINST JEHOVAH ON THE INTERNET BECAUSE THE ENTIRE INTERNET HAS NOW BECOME A LURKING PLACE OF DEMONS AND ALL KINDS OF DECEITFUL QUALITIES. DECEIT AND SLYNESS ARE RULING (AND THEY NOW HAVE A FREE PLATFORM!) ON WHICH THEY SPREAD THEIR FALSE INFORMATION. SO IT IS BECOMING HARDER TO DISTINGUISH TRUTH FROM FALSEHOOD IN ALL ARENAS OF THE INTERNET. NO DOUBT THIS GALVANIZING OF ENEMIES AGAINST JWs WILL EVENTUALLY WIN THE DAY....... WE EXPECT IT IN THE TIME OF THE END! If Jehovah does not step in no flesh will be saved - most will lose their faith because of what will be going on. Satan wants to rule the entire earth and he is slowly getting there by means of oppressive governments, domineering religions and the vilification of anyone who advocates the truth. The internet is the perfect place for it. It has become like the Wild West where villains are ruling and "shooting down" all who do not agree. The public opinion will sway towards all the lies against Jehovah and his people. (True, we are just a bunch of people with bad qualities like everyone else on earth - but it is Jehovah's spirit which keeps us in the truth and there is NOTHING about ourselves which is wonderful- unless we like to bluff ourselves). Outside in the world you can puff up yourself as wonderful but inside the truth we are too painfully aware of our flaws and yes, sometimes we are treated unfairly by others but we do not turn against Jehovah because of this. Revelation 16: 14-16 - the propaganda of Satan is getting people ready for the great day of God almighty.... And many false prophets will stand up. This week I read in Matt 24 that they will kill you and think that they are doing God a favor! If anyone has doubts about how bad it is going to be - we will be thoroughly tested - especially the anointed! They will be vilified and all those associated with them.
  11. It seems to have been a very violent and merciless crime. Jail unfortunately does not rehabilitate people in USA because they do not invest in these kind of programs. Lately the privitization of jails has made situations in jail much worse. I would think that he needs a proper mental evaluation before anything is decided because one does not want a repetition of the previous murders. Unfortunately a mental evaluation does not involve the determining if people have a concept of right and wrong these days--these values are too old fashioned for modern phsycologists.
  12. I think a debate about this does not serve any purpose because there are many other scriptures in the bible that supports an invisible rule from heaven. Why would we need SIGNS if it were visible? The signs are an indication that something has happened that we have not seen but has had an effect on earth. REV 12: 7-12 gives a good indication that the Kingdom was established in heaven (invisible to human eyes) and authority was given to Christ. There is a war and Satan and his demons cast out. We cannot see demons can we? They are cast out to the earth and it laments the effects this event will have on the earth which will be a clear sign that we are in the final days of human rule. "Short time left" indicates this. The illustration of a pregnant lady puts it clearly..... we can see the signs that she is pregnant (big bump) and we know the birth is eminent .... close ...... but we do not know the hour. Similar to the 'signs' on earth....we are in the ninth month - but the day and hour will come suddenly. In the past the governing body have gone into great detail to explain every little nuance - but we have heard so many times in the past few years that they are sticking to the broader lines of each illustration. Similarly - we need to read all the scriptures connected to this time together and let them explain each other. I do not think that going in the past history of the governing body and the detailed versions ( which was part of those historical times) to cloud our vision at this time. I do not care about the word "Parousia" there are enough other scriptures in the bible which indicates that it will be invisible. Jesus said there will be many false Christs appearing or rumors of this. Why? because Muslim and Christendom are expecting Jesus/Isa to come in the flesh as a ruler or fight with a sword..... " If possible to corrupt the true disciples."....Jesus will not come in the flesh and his armies will be the angels - not humans. Humans will physically kill each other and certain "signs" will appear to indicate that Armageddon is here! The heavenly angels will then finish the job of removing the wicked. I believe that the time of end will be like the time when israel left Egypt - Jehovah will "prove to be" by his deeds and signs just like he used Moses - he will again use faithful servants to bring the message and support his people in this time to do the job. Noah was a preacher until the end. This preaching work in the entire world is part of the 'sign' of the time of the end. The appearance of a slave who gives spiritual food to the nations 'free' is a sign of the end. And it asks the question - who is he? So we must be able to recognize the slave.... Our ruler will be 'invisible' from heaven and the principles which will unite the world (all nations) as one, are principles that are practical and workable (a peaceable ideology- I call Social Studies 101). But only if all in the new world citizens willingly agree to follow these principles and leave their egos behind. No man is to control another or even tell them what to do.... each person to care more for another than for themselves so we all care for each other collectively and the wellbeing of others in respect and principled love. We do not need a physical ruler if we all follow these principles. The ruler is already ruling invisibly.... Those who like to lord it over others will NOT be kept alive! Our shepherds will be loving shepherds.... who care and only provide help and guidance.... no domination whatsoever or "lording" it over others because this trait is a trait out of Satan's book! All forms of control or dominion has its origins in the ego and will disappear. Satan had a ego and wanted more attention from humans than he deserved. So these Social studies 101 tells me that we will have direct rule from God and his chosen representative in heaven and like a shepherd tends to flocks the "princes" will be humble shepherds who fall under the same invisible rulership. There are more than enough other scriptures to indicate that Jesus will start ruling amidst his enemies.... The time line of the bible is given to us as an indication of how far we are in the stream of time and the purposes of Jehovah to come in fulfillment - like 1914. The entire bible is a "restoration project of the earth." and Jehovah has been silently working to come to the point where his legal ruler will start ruling and bring his purposes to fulfillment. Each individual can choose if they want to be part of it - or NOT.
  13. When I read about the ancient history of Mesopotamia (Sumer) one realizes the bible is absolutely accurate when it calls Nimrod a "hunter". Nimrod hunted lions - he was a leader if groups of men to go and hunt lion with spear and arrow. It was a dangerous job and men could be killed or injured. Even with a gun today it is dangerous (this is why they call lions being shot in enclosed reserves in Africa "canned lions") because they are so dangerous. They are an easy target with a gun in a small area. A lion lives in a pride. Lions together are an unpredictable foe bEcause they stallk and go for one weak target. In Nimrod's time they could have attacked sheep, cattle or even people and this would happen often. Nimrod was elevated to a very high status like a ruler because of this and later became ruler over several cities which was built for safety from man and animal after he started killing people to enlarge his empire. War and cities s synonymous. . His boastfulness led to the monuments built to honor him and the false gods and spiritism he instituted against Jehovah. Later, tHe kings of Chaldea and assYria followed this tradition and participated in lion hunts to show ther manliness and power (legacy from Nimrod). There are Assyrian reliefs that show the king in ceremony with man driving his chariot and the king shooting off arrows into a lioness. It s one of the most saddest but also most accurate and beautiful art works of this period because the lioness is perfectly depicted in her anguish. I also read that they later bred lions and kept them in royal gardens for ths ceremonial hunting purpose. Later rulers used lions in a pit to get rid of foes. (Darius the Mede). Mankind has really ruined the earth. Will lions be like the dinosaurs? They find the bones and wonder what they looked like or sounded like? Thank goodness we know that it is not going to be that much longer for good people and animals alike to suffer under unrighteus human rule which is unjust and without Jehovah's protection!
  14. Family nepotism - strange stuff going on.... Did they vote for Trump or his entire family?
  15. http://www.deepseanews.com/2016/11/this-thanksgiving-remember-the-cranberry-bog-dolphin/
  16. My husband says the cranberry dolphin thing is fake? Please check if it is fact..... then let me know.... if it is true I will paste on FB
  17. The same scientists who said it is safe to dump large amounts of industrial fluoride in our water because it will be good for our teeth! They did not think of the damage it will bring to other organs of the body... I do not care if it is supposedly safe - (also a lie by the capitalists who need the markets to stay stable)- the bottom line is - it should NOT be in the ocean or our food!! The fishes and we were not made to live in / or consume this. BUT as a bible student I realize that there is nothing we can do about (leave it to the activists) because human greed; contamination of water resources due to human activity; will go on until the earth is one big garbage dump and we have a hard time with illnesses due to these phenomena. Did the bible not say that plagues will be returning in time of end (all kinds I guess- bacterial and induced by contaminated water and food) and if Jehovah did not step in very little flesh will be saved?
  18. Putin does not brag openly like Trump does. He likes to be seen with his shirt off! He likes to be seen as a sporting man, hunting deer or riding a horse! He is the quiet, man of ACTION as portrayed by the Russian propaganda machine!
  19. I read that one of his books was published only 100 years after his death....... he would not dare publish it in his lifetime. He must have been an avid bible student to come to the conclusions he did.
  20. I understand Tartarus to be the same as above but would like to add that these wicked angels are in bonds because they cannot materialize like they did before the flood. They are behind most of the debased practices on earth today because they would like to do the things which they inspire the wicked to do.... but now they have restrictions. They cannot do what they did before.
  21. Many muslim woman who tried to divorce their husbands have been killed in honor killings - they commit suicide under direction of husband or family members. So if she does show her face this may even happen sooner..... This is a dilemma... these judges should also study Sharia to know what they are doing..... because this woman could lose her life. She is already walking on thin ice.... If they know sharia they will also not try to implement it like some schools in Australia are doing..... Lobbying for Sharia in law schools.
  22. People just do not have respect for blood! Only Jehovah's organization teaches this.... I see no connection between sexual strength, manhood or beauty, and bathing in blood..... How many of these old wives tales lifted from witchcraft are still going to be believed and how many animals will still have to suffer for silly superstitious beliefs.
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