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Posts posted by Arauna

  1. The definition of religion to me is the following:  the search for reality and how this reality affects your view of all life on earth.  THis is also the definition for science. THis is why I call faith in humans behind the science or darwinism - a religion.... they are searchingfor a reality but there is a lot of blind faith in their theories.

    According to HEBR 11:   " faith is the evidence of realities"  .... So when one acknowledges the steps that jehovah has taken throughtout the ages to restore  his original purpose for the earth - and all the fulfullment of prophecy in connction with it - then one has the evidence needed to realize it is a reality much larger than humans.  

    HEnce the bible and its message is a reality and not just incoherent thoughts.  IT has a rocksolid and logical theme running throughout it pages.

    I laughed when i read the popular book by Steven hawkins many years ago... because he contradicted himself when he said something to this effect:   If there was no-one on earth to appeciate the beauty of it ...... even if it were here .... it would be asthough it never existed....... profound words if one thinks on it.... animals do not appreciate it as it should be appreciated!

    humans can appreciate the colors and the intelligence behind creation .... so this means there was a purpose for it all - intelligent design to please those it was made for....



  2. It is a very  pretty bible with the nice tool on the cover with special meanings.  But.... I am a very  practical person...I was just thinking - like many things the most beautiful on outside does not have substance on the inside.... the South African Afrikaans community never learnt the name of Jehovah because the name was taken out of all translations- even later  out of African tribal  translations.... dishonest companies which distribute these bibles.

    A bible is no good to me if it does not teach the name of our grand creator! But it may be useful to compare translations......

  3. New living translation it says on the front of the bible.  I hope it has Jehovah's name in it.  

    I came in the Truth in South Africa when most of the Bibles in the tribal languages had the name of Jehovah in it  throughout the bibles.  I used to use these African language translations to prove that the name had been taken out of the Afrikaans bible because the company which translated the tribal languages also distributed the Afrikaans one. ..   so sneaky.    Later , they also took jehovah's name out of the other 11 national languages of south africa.

    The name of Jehovah had been removed in the 1933 translation in the Afrikaans. The original translations of Du Toit and Pannevis  in the 19th century had the name in the Afrikaans Translation.

  4. Truth book - 1972. Baptized 1973. 

    3 hours ago, Queen Esther said:

    Oh  yes,  I  wish  you  a  *Good Night*  dear  Peppa,  sleep  well....  wow,  5am  is  very  early  but  NOT  so  hot !  A  very  good  idea  with  changing  sisters  by  that  hot  service,  yes :D    I'm  a  little  night - owl...   but  in  some  min.  I  go  sleeping  too. :)  Tell  you  more  tmw  about  all,  its  too  late  now....

    Until  tmw  my  dear  sister ❤


  5. Absolute capitalism exploits the poor.     In the end absolute capitalism is equivalent to communism - a few on the top with the control and the rests are plebs.   The idea of trickle down economics worked for Raegan because there were no powerful global companies yet, which had the capacity to take over large parts of the global economy.

    Trickle down economics and less regulation was started by Milton Friedman - an atheist who believed that one must not put any altruism (care of the poor) into economics.  Raegan followed him and so did Maggie Thatcher.   Raegan is treated like a god because of this.... but Under cover they orchestrated who revolutions in South America where many people lost their lives to test this... It was a failure.

    Today, most universities still teach Milton Friedman's ideas and most of the president's advisors come from the best universities where these ideas are taught.  Both democrats and Republicans have had these advisors in the past (Clinton, Bush) and they deregulated the financial system to the extent where banks were gambling with our money ..... which brought the severe economic down turn and the fall of banks just before the Obama take-over.

    Obama tries to put in fixes and these are now again being removed. 

    The health care system is a business (not care of anyone) and they need to show their stock holders an increase in value.  This is built on the health of the plebs who have to pay but get no value for their money. ( I personally would not pay for health care where my pre-existing conditions are not covered because this may lead to my death.  I could then rather enjoy my money until a die from my condition).

    To make profits on the health of anyone is not just unchristian it is criminal..... but this is where this world and its leaders are going.... looking after those with influence and power and the rest of mankind is dispensable.

    This is the reason why Jehovah has to step in and remove wicked mankind who oppress others without a second thought. 

    NOT in God we trust but "in the dollar we trust".


  6. I have thought about these additional questions that were resolved by Jesus' faithfulness until death:

    1) Satan could have made the allegation that the first and direct creation of Jehovah would not be faithful and would do the same as he did if under pressure, which made this a "universal" issue.... in heaven and earth.

    2) Satan could make the allegation that Adam and he himself were not created "perfect" as Jehovah said they were!

    Jesus proved that Adam was perfectly made because Jesus came down to earth as a man (like Adam), was put under greater temptations and stress than Adam,  and remained faithful to Jehovah until death.  His concience was fully functional- knowing right from wrong- and he followed Jehovahs directions perfectly and did not bow to any selfish desires.

    By coming down to earth with less power than an angel - having been an angel before- Jesus proved that Satan could have remained faithful to Jehovah .... and hence, Jesus provided the legal basis for the destruction of Satan and any other angel who rebelled against Jehovah as well as humans who followed their deceitful way of thinking and the shifting of blame. False accusations were now proven to be false and provided a legal guarantee for Jehovah's future actions.

    Do you not love the cohesion and logic  in the Bible !

  7. Thanks for this item.  I met a Seven Day adventist in the field and spent an hour there.  Very hard to talk to because reasoning very one dimentional - only focussed on Sabath part of Ten Commandments.  This has refreshed my memory.






  8. This happens so much!  A knife against guns?  Overkill!  Investigations do not bring the lives back...Yes, only Jehovah's government will bring true justice and he will compensate in righteousness! We wait on Jehovah and do not take matters in our own hands no matter how angry we may be at the system..... as this week's study taught us.

    I often wonder- if they have to use a gun- why not shoot the legs!


  9. It is "sedition".   When a useless piece of jewelery is dressed up with cheap stones to make it look sparkley.  

    Mohammad also said that fitna is worse than killing.. after   hIs followers killed unbelievers/pagan Arabs.in Mecca.  This was in the time when he was continuously attacking the caravans bringing goods to Mecca ( because he wanted to take control of Mmecca and was weakening it) This eventually led to the first attack against Medina -where Mohammad was living at the time. He won the battle and the rest is history. 

    Islam does not allow the preaching of other religions in its area of control. This is an offense  which carries the death penalty, the same as blasphemy.


  10. Thanks for the article - a good reminder!  Lately i have been receiving redicule or opposition and i suspect it will get worse!   The last time I had  a man lstening very well and his friend interupting with. "Fitnah" fitnah...  I pretended i did not know the word and went on preaching to the one who listened...  and he wanted to listen... but I think his friend was uncomfortable because it was revealing something he did not like! It was in the open marketplace where i do regular streetwork.

    I liked the example of Paul. 

  11. I do not pretend to be an expert but here is my take on what you just said:

    The two main groups of Dinosaurs are either more bird-like or reptile-like (according to the bone structure).   And most experts agree that the T-Rex on the "evolution" ladder eventually became birds.  To my thinking - the experts can make as many mock-ups as they like to try to say a T-Rex had forward looking eyes.....I think it wishful thinking.... because birds have eyes always on the side of the head - and T-Rex have large eye cavities like many kinds of birds today have.  

    Because the T-Rex/s forearms are so short - they could not grab their "prey.  They were also too large to ambush their prey because other animals would warn when they were approaching (like the gray Loerie does when lions approach).

    So their only chance was to maybe run very fast.....to catch their prey.... and here is the catch......Most large animals cannot run fast for long periods because they will overheat and die.  Elephants do not run, but they love to go to water and cool down.  My take on this is that they were too large to run to overtake prey.

    Also - they moved in groups - so the possibility exists that they may corner an animal and pull it apart but this would mean that there would be severe competition to survive in the group and they could viciously turn on each other to survive.

    I think that evolutionists are running away with themselves and they can get fanciful doctorates because they cannot be proven wrong - only consensus is needed.  

    I personally think the T-rex was not the vicious bird-like animal they make it out to be.  I think it lived on large bodies of water and could move faster in water.... and could eat large fish from the water.....

    But this is my take on it....  I do not believe in evolution for many logical reasons.  I think most evolutionists do not understand DNA and the basic structures of life which is extremely complex....

    Also the Carbon 14 test is not accurate and the presence of soft tissue found in many fossils gives evidence that they are not as old as believed.


  12. We are already being programmed without knowing it.... Thanks to Jehovah that we remain neutral and we do not participate in interfaith.  This Assange interview has made me more aware of being careful about being influenced by what we see on internet..... it is inevitable that we leave our footprints on the internet and AI figures out who we are. 

    The masses can be manipulated and the new epoch of propaganda has begun.

    The one thing I have thought about is that these people who control all of this think they are invincible - they are not.  The true reality is that they will answer to Jehovah.  The way that they have cheapened human life.  We are all expendable to the powers who are really controlling much of what is going on - the demons.

    I have already met people in field service who have bought into this crazy idea that we will be in a matrix virtual world where we will get the everlasting "virtual paradise" of our dreams.... just like Assange said - similar to the '72 virgins and an eternal erection' - (or Nirvana) a teaching of Satan.... far removed from reality.

  13. I have already become disinterested in Facebook because of the 'patrolling' of what one says.  One cannot be yourself and express your fears or concerns to friends or family members if it is viewed as hate speech. Anything can be hate speech if it is offensive to any other person.... and certain false religions are being protected more than other religions. They have a special  status: - they can openly have hate speech against Jews or "unbelievers" on Facebook and their material is not removed. 

    Preaching about the Kingdom will soon be hate speech because there is a "peace loving" religion which has a law which forbids proselytizing - one must be killed if you "proselytize"... and their influence is becoming exceptionally powerful all over the world. (Leaders are blinded by Satan.)

    I saw this morning that 25 people were arrested in Britain for expressing concerns about the power behind the terrorist attacks.  The city has enough police patrols to watch what is said by individuals on public media ....but the mayor of London complained they do not have enough police to follow up on the terrorists. (The cut in the police force and the cut in social benefits was the reason May lost so badly. )

    In all of these terrorist attacks I have never seen a media program for the hundreds of broken souls in hospital.  Some are still critical with most probably broken backs, amputated legs/arms, and all kinds of other injuries apart from the mental trauma.  The family life messed up and losing future income while dealing with rehab... and loss of a pain free future.  In all of this - to be politically correct - the media has not focused on the victims.  The living victims are forgotten.  The people go to vigils, put candles and teddy bears down for the dead, and the whole nightmare happens again a few weeks later......

    The world has really gone mad.....no justice ...... and more is expected.  Soon we will all be too afraid to say anything about anything.  It will be a great test for our loyalty to speak out for the only true God, Jehovah. 

    If anyone needs more proof that we are living in the time of the end .... you are not watching what is going on in the world.   The atrocities going on in the middle east and in north Africa is too horrific to mention - humans are worst than beasts when they think they have godly authorization to kill and abuse others.

    And the leaders want to keep us in slumber land and pretend there is "peace" when there is no "peace".

  14. As I come from Africa I have often thought about it.  Some animals were created to "clean" up after others such as eating carrion.... to keep the earth fresh and clean ..... and animals will still be dying in areas where humans are not around. (Adam and Eve knew what death was because animals were/ and will/ always die when their life force runs out.)

    Many animals provide a useful service....  We may have areas set aside as animal sanctuaries where animals roam free but do not harm humans when they see them. .... or animals may only catch other animals and not touch humans.......Before the flood, the fear of man was not in animals.... Jehovah put it there after the flood.  Genesis 9:2 " The fear and dread of you will fall on all the beasts of the earth, and on all the birds in the sky, on every creature that moves along the ground, and on all the fish in the sea; "  This was the time when Jehovah gave them permission to eat animal flesh... so animals would fear for their lives as they knew they would be hunted.

    As 1Cor 13 says : For we know in part and we prophesy in part, 10 but when completeness comes, what is in part disappears.  We cannot really understand these things now.

    All I do know is that some of these paleontologists are not very smart - one can see they have not lived with animals because they do not seem to have observed anything. Take the T-Rex... it's eyes are on the side of its head.  Plant eaters usually have their eyes on the side of their head.  Predators on the other hand have their eyes looking forward so they can focus on the prey.

    I also have seen that most predatory animals are taught by their parents how to hunt.... the perfect killer skill is not natural.  There are only a few species which are natural born killers.

    Plant eaters tend to herd in numbers....... and they have found groups of footprints (T-rex) in North and south America.....  The large teeth are no surprise...... think how large the plants were during the time when the earth was a green house (when the earth still had its canopy)....

    So all things are speculative - I guess we will have to wait and see.

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