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Posts posted by Arauna

  1. 9 hours ago, BroRando said:

    It's spiritual sister. 

    Please understand me - I am not challenging you.   You say Hosea 6: 2 is spiritual, then why are you not applying it figuratively ?  Instead you are putting on it concrete reasoning and a specific date like 2034.

    I am honest with you - when some witnesses here were saying that we are wrong about 1914 and it has been "overlapping" generations in order to criticize the 1914 date,  I myself said to them it is not over yet........ wait until 120 years has passed.  The "generation" in Noah's day was 120 years before the destruction. It could apply in this way....   I am open to it.  But I would not use Hosea; or the sign of Jonah, to get to this number.

    However, things are moving preeetty fast right now. ...  the extreme lack of food is here, this cannot last too long because a lot of people will die from hunger and govts. will lock us down again on some pretext to keep law and order (until they completely don't care) - together with these pestilences, untimely death by "beasts" and so forth. 

    I am happy we are here in this time - it is time to lift up our heads - we see things moving forward... but also sad that so many are not listening.  I am frantic to try to get old friends to listen.

  2. 58 minutes ago, WalterPrescott said:

    Huge consumer demand for products by the have-nots will chase declining supplies from an earth that cannot handle a rising level of expectations.

    The world community have known since WW2 that a new economic system is needed because we cannot sustain life with consumers just consuming more and more.  Stock markets cannot keep rising forever - there are limits to that.  The huge economic problems in 1971, 1986 and 2008 indicated that the time is close.  The technocrats were trying to bring in a new secular world order...... since the inception of the UN.   Now that they have the databases, the cloud and so forth ... they can bring their plans to fruition.  All the organizations who have been working together behind the scenes are now working together openly. Together the UN and WEF has made this dream come true together with the technological sector, which also controls the media (internet etc).


    1 hour ago, WalterPrescott said:

    We now see the new coalition of Church and State.

    The catholic church has signed the Abrahamic accord with Islam and Judaism and they have cut Jesus out of the new world religion.  All can just call upon God now.  The harlot is now giving direction to the scarlet beast by riding the beast openly.  There is now a lot of confusion in the catholic church due to these developments.


    1 hour ago, WalterPrescott said:

    Competition in limited markets will incite economic wars.

    This is what the Russian war is about and the collapse of the use of fossil fuels in all economies. Food shortages and damaged supply chains are a result of it.   Hunger is a real threat now!

    1 hour ago, WalterPrescott said:

    When the population goes beyond this level,

    The lie is that there are too many people on earth.  This is an idea which started in the early 1920's when eugenicists started the "Planned Parenthood" organizations and the Fabian Society also proposed the same trajectory. Today, populations are already starting to collapse due to negative growth numbers; and the synthetic MRNA (which goes into the DNA is causing early death of babies .... and if they survive ..... the will not be able to procreate when they are older.  

    1 hour ago, WalterPrescott said:

    The Jews were freed by the grip of the Ottoman Empire. I


    1 hour ago, WalterPrescott said:

    et’s see. World War 1 started in that year. The Jews were freed by the grip of the Ottoman Empire. I guess fools need to see much more in order to understand chronology. Yet, this fool reads between the lines to suggest what the writer is implying without understanding that concept. That makes it a useless observation.

    A wise person once said, if you go to sleep a fool, you will wake up the same way. It is proven here every day. 

    The top two sentences does not make much sense - because you do not explain yourself very well.  Go on therefore and clarify.

  3. 2 hours ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

    reminders of it in the news,

    There are regular reminders in the news - and those are of child traffickers such as Epstein, the British royal house and many others who "openly" got away with a lifestyle of abuse (not just one under aged - but many, many many...). so I find it strange that you just focus one ONE group. 

  4. 2 hours ago, BroRando said:

    He will revive us after two days. On the third day he will raise us up, And we will live before him." (Hosea 6:2) Pentecost 33 CE + 2,000 yrs = 2033. Third day begins 2034.

    It just jars with me to use the resurrection of Jesus as a definite time table for future events.  You see, not one person on earth can compare their life with that of Jesus.  He is absolutely unique.  Most of us who want to live through to the "rest" period of 1000 years made possible by Jehovah  under rulership of his Son, will not be anointed. Many of us may live through and not need a resurrection,  and will live on earth - not heaven.

    The "sign of Jonah" has already taken place (fulfilled in Jesus) and nowhere is there mention in the scriptures that the sign of Jonah will appear again. It relates only to Jesus. 

    Now when you talk of the flood - and last days are in many ways like the flood - that time table I may accept with a pinch of salt.  1914 + 120 = 134

    We are so close now to the UN taking power over from the world authorities to bring Health security, environment security and financial security...... And we know from bible prophecy that UN will rule for one hour with ten new kings. .....

    That one hour may be 12 years or it may be shorter.   Remember, Jehovah is the one who decides the exact day and hour.  So, for now ....  I wait and see.....   Hunger is looming, more pestilences are looming, natural phenomena - disasters - are looming....  and in human society the biggest earthquake ever.... is looming! 

    I went back to Hosea 6 - and I can see you took the scripture out of context.  This is about unfaithful Israel and Juda, how they must repent and return to be healed.   I think one should not just quote the one verse as if it pertains to the beginning of the millennium: 

    Come, and let us return to Jehovah,

    For he has torn us to pieces, but he will heal us.

    He struck us, but he will bind our wounds.

     He will revive us after two days.

    On the third day he will raise us up,

    And we will live before him."


    I a with you on this - we should be awake and look for the signs that are clear from the scriptures.  


  5. 7 hours ago, WalterPrescott said:

    Not all, propaganda is false. The Neo-Nazi angle is not one of them.

    Agree on the first point... there is usually some insignificant half-truth One finds attractive and the rest is lies....... or gaslighting.

    Second statement -   How are you so sure? You were there as a reporter?   Because I have heard people from both sides calling the other side Nazi's without understanding what Nazi means.   

    Now for some mental exercise -  I wonder, if one studies the history of Ukraine..... did Ukraine give a safe haven to Nazis after WW2?  After all, the Nazis were at war with Russia... do you remember?

  6. I recently saw two awful interviews with ex-Chinese citizens and it confirmed some of the things I knew. I actually toyed with putting them on this forum ... but for me to find them now again will be difficult. So I leave it at that.

    I try to listen to "long"  personal interviews when it comes to news from controversial countries - then one can follow the personal stories and what happened to them and one can spot a fake quickly.

    These short clips from news companies are not always to be trusted.  I therefore listen to personal accounts. 

  7. 34 minutes ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

    the last i read about it was that the law suit was rejected / not allowed, buy some high court in Canada. Then nothing. No further news about it.

    Since so many native Canadians were killed by other churches (mass graves found),  I am not surprised.  And with the level of sexual delinquency amongst the elite  I am not surprised.  The entire judicial systems are now pro-LGBTP.

    I believe that justice must be served no matter who it is.  

    38 minutes ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

    through as i cannot see Yeshua allowing it, yet American JWs seem to think it's all ok. 

    That is a blatant fib


    40 minutes ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

    I have never forgotton past pain and happenings

    .  A pain is not so vivid.  One forgets pain - like after having a baby.  Heart pain is another matter.... if one keeps on dwelling on it ..... it re-strengthens the synapses in the brain and the pain comes back more often.  Learn from it but do not dwell on it. ....  it is self-destructive. 

  8. 1 hour ago, WalterPrescott said:

    I agree with Bonnett when he remarks that to continue to cast 'whites' as antiracism's 'other,' as the eternally guilty and/or altruistic observers of 'race' equality work, is to maintain 'white' privilege and undermine the movement's intellectual and practical reach and utility* (1996, 107). In other words, Whites need to ask themselves to what extent their identity is a function of their whiteness in the process of their ongoing daily lives and what choices they might make to escape whiteness. Lopes outlines—productively in my view—three steps in dismantling whiteness.

    Looks like you have been to the anti-racism training........   I prefer Jehovah's training.  The bible does not indicate that it is ok to hate white and love black; and neither should we hate black and love white; ....... we should be without any bias of any color or ethnic group.   And we should develop compassion for ALL humans, then we will not be guilty of racism because we will treat ALL humans better than ourselves.

    It is usually people without compassion who have to follow "rules' to help them ...such as the one you quoted above..... because it is not from the heart. 


  9. 8 hours ago, WalterPrescott said:

    The fact you have Neo-Nazi's fighting Putin's war is a fact.

    I think you have been drinking the western propaganda.  While I do not profess to know what is going on in Ukraine, because I have determined to stay away from the daily propaganda (I only analyze what is going on in broader terms),  I do know that soldiers with Nazi-insignia on their uniforms are fighting in this war and...... and they are not Russians.  But - since the satellite images proved to be "doctored" we can safely assume that Ukrainian and Russian media is doctoring footage. 

    This proves that we cannot take the side of the Western media against Russia and we cannot take the side of Russia...... both are doing propaganda and do not have good intentions (there is NO innocent party here). 

  10. 6 hours ago, WalterPrescott said:

    It is Putin's plan to use propaganda to shutter Ukraine. It's an insane white thing. Once again, there is NO consideration of Putin that can be seen other than demonic. 

    Putin is a criminal - agreed.... and he agrees with the main philosopher in Russia Alexander Dugan who is a Russian imperialist....and the one who brought back religion to build nationalism.  (just remember it is not nationalism alone which makes a Nazi - there are other qualifications as well.)  You seem to be very gullible regarding the Western propaganda.

    America is the false prophet - by bible prophecy - and gives signs and has everyone following her like they are mesmerized by her signs.  (please remember this) 

    I detect a little anti-white sentiment in your comments ....in the choice of words.... can you please explain why?   These sentiments are now part of the new Black Lives Matter propaganda which is part of the UNesco teachings in the schools today. This organization is linked to communist philosophy.... and since you hate Putin and the system he presents, it is a little puzzling that you embrace this kind of thinking - apart from the fact that Christians are never bias regarding race or ethnicity (for ... or against ... any ethnic group) 

  11. 6 hours ago, WalterPrescott said:

    his stupidity is proof you just don't know the castle doctrine as well as you should. This is why people get into trouble, by being idiots.

    Leave the law to those that understand it. Call the Cops. That, or fully understand the "castle doctrine" and "stand your ground" laws. Either way, you seem dumb enough not to get what justifiable means.

    Now this could be good advice if it was not given in such a nasty fashion. 

  12. 7 hours ago, WalterPrescott said:

    ust proves that you are the one that knows NOTHING about the end result Hitler was after. Learn how to tell history correctly and not be consumed by ignorance.

    I could challenge you on that but my ego is not strong enough.  As you know, Wilhelm 2 and Hitler was the previous King of the North and predicted in the bible to go down......  but the philosophical movements tied to Darwinism and the early 19th century did not go down. As you know, Hitler also saw the weak as disposable beings - not worthy of life. 

    This week I was listening to summaries of HG Well's books, and the brothers Huxley's contribution in all of this movement and the UN, and the entire technocratic movement before WW2 and after.   I think it helps one to understand the 19th century better and what we are heading for now.

    The goals after the League of Nations were formed, are still the same.  Even though the goals died down with the League's' demise is was resurrected with full force after the UN was formed and this time the leaders of the movement  were determined to keep the goals alive until the technical ability arrived to fulfill the goals....... a technocratic system wherein all citizen's actions could be monitored to bring the technocratic brand of peace and security - which by the way also has tones of eugenics. 

    It helped me to understand that the present world leaders have all bought into this "plan" and they are encouraged when they see things going their way.  They do not mind when the old world order is totally dismantled or destroyed and people die in the process to "build back better"......... to bring in the new world order that will rise from the ashes like a phoenix. This explains why they are breaking all possible laws they can get away with.

    It is a belief system and a faith in technocracy / scientism.  

  13. 46 minutes ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

    ow, how very political and part of the world this topic is.  

    All I can suggest is this: read under "Caesar " in the Insight book and you will find that we soon will be facing a similar situation because any non-compliance to the new authorities will be seen as treason to the state (that is under the UN agenda.)

    Why I mention this is that you will see that Jesus was viewed as a political seditionist.   

  14. 1 hour ago, WalterPrescott said:

    So, there is nothing that Russia is doing in Ukraine that can be justified.

    True, but the rest of my words confirms that you know nothing about NAZI-ISM - but despite this, you are quick to label people as Nazis. If you gathered nothing from my "lecture" then you are not really open to recognizing similar patterns in behavior.

  15. 4 hours ago, WalterPrescott said:

    However, you Nazi sympathizer,

    Walter you are so judgmental- to call someone a Nazi - when you obviously do not understand that both Russia and Ukraine are beasts of the same system - Satan's political system.   We all are fully aware that Russia is the King of the North and treats its people with injustice, murders opposition, and takes away wealth at a whim....... and only state propaganda is allowed.

    What most people do not apply to the West, in this time we are living in, is this:  the conditions in Germany which led to all the atrocities.  The Nazi's in Germany only allowed state propaganda (the powerful radio at the time), and hence, only hearing one ideology day and night, made all the German folk work together with the state to call good people enemies of the state and label them for destruction.  JWs, Jews, the disabled, Roma and so forth.  Those who did not like the state propaganda went along with it out of extreme fear of the deadly reprisals from the government.

    The populations in the West are living in a delusion.  They point to Russia as the supreme oppressor and think they are free .....because they are constantly reminded by state propaganda that they have a democracy - when, in actual fact, the West is slowly being turned into a totalitarian system. What is the cause of this?  The state propaganda which is constantly repeating the UN ideologies.  (UN Agenda 2030 ideologies).  All current events get the spin they want you to follow and buy into.  (i.e. the gun violence (only certain incidents) are being propagandized and get more media attention than other incidents in which more people have died....  as well as the war in Ukraine is propagandized. Nothing is left untouched by the state's angle of the story they want you to repeat and believe.)

    What are these ideologies the world leaders in the West are following?   The one world government under the UN which will bring peace and security of food, health and environment in future. Most of the West's leaders are working towards these goals and have totally bought into this dream. ... they really believe they can work together to bring it about!......and are doing so!.. Most leaders are on board that the current economic system must be replaced with an environmentally safe one,  even if millions could die in the process ... it is worth it  ... because it will bring in a wonderful future.   Like a Bolshevik revolution, they are busy bringing in the environmental revolution, a new financial system and a new controlling global health system.  A stranglehold on the media is already there and will slowly tighten as more organizations are sifting through internet to remove any information the state does not want you to see. Those who do not agree with the state are promoted as conspiracy theorists, misinformation spreaders, anti-prickers.... and so forth.  Soon they will be punished ..... but the time is not yet right for the rulers to turn to this step. 

    Only state propaganda is now officially allowed. Soon, all independent voices will be silenced. The UN, EU and USA already have large organizations in place that sift through information and remove anything which goes against state propaganda.  They even change definitions of words and change historical events.   Soon you will see that they will justify incarcerating anyone who do not have the new health/ passport which will also be an indication of your cooperation with the state narrative.     Soon, all dissenting voices will be cancelled and only state propaganda on internet and Tv will be allowed.  Where is this leading to?  The same as in Nazi Germany........Groups for extermination will be identified, which includes religious groups who insist on having a "choice" or a will of their own to choose the God they want to worship.  The UN is working on the new universal state religion which will be the only one allowed.


  16. 2 hours ago, Equivocation said:

    The Propaganda is getting insane by the day.

    Who is responsible for the propaganda? 

    rev 14:14 - 16

    13  And I saw three unclean inspired expressions* that looked like frogs come out of the mouth of the dragony and out of the mouth of the wild beast and out of the mouth of the false prophet

     14  They are, in fact, expressions inspired by demons and they perform signs, and they go out to the kings of the entire inhabited earth, to gather them together to the war of the great day of God the Almighty.

    All the kings of the earth are following this propaganda - which is leading them into direct conflict with Jesus Christ,  when he comes to rule completely over the earth.

    The false prophet is  very busy with his signs. The false prophet is leading us all mesmerized along with their lab-manufactured problems, massive fear-inducing propaganda, together with an unending list of solutions which have already been deliberated on by those who will soon become the 10 new kings together with the UNs WHO organization; constantly creating new diversions so that the populous cannot get time to think straight; and the atheist prophets of scientism can get their transhuman agenda into play. 

  17. 22 hours ago, Peter Carroll said:

    t is impoosible for apostates to give a postive comment so dont expect them to

    True - that is why I call it hate-OCD.... because they alway revert back to the same old MO.  There is no light to share. 

    5 hours ago, WalterPrescott said:

    I corrected Aruana on the perception of OCD

    I feel sorry for people with real OCD.  One of my studies' children has it. 

    The hate-OCD I refer to is such a deep hate for the GB that it consumes the mind.... and every subject is twisted to serve the purpose of insulting the GB....or those associated with them.....   hence the term - hate-OCD. 

    Peter, to be honest,  I do not like the way you speak to people (you can do it in a more respectful way) but I have never called you a hate-OCD person. 

    11 hours ago, Pudgy said:

    Calling someone an “apostate”

    Yes - there is a difference between a heretic and an apostate and I do think we should not be "wild" and pin these on people without knowing the difference. 

  18. 1 hour ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

    y an elder that had two nice daughters

    He acted out of personal concern for his daughters - which  is a good thing -  but not in the way he did it.  Because of the position he held in the congregation it brought dishonor to Jehovah's name.... because you can now use that as an example of bias behavior, which it is. 

    The bible does say we must not judge any person on hearsay...... so he was not correct in doing this.  But how many of us act in a perfect way when our daughter's reputation or well-being may be at stake?  He was just an imperfect father.

    In the end, you did not work out to be the best guy for her.... 

  19. 5 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

    about her being “ordered”

    There are exceptions to any general request.  If everyone did as they pleased there would be chaos, so everyone usually obliges willingly ,,,,,,,   but congregations are always very willing to make exceptions for the elderly.  So I agree with Tom...... they are not orders but people willingly obey any request.....  big difference in attitude. 

  20. 1 hour ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    know which scientific method is right?

    Read up what the scientific method is......that is - if they have not changed the definition by now.... because universities make money out of the true science and patents.  They change history to please themselves and  change science to please themselves etc..  What is going on in the world right now - is not science.  Humankind has regressed,,, not gone forward,  They keep the best science for themselves so they can weaponize it.... and feed the junk to the masses.... 

  21. 1 hour ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    nother kind of "inquisition"

    People who are inclined to make inquisitions out of anything except the right thing.  That is part of being imperfect.

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