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Everything posted by Arauna

  1. I would love to find out how old the soft tissue is........DNA age. Professor Mark Armitage won court case after termination - here is his personal story: He wrote a paper on the soft tissue he found in Dinosaur which shows that tissue not even one million years old! Here is a program on the science itself: Science has become a religion! Evidence no longer is considered - only the blind "religion" of its adherents. It is a religion created by men - do not put your trust in men! Sweden is a country with very little belief in God. The theory of Darwinism is teached from a young age in schools. Evolutionists refuse to test carbon14 in Dinosaur!
  2. Irony - money talks. Morals/ethics/sanctions/consistency go out the door when BIG money is involved,,,,,,,,,,
  3. South Africa (in summer) has thunderous, short and heavy storms of about 15 minutes and then it suddenly clears up and the sun shines so bright on the moisture in the sky that there is usually a beautiful rainbow. One of my fondest memories of the country of my youth,
  4. They have crossed the line of reality....(what news is supposed to be) . and started making TV serials - going into the business of making up theatre! Unfortunately the far left have no morals (just like far right) - it is all about propaganda. Revelation 16:14-16. Satan going out with propaganda and gathering the nations together for Armageddon.
  5. The world is changing all the time and so are the movements. I see two movements - a militant far-left and a militant far-right (polarization of nations by the propaganda of Satan Rev 16 -14-16). Both sides have fascistic elements and a middle of the road "common sense" approach has disappeared. The far left has cultural socialism as its goal. The idea that all religions and sexes are equal (even the deviant ones) and one should regard everything and everyone as equal (part of multi-culturalism). There is no right and wrong and there is a strong humanist/humanitarian ideology. It is also part of the idea that there should only be one equal human society on earth based on humanism/humanitarianism. (I now suspect that parts of this movement has been high-jacked by the anti-islamophobia movement. For example, Linda Sasour (muslim- feminine activist) is leading feminist rallies. (Women do not have equality in islam). Many black power movements have also been infiltrated by islam. The racism of the far-right has been insufferable and has been justifying the perpetration of acts of racial injustice and killings. But these violent acts have been providing fuel for the far-left movement, giving additional momentum when the muslim undercurrent incites riots and resistance for human rights. These justified causes unfortunately serve the purpose of an ulterior agenda. Islam is using this far-left movement for its own goal of gaining control of Western society and promoting islam - which has one society under islam as its goal. We already see many school campuses giving the Islamic "culture" preferential treatment by providing education regarding this culture (and young children recite the Islamic Shahadahs- which makes them a Muslim when recited in front of witnesses), while all other religions are not allowed on campus or do not receive special treatment. Universities have been taken over by this far-left anti-islamophobia movement. All this "equality" sounds very great until one looks at the building blocks it is made of - it is very deceiving. Only the future government under Jehovah god can bring true equality, equity and justice because it will not be based on any man-made philosophies or an imperialistic religion but on the willing adherence of believers to the principles/laws provided by Jehovah: true self-sacrificing love of every fellow human from the heart and a collective responsibility for each other and also the earth and its creatures. To the militant right we see the militant neo-Nazi movements, the neo populists, and alt-right alliance and anti-multi-culturalism. Included in this is a Christian movement (in USA) which believes that taking up arms is OK for a Christian. ... or manipulating the system to get their Christian goals enshrined in law. ( I read an interesting report today which confirmed my suspicion that Trump won the election because he was the only one addressing the problem of Islamic infiltration. There has been a great undercurrent of fear of islam driving many far-right movements). Europe too has an anti-multiculturalism movement in many countries because of the threat of loss of national identity and culture. There is a rise of nationalism to try to save the status quo of decades ago. Governments have been making too many concessions to the Muslim agenda because of the sheer pressure of Islam and the growing Muslim population. Governments also need Muslim votes. In England we already have more than 10 city mayors from the Islamic faith and there are many cities in Europe where the police dare not go in. These areas have Islamic courts dispensing Sharia law. Voters of the far-right are afraid of losing their independence. They are frightened of Sharia and its values To sum up: The iron-like governments cannot control and hold back the power of the clay (Daniel 2) - the combined humanism ideologies fuelled by a one world-wide government agenda which is also (to some measure) espoused by the EU and the UN - for different reasons. How far Jehovah will allow this to go on - only he knows. Soon the governments will tire of religions which are running their own agendas (riding the beast) and turn against their bedfellows by taking back all authority. Many countries already have laws in place by which they can hold any person indefinitely in prison without the right of access to a lawyer. Will we see an ISIS movement in Europe or Canada? We do not know.... only god knows. All I can see is a buildup of religious undercurrents and tensions all over the earth which will lead to the eventual annihilation of the control by false religion. In Asian cultures the same thing is happening. Japan is going back to emperor worship - teaching it in schools again. Militant Buddists are killing Muslims in Myanmar. In India the Hindu faith has been declared the religion of the far-right government and we know that the official religion of Russia is the old bedfellow of communism - the Russian orthodox church - which is behind the persecution of all other faiths with a special hatred for Jehovah's Witnesses.
  6. Their female socker players go on the field wearing the hijab - a symbol of their religion.... so if they allow the hijab they should allow other religions to use their symbols as well. That is called fairness.
  7. Times change too! What was not acceptable 20 years ago may now be acceptable...
  8. So true. God created us with a quality that he himself posesses - the power of choice in every situation. Unfortunately, as we live in imperfect conditions, we are prone to unforeseen bad situations that come up unexpectedly. But we are totally free to choose the path to our ultimate destination - to wholeheartedly serve God with integrity, or not. We can also choose the attitude we wish to display when something bad happens to us. Very true that intellectuals come up short when one looks at the source of their beliefs. One of the most hateful atheists on TV, who always seems to be debating in the limelight - Dr. Richard Dawkins - once said that life on earth came from another planet and was "seeded" here by an alien. Really! And where did that alien life come from? Scientists believe that science can cure everything - putting their trust in the intellectual power of other human beings - when there is ample proof that scientific research has resulted in the creation of multitudes of deadly weapons which have the potential to annihilate human life from the earth. Putting one's trust in anything or anyone apart from God, is a form of idolatry and hence a form of spiritism. As you rightly say - the studying of, and preoccupation with stars originated with the ancient Sumerians and Babylonians. They looked at the stars and the seven heavenly bodies; they could visibly observe them from their high towers in order to predict every step their king should take. They originated the Zodiac (and used it together with divination of the ducts in the liver of a sacrificed animal) for their predictions. The king would not act on anything unless the stars and other omens were in a favorable position...... and people still believe today that planets and stars have control over their lives. The Babylonians were so superstitious that everything was interpreted, even the flight patterns of birds, to calculate outcomes. Their mathematics and observations were extremely advanced - unfortunately for unscientific, superstitious purposes. We know what those things "out there" are which are really controlling their thinking patterns - the demons.
  9. Yes children should learn right from wrong and parents should be clear about this by teaching the principals involved and also the reasons "why" we avoid certain things. I see the world is not clear about right and wrong any more because most have ditched the bible and philosophies such as humanism or secularism has taken over. They do not see a threat to their own 'security" (spiritual and physical) even if it is right in their face. 50 years ago there was many good people who were holding the tide of wickedness back but I read an article this morning which indicates that many nations in EU have returned to the ancient forms of religion such as Wicca - spiritism is a growing phenomenon. These people have found the bible too restricting and now in their 'totally accepting new religion' they now accept just about any wicked thing - white magic, all kinds of sexual practices etc. I also agree- that we cannot tell others what to do and we should not push our conscience onto others - but if someone is playing with fire, I would warn them in the most kind and loving way so that they cannot take offense.
  10. There are many secret organizations - this is why Jehovah has to remove the wicked because some of them are so powerful (influence and money) and they sit in high places. Thanks to Jehovah that he will remove the wicked with his heavenly army in perfect justice! Earth will then be able to start anew with people who will work together to heal the world society of the qualities that are now contributing to its demise. If Jehovah does not step in - mankind's future survival is in jeopardy!
  11. The quality of critical thinking is going downhill - it is painful to watch the news these days! I hope this does not sound high minded or critical but I truly find that once you have been educated by Jehovah, to know the difference between right and wrong and you have a strong sense of justice - what is going on now in the world just boggles the mind! Satan is truly blinding the moral eyes of people!
  12. I actually watch very little movies these days - not much time. Additionally, too much violence and sex for my taste. I rather read an edifying book on some valuable subject. All of us should protect ourselves by obeying the instructions of Jehovah and his organization... especially the minds of our impressionable young kids. Let the children play - like all kids should - instead of sitting in front of a TV.
  13. I met a woman in Africa who told me she was trying to break free from Satanism. She said these people were so nice to her and she went with them a few times ... but when she wanted to leave they became nasty and threatening. She said Satan must have been watching her before she met them because she was watching horor movies all the time. She 'accidentally' met these people when she was at her most vulnerable.... yes Satan can pretend to be an angel of light....he has many disguises to deceive....
  14. In Africa, they put spells on each other or bury things at other peoples houses to bring bad spirits on them. For example: a woman (Ana) goes to the witch doctor to know why she has a problem (her husband does not love her any more or some other issue with her children). The witch doctor may throw the bones and then say that it is Ana's neighbor who is jealous and she previously had buried something at Ana's house to put her under a nasty spell. Ana will then go to the witch doctor to have the spell removed and then put a nasty spell back on her neighbor's children. This turns into a never ending hate game of power and control - and the witch doctor gets rich. What is seriously sad about all of this is that people display all the satanic qualities of hate, jealousy, suspicion and murder and all kinds of other wicked qualities - stirred up by contact with the demons - who want to see us suffer and eventually blame the creator for it. It could be family members hating each other and all these things are done in secret. The other person does not know you are secretly working against them or they are suspicious. These are all wicked qualities that come from being under control of satanic forces who get to control your thinking. Most of these people who practice these traditions have had contact with some form of Christianity but are still ignorant of the workings of satan (never been taught) or choose to ignore the warnings. Imagine living your whole life under fear of a spell/ spells by different people. Africa is seeing a great escalation of this as many of the ancient traditions are returning. People are rejecting the teachings of the bible. When I visited my son last year in December he told me that these evil practices are all some of the people talk about at work. The local newspapers also shocked me as there are so many stories of sorcery and spells in the news. Twenty five years ago this was not the case. It seems to me - in general - as if the mentality of society is deteriorating everywhere on earth. Twenty five years ago logic and good reasoning kept people sane. There were more good people who kept back the full power of Satan - but now- the influence of Satan is seen everywhere in the qualities people are displaying. As the time of the end gets closer the evil powers of satan are getting more open and prevalent - so it seems to me. And it is reflected in the different societies in different ways of behavior. It is no surprise to me to see the number of people who are just randomly killing others in first world countries as well as third world countries - they are all in some form or other under influence of satanic religions or other satanic forces. In the middle east most religions teach that you are not allowed to be a witch. Unfortunately there are so much other superstitions that this becomes a very good vehicle for satan to work with. The insidious practices of suspicion, the evil eye, reading the future in coffee leaves and also the Islamic teaching of the "jinn" contribute to spiritism. Read up about the jinn. They are evil spirits with a will of their own and are around all people - this is what they believe. Many exorcisms take place in islam and there are also some "sexual" encounters. But I do not read too much about this because I do not really want to get into the dark evil things of satan. It is just enough for me to know about it so I can recognize it when I encounter it - and I have in very unexpected places. I was studying with a young woman for quite some time when I realized I had not done a good job because I realized that she still believed in the Jinn. The Jinn are (according to them) made from fire so they are not the same as the evil spiritis we encounter in the bible.... well now I know better....look out for different kind of superstitions when you study with people!
  15. The world has really gone crazy! Have you seen all the photos with Linda Sarsour and her hijab leading the woman's marches! Genital mutilation and hijab and all the other things that are allowed on young little girls in Islam, hitting of wife, wife the property of husband etc... - and woman's rights organizations fight for her rights to lead these marches? The propaganda of Satan (Rev 16 - 14 - 16) is really blinding most people to what is right and wrong! There is no more justice - do not expect to see any!
  16. Some unexpected consequences! Like Noah had when he underestimated the sugar in the grapes and it had more alcohol than he expected - that is what I think happened - LOL. The canapé was gone and the sun more strong and the grapes must have been picked when the sugar was at its highest!
  17. Jehovah allows many testing situations to happen. He will only intervene in this wicked world when the time is ready. Satan is in control of this world and many bad things may still come to pass before Jehovah steps in. We can pray for our brothers and sisters to remain faithful and be wise so as to avoid problems which it is possible to sidestep. If they are discreet (which we know they are), they will survive this oppressive regime.
  18. Women are oppressed all over the world. Any form of oppression is a Satanic quality. Jehovah told Adam after his fall that he would dominate his wife. In different cultures is just depends upon the degree. Husbands who lovingly care for their wives are much happier - hence the instruction from Jehovah to love your wife. Wives on the other hand should show deep respect. This is not hard when a husband is kind.
  19. The realities of the mess human governance is making on earth - interventions in the end are helping all the wrong people. The egg is scrambled and cannot be unscrambled!
  20. One cannot take sides - but I would rather end up in an Israel prison than under Palestinian authority - their torture seems to be a notch higher in cruelty.
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