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Everything posted by Arauna

  1. The sacred secret has now been revealed! Eph 1:8-10- Jehovah has been 'managing/ administering" his sacred secret throughout the millennia. We now understand the timeline of all the promises relating to Jesus as the future king of a government that will correct the "root-cause" of all of mankind's problems.
  2. The best help - gift - we can give anyone is to teach them about Jehovah! It lifts them out of despair and gives them hope for a future - something to look forward to! Many live in poverty (with its associated crime and ignorance) and realize there is no way they will ever get out of their circumstances - they do not have the education or money or opportunities..to get out of their country or circumstances... Some fathers start to drink/use drugs with the little money they earn and increase the suffering of their families because they are desperate and do not know the way out. (I lived 48 years in Africa before moving to Europe and later in America - now in Sweden). I saw such extreme poverty that I was stunned by it... and realized that only the message of Jehovah can give hope for a future life. We are very materialistic in the West! Jehovah promises us to come out of Armageddon only with our "life" - no other things. What is the most precious gift we have - it is our life! I think the very poor and deprived sometimes understand this more than affluent people do! (This is why affluent people make issues of very small things because they are not wondering where their next meal is coming from for their family!) When I see the smiles of our brothers in Africa, and know that many of them only have the minimum to survive, and yet they have such joy! ... my heart is happy to know that someone took the time to teach them the truth! I worked amongst Arab speaking refugees in America - sometimes more than 100 hours and spent some 30 to 40 additional hours helping them with translations and filling out forms etc. ... and I have come to the conclusion that some just want "social help" and focus more on material things. They are not really searching for the "truth". Some have a spiritual need but they are not prepared to let go of their "wants" to reach out for the promises that Jehovah can give them. They are not spiritual people but "fleshly". They evaluate everything in only fleshly terms. Of course we must teach them this but sometimes they just want to "take" more than "give". Because witnesses are so 'giving' these people can become predators. So we must be careful to keep the right focus - first on spiritual help. This is why it is wise to look after our own brothers and sisters first - and then reach out to others with "social works." To be a truly Christian person we will not hold back kindness when it is possible to give it - but the most precious gift is the truth! Of course (if it is in your power to do something do it). I wrote letters for people who could not speak the language to get better housing or helped them to reduce bills ... I gave some help which does not involve money... and this giving spirit demonstrated to them the Christian way of thinking - to help others at sacrifice to self. To give 'time' to help others. But the focus of our time should be spent on teaching others the truth. Our time is the most precious commodity we have! Oh, I wanted to add another thought: The witnesses are preaching in so many languages now that most people on earth can be reached in their own language! Those who are living in "closed" societies - such as muslim countries where a bible is not allowed - these nations are now being shaken! So these refugees are now coming out and being contacted with the truth! I preach here in the streets giving out tracts. Some come to me - and ask questions! I make sure I show them how different we are to other Christians so they have a solid basis to go and think about... and later talk to the Witnesses again. I feel about it this way - they are getting a Witness - very few are going to listen - but all need to get an opportunity! Jehovah will resurrect those who are asleep in death - those who never had contact with the truth. Many were good people and had a good conscience! Jehovah is just and will not pass anyone by that may be a good future citizen of his Government. We must now focus on getting the "precious things of the nations" out of the vicious world which will soon collapse!
  3. I like the phrase "one channel of truth" - well chosen words. The 'only' sublime truth out there in the jungle of untruths. One does not know where to find a little "truth" any more in the news. Many backroom mischief-makers are now jumping on the bandwagon and spinning out false stories since the word " fake news" has become a byword. Far left and far right are each giving their 'versions' or "alternative facts " of world events. There are very few respected news channels left where one can get the story as it happened without some political spin. I realized it is time to cut my time on these things and focus only on the "one" truth! Satan is out there gathering people together with the 'propaganda' for the great day of Armageddon. Everyone is becoming more fierce and confrontational.... Rev 16: 14-16. " It is expressions of demons going out.... to gather .....together for Armageddon"
  4. Searcing for the truth! I went to several churches to search for the truth and attended lectures by theologians at university. I was not impressed. I was reading the bible - a lot. I found scriptures which refuted the trinity and asked a professor about it. He gave me a book to read.. which did not answer my questions.. I then met a little old lady at the library and my life changed forever!
  5. They are not supposed to drink at all but smoking and drug abuse is rampant. Many women also smoke the Hookah. Anything goes when you are fighting the enemy - one may use drugs - especially when you are going to give up your life as a suicide killer. They often find large stashes of drugs when ISIS fighters have fled. Yes their view of the Western culture is one of gross immorality and they tout the superiority of Islam and its laws. This is why it is good to know about "pleasure marriages" in Shia islam - legal pimping. One of my studies told me that the women in these "pleasure marriages" are not supposed to get pregnant... if they do ... they usually have an abortion. There is so much one can write about which is downright nasty in Islam because it was started by a man with no moral conscience at all! and under the direct influence of Satan. A demon grabbed him by the throat and told him to recite! But I focus on the suffering of the innocent people who are oppressed by this most vicious religion that is now penetrating most Western societies and gaining power everywhere. The world is going to be a sorry place if this is allowed to spread much further. But Jehovah has his own time to step in. He will only step in when it has been proven beyond reasonable doubt that humans cannot rule the earth successfully without obedience to Jehovah - the only true God. And the role of false religion in humankind's history and the suffering it has caused will be exposed - without a doubt!
  6. The American world power pretending to be a " lamb" and being a "dragon" . These conditions (as described above) are like eggs that are scrambled - one cannot separate the ingredients any more. It will take intervention from Jehovah to correct what is going on. This is why the powers of this unjust world have to be dismantled by Jehovah when the time is right - He is the only one that can do it because the powers of the people (so-called democracy) are ineffectual. Rule by humans for justice is a sham. Much suffering and poverty will unfortunately be the outcome for as long as these hidden things are going from bad to worse. "Get out of her my People." Get out of Babylon the Great and out of all political entities which are serving the powerful purposes of Satan. Thanks for the article and the replies.
  7. I have to say this: I love the Arabic speaking people - I love to work amongst them but I see how false religion has put a tremendous burden on them - especially the women. There are wonderful men too, who love their wives and treat them well. Then you get the ISIS types who are full of false religion, fierce and destructive personality types. But they are not happy! Some of them are so warped in their personalities that they are prepared to die to kill others so they can go to a deprived heaven. We must be as sincere a doves - but very careful. I try to focus only one the ones who want to know more - Jehovah is the one who is directing his work! Of course, by what we say we can stimulate interest and I have learnt to do this. Honest hearted ones immediately respond when they get the gist of it.... so all of us must work hard to become better carriers of the most important message that will ever be delivered in the history of the universe! It is here where the issue of Jehovah's universal sovereignty is being played out for the first time in the history of the universe and the outcome will be a precedent for all future, will-full disobedience to Jehovah! I am grateful to be part of it but I realize that I have to keep my own spirit in control so that I can be of better use to Jehovah. That also means that I have to cut some of my chatting on this forum so that I can do more preparation for the field! LOL
  8. My dear friend - to me all these things are not really important. What is important is that Jehovah is going to remove all false religions and governments (including all the secret organizations and secret religious orders which has its hold on society) from the earth. A lot of Arabs ask me about the illuminati... and now we see this article today about the 'deep state'. It is good to know that it exists (but one does not have to study it in detail to be sure of the details of its existence - because it is just another manifestation of Satans deceiving power. ) i.e. The dark net - there is proof that it exists, but not even the CIA knows the full extent of it and may never know it ; but they say that only the top of the iceberg is visible. ISIS and powerful criminals use encrypted messages on the dark net - it is larger than the regular internet . They do all their criminal business/recruiting there and the CIA etc. cannot penetrate it. Most decent people are not even aware of this! When I encounter these questions in field service, awareness of it, has helped me to answer, I say : Yes I know there are many secret organizations which are wielding great power on earth and many powerful governments are ordering assassinations and manipulate weaker governments and even arrange coo-de-tats, there are global (evil) corporations controlling large parts of the world through their money and lobbying - and then I briefly say what I know. But then the punchline comes:- Mankind does not have the power to stop it! It is so integrated in society like a scrambled egg. It cannot be undone! by mankind. Then I give the scriptures: This is all proof that Jehovah will have to step in and destroy wickedness because these wicked practices are hurting good people and Jehovah will not allow this to go on forever! Regarding Islam - Satan inspired a man to take the Kingdom of Jehovah and make a false replica of it. The eschatological beliefs of islam believe that Islam must rule all over the earth and Sharia law must prevail everywhere for there to be peace on earth for a period of time. They believe that Jesus will come back to earth in flesh and fight the Dajjal (anti-Christ with the sword - weapon.... ) and submit to Islam. Of course the Muslims are killing each other (Shiia and Sunni) because their "theocracy" (such as in Shiia Iran) is actually human rule by Imams with their fatwas and "spiritual police" who check women's dress etc. They follow the example of Mohammad as a perfect man just as we follow the example of Jesus. If we became fundamentalist (go back to what Jesus taught) everyone would sell their possessions and no-one will lift a weapon and preach about the Kingdom all day.... If you read the life history of Mohammad you will be shocked at all the bad things he did and allowed in Sharia Law. Because most Muslims learn these things from a young age they are not shocked at some of the things allowed in Islam. When I read the Qur'an a red flag went up very quickly when I saw the attitude of superiority that is taught towards Christians and Jews... and I can give you the list of scriptures to read in an English Qur'an which creates enmity with all "unbelievers" and allows for killing. Just as in Christianity - they attend mosque and do not read the Qur'an themselves - only those who understand arabic. They trust their Imams to teach them. Saudi Arabia has used their oil wealth in the last 40 years to send Imams into the world teaching the fundamental "Salafist" Islam and they also used front organizations to build mosques all over Europe and America... other countries too! Some Mosques teach radicalized teachings and some do not. Most Muslims believe in this future government of islam. Unfortunately they also believe that deceit about islam is permitted to "win" people to the faith...... so very nice people will not expose the "questionable" beliefs of the religion - and believe me - there are many!. Extreme muslims do not vote - they believe in loyalty only to Allah and his future government. ISIS was killing young kids that were playing music or football because fun is not allowed on earth and one must be prepared to give your life for the future 'government"...when you kill unbelievers in the act of giving your life you receive life in heaven immediately without suffering in hell. You can then intercede for your family. What this heaven entails - according to the Hadith - they will not tell you- because it is shocking! So Islam is a false replica of God's heavenly kingdom here on earth for a short period.... and then the final reward is heaven with many carnal pleasures! The Imams have tremendous power. One is not allowed to question the Quran, or a teacher of islam, because then you are a heretic or apostate - punishable by death in an Islamic country. Read up, how many Christians are killed in Pakistan yearly because if some person does not like them - they can accuse them of saying something against the Qur'an or say they have burnt a page of the Qur'an - and then the "perpetrator" faces execution - sometimes the crowds take matters into their own hands... The father posesses his children and wife: so "honor killings " receive mild sentence. I can go on and on. It is not important to know these things unless you work amongst them and this knowledge is also not the most important - because it is Jehovah's spirit which draws the right ones to him.... however, some knowledge helps one to catch their attention by what you say when one first has the opportunity to talk to them. I immediately show them that Jesus is already ruling ' Invisibly' in heaven (he is not coming back in flesh) and a sign of this is that Satan has been thrown out of heaven: I read Rev 12 - 7-12. Jesus is ruling in heaven already and there is a short period of time left for satan on earth... the sign of satan on earth is the escalation of wickedness (violence, war and killing on earth) which is part of false religion mixing in politics. (ISIS is a political entity - caliphate - and according to prophecy they will have black flags.) It has helped me to know what they believe so I can preach and show the differences of this future government and the differences between sharia and what Jesus taught. I usually immediately tell them that we are different to all other Christian religions. They are taught in the mosques that Christians are all idolaters because they believe in a trinity and kiss statues of Mary etc. So I immediate tell them that we believe, like them, that God is one and Jesus is not god. I also tell them that we do not have any pagan traditions, statues, or any form of idolatry.... they usually listen.... This opens the door to further discussions. About the possibility of islam playing a large part in the time of the end..... we just need to build our spiritual strength because - if they do take over power - it will be something like Syria ..... and we will most probably have to be prepared to die for our faith - for our integrity. Hopefully things go another way and Jehovah spares us this.... it is just speculation.... who of us can know what Jehovah will allow and what direction world affairs will take? All I know is that the end will be the greatest tribulation ever -and people are now building violent attitudes (by means of Satans propaganda) which will lead them to kill each other " brother killing brother."
  9. Thanks for reply. I cannot resist a good chat. Islam is opportunistic - when other conflicts exist or where there is a vacuum - it may take power in ISIS-style maneuver in Europe when other problems become too much for current governments to handle. The caliphs after Mohammad took over mega territories because many countries were exhausted by wars. (Satan chose his time perfectly). Russia (has 27 million muslims within its borders) but it controls them ruthlessly. China also controls its Muslim province in the West of country with an iron fist. It seems that Trump and Putin have this same goal in mind. Russia's economy is not doing so well but Putin has managed to remain the hero by focusing on nationalism and the flexing of his muscles and showing his power. Russia is sitting on megaton nuclear arsenal and has now started a new arms race. (while Trump is ignoring his generals and going behind their backs and making weapon deals (just as Hitler did). We are in a new era of cyber warfare, satellite warfare, drone warfare, EMP, etc. apart from the information warfare going on. If Trump wants to make America great he has to sit down with his generals and work out a comprehensive strategy and not go bargain hunting like a businessman! He cannot afford to invest in old technology - he has to keep up the façade of strength! China has vast financial interests all over the world. It has bought much mineral rights in Africa for cell phones etc. It is also flexing its muscles but at present fears the loss of revenue. This situation may not last very long. Putin is building alliances with the renegade countries like Iran (providing weapons), Syria (he has access to the ports there) and now he is making overtures to Turkey - closer to Europe. All these countries have little love for America and bring much pain to their subjects with their totalitarian and ruthless ruler ship styles (and call "death to America" every Friday in their mosques.) We see totalitarian governments all over the earth ; while Europe and Canada are like the clay... mentioned in Daniel. We are seeing a rise of far-right parties and hysterical far-left parties - both militant in their outlook. Who knows - maybe Russia and America will be part of the an alliance to turn against islam....and Christianity....How this will happen one can only speculate because time will tell! All I can say is that Islam has already infiltrated most of the western world and could turn out to be the King of the North when it suddenly becomes opportunistic, takes over and starts to kill all opposition religions. At present, Russia and China are challenging world alliances and testing Americas resolve to help old buddies. America is financially in a bad place - trillions of dollars in debt and does not want to assist NATO or UN any more. This could lead to a weakening of these organizations and their efforts to look powerful and keep renegade nations at bay. Russia or China will not only act as a bully - it may become the bully. We are definitely entering one of the most dangerous periods in world history - whole nations could face annihilation when things start to go wrong on religious as well as political fronts and there are no more safe places to run to! The harlot is riding the beast and may soon control it completely! So maybe islam remains part of the harlot until the beast turns against her - then she may turn violent! Most countries import their foods from other countries - if the supply chain is disrupted and foods do not arrive by train, truck and boat we will see anarchy and chaos in shops and then demonstrations and looting. There are so many infrastructures that need protection (power grids) and internet for the banking sector. (in 2016 the US budget for cybersecurity was 36 billion.) These infrastructures can be destroyed in an instant... So everything is in place for Armageddon to happen.....,,, more time may only make the final fall of human ideologies and ruler ships so much greater! I do think that Trump has the personality to negotiate a so-called peace between arabs and Israel and then call out wide and far that we have reached a state of "peace and security" - which of course is totally false because everything will go satirically wrong after that..... but there is speculation on the internet that he may be killed .... so he may not be the one to initiate this call! Jehovah has his own time: Humans also need to reach a " point of no return" regarding the earth. It must become clear, beyond reasonable doubt, that mankind is ruining the earth! Trump's new environmental executive orders come as no surprise - it will speed up the world's carelessness towards the environment because many countries take their queue from USA. With fracking, the destruction of water resources, and so many other issues, it may become evident quicker than previously calculated. Holland has become like Brussels - although large terrorist acts have not taken place there, many individuals have been murdered by Muslims who take revenge when anything is said to criticize islam. A good example is the film-maker who made a film about the violence in islam. My study in USA had a daughter in Holland who studied with JWs. She was put in hospital and her house trashed when they found out she was studying. So the situation is dire in places where there are many Muslim immigrants. Riots, rapes, thefts, abductions and so forth all over Europe. It does not come as a surprise to me since islam has the most depraved sexual laws: Here is one of them which is a permitted practice in Islam: https://themuslimissue.wordpress.com/2013/08/03/fatwa-number-41409-surah-654-mufa-khathat-thighing-of-infants/
  10. Wilders only mentioned demographics because the interviewer was interrupting him more that allowing him to speak: With the European population growth at -1 ; and most Muslim men allowed 4 wives who are having 6 - 8 children - we can predict an Islamic government within the next 25 years. This Muslims youth - when coming of age to vote - will vote in Muslim candidates... and when these candidates are in power they will bring in full Sharia Law. Islam is not a race - it is an ideology. So Christians who will not bow to islam are facing a dire situation. Most Muslim countries do not allow freedom of religion and most do not allow Bibles, preaching, or Christian places of worship. Jews will face immediate death. My interest in this is merely to see where the world is going and the possible fulfillment of prophecies in the Bible. A coalition of governments will turn against maybe one religion and then all the rest or against religion at the same time.... I understand that this clash of civilization/ religion / far-left versus far-right / is lying in the future of all governments and false religion. True Christians will only keep busy with the work Jesus has given us and stay out of the fray when it blows up!
  11. America has trillions of dollars in debt - so where will he get the money for this? Take it away from the programs for the poor I guess! Watched a program recently which demonstrated how we have had a silent coo-de-dat of democracy by corporate America.... and how the poor is getting poorer.
  12. One is naive if one does not think this is going on all the time! I am of the opinion that WikiLeaks is being used as a pawn by some hostile/manipulative regimes to get information out only when they want it out! I do not know if Assange has already realized this - or not! The timing of some of his revelations are just too orchestrated.... or maybe he is manipulating things....
  13. I would just like to add: If one studies the bible and interesting idea comes to the fore. God did NOT want them to build cities so early after the flood - he told them to spread out! Nimrod was in opposition to Jehovah because he not only lead them to built 'many cities' in Babylon and Assyria (as indicated in genesis) but started an empire. Originally he hunted lions to keep people safe but became a leader and then became very powerful. In ancient Babylonian culture as well as the Assyrian culture, kings regularly hunted lions to prove their power as king. Look at some of the Assyrian reliefs in the London Museum of antiquities.....(they are online). Later on ... they used to breed lions for the king to hunt. The word " Nimr " also has connections to the tiger. Why was it wrong to build cities which we today call "civilization?" It immediately divides peoples into a class system. A ruler with his religious leaders to back him up (as in ancient Babylon) with the religious order controlling many sectors of the economy such as grain storage etc. These religious leaders then built an entire system of worship around a person or persons.... and they controlled the wealth. In my studies of ancient Babylon I soon realized that the zodiac was paramount in their religious system and superstition and spells were the order of the day. They studied every movement of the stars and planets and their mathematical calculations were extremely advanced so that they could use it for predictions - for the king. When to go to war -when to make alliances etc. Within cities one also immediately gets diversification of permanent jobs... The potter makes pottery (mass production); the cotton producer dies his material in massive urine dams..... This not only leads to rich and poor but also brings dirt and disease in cities. Hogs used to roam in Babylon's streets to clean up rubbish. Massive food cultivation leads to depletion of the ground. Today Babylon is arid because of the salt in the ground due to over irrigation by the irrigation channels. They built a network of irrigation channels to cultivate crops. Yes - and you get slaves - because the king needs people to do the hard labor of building water channels and palaces etc. And what about the building of walls for protection because more wealth brings greater chance of being attacked! It seems to be a vicious circle! Jehovah called Abraham out of a 'city' where the moon god was prevalent as the chief deity. City-states became the norm everywhere and many of these made war against each other. Soon after Abraham left Ur - Ur was attacked and had major destruction! Abraham trusted in Jehovah and had protection from him. He also came out from the pantheon of Gods that were everywhere! Babylon was famous for its shrines just like Rome had shrines everywhere to its gods. Abraham looked forward to the 'city' of Jehovah (many city states had a king-priest because religion and the king were closely bound together.) I love reading about agriculture and have read that small, diversified farms are the best way to farm. Diversity of animals and diversity of crops.... I think we will do this in the new system. Hi rise cities may become something of the past! Yes, Babylon was responsible for many of the false teachings and most civilizations still adhere to many of its teachings in our modern era. Fortunately - we only have to adhere to the bible to serve Jehovah well. And while it is interesting to know where these things come from (1 Co 8:1 "now concerning food offered to idols....... knowledge puffs up.") Knowledge of false religion is not the most important aspect of our worship to Jehovah. Like good English - one does not learn bad English to know what is good - one learns good English and then one can discard bad English when it is spoken.
  14. I treat Modern scholars with more caution - after all - money and grants have taken over all sciences. Global corporations have their fingers in all the pies. (We have had a silent coo-de-dat of the democratic system by global corporations!) Most of the gods of Babylon received a new name in Greece; most of the gods of the Grecian empire received new names under the Roman dispensation; and they received a make-over when many of them were incorporated into the catholic empire. I remember studying the Harappa culture (Indus valley - originally in India) after I had gained a good understanding of Sumer and ancient Babylon and I was amazed at the number of similarities! If one looks at Babylonian architecture you will also find similarities with early architecture in Greece! This was not the only part of the civilization that was exported from Babylon.... however, each geological area added their own flavor to the gods.
  15. I read a few days ago that the number of Muslims in Europe is 50 million. Now this may sound islamophobic but bear with me and you will get my point. As true Christians we know that all false religions get actively involved in world politics (Rev 17 - 18). The Christians who love their politics and guns voted for Trump and allowed their fear of Islamic terrorism (the need for "security" ) to influence their vote. We also note that Russia was contacted prior to the elections and there is mounting evidence of them influencing the vote with false information..... I think Putin is trying to destabilize USA and Europe (he hates NATO). Russia have only their own interests at heart - not a grain of benevolence there! Russia annexed Georgia and part of Ukraine without the world doing anything - USA looks weak. This has given Russia incentive to flex its muscles further by breaking prior agreements regarding the building of certain weapons. They have also made alliances with Iran and now have access to ports in Syria. China has also flexed its muscles by building islands in seas that previously did not belong to them.... and have built runways and ports on them.......so the world powers are all posturing like cocks. The mega-ton nuclear bombs that Russia has, boggles the mind. Trump indicated that he does not want to be part of NATO (but now has changed this thought) because he dare not let go of his alliances. It has been the alliances of America with the rest of the world (its bedfellows) that has kept the balance; for renegade nations were intimidated not to go too far to destabilize the order. It would therefore be fatal for trump to isolate America and become inward-looking. Islam has taken the future Kingdom of Jehovah and it has made a false replica of this. Islam (and all its eschatological beliefs) believe that Islam must expand to fill the earth and their version of law (Sharia law) must be instituted all over the earth to bring peace to the earth. We know this is a lie because Shiite and Sunni muslims hate each other. They will work together and fight together to take over fast territories and then start fighting each other as soon as they have achieved this goal. (Syria is a good example of this, as is Yemen ). Iran and Turkey are also vying with each other to establish the next Islamic caliphate - both treat their own people ruthlessly even though Iran purports to be a Theocracy. (Many totalitarian states rising up - some like iron and some like clay - as in Europe) We have good evidence of how Sharia law works in Saudi Arabia (they have been spreading Salafist ideology throughout the world in the last 30 years and many mosques in Europe and America belong to their front organizations.) Pockets of no-go zones all over Europe and England have already been taken over by Sharia law - it has been allowed to rule without any restraint in these areas. (83 areas in England and 55 in Sweden are two statistics that come to mind.) Women and children have no rights and men have more than one wife (and receive state benefits for up to 4 wives and their children with each wife!..). Imams have more powers than the pope because they can call a death warrant on any Muslim or public figure which insults Islam.) My point is this: If Europe is in any way destabilized by conflict .... it will create a vacuum wherein we will see the sudden rise of an ISIS- like organization in Europe and it will spread fast with much violence to Canada and many other countries - just like it did in Iraq and Syria. The behavior we saw in Irak and Syria will be repeated..... but this time there will be no place for refugees to flee to. We are definitely in the time of the end - that is for sure. Jehovah may put it into the heart of the political entities to turn against all religion before this clash of civilizations comes to Europe....But they first have to realize the security issues..... and so far they seem to be 'blinded' and are adhering to resolutions given by the EU and UN. Trump may be the man who will broker a peace deal in the middle east and proclaim far and wide that we now have "peace and security" - which will be false of course! He has the right personality for it! Sudden chaos will descend. Governments will then take steps to curb religion. No more recruiting / preaching and loyalty to your government comes first! This is just speculation of course..... But all I am sure of is this: the doomsday clock is moving closer to midnight than the secular world suspects. ...
  16. I spoke with a Swedish sister yesterday while on field service. She said that the Swedes NEVER talk about religion - it is a taboo in their culture. Many Swedes are secularist. The sister took quite long to become active because she could not tell her parents that she wanted to be a witness and she still cannot speak to them about Jehovah because it is taboo in their family to speak about any aspect of any religion. So I find these brothers advertising their faith so loud very encouraging and brave!
  17. Just like to add: the water was on the earth already before the creative 'day/period' 1/one, when the earth was desolate and dark because Jehovah's spirit was moving over the waters; to me, it has always been logical that the earth had a very long cooling off period after the physical heavens and earth were created because this cooling down process was responsible for the water and dense vapor which Jehovah then subsequently divided on day 2.
  18. Oh no! another apostate smarty parts back who just loves to be a troll! These people waste your time! Lost causes...I may take my exit now and use my time more usefully!
  19. How irresponsible of the legal system. The killer should be in a facility where he can be monitored to keep taking his medication! The inevitable is that he could claim another victim. Is a life worth nothing these days?
  20. Yea, they do not work. The government in Israel have a BIG problem with these people because they do not contribute to society in any way. They stay home and live off the government to only study the Torah at the synagogue and make babies (large families) They fuel religious hate against other religions. It is usually they who throw stones at Jehovah's people (and damage the buildings) when they have a bible convention in Israel. They are not an example of how a religion (which is inspired by the true God) should work. The people of Jehova contribute to society in so many ways and also pay their taxes (as Jesus instructed them to do) apart from not participating in military service.
  21. Hypocritical how this world under the control of Stan works. Nigeria is famous for having little respect for life when the elite is living off all the riches of oil and many of their poor dying when they try to pilfer oil. Extreme corruption in Nigeria - read up about it. When the Chibok girls were abducted by Boko Haram the government did nothing to fetch them back .... because they did not care! Boko Haram is threatening to take over the country and is responsible for so many terrorist deaths. Attacks which are not reported on in the West. Under extreme Islam some women are not even allowed to get medical treatment without the permission of a male.... but this is never disclosed or written about...... However, it is advertised far and wide when it is 'alleged' that someone died because they themselves refused blood against the advice of a doctor and in obedience to a law they believe to be coming from the true god. All loss of life is sad yet there are still many reasons one can lose your life in childbirth today. In the end it is always the refusing of blood that is given as the reason. Africa has so much aids and other virusses (Nigeria has the 2nd largest number of newly infected people with aids) that I would not trust any pint of blood in this most notorious country in Africa - notorious for its financial and all other kinds of corruption. What were her chances for living if she had taken the blood? Life expectancy is not very high for babies in Nigeria and very few people get very old... Better to trust in Jehovah and not in these corrupt systems of the world - which do not care about their own people! She has become a propaganda pawn in someone's agenda! At least Jehovah will reward all those who remain faithful. He will compensate us for what we have lost in this corrupt world for the sake of obedience to his standards! .
  22. A lot of people debunk things when it does not agree with their vision. It is like the "science" offered these days which proves that humans have a hand in the climate change and other studies which give proof that it is bunk - and in the meantime there are countries and whole areas that is going under water while the scientific "debate" and scientific proofs are still being offered to prove it is not happening.... Russia is using new sea lanes in seas that previously were covered in ice - there is also a race for territory under the sea to explore for oil.... in new territories where they never thought they would explore. So I must offer the thought that I do not really put my trust in science - or the humans behind it. I do not put blind faith in humans and their so-called knowledge because one does not know when it has been tainted with an agenda. Really too much misinformation these days.... conflicting studies all over the place and many have been caught out as manipulating their results. One does not have to throw everything away though - and neither do I throw all away that Hyslop wrote - that would not be smart - even if it is just to get an idea what the universal thoughts behind some of the signs were. He was smart enough to tie ancient Babylon and Sumerian culture to many of the ideas in modern Babylon - which is agreed upon by the author of the bible, Jehovah, because he himself calls the empire: Babylon the Great. Many of the spiritistic ideas in many modern religions on earth today came from that area. There are many scientists who agree with the new chronology in Egyptology. But unfortunately they are not allowed into the country any more. If you do not agree with the' prevailing consensus' then you are marked as a pseudo-scientist. Champollion was not a good scientist either because he was an archeologist when the science was in it infancy and yet his ideas are accepted as laid in stone/ concrete.... and other scientists have built on it. The problem lies right at the foundation of Egyptology....and when one builds on a wrong foundation then one gets the mess we are sitting with at present. Two people who come to mind who did not agree with the new ideas offered by younger scientists were Einstein (later in his life he rejected some excellent new ideas); and Hawkins - but we still view them as icons for the work they did do. There are still some very good thoughts in Hyslop's book.... but of course there were religions that did not like it and set out to discredit him - so they wrote their own pseudo-science. I am glad you agree with me on one thing - that there were universal symbols for many things which was accepted by many countries. A good example today is the wedding ring - originally pagan - but we still use it as a symbol to show that we are married. Some countries they wear it on the left hand and in other on the right....This does not mean that we are pagans. Since it does not involve pagan rituals or participation in pagan rituals it has evolved as a universal symbol - we accept it as a sign of marriage. Same with the days of the month. We cannot throw absolutely everything out of the window - we are still in this world and we share it with people who do not believe in God. But we can remain clean by not participating in pagan rituals and stay away from inter-faith. I do appreciate chatting with you though but I do not like debates - it does not serve an edifying purpose. I would just like to add: I do not need science to prove that the Bible is a message from the creator. There are too many prophesies going into fulfillment at present which give proof that the writings of the bible has a higher source....
  23. Regarding my post yesterday: If you want to check out the meanings of the symbols on this find you can read parts of the book: The Two Babylons by Alexander Hyslop. Regarding dating in Archeology: It is definitely not a good measuring stick of the truth. However, it can enhance our understanding of ancient traditions and living. First of all, there is much controversy about the Carbon dating of artifacts. Scholars usually have to "indicate' from "which layer" they have removed the artifact when they send it for analysis of the time frame... There are numerous examples on internet - of samples (from the same specimen) that were sent to different labs and wildly different dating results being obtained! The most controversial aspect of inconsistency in archeology can be illustrated by the ongoing controversy about the chronology in Egyptology. Champolion, the father of Egyptology, decided that one king Shishak (mentioned in the Bible) is the same as one king mentioned in hieroglyphics of a certain dynasty - and since then this dating has been set in stone while being faulty. Since then all doctoral degrees and research were done with this chronology in mind and therefore it may not be changed. The head archeologist in Egypt (one sees the Arab in many archeological TV shows) does not allow any archeologists to dig or investigate on 'his/Egypt's' sites if these scholars disagree with the current accepted chronology and dates! So much for honesty in science! There are many dissenting voices regarding chronology and these agree, or are closer to, the dates given by the organization. http://www.knowledge.co.uk/velikovsky/ages-in-chaos.htm Dr Velikovsky's books were some of the first that created a furore! ... and there are more scholars who agree with Velikovsky! The problem is exacerbated when the surrounding countries' ancient history has been coordinated with that of Egypt (such as that of the Hittites) to coincide with what happened in Egypt! So many other dating of histories has been affected by this wrong dating of Egypt's kings! There is more than enough evidence of Israel's history when one searches for it in the right time period! There are not many chronologists but one of the modern authors which is not allowed in Egypt any more is David Rohl: Watch this short excerpt!
  24. This is why there is so much false information and speculation around because journalists may no longer investigate and publish the truth any more. They are controlled by newspapers who have an agenda. Now the UN and many governments are becoming protectionist to "perceived treats". Journalists are supposed to uncover the truth an keep governments honest.... (not that I agree with what Wiki leaks has done in the past.) We are entering a type of fascistic era where information is controlled tightly - setting the scene for governments to do what they like. It is an ideal climate for governments to turn against religion and spread whatever information they like about a religion. Russia at moment doing this - demonizing Jehovah's people as extremist
  25. I am not an expert on this but I would like to stipulate that it most probably sealed a message that was never sent out as it was found in the rubbish dump. It could have been a diplomatic letter to Egypt and we are not sure if it was the particular seal for a diplomatic mission to this specific country - letters would have had different seals to identify letters going out to different parts of the world. So it would not be the ONLY seal of the king - it would designate it to be official diplomatic business. Just as the international diplomatic language originally was Akkadian, then Aramaic, then Greek and then Latin - there were also certain international symbols that had universal meaning. The horn came to symbolize suzerainty (power) and wings symbolized the extent of the power. As I said I am not an expert on this but it gives one something to investigate and follow up on. Consequently - one must not be quick to jump to conclusions about the unfaithfulness of Hezekiah. Remember that he was not a perfect servant of Jehovah and he was definitely not living in a vacuum. Most probably he regularly had diplomats from countries around him (even from afar for trade agreements and security for the transport of goods to his country etc) and sent diplomats to countries around him to maintain good relations. The world was a complicated place and international relations just as difficult to maintain as today. Wars could suddenly come from unforeseen places, especially those empires with imperialistic tendencies and Sennacherib was terrifying (he was exceptionally cruel to the subjected peoples (cutting off body parts and flaying) and also cut off all the fruit trees and stopped up wells wherever he prevailed. He ruled with terror - leaving the conquered areas with no food resources. One could even speculate that this was a letter asking Egypt to assist Hezekiah - because the surrounding countries and cities had already been invaded long before Sennacherib came to Jerusalem....... Hezekiah could have planned to sent out a secret message but decided to trash it and to trust only in Jehovah instead. He had already paid tribute to Sennacherib but this king wanted total humiliation and most probably would have expected him to bow to his gods. His name indicates moon worship. A few years back I read a translation of a tablet wherein it was written that the Assyrian army suddenly died out from 'pestilence'. That was their explanation for what happened to their soldiers. It also was faith strengthening to realize that this really happened. The Insight book under 'Sennacherib' gives a fascinating insight into the history of this battle. It must have been a nightmare for king Hezekiah and one can understand his fear and humility when he went before Jehovah to pray for help. I love this prayer he made. The seal would be indicating that the message came from a peaceful king.
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