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Everything posted by Arauna

  1. Haifa is a city in Israel.... I love song 134 as well as 111. I have learnt song number 111 in Arabic. I should try to record it at home for you all and put it on this website. I am on my way to Sweden to spread the seeds of the Truth in the Arabic community there.
  2. My dear - I can see your field of expertize is to argue - and only to argue. You are also inclined to only focus on the small picture and do not see the overall picture of what is going on in the world. I love history (all kinds and of many continents) and read what I can about it from ancient times to present. I also watch the current news closely - because it is history in the making! You said: There have been many people who say that each of those WWII years were real years that the world went mad- WW2 was built on the technology and the mass destruction 'starting' in WW1. In fact - many of the causes of WW2 came from the way world war one divided land and resources after the armistice and the subsequent peace treaty... There are battles being fought today in middle east which have their origins on how the land was divided when the Turkish empire was destroyed...during WW1. It was not called the first world war for nothing... it was the first time in history that so many nations were involved against each other for the first time. Also, do not negate the technology that was available for the first time in the world's entire history during WW1. Today it is still acknowledged that the battle of the Somme which was fought in trenches (they were sitting in incessant rain with mice eating dead bodies that were decomposing for months) is still one of the worst battles ever in recorded history! Slightly less lives were lost than in the battle of Moscow during ww2 but the battle of Somme was in scope much more shocking! (Hitler should have learnt his lesson from Napoleon's wars - there was a precedent for him to see what could happen in WW2) "You said: Since our new definition of "this generation" can technically carry this system well past the year 2100"... You are obviously not keeping tread with current events.... or are blind to many aspects of it - so you do not see the overall impact several aspects of it is having on the world. This week in the news: climate change has become one of the greatest threats to the American Armed Forces. I personally do not think that climate change is the ' largest' threat although it is one of the issues to mention regarding survival - and I am talking survival of the human race here! Desertification and depletion of water resources is another issue and together with climate change it is disastrous - they go hand in hand. We are facing world hunger if things get worse... and to top that - if we get one disastrous disease on the staple food created by GM crops (GM crops take away diversification) - we will see world hunger of large populations and continents who depend on the staples only. If current disasters keep on (created by human activity) we will find many first world countries under assault for economic survival and a fall of our social structures as we know it today - refugees, refugees, and more refugees - economic refugees and refugees from war torn places. Poisons in water and food resources... I am not going into details - read up about it (Bayer and Monsanto - evil companies getting the go-ahead to bring more havoc - this week in the news). Animals being depleted and the worst - what we are doing to the sea. Yes mankind's rule of the earth is bringing it to ruin. recently in the news: Sharks have never been on the endangered species list but there are areas now we they are on the watch list (their food chain is being depleted and of course, poaching). Animal's habitat are being destroyed by mass farming. Poaching of animals in Africa and the world has brought numbers down of so many animals in the last 20 years - by 50% - even though they were on the endangered species list..... It seems the world is not cooperating to tackle these problems because they all have self-interest at heart. The point of no return - when man has damaged our earth to the extent where we cannot survive /or most humans and animals living in abject misery. Most journalists / experts put it way sooner than the year 2100 - which you try to justify by your interpretation of the prophecies. Many of the issues mentioned above may be 'critical' within the next 20 years ..... Trees are being destroyed and with that the "lungs of the earth" I can go on an on about all the issues which together are going to culminate in a big disaster for mankind long before 2100 - all the related issues which are all part of the sign - the birth pangs are getting closer and closer. The year 2100 is like having myopia! Experts put it at 2050 but they are starting to sing a new song now that climate change is escalating faster than expected together with its related disasters. Countries in Africa did not plant their usual crops this year - 2016- because they were advised - it is useless because it will not survive the heat! Hottest year on record this year - since records started. The acidity and pollution of the sea is another problem... Have you seen how much of the ice is melting every summer? Large parts of the north pole is disappearing and many countries under water. Russia is using new sea-lanes which have opened up - ones they could never use before because of the ice. Bangladesh - east Pakistan - many of their areas for planting crops under water now and the people are in misery. Wars are threatening and social unrest due to bread prices going up. These are just a few of the issues that is showing that we are reaching a "point of no return" much quicker than anticipated. Global warming is now speeding up due to methane emissions being released from under the ice... Politics: Add to this the world political situation - and no respect for life. Many religions all over the world (as predicted in revelation) are getting involved in mass killings (daily) and extermination of peoples in the worst possible way.... read up about the Asia and middle east... and North Africa. Government oppression is worsening... and lies, lies, lies - no morality and ethics. Islamism (political Islam) as a world threat is now being ' hidden' by the political system (Islamism - it is a political threat ready to destabilize the world all over). They have even infiltrated Mexico (using criminal elements to their advantage) and our armed forces are catching them regularly on our borders trying to come in. Do you see this in the news? The propaganda on the far right (Christians with their guns ready to fight or spurring leaders on to more war) - is one aspect of the propaganda spoken of in revelation 16: 13 - 16. We may start to see clashes when people take the law into their own hands. Organizations which seem to be fighting for just causes (such as Black lives matter) have been infiltrated by extreme ideologies - Islamism is one of them. This is why Jehovah's people have it spot on when they say that we must be neutral to wars and the issues (we are aware of them but we do not take any sides). I remember every day where I learnt this.....and it has made me discerning...I do not take credit for being smart about this.... I learnt it from the right source. The world situation now reminds me very much of the situation before the first world war and there are also similarities to the second world war. (ww1 is not called a "world war" for nothing.....) We are again facing a world situation never seen before. Nations are trying to avoid war as much as possible while a lot of cocky posturing is going on (North-Korea, China, Russia, Iran- middle east) - and then sudden destruction as all will fall apart. The threat of war between large blocks of nations and ideologies has never been greater.... and yet people are being put to "sleep" Lulled into sleep by "this will not happen again" - just like before the second world war when everyone was appeasing Hitler. They did not want to go to war with him so they ignored what he was doing. Churchill lost his job because he was warning them about Hitler. Similar today - they are ignoring all the warning signs. This terrorism is going to make governments try to keep "security" by whatever means they can and keep information under wraps about the true state of affairs. They will curb our rights of speech and stop the preaching work. Oppression may even come in the form of martial law....to keep the peace and security. In the end ... they will not be able to contain the inevitable. And I am not going to talk about nuclear arms in the hands of terrorists and renegade nations (include Iran) - who are ready to use them as soon as they acquire them... that is obvious. Also, blocks of renegade nations who are cooperating in sinister ways Iran, Russia and China..... blocks or Iron-like governments - totalitarian. How long is this "unsteady/fragile" situation going to last before the King of the North sees a chance to make its last assault? In the West - which seems more like the clay - because they are molded by the 'human rights' and its council - has already put resolutions (18-20) in place to assist governments to "hide" the true state of affairs from us.... to control the press - and this has been accepted by first world members like the EU and USA. They are already doing so....Facebook, Twitter are already being removing "offensive" material. ... and people are not aware... They are telling us there is security - when in actual fact there is not - by hiding information (as brought out in last week's Watchtower study ) I found that point to be soooo revealing of what is going on... bulls-eye...could not agree more.) Our Patriot act (in USA) allows for the incarceration of any person deemed to be a threat to the government to be imprisoned without access to a lawyer and representation. Indefinite incarceration .... did you know about this law? This will be used when "security" becomes a greater issue.... which may take a while.... but within 15 years Europe will be totally different. Sweden already has almost 100 no-go zones and England 85 Sharia zones - many are no-go zones.... where crime and extreme ideologies are ruling. Police do not go in there.... When one studies population growth - Europe may have Islamic elected governments in 20 years which will not guarantee any from of "freedom of religion" So to sum up the above - the environmental, political, economic and social structures are all under threat at this very moment.... if the earth's population do not cooperate to fix it ... the world is heading downhill - fast. This brings your casual comment of things going on until 2100 in serious jeopardy - so I suggest you re-evaluate your personal ideas about the bible prophecies and start to acknowledge that the time-lines given by the JWs is closer to the truth than you have acknowledged so far. If it is the truth - then events on the ground must corroborate the interpretation of the prophecy. You argue in such a way that everything fits in perfectly with your idea of the last days and try to make it look as though you are sticking close to scripture - but you are not - and what is happening on the ground is not fitting the picture you are painting at all! I often have discussions with my husband about the "letter of the law" and when people do not get the "spirit of the law" It is similar in prophecy: people will argue about the minute details when the reality of the BIG picture is totally evading them - they cannot see it.
  3. I think your tone in the question sounds confrontational and frankly - a debate is not the way to go. It does not sound like a person who is genuinely interested in a answer.... but someone wanting a fight. I have read the brochure an thought it great. I may just mention that confession of sins is a practice to get things behind you and out in the open.... so you can get on with life without anything bothering you from the past. It is not an authoritarian type of thing which you are implying in your 'question'. I have several friends who are back as witnesses and several broke many bible principles but they displayed the right attitude. Cocky attitudes and a confrontational spirit is not tolerated in the work place (you will lose you job very quickly in a right to work state) so why do ex-witnesses expect preferential treatment and different rules for themselves... do they think they are above everyone else?
  4. Islamism (political Islam) - no doubt - but no longer in the news as the driving ideology behind these kind of atrocities which are taking place on a world-wide scale.
  5. All very good PR - that is what it is - only PR. Just take one of the areas they want to see improvement in by 2030 - equality for women. All the countries on the UN Human Rights Council are countries (they voted each other in) who have the worst records of human rights on the planet... especially to women....and Resolution 18-20 does not allow one to criticize any part of society which practices degradation of women as part of their religion.... My prediction about this...... we will see excellent PR but little improvement by 2030.
  6. The bible quote above has got to do with Babylon the great whose fall will bring financial woes to all sectors associated with her wealth. There are socio-economic sectors associated with Babylon the great (world empire of false religion). Saw this article earlier this week: https://www.theguardian.com/world/2016/sep/15/us-religion-worth-1-trillion-study-economy-apple-google The global growth in exports by sea is slowing down... I wonder what South Korea did differently to China's export companies because the Chinese companies have weathered this slump in a better way.... Maybe the government of China is supporting their export industry- communistic system. Also - China export to many different goods to many different countries - making their business less vulnerable (diversity). I know too little of their companies to make proper evaluation. ... but this is an indication of more woes to come in the industry.... the bubble in the supply chain industry has had a burst.
  7. I see you guys are still at it: Explain to me why the first world war (1914) saw the first use of extensive air battles - airplanes, the first world war saw the first widespread use of machine guns, flame throwers, submarines (only small ones used before in the civil war) chemical warfare, tanks... and the list goes on. Then the second world war saw more advanced use of these kinds of weapons : air craft carriers, massive guns, tanks, battle of Britain in the air, plus 2 exploded atom bombs........and gas as killing machines. Well known historians agree that 1914 was the year the world went mad. It was the beginning of a new war era. There were wars before but not on this scale. Never before in earth's history did we see the use of weapons of mass destruction which can kill on the scale as was done in the first and second world wars. And now we are facing a greater proliferation of nuclear weapons.... MAD Mutual assured destruction still going on.... According to your 'logical' thinking these signs were just regular things that were going on - just like before - Jesus was not crowned in heaven in 1914? Well dream on.... and stay asleep in your self-induced comas...or self-denial. The world has just been going on as before has it? These were not part of the composite sign that we have been in the "Parousia" since 1914? Are you denying that nothing different happened in the world arena since 1914? The woman is pregnant and you do not see it. The birth pains are getting closer and closer (the pains of distress in the world) .... and soon the baby (Armageddon) will be here... and you guys are wasting time on senseless debates about what Russell and friends believed - now almost century and a half ago? I would like to hear your explanation - how these things mentioned above was NOT different from what happened BEFORE 1914... Just to name one item:- they still used horses in 1914 (WW1) and found that it does not work any more because this type of warfare became OBSOLETE.... Previous wars were mostly fought by man to man combat and guns that were drawn by horses and guns that took time to load. Technology became perfected just before 1914 - to kill......... explain this to me ..... I do not need old Watchtowers to tell me that 1914 was a special year - or not. The evidence of secular history clearly points to the fact that there was a change in mankind's capability to kill. Bring these events in line with what the bible says and one can see that Satan is here and he has wrought havoc on this earth - since 1914.... Why we are facing extinction soon.... if mankind does not work together really fast.... We already know that cooperation is not going to happen and if they do - it will be a false security. The date and time of the birth we do not know... it is looming though because the times are heavy pregnant....the fig tree is blooming... the signs of Parousia is escalating... birth pains getting closer. Do not bother to answer if you do not have an excellent explanation for the above historical facts:...Why the years before 1914 were NOT different to the years after 1914 - and do not quote Wikipedia or some magazine to me... I want a reply in your own words.
  8. Not again!! if I remember correctly a busload of Witnesses also hit a concrete after they were circling the roads. The signs are unclear at the airport (or the roads to tricky) but in this case the bus driver was in a similar situation and next thing the awful accident happened..(several dead and many injured). The local authority should do something about the roads!
  9. Ann - if I judged you on everything you said as a teenager I guess you would be red-faced right now. Our organization was in its infancy when these things were written - yet you always go back to these things to try to prove some points. I have said so many times before that we have moved on since then.... Why repeat the same behavior and hope for different results - unless you want to stay in the same track!!! You are like someone who has only one track to one city only..... to find something to criticize you always go back to this.... Also - I clicked on some of your links - it seems you are always going to Wikipedia to get your information.... this is not good as we all are aware that there is some good info there - but it is not always reliable.
  10. Thanks Allen - sometimes I do use my words carelessly.... must do better... Of course I agree that Daniel still had to ask Jehovah for the meaning... as it was a cryptic message (can one compare it to a riddle?) . I found some of the points very informing. I have also been thinking about the King of the north lately as this must now take place in this time ... I have re-read some of the scriptures and I am an avid watcher of world events to try and spot where things are going ... and all of us have our own private speculations, I'm sure. Today's Watchtower was very good in explaining the "lulling of the nations to sleep regarding the end to be suddenly upon them. At the same, I do see the 3 frogs of revelation 16 (propaganda) very busy at present and it seems that people are being put against each other and talk of violence is becoming second nature to people. All false religion is gearing up for violence in some way or another... and it is only Jehovah's people who will be determined not to be part of the world and not be tricked into getting involved with its issues which are becoming so polarized. As you rightly said - Jehovah can read the heart and if we think independently of him we must be careful ..... because our lives depend on being in synchronization with Him....and this is the fallacy of man ..... that we trust ourselves to much and do not wait on Jehovah. Our patience and waiting attitude is a sign of maturity!
  11. America has been propping up Saudi Arabia for a very long time - bedfellows because of our oil needs since 1970s. Now that fracking has replaced some of our needs our relationship is cooling. The Salafist (Islamism - political) Islam) has been spread by Saudi Arabia for more than 20 years throughout the world. Many mosques in European countries and America were financed by them and also the Salafi brand of Imams have been officiating in these mosques..... But when you create a monster - it can go out of control - as it has in the world. Now Iran and Saudi Arabia are at logger heads and calling each other "heretics". The people in Saudi Arabia hate their king and soon there may be problems in SA as well. only time will tell. Yes - there were Egyptians and Saudis involved (and Saudi money) but it was financially inconvenient to open the Pandora's box because one cannot kill the cow when you needs its milk. They needed another scape goat to blame......
  12. Did a lot of mountain hiking and walking in the bush in Africa - and slept in tents - once on a ledge of a mountain. Pythons, most stealthy of 'critters" capable of killing a human ..... I have a strong aversion for them. I think they are attracted to anything with warm blood that breathes. Not scared of other snakes - only constrictors.
  13. Gen 10: Cush became father to Nimʹrod. He was the first to become a mighty one on the earth. 9 He became a mighty hunter in opposition to Jehovah. That is why there is a saying: “Just like Nimʹrod, a mighty hunter in opposition to Jehovah.” 10 The beginning of his kingdom was* Baʹbel,+ Eʹrech,+ Acʹcad, and Calʹneh, in the land of Shiʹnar.+ 11 From that land he went into As·syrʹi·a+ and built Ninʹe·veh,+ Re·hoʹboth-Ir, Caʹlah, 12 and Reʹsen, between Ninʹe·veh and Caʹlah: This is the great city.* Gen 11: They now said: “Come! Let us build a city for ourselves and a tower with its top in the heavens, and let us make a celebrated name for ourselves, so that we will not be scattered over the entire face of the earth.”+ 5 Then Jehovah went down to see the city and the tower that the sons of men had built. 6 Jehovah then said: “Look! They are one people with one language,+ and this is what they have started to do. Now there is nothing that they may have in mind to do that will be impossible for them. 7 Come! Let us+ go down there and confuse their language in order that they may not understand one another’s language.” 8 So Jehovah scattered them from there over the entire face of the earth,+ and they gradually left off building the city. 9 That is why it was named Baʹbel,*+ because there Jehovah confused the language of all the earth, and Jehovah scattered them from there over the entire face of the earth. Question: Read the above. Why would a hunter of animals become such a great opposer of Jehovah. Especially since we know that the Assyrian tradition of killing was to sow 'terror' in the hearts of people when they conquered them. (like ISIS is doing now). And why would the building of a tower be so bad? It was because it had a 'temple' on the top of the tower as part of false worship. There are many other examples of these kind of ziggurats all over the world. While I read Josephus and old historians - the bible has proven absolutely accurate in its description of conditions. .And the above stories that you mentioned - they are - 'traditions of people.' It was not inspired by faithful people who were loyal to God and they would not have added to the Hebrew scriptures if they were faithful. Jesus himself said to the Jewish leaders that they teach "traditions" of men. Ezra compiled the Hebrew scriptures in early 5th century BCE and if one reads only these books one finds that there is one solid theme going throughout these books like a golden thread... Pity you always try to refute the Bible with writings of false prophets..... people like Balaam.. Your loyalties seem to go to the falsehoods and not reading the authentic scriptures inspired by Jah. Moses wrote the book of Genesis in 1513BCE... so this was almost a 1000 years before the Jewish "traditions" came along " post-exile" as you call it. Ann, I did not say Daniel was written in Akkadian - I said there was a few Akkadian words smattered in Daniel.... which actually proves that Daniel wrote this book in his own lifetime.... apart from many other proofs. Aramaic (also a Semitic language) was already taking over as a world language and the new writing script was becoming popular. Because Daniel lived to such an old age he had learnt Akkadian at the court of Nebuchadnezzar while he was young, at a time when this tradition was still strong. Just like today we have changing times and generation gaps.
  14. The Sumerian language was not Semitic but Akkadian slowly replaced it. Akkadian is the ancient form of the Semitic language - like old English. It was the lingua franca so it stayed stable and did not change much - scribes all learnt Akkadian. The Amarna tablets found in Egypt (time of Joseph) was in Akkadian (if I remember correctly) - it was still the diplomatic language about 200 years before the exodus. Back then, as you say - they could all understand each other - but dialects were already forming. Arabic changed less over time as scholars of Akkadian today say that Arabic is closer to it. Daniel learnt Akkadian at the court of Nebuchadnezzar and used some words in Akkadian in the book of Daniel and the writing on the wall also had some Akkadian words in it Babylon grew out of the Sumerian culture which had writing, the zodiac, the wheel, complicated mathematics (360 degree circle, 60 minutes in hour etc.) - and cities which quickly became city-states with a priest-king. In the time of Nimrod they built many cities and some are mentioned in the bible: Genesis 10: He was a mighty hunter before the Lord; that is why it is said, “Like Nimrod, a mighty hunter before the Lord.” 10 The first centers of his kingdom were Babylon, Uruk, Akkad and Kalneh, in[a] Shinar.[b] 11 From that land he went to Assyria, where he built Nineveh, Rehoboth Ir,[c] Calah 12 and Resen, which is between Nineveh and Calah—which is the great city. Shinar was the southern part and Assyria more to the north. These districts were always at war and fighting with each other... If one looks at ancient Bible history one sees that it is spot-on, especially when one looks at the movement of nations and related languages... For example, if one studies the ancient Indian language (Sanskrit - it is related to Persian - and Persian and Greek are related to Indo-European languages). These are all from the son of Noah - Japheth. Sanskrit has some Latin and German words in it.... interesting ..... The ancient Harappa culture ( next to the Indus valley) has remarkable similarities to the ancient Babylonian religion and culture. To come back to Nimrod - those days there were tremendous number of lions and the king had to show his power by hunting lions to protect the people. Nimrod was a brave hunter but later started hunting people when he built an empire and went to war and built more cities. They built walls and irrigation and there was diversification of jobs: priests, potters, etc - jobs one finds in cities. Until the time of Nebuchadnezzar the kings fought lions to show their virility. I went to look at the stone reliefs in the British museum when I lived near London - these people knew lions very well because the depictions are excellent - beautiful sculpting. Look up on internet the pictures of the lions being killed in ancient Assyria (Nineveh was burnt - but when archeologists discovered the city they cut off the reliefs from the walls and brought them to London. Many were lost in the river during transportation.) Scholars give varied dates for some of these kingdoms... I always remember that 200 years is a very long time....More than 10 generations - even more if they married young. Large new nations can be formed in this time - especially when there are wars and movement of peoples. And in warfare the enemy was usually carried away when they lost the battle. The Bible puts the time of Nimrod at the time of Eber's son Peleg (an great ancestor of Abraham) and it says the "world was divided" in the time of Peleg. He was born about 100 years after the flood and the Bible does not say how old he was when the division came.... (Eber also refers to people living to the west of the Euphrates and later came to mean the "Hebrews".) Some were following Jehovah and some were following Nimrod.....Nimrod started false worship away from Jehovah and built a tower as part of this worship. Nimrod was not his real name but it is a title which means "opposer of Jehovah". The bible refers to Shem as the forefather of all the sons of Eber. I am writing from memory - but if you find it interesting you can go and look for yourself. It is a pity that one cannot visit these places now. Even in the time of Sadam Hussain one had to be careful to go there and get special permission... now it is ISIS territory. My husband always promised to take me there ..... but I will never go there now...too dangerous. I feel sad that scholars look at the Bible with so much skepticism because it really is all there... and accurate. Of course - the scholar's dates vary - because it is so far back in antiquity- but as more translations of the period are being done - our understanding of how they lived shows that they were very cultured. I can understand why Jehovah told Abraham to leave the city with so much Moon-worship going on. It was not long after Abraham left Ur, it was overrun by the enemy and practically destroyed... interesting history when one brings secular and Biblical history together. But somehow there are links between the two (secular and Biblical history) and the legends before the flood influenced stories that became prevalent after the flood. Just like today some people choose their own form of religion and some choose to follow the instructions of Jehovah. I love to read about - agriculture! And Jehovah told them to 'spread out' but Nimrod built and empire and he became powerful. Jehovah did not want them to reach a standard of living (maybe the industrialization) we have today which is rapidly developing because the barriers of language is disappearing and technology is shared...... There is an interesting phrase in the Bible to this effect when one reads it...... It was not yet time for God to send Jesus because a family genealogy had not yet been established through which the true messiah would appear to be able to recognize him without a doubt and Abraham was not yet born..... so what is my point? Well - today our global warming is caused not so much by car emissions but by methane! Most scientists are mum about the large quantities of methane that is produced by mass farming of pigs, cattle, chickens etc. Do some research and you will find out....that cities cause people to bundle up in one place and mass farming is needed - especially with an escalation of the populace. Diversified agriculture and animal husbandry - small farming structures which are organic, this replenishes the earth and is the best way of farming. Jehovah did not like the cities but wanted them to spread out! Jehovah forced them to scatter in the time of Nimrod because the earth would much sooner have reached the bad point it has reached now... with the future of the earth in jeopardy. Mankind's methods of mass farming to sustain millions of people in cities... are rapidly contributing to the trashing of the earth. Cities can be nasty places. There are always a criminal element and ghettos! This is why I like looking at the timeline of the "project" that Jehovah is following..... and he only intervenes when his short-term(milestones) are in jeopardy - so as to reach the final goal at his predetermined time. He is the perfect timekeeper! Mankind chose independence from God and this will play out right to the end! Hope I did not ramble too much. This is not for debate but just for interest sake - to think about...
  15. Allen - thanks - I have not seen that kind of calculation before. I studied the moon cycles quite some time ago....and frankly I am lazy to look up calculations for people who do not really take the time to consider what one is saying. But to add to what you said about the lunar month. Jehovah gave the moon and stars for us to: " let them be for signs and seasons, and for days and years." The pagans also watched the seasons for planting but were steeped in fertility worship and the occult. They used the moon and stars for spiritism in worship - just about everything was recorded as an omen and according to the liver of a sacrificed animal and the star positions, they predicted events. They were extremely superstitious and daily looked for omens before the made any decisions. They were avid star watchers and their math calculations very advanced (.001) . They created the zodiac - the cult of which spread thru-out the earth (zodiac comes from the first Babylonian empire - Nebuchadnezzar was a king of the Neo-Babylonian empire). This Babylonian empire was founded on the Sumerian culture and the latest secular information is that they were Hamites (from Ham). Well, Nimrod was a descendant of Ham and so was Mizriam. Mizriam - one of the great grand children of Noah- went to Egypt and today Egyptians still call themselves Mizru (in Arabic - and arabic is the closest language to ancient Akkadian - which was the diplomatic language until 7th century BCE).. Egypt was founded not long after the first Babylonian Empire because there are similarities in the building of the towers and the practice of magic and spells. Israel watched the moon for planting purposes (it is an easy sign for the season) and also to remind them of the special days of worship when they had to go down to Jerusalem. Jehovah warned them against idolatry and to blow a kiss to the moon - this would be constituted idol worship - Job 31: 26 - 28. Moses recorded this so they were not to fall into the trap of the other nations. I use this scripture often to show Muslims that worship can be such a small thing as a kiss to the moon. I became interested in Islam when I realized that Ur (the city of Abraham, Haran) and several cities in Arabia were all moon-god cities. ... and most Islamic countries have the crescent moon and the stars as part of their flags etc. from moon worship (also the satanic verses in Qur'an - refer to Allah and his three daughters (stars) which do not appear in translated Qur'an because of the controversy. There is also as scripture which shows that we are not to worship stone (symbol of Baal - male fertility god)...... Muslims kiss the black stone during the Hajj. Muslims say that Westerners are idolaters - so they are quite surprised when I show them what idolatry is....and the ancient Israelites and Jehovah's people today do not give anything else our worship... Just thought I will mention these interesting facts....the moon calendar is very old.
  16. LOL! I appreciate your honesty! We all learn all the time!. Read a book once... Forgot his name - but he was the only psychologist who used the word "love" - so they called him the love prophet... Italian name... forgot it... but he said something that has stuck with me forever. He said something to this effect: when we talk to people - we are teaching them about ourselves, whatever we do or say - we are teaching others about ourselves. And they are learning about us. As Christians I guess we should remember this because our example also teaches others about our Christianity.... the person we are inside.. (Even body language) So - I learn from others all the time - and I really appreciate a sincere person.... and kindness. It is hard to find these days. I Like talking with you - All the best.....
  17. I was actually talking about Jehovah's long-term purpose.... the one that he has been working on throughout the last (almost) 6000 years and which will soon culminate in the destruction of the wicked and the beginning of Jesus' Kingdom rule and the ultimate restoration of mankind's condition and that of the earth. To me there is a difference between short term goals (milestones that will be reached - such as focusing on Nebuchadnezzar and the destruction and rebuilding of Jerusalem) and the ultimate goal or final outcome. Supply chain management / project management helps one to have this kind of perspective. It has helped me tremendously to see the overall plan of Jehovah and at the same time see the smaller details of the milestones that have been reached... intermittently throughout the 6000 years. But ultimately all the milestones have slowly been working towards ONE goal. Most people are inclined to only look at the small details and get caught up in the minute details of this and then miss out on seeing the overall umbrella project/picture that is on-going. Luckily I was always one that looked at the big picture and through my working years I developed a penchant to look at detail. But as I said - we should look at the overall picture - then the milestones fit in perfectly into the final purpose. Not that I in any way do not respect other peoples views but I have to confess, I prefer looking at the milestones as if they are part of a greater picture (the ultimate goal - if I may call it that)..
  18. I have found it easy to refute the trinity by using good scriptures and refute the immortality of the soul by using potent scriptures...and they are not all in the same chapter...they are all over the place. I, of course just sow the seeds - in all cases it is Jehovah who gives the growth.... I also believe that in the congregation people may have problems to grow - an it is usually personal baggage or pride/ego which stands in the way. Each person has to make sure of the truth for themselves (and while I also do criticize some things I do not like) I always remember where I learnt the things I understand so well today. If it was not for the work of the slave... I would still be in the darkness of the religious maze in the world. Each person must do due diligence. Fortunately, I do like history and I do like learning. Therefore let us all show a thankful attitude to Jehovah for caring so much for each individual to send people to our doors, public places, etc to carry a life-giving message. It is the slave who is providing the materials and easy information for us to share in many languages (even tribal languages). They are the ones who constantly try to inspire us to do this work and devise methods to try to get all of us to be more active in the field......
  19. I do not think it a complete "mess" when people use scriptures in different places in the Bible to come to a solid conclusion... We would not understand who the 'harlot' in Revelation is if we did not link it to many of the prophets of the Hebrew scriptures who used this imagery. Similarly, we would not understand who the beast is - if we did not link it to the several "messy" beasts in Daniel. So too with the rightful owner of the throne... the theme and several timelines can be linked throughout the bible. So the tree is (according to some on this forum) just an image of Nebuchadnezzar - who was a no-body regarding a role in the ultimate purpose of Jehovah. Why would Jehovah go to the trouble of telling us a story that is not related to his purpose? - a king that went beastly. Was it not used to portray something linked to Jehovah's ultimate purpose? The Kingdom of God? Most things we read in the Bible are all related to Jehovah's outworking of his ultimate purpose throughout the ages. Do you really think that Jehovah would leave his servants in the dark? While we do not know the exact day and time of the end (like the day and time of a birth) there are visible signs of things that have already happened invisibly in heaven. Jehovah gave us a brain and he knows that we need to know more about our situation... that is why he wrote the Bible....and gave us timelines. So why would he withhold information from us that could strengthen us to remain "ready". For those people who search - there is ample information available. Of course there are people who resist the slave and like to remain with their own dogma - and this is what is going on in these contributions which is about people pushing their personal agendas....... people who think they are smart and use ancient "Greek" type of debate to spread their ideas. I have checked the secular dates (not the ones given above) and I have checked the scriptures used for the invisible ruling (Parousia) of Christ BEFORE THE END (even my Muslim friends I preach to - see the connection immediately when I read them Rev 12) so why would certain "intellectual" Christians friends not see it? Arrogance maybe? I have no doubt that Jehovah is using the slave for the preaching of his Kingdom government world-wide and to give us "food" to keep us strong. No other Christian religion understands the kingdom government of Jehovah and the neutrality we are to show now regarding world affairs - so like Paul said:- remember where you learnt these things. Muslims are the only ones who have some understanding of a government! Satan took the idea of a world-wide kingdom and gave it some twists and turns - and voila! ,,, We have Islam who believe they have to take over the world (with the sword) and bring an earthly caliphate/government to the earth under Sharia law! ISIS does not vote... and they kill people who show loyalty to democracy - did you guys know that? This is how close Satan is imitating the Bible in his teachings - a false government. I always show Muslims the scriptures that Jesus is ruling invisible in heaven and that Christ will not return in the flesh. Many will say (even Muslims) "there is Christ - there is Christ" - but it will be false. Muslims are waiting of Isa/Jesus to come back as a Muslim....(I have mentioned some of these scriptures in comments above but it fell on deaf ears.... People stick to their agenda and their nitpicking of old information in the WT...) So how would 'Christians' who do not believe in the 'Parousia' explain to a Muslim that he must stay neutral and not fight? Because many believe that the escalation of the jihad will bring Jesus back much faster. The Bible shows that we can refute every bad idea by means of the bible... 2TIM 3:16 - and believe me the scriptures in the Bible are potent! if you have/understand the truth! All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, 17 that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work. The teaching of the 'parousia' is in several places - Luke and Matthew - and Christians can negate it as much as they like - it is still there. I have not heard one good argument that has convinced me otherwise in this forum....We are in the Parousia and the end (which includes that destruction of all false religion and human government oppression) is the next step in the timetable of God.
  20. I think you have the right spirit - we should research everything and make sure of it - so that our hearts are 100% committed and focused and we should regularly investigate ourselves inside to see if we are still staying " in the love of Jehovah".. However, I am not one to put emphasis on what people said or did in the past. I am very much interested in present things. Hence my impatience with people who insist on bringing up the past.... and expecting people to answer for it in the present time and culture... . I myself have said things in the past, on which I have made a 180 degree turn about when I gained a different perspective. I also view things in the time period they were said. Good example is the 1950s - 60s in America: High ranking officials said race related things that would be considered totally outrageous after the year 2000.... but back then these people were viewed by their piers as being "too liberal" and were targeted for being to liberal! I am a baby boomer and I remember finding the truth in early 70s. At this time the books we studied were so into history and gave lengthy, complicated explanations (I loved it but a lot of friends hated it - one of my favorite books is the 'ancient' Daniel book which came out in the 1950s and Babylon the great has fallen). Many 'comparisons' were made at the time which would not be done today by the governing body. Some things said, by todays standards, could be labeled "cringe-worthy". But we all are cringe-worthy in our infancy....and then we grow up. All of us are "growing up" in our spiritual stature - even the anointed are growing up all the time, becoming more mature. In fact, we have had a lot of material recently in our meetings where the Governing body has said they are going out of their way to simplify explanations.. For example they explained how there was a tendency to go into minutest detail in the past when discussing the illustrations given by Jesus ...... which can make one so engrossed in the details that one can lose the point. They have given us recently some illustrations which take one almost immediately to the point - I almost felt cheated out of something - because I was going back to the old familiar pattern of doing things- the way things were done in the past.... We lose the 'youth' if we stick to the past and do things like we did in the past. We have to move on and find new ways to explain things, simplify things. I love the new app which explains the truth. I have found so many wonderful illustrations on there to teach the truth effectively... As you must have gathered - I worked in PR for a very long time. I learnt early on in my career, as a reporter and in PR, that materials which are simple, attract people - this was before the advent of internet. In fact I worked on the internet long before other people because the press usually adapted to the newest technology faster than other business sectors. At this time I was looking at the materials we as Witnesses presented to people and thought, they are way too complicated for the average busy person who wants to get to the core of the matter much quicker.. You can imagine my joy when they not only started the new formatting but the way in which the truth is presented - the simplified language.. Angle is very important in any story. I remember collecting information and writing an article - then my boss would reject it.... I would then go and rethink the exact same material with a new angle .... and it would be accepted. The understanding of scripture is becoming so much clearer... and the angles are very much geared to the difficult times we are living in. Technology has helped a lot. Explanations are not cluttered with unnecessary data and the presentations are short so as to keep the attention of the reader.. Our meetings are also more focused on teaching new ones - because so many are coming in at present. Us older ones have to get our kicks from studying privately at home. I have also learnt to think about things a lot...... so I sometimes get sustained for long periods of time thinking how incredible the Bible really is, consistent and logical.... and its message right on target for the times we are living in.... I also watch world events - the dire culmination of man's ruling over themselves to their own detriment - which is eminent. To me it is sad that people cannot look at their own experience and see how they themselves have changed and how the era's change (the way that society collectively thinks.) Collectively, Jehovah's people have also changed. I love how the Governing body is now emphasizing our development of the Christian personality - much more than before. Look at me rambling on.... Looking back cannot get one engaged in the present or the future...
  21. Dear girl - believe what you want - I am sure in what I believe. ... and soon we all will know the truth shall we not? because the time is coming for all the nations to know that I am Jehovah! And he says that 70 times in Ezekiel. You are obviously stuck on one idea only and the whole bible revolves around this one idea for you. It is frustrating to speak to people with so little scope...and so little answers. I received very little positive information from this discussion... Thanks but I am done and I just hope that no other people on this forum run into this kind of nastiness. You sure win this discussion but I fear you do not win the battle for everlasting life!
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