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Posts posted by Arauna

  1. Apostate Christians and their second amendment rights and their guns ....... Jesus did not condone/approve of anyone to use a weapon on someone else.  When Peter used his sword on the soldier who came to take Jesus into custody, Jesus immediately healed the soldier's ear and gave Peter a lesson which future Christians must take to heart because it reflects the mental attitude of a true Christian.  Peter was most probably carrying the sword to protect himself and the group against wild animals..... or he may have had the wrong idea about self-defense (He seemed quite capable and quick to use it against a soldier).  But there is no mistaking Jesus' words when he kindly corrected Peter.

    The problem about carrying a weapon is: you must be absolutely prepared to use it to defend yourself against the perpetrator who can take the weapon away from you (an added risk) and use your own weapon against you.  If you are not prepared to use it you lose it.

    Jehovah often corrected Judean kings because they trusted in the sword and alliances to protect their territory.  Christians similarly must trust in Jehovah (especially in the time of the end when people will be taking weapons into their own hands to kill each other) to give the right protection and not get involved in human conflicts.

  2. Thanks for picture  - did not know there were problems in Belize... will read up more about what is going on.  One assumes that former Dutch speaking colonies will have more understanding of "freedom of religion" and choice."    The world is in a downward spiral with so many oppressive regimes suddenly rising up and freedom of speech/religion being controlled.  Soon they will control our thoughts.  London mayor has introduced a 'thought' police recently..... people who will prosecute people who say negative things about another religion.  Soon all freedom of thought will be gone in first world countries. 

    In third world countries anarchy is taking over when the oppressive regimes fall.    We are really getting closer to Armageddon.... especially when I evaluate how respect for life is disappearing and how cheap life has become. We are becoming accustomed to mass killings, indiscriminate bombings of young children and seeing atrocities on TV every day.  It reminds me of the time before the flood - which was wicked, with dangerous conditions for those trying to serve Jehovah.....  The meaning of Nephilim is: fellers of men - if I remember correctly.


  3. This kind of scare mongering is all over the internet and the radio as people are waking up to the threat of Islam's world jihad (imperialism) and the fact that big money has been manipulating just about everything for a very long time. People do not like to find out that they are pawns in their economic and information environments - that they have been lied to. Different conspiracy theories are rife everywhere. 

    Even if all this propaganda were true (and an awful lot of it has part of some truth in it) - what can be done about it. The egg cannot be unscrambled. It has been prophesied and their religious leaders have let them down because they have no clue of what is coming. They are still putting their trust in "man" and the fabricated systems that is holding everything together because they think that somehow "fighting or resisting" these threats (on its different levels) will solve it. 

    These propagandists, who are exposing the 'threats' , their voices will get louder as we get closer to the end. They remind me of the "three frogs" (propaganda) that will draw everyone out into the situation that will be called Armageddon. (Rev 16: 15+16).  They are all getting ready to fight and they will eventually get to the point where "brother will kill brother" as the bible indicates.  

    All these things were predicted in the Bible such as the politicized religions (harlot) which is riding the beast (political system). Now, more intensely than before.  Islamism (political Islam) is a definite threat to world security... but so is all the other polarized/politicized religions that are ready to defend  its "rights" with their guns. Buddhists killing Muslims at present and Hindus becoming more violently riled up with killings when they are bombed by suicidal jihad Muslims.

    All this is an indication that "every word of Jehovah is true." It will not be long before the world reaches this point: Zach 14:13 JKV" And it shall come to pass in that day, that a great tumult from the Lord shall be among them; and they shall lay hold every one on the hand of his neighbor, and his hand shall rise up against the hand of his neighbor."

    We will stay neutral in all of this and trust in Jehovah to intervene and complete the fighting for us when they start to attack us.  There is no "human" solution to these problems.  It is good to be informed about the things going on in the world but do not let yourself be riled up by them.... These things must take place for this world to pass away but we must be found busy in the work of Jehovah and in "peace"  when Armageddon arrives.

  4. The Muslims are slaughtering each other... and the children are suffering.  Sunni against Shiite.... and yet most people who belong to the religion, justify the violent actions of their members and do not even think of leaving the religion. I left my religion many years ago.  It was a very strict form of Protestantism; it was quite political and also condoned racism and injustice.  I am so happy that I have found the TRUTH...   

  5. I wish I could complain to them about selling the book but that would be the wrong thing to do as I would then be imitating other extremist religions which become political when they try to exert pressure on communities to follow what they morally feel obligated to do. 

    To illustrate: If Walmart today sold a book with only 'one' chapter in it that is anti-Islam they would have a bunch of people on their back threatening them with islamophobia law suits - especially organizations affiliated with CAIR (even though Islam is not a race but is an ideology/religion).  

    Does Walmart not realize that we are living in a world at present where "offending another religion" has now become an offence? The united nations Resolution 18/20, which promotes religious tolerance has been adopted by most western countries and it is now part of America's official policy. 

    I personally will do nothing about this but I do feel somewhat offended because I know the reasoning in the book (like others before it) is most probably not logical at all, will be full of dogma, and will depend on spreading deception to get its point across. That is what irks me...Walmart being an accomplice in spreading falsehood.

    The only thing one can do is: buy the book, read it, and write an excellent review on their website which exposes all its flaws.....(and then hope they have stock they cannot get sold as a result of their injustice).

  6. I was studying with a sweet lady (I now moved, so I gave it over to someone else) whose father needed money to rescue her brother.  She cannot read or write but knows that she was very young when she was married.  She had to work the land every day and fetch water from afar for the harsh daily life in a small village to raise her 4 children which she already had at age 17.  (Her father needed the dowry to rescue her brother...as a woman she only had value as a possession...) She is now in her 30s and has 4 more children.... fortunately she came to America. She already has great grand children.

    Jehovah will bring justice (compensate) all those who die prematurely and those who suffer at the hands of the wicked or suffer under unjust laws.... the wicked are not going to win this battle....

  7. This may turn out to be an "honor killing" and then the story will die down... as so many have in the past.   The laws 'within' Britain should be adjusted to protect ALL its citizens so that fathers do not have this type of control .... but at present 85 counties have Sharia law where the regular police do not dare intervene for it will cause a riot.  In these British counties women have very little rights..... even British born ones.  Britain has failed its women who are under Sharia law.  I saw recently that female mutilation is escalating out of control; and the government dare not openly talk about 'cousin marriages' and the resulting escalation of unmentionable birth defects because government officials are afraid of offending the religion which approves of these practices.

  8. I have not seen anyone mention the 'Master' copies of the Bible.  These are copies that were made by scholars who compared the "extant" manuscripts, vellums, papyri and codices of the bible and made footnotes regarding any variations or alterations in the various extant texts.  This is how we know that the Bible has come down to us accurately because the variations are few and the alterations are verified by comparing extant documents. The Greek scriptures of the New World Translation was originally done from the reputable Master copy of "Westcott and Hort."   Read more about the comparison of extant documents here: http://wol.jw.org/en/wol/d/r1/lp-e/1200002893#h=15:0-15:1056   

    Read more about the Paleography: http://wol.jw.org/en/wol/d/r1/lp-e/102008047.   

    I must add: when one studies the internal logic of the core message of the bible and the fact that Israel was the first nation to serve a monotheistic god (while the rest of the world were polytheists) then one comes to the natural conclusion that this YHWH is a remarkable god and he has been working on a project which eventually will resolve all of mankind's problems.  He has allowed man to rule the earth to prove that we cannot rule successfully without his moral direction.  Adam and Eve chose independence from his right to choose "good and bad" for us.  Look, the nations at present more divided than ever and they will not cooperate together to get our problems resolved. The final outcome of what happens to this earth and the life on it, is closely tied up with the name God chose for himself: JHWH - I shall prove to be / he causes to become.   The new world translation 2013 has the name inserted in the new testament in a few places not indicated in ancient documents but in the talk the brothers made when they presented this new bible to us they gave the reasons why they did this.  Go and research this for yourselves.

  9. The Pope is head of a major false religion.  Teaches immortality of the soul and a nasty hellfire similar to Islam. Would one really listen to what he has to say?  Additionally, Islam puts their Imams in a very high position - they can declare a fatwa to kill someone.... so they literally have life and death in their hands.  The  Pope has more power than God - if you read what rights he has.

    Read the Sunna which comprises the Qur'an,Hadith and Siri. The ideology  expressed above by Ross is accurate.

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