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Posts posted by Arauna

  1. Revenge attacks starting....  The governments have been trying to hide the fact that Muslims are responsible for the jihad attacks and their affiliation with Islam because they wanted to avoid the "revenge phenomenon." ALL false religion will now start to show its true colors. Christendom has not taught people to love their enemies as the Bible instructs so many are ready to grab their guns to take revenge.

    Religions will cause so much "insecurity" that governments will eventually be forced to take control and turn against religion...

  2. Rounding up all the judges so he can (most probably) replace them with Sharia judges.  Erdogan is a dictator who wishes to bring Turkey back to the Caliphate days before religion and government were separated.  He has been working towards the goal of combining religion and government by instituting Islamic studies in all schools and closing down any dissent regarding his reforms...Freedom of speech is a luxury of the past.  He has spies in Germany to identify any Turks in other countries who are sowing dissent to his reforms... I read an article about this recently.... and now he is making overtures for a new bedfellow - Russia. 

    Russia is a thugocracy and only helps other countries to get a foothold in them.  Now that Putin has secured the port in Syria he does not really care what happens there with ISIS.  He will defend his port....  Russia has been supplying weapons to Iran... and additionally, most rebel groups in the world smuggle Russian weapons.  Now Putin is trying to get a foothold into Europe by aligning with Turkey.  

    I watch world events to see how Bible prophesy is unfolding.... and yes the world is becoming extremely insecure..... anything could happen at any time. Political religions is riding the beast.... even in Russia - the only state religion is Russian Orthodox - all other religions are being persecuted.  Many people who were never religious before are joining this church because Putin has made it "cool" - and Russian nationalism is at an all time high.  These bedfellows are cozy at present...but for how long?  

  3. It is interesting to see the exaggerated filth being slung about.  Mr. Trump though is a nominee that has not released his

    TAXES.... wonder what he is hiding.... Whatever candidate wins - they are going to make grave mistakes because it is getting harder to traverse the international political scene - and Satan is blinding the eyes of the leaders..... they are being drawn out ... and the propaganda has reached levels never seen before at all levels (the three frogs in Revelation).  

    The harlot is riding the beast as we speak.  Resolution 18-20 of the United nations Human Rights Council has been accepted: "hate speech" against religion is not acceptable but the definition of hate speech is not there... So Facebook, Twitter is already working with the government to veto anything suspicious (even if it is the truth) in religion.....False religion does not want to be exposed....... but religion will cause so much problems that a coalition of rulers will turn against all religion in the sense that "recruiting" will be banned because it is posing a "security" threat.  This will affect out peaceful preaching work.....  We are getting closer to the end .... we just do not know how close.

  4. I have read the Qur'an and studied the Siri and Hadith... and I truly wish what he says is true.  Unfortunately it is not.  Many Christians do not really know that the Bible says .... and the same of Muslims - they do not really know what the Qur'an teaches.   If one follows the example of Mohammad - well, he killed many Jews and other people and paid his religious soldiers with slaves and war booty. 

    Jesus - the true messenger of God - taught us to love our enemy and he also said that if we have hate in our heart we are already a murderer. He did not marry, accumulate any earthly goods or influence; or have a family.  He spent his entire life in a self-sacrificing way - giving us a perfect example of self-sacrificing love.  He focused on the future kingdom of God when true justice will come to all those people who have suffered under oppression and hate.

    We are not allowed to kill another person as Christians but Mohammad himself set the example and slaughtered many. In his lifetime he participated in 9 wars and at the time of his death was planning many more..  He was a warrior prophet and his history is the same as that of (false) Christendom under Constantine the great who made war in the name of God. 



  5. To get serious for a moment::-  Our universe is a physical universe, consisting of matter which was created by means of Jehovah's dynamic energy.   Jehovah cannot enter into our physical universe because he is too great.   He lives in the highest heavens in a spiritual dimension which is unfathomly beyond our physical universe. Our universe is subject to time and space.   The dimension where Jehovah lives has no time and space and hence - no matter.  We cannot fathom what it is like because it is beyond our comprehension.  We can however look at the stars in our part of the physical universe and see the dynamic energy and wisdom of Jehovah. Angels can move through our universe at the speed of light..... but if we (consisting of matter)  tried to move at the speed of light -  we would disintegrate.  We also cannot see Jehovah and live because his energy will instantly kill us.  Yea - the earth is truly a little dust particle on a scale and yet Jehovah cares about each individual.

  6. No-one has the will or resources to enforce decisions.... and when they do, it will bring the world one step closer to enmity and war. Too many nations in blocks of coalitions to avoid a very serious situation. The world situation at present, with its posturing, reminds me of the time before the Great War.  We just need one trigger and this system goes down the tubes. Additionally, the fear and blindness of politicians regarding the religious fascism is similar to the time before WW2 when Hitler was saying and doing outrageous things and everyone "believed" he will not really go further with his outrageous actions.

  7. Mandela divorced his first wife who remained a faithful JW until her death.  He was more militant in his youth (peaceful means did not work) and then married Winnie - the wife who shamed him so much by being responsible for black children's deaths. Winnie was without any scruples or morals.  He divorced her after he came out of prison and married the widow of the Mozambique president.  

    I often think that he had time to think when he was in prison and maybe (just maybe) he remembered a little he had learnt from his first wife because he became a reconciliatory figure in South African politics - which made him a great man.  I had the impression that he did not really want to be the first president but was obliged to take the position due to his popularity.  After his first term as president he graciously stepped down.  

  8. We will see more of this as we get closer to Armageddon.  People taking matters into their own hands for religion, race - or any other reason.  Anarchy will cause the government to clamp down on 'recruitment' in the name of preserving "peace and security". Many organizations (YouTube / Facebook in cooperation with the government) are already clamping down on any form of hate speech without defining what hate speech actually is. ISIS is recruiting on internet and dark net and many more political / military wing organizations are recruiting.  The end of this will be that our peaceful preaching work - the only peaceful solution for mankind's problems -  will be "stopped" because we are recruiting for Jehovah. Governments in the world will not care if we are peaceful - our peaceful preaching work will  fall under the laws that will curb the violence (we know the violence will escalate beyond control (because of prophesy) - just like the time before the flood. (This is my personal opinion of how I think things may unfold because our preaching work is the work that Jesus gave us to do.)

  9. I use Ex 3:15 in field service when I speak to Muslims about Jehovah's name because they accept Moses, Abraham as prophets.  The scripture also says that Jahweh is his name from generation to generation...... and no need to explain in what way Jehovah had to make himself known.  ...   Most Muslims say that Abraham was in Mecca and started the religion there.  I also use scriptures to prove that Abraham made an altar to Jehovah and sacrificed to him BEFORE he went to Egypt and how he sacrificed to Jehovah when he RETURNED from Egypt.  There is no way he changed the name of his god halfway to Egypt and then changed the name of his God back again when he came back to Canaan. 

    Mecca was not a city either.... Mecca came into existence as a city after 150 AD when the forefathers of Mohammad came from Yemen.  Mohammad tried to legitimize his religion to the Jews in Medina by claiming to come from the line of Abraham (but when they rejected him as a prophet he turned to killing them.)

  10. What is wonderful about being 'neutral' about human governments and active for the real government of Jehovah (and being cautious and at peace with everyone) is that one can see the political activities of Babylon the great (world empire of false religion) in the political arena.

    So many religions are becoming violent and are being "worked up in their emotions" towards other religions and their governments......(which may eventually bubble over to people killing each other ....but the governments will put in "peace and security" measures to keep the peace).  Buddhists are killing Muslims as we speak; Hindi culture has been declared the national culture in India by the far right government; and we already know that extreme Islam (with its terror tactics to force all people to become Muslims) is clearly visible for all to see.  When Christians in America fight the government to bring in laws that reflect their Christian views - they are also being political.  Most of them love the NRA which protects their right to bear arms...  and they may even use them in future... Jesus never used any arms and chastised those who did (Peter). 

    Jehovah is preparing us to go through Armageddon so we can truly stay neutral regarding human institutions.  However, more of us will have to learn to be verbally 'cautious'  when preaching because people in future will become more prone to take offense - some may even become violent.  I wish to speculate that our freedom of "speech" may be curtailed in future (UN is already regularly tabling decisions to this affect but it has not been voted in yet) - when one will not be allowed to say anything about another person's religion because they can use it as a reason to persecute you.  People may call the cops when they feel you are using "hate speech' against their religion.  This will make our preaching work so much harder. 

    At present hate speech is viewed as saying something nasty about another religion (even if it is true) but it eventually may become hard to say anything - even if one tries to tactfully expose false religion.

  11. All religions (the world empire of false religions) is being exposed by becoming more politicized and polarized... In India the far right government declared the Hindu culture as the state culture... leading to Muslim outrage and retaliation.  Al Qaida branch now very active over there with bombings.  Christians, who love their guns more than the peaceful teachings of Jesus, are also polarizing US society.  The inevitable is coming closer... the time when Jehovah God (at point of no return) will step into mankind's affairs and remove those who do not seek peace with their neighbors and who do not love their enemies. Saw this week that an ISIS-like militant organization declared its leader this week in the Philippines.
    With economic upheaval and religious and national upheavals this world is becoming a dark place to survive in.... just as the Bible predicted.

  12. I was living in England when Tony Blair went to war with America against the wishes of his people.  After this event the people lost confidence in him and hated him.   I thought to myself:   Britain is still aligned with America seemingly until the end... according to prophesy in Revelation America and Britain will still be aligned when the end arrives. (the two headed beast) 

    The European parliament is almost like a communistic system - the members cannot be voted off and they have tremendous powers.  A lot of power in hands of a few and they have been making "one-shoe-fits-all"  decisions (stronger nations dictating).  They have been making sweeping changes which has affected the smaller nations in a very bad way.  My sister told me that the quota control system in the Agricultural sector has led to Portugal farmers loosing their farms in droves. Portugal cannot control their own quotas and manage their own market.  (My sister lives in Portugal).

    It is not a surprising vote - in line with prophesy....  but it may bring tremendous financial hardship in the next few years because Britain has to re-negotiate all their trade deals.... hopefully their money system is robust and will recover.... and the Visas for travel to Europe... that is something else to think about.   A lot of financial hardship waiting for people....and Scotland and Ireland may break away .....

  13. Jehovah is allowing humans to rule the earth to give proof that - we cannot rule the earth successfully when we are independent from him.  Humans are ruining the earth and everything on it - and each other.  Science and human philosophies (human knowledge) has not given the answers. We are more divided than ever and science has actually contributed to our insecurity with  weapons proliferation, the poisoning of the earth and our water resources... and the list goes on and on of the damage we are inflicting on the physical earth and the societies living on it.  Most people are slaves to various economic systems wherein only a few are very rich and the rest are surfs working very hard just to eek out an existence for their families..  We are close to reaching 'a point of no return' regarding the ruining of the earth.  Human violence is escalating into an unimagined catastrophe.

    After Jehovah has stepped into mankind's affairs and removed the wicked (who refuse to acknowledge him as the sovereign of the universe and remain independent of him) - he will renovate and fix what man has damaged on the earth in only one thousand years. Human society will also be healed.  Mankind needs one set of principles to guide them in what is acceptable to Jehovah. .. and when all humans are prepared to make sacrifices for each other we will work together to restore the earth.  Each person will care more for the collective wellbeing of others than for their own egotistical goals.  A perfect society and perfect earth with bring the deserved glory to Jehovah - as originally purposed - before Adam selfishly chose independence from God.

  14. I preach amongst the Muslim community (Arabic) and one of the first verses I show them is Ex 3:15.  I also show them the scriptures where Abraham built an altar to 'Jehovah' before he went to Egypt and when he came back he offered up a sacrifice again to 'Jehovah'.  Moses speaks of not knowing Jehovah in its causative context. They knew Jehovah's name but they had not seen him in physical action.  It was during the 10 plagues that they really came to see the power of Jehovah and physical evidence that he existed.  The fire cloud at night and a cloud by day that lifted when they had to move camp. During this time they received so much evidence of him being a "reality" and consequently were forged into one dedicated nation for his Name.  Even though some individuals did see the miracles they still did not show faith.    

    Jesus predicted that false religion would become powerful when he gave them the parable about the weeds that would be sown in the night by the enemy (Satan) in the good field that was prepared by Jesus... the parable goes on to show that only at the end of time the "harvest time" would identify the true and false Christians.  False religion has tried to eradicate the bible and Jehovah's name.  They did not manage to eradicate the Bible or Jehovah's name.  In Daniel 12 it talks about those in the time of the end who would "search" and 'understand'... and it is referring to our time.  We are now living in the time when Jehovah's purpose and his name is very clear to all who listen to our message.  Soon Jehovah shall "prove to be" - the causative form of "I am".  All nations will have to acknowledge that he is the true God by name as Ezekiel 38: last verse indicates.

  15. I watch world news all the time and noticed that many European governments are becoming oppressive in the name of "security." (Many parts of the world already have oppressive regimes.) Free speech is attacked all the time.  The time will come when our activities in the field will also be scrutinized. We will be politically incorrect.  The political left call it political correctness and the right call it cultural Marxism.... watch videos on U-tube relating to the history of political correctness.  We are definitely in this era.... and we are heading for the great tribulation for sure.  All of us will be faced with difficult decisions every time we head out in the field.

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