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Everything posted by Arauna

  1. Ha-ha. I just laugh at the ridiculousness! Witness and Srecko quote an old watchtower and you have a peeve with that! LOL. I have repeated so often on this forum that one must put historical actions and attitudes in the light of the period. If I had the right to go through your life and nitpick it like you do the witnesses - I am sure I will find some very strange things in there. Especially the things you did, especially if you grew up in the 60s, 70s, or 80s. Millennials find our big hair and bell bottoms very funny. Well, the things people found acceptable in that time was good enough for them..... the light is getting brighter! In the 60s in USA many people who came in the truth still had racist ideas - earlier then that there was lynching's etc. While they never allowed racism in the congregations, I am sure that black brothers did not always feel comfortable and wondered why the anointed were mostly white. There are so many things we can find with a nitpicking attitude to be judgmental...... and I always notice this in your comments that you do not have a good historical sense. You want the truth to be truth with no changes......... people may not change or you hold their feet to the fire! Well - I am a witness because they are indeed prepared to make changes and grow...... they do not stay stagnant without moving forward in understanding!
  2. We know exactly where the changes were made - there are at least 5 master copies of the holy Bible that were made from a comparison of all the extant manuscripts (they were compared with one another and all the anomalies noted), so yes - unlike other religions this record (the bible) his the most scrutinized document on earth.... with the most enemies who wish to discredit it. Other so-called documents have not been scrutinized to this extent. So yes - the bible is truth and the very few differences does not affect the main theme of the bible or the personality and qualities of the One who wrote it. The differences do not in any way shape or change the fundamental truths. Your biased viewpoint is showing up! You want to give yourself leeway to be able to have all your own opinions and reject some of the truths contained in it? john 17:17 " 17 Sanctify them by[a] the truth; your word is truth. I can detect when she is exaggerating and twisting scriptures but she lies and slanders badly too! So it is hard to always overlook that kind of behavior. It does not matter if a good point is made, or a weak point - she will find a way to twist it. Many opposers show this kind of hate-OCD..... I call it that this condition because I recognize the signs very quickly when a person is operating in that kind of mode. The person can choose to be more reasonable .....but they fall back into the same old same old repetitive behavior as if they cannot help themselves. Reasonableness has fled!
  3. Truth is truth and cannot be a half-truth. Truth that is exaggerated or minimized is not truth. Most of the propaganda in the media today (no matter which country one goes to) starts with a truth-like sounding statement and then twists it ever so slightly so that it is no longer truth. This is how they get millions of people to harm themselves without realizing they are being harmed by what they listen to.
  4. Those who were baptized in the time of Jesus formed a congregation and they worked together as a congregation. They were so separate from other religions that it was called "The Way". Loyalty to Jehovah, Jesús and their brothers was of utmost importance. Paul writes in his letters about the love in the congregation and how it must be expanded. Many sold their property to give to the congregation and share what they had with brothers so there could be an 'equalizing". The hospitality was outstanding and Paul often stayed with those whom accepted the faith. So, true faith is about serving the family of faith and looking after them - accepting them as your extended family and being part of that family. Acknowledging they are your true brothers and sisters. Where is your extended family that you have become part of when you were baptized? (congregation, or body of Christ which you always refer to), those who share the same beliefs as you do? You - are truly the one that twists words all the time.... and while you have a right to say the most vile things and the most untruthful and crazy things on this forum to get a like from all haters of JWs, we do not for moment even consider your extrapolations as honest or truthful because all your arguments have gaping holes in them!
  5. Sometimes an act of repentance is to forgive others and even to forgive yourself. Who of us does not act irrationally at times? Eccl 7: 7 "Oppression can drive a wise one to madness"
  6. To forgive a great sin against you is surely the one act that jehovah would appreciate and reward.... so work on it. Your everlasting life is important to all of us.
  7. Yes, we also have learnt before, that just like 144, 000 are sealed those who will receive the earthly promise will also be marked by the one with the inkpot - and the Christian personality will be the criteria. Ezekiel 9.
  8. Thanks for explaining - I no longer counter this person's arguments. They never make sense but are utterances of repetitive hate-OCD.
  9. What could I deduct from your "intellectual "discussion is that you do not believe that some individuals would inherit the earth? Or if you do, that some here is not worthy of that promise?
  10. People can make anything divine if they want to. They will even kill you in the name of god and think they are doing God a favor. Neither is it about consent. It is about accepting the reality that Jehovah is the creator and his son provided the ransom. It is about accepting that his written Word is reality and the history and prophecies are absolutely true and those not yet fulfilled - will come true. It is about actively living the life of a Christian which includes upbuilding the congregation and mixing with fellow believers in unselfish love.... and most of all:- to preach the kingdom which has already started ruling. To recognize the brothers of Christ and the job they are doing. To build up the entire body of Christ and start to live the life in pure worship which you hope to do forever.
  11. I hear you - some people have the victim syndrome and blame others - but how do we know which ones are the truly vulnerable? We have to act and behave in ways so that our behavior is always like that of Jesús.
  12. This verse does not literaly imply we are saving anyone. It is the action of preaching which saves because it involves the other person to listen and obey. They themselves have to bring of themself to jehovah AFTER we have done our duty out of love. However, we should all be careful by our verbal communications and actions to not be a cause of stumbling. It is not what goes in but what comes out which defiles us.
  13. Or, do you truly believe that jehovah is the only one who can rule the earth successfully. This entails absolute obedience.
  14. We know it is not perfect because Jehovah has to work with imperfect people. We are grateful that we have such good bible knowledge and still get spiritually fed and updated. But what you see is mega-magnified and exaggerated issues.....of your own making..... so even if we were the organization which Jehovah is really using - you think what Jehovah provides is not good enough. Your are similar to Waiting on her hands.... waiting for perfection -which in this world is impossible.
  15. You remind me of those leaders in South Africa who only did theology studies at university and received doctors degrees on the "Freedom Fighters" in the bible. One can twist anything from the bible to suit your narrative. Fortunately Jehovah by means of his son is the judge of the sincerity of heart and truly can identify the non-deceptive heart.
  16. Pudgy, I totally understand what you are getting at. When people have such an abundance of hate-OCD, they conflate all non-compatable subjects to lead to ONE conclusion every time. All thinking processes lead to ONE conclusion and all scriptures are thrown together to lead to ONE conclusion. Now we both can look up OCD and "conclusion" and "fatuous" in Websters dictionary together - LOL......
  17. We cannot fathom out every situation except understanding that many lost their lives unnecessarily and Jehovah kept judged the living according to their heart condition. In this situation, most who died are not in Gehenna but in Sheol, just like the opposers who came up against Moses. Jehovah promised that there would be death no longer and that we will not remember the bad things in the past. So obviously Jehovah has everything single outcome under control - even if we do not want to think about it in this way. It is the final outcome that is important because Jehovah has the power to rectify everything else. In the next two to five years - many people will lose their lives due to hunger, war, untimely death through pestilence (as prophecy indicated). Much of it is going to be due to the actions of other humans or unforeseen circumstances. I assume that most of them will get a resurrection. But when Armageddon - the Day of Jehovah arrives, those hardened god-haters will pay the ultimate price.
  18. No the Org. is NOT the means to our salvation... but Jesus' ransom and his father Jehovah. If you are dedicated to Jehovah and his Son and you are associated with his org. you are assisted to maintain pure worship (without idolatry etc.) and to remain in a relationship with them. This helps you to remain in this life-saving situation. From your hateful attitude and complaints about everything (except complaints against Satan's organization - which is world wide) - I would say you are well on the way to self-destruction.
  19. patiently-waiting-for-truth/ from our publication: "God is impartial, and he extends to all people the opportunity to be saved and gain everlasting life, regardless of their nationality, race, or social status. To benefit, however, we must call on the name of Jehovah, which is the personal name of Almighty God. Psalm 83:18. In the Bible, the expression “call on the name of Jehovah” means more than just knowing God’s name and using it in worship. (Psalm 116:12-14) It includes trusting God and looking to him for help.—Psalm 20:7; 99:6. God’s name was important to Jesus Christ. The very first words in his model prayer were: “Our Father in the heavens, let your name be sanctified,” or made holy. (Matthew 6:9) Jesus also showed that we must come to know, obey, and love the Person behind that name if we are to gain everlasting life.—John 17:3, 6, 26." Most Christians do not accept these names and do NOT believe that Jesus is NOT Jehovah. Baptism means dedication. So would you say that dedication to Jehovah and the ransom of Jesus (and maintaining that path) would lead to being saved?
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