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Posts posted by Arauna

  1. 13 hours ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

    Remember that it is YESHUA that has ALL AUTHORITY

    Please mention the Name of the one who gave that authority to Jesus!  It is not the patiently in your name that gives me a scratch - it is that you think there is no Truth on the entire earth except your truth. Have you started to acknowledge Jehovah as the father of Jesus? 

  2. On 5/4/2022 at 7:23 PM, Anna said:

    Anyway, most will know that I am skeptical about Governments turning on religion, especially in the United States where it plays such an integral part of society

    Look at what is going on at universities and what is going on behind the scenes... most are leaving faith in a god ... even Christian religions have been infiltrated with woke LGBTQP philosophy!.  And it will be a 'decree' ..... coming from the WHO... So in a culture where all follow what the government says because only the government speaks the truth .... and  your social score will be affected if you do not go along with it ..... what do you think most people will do?.  No-one will leave their homes to go to church and false information (bible's and connected  literature) will be removed from internet - all religion.  What the government says will be the only truth - state worship only. So turning against religion is very possible!  And Jehovah will put it in their hearts at the right time!

    Satan wants every human being compromised to only worship the state.  Remember the offer he made to Jesús?  Basically we all will face hunger, and the offer of state worship to be kept alive..... and be protected.  Jesus gave 3 biblical answers which declares that only Jehovah can give our daily bread, give true protection; and his future government is the solution to corrupt human government.

  3. On 5/4/2022 at 3:54 PM, Thinking said:

    Russell himself never claimed to be the one  and only faithful and discreet slave…

    It does not matter if he was the slave or not. (With new light we know he was not - he was only the messenger before the faithful slave rendering service in the Parousia)  Mal 3: 1  “Look! I am sending my messenger, and he will clear up a way before me. And suddenly the true Lord, whom you are seeking, will come to his temple; and the messenger of the covenant will come, in whom you take delight. Look! He will certainly come,” says Jehovah of armies. ). 

    At that time the knowledge of the Truth the brothers had was good enough for those who lived in this time period.  They had  learnt that there is no soul that goes out of you which is immortal; and many other truths which helped them to cling to Jehovah and the ransom; as they did not believe that Jesús is God. They already had most of the basic truths and were contemplating newer ones... and had discarded some wrong ones.  The resurrection they received will be based on what they knew at the time and Jehovah is the judge of who is righteous.  (Their work was also to expose the idolatry of Christendom because Babylon the Great was about to fall after 1914).

    To highlight if the JWs were right or wrong at that time does not matter either; and to nitpick their leadership and how they came to be what they are today is not even important.  It is what we do today that is important.... and because humans are imperfect the 'slave' today can still make mistakes.... and they will be judged accordingly (Ps103 Jehovah keeps in mind that we are all flesh). 

    We can only look at the history and pray we do not make the same mistakes ...... but that is as far as it goes.  Many will try to use this history to prove that we are a cult or a false religion - but compared with other Christian denominations - Jehovah needed a people who did not have the bloody history on their hands for supporting wars and recruiting  soldiers. He needed to form a nation that were trying to be obedient and were willing to learn - get up after mistakes - and go on. Since good leaders are always scarce, Jehovah had to work with those which were available - just as he does today.



  4. 47 minutes ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    has free will to decide, then God has no control over him.

    We are created in the image of Jehovah - with free will.  God is not a dictator and did not create us to be robots.  He wants our worship and devotion by our OWN FREE WILL!!!   This is why we should educate ourselves about the goodness of God, his qualities - so that we serve him our of loyal  love and gratitude not by coercion.

    This is the kind of stuff human governments do - they rule with fear and coercion.

    Jehovah is in control of the final outcome - he is not a micro-manager... managing every little action of humans in between. With his final actions he will stamp out all wickedness - that is assured.     He has set a time for Satan to carry on with his minions here on earth and ruin near space around the earth and the earth itself.... only up to a point.  He is allowing them to prove the universal issue - if they can govern the earth better then He can....... It will turn out to be a miserable failure as He already foresaw in prophecy!

    Then he will step in an control Satan by putting him in an abyss and destroying the  wicked. 

  5. 22 hours ago, Pudgy said:

    No  hordes of demons to rustle into submission

    Good imagination - but no demons there any longer!  They are all here in our domain - that is why we have to deal with so many nasty personalities!

    Lets us answer it with a little more imagination: We are in a physical part of our universe which has time and space but there are other dimensions here which we are not aware of most of the time.  Angels (as well as many nasty ones) move around in our space as well.  They see us and hear us?  Maybe with quantum frequencies, or some other mysterious part of science humans are only starting to scratch the surface of.

    Maybe Jehovah sends a quantum frequency to Angel A in Area A outside our physical universe.  A knows what to do.... because the universe keeps existing on their providing energy and information.   He sends a frequency message to angel B in the farthest reaches of our universe (leaving out the other mathematical "strings" attached ), and he informs BOB to go and do a pleasant task - to tell the GB they are all fired!    NO, that was a joke.... Some nasty angel tries to stop Bob but Bob manages to overcome the obstacle due to the older age of the demon opposition.....  so BOB is successful and goes ahead and tells the human mortals their time is almost up - to get ready to move to the next dimension.  Time is short - so they must quickly teach those other brothers how to manage things - do this right, this is your last chance to do it right..

  6. On 3/12/2022 at 2:38 PM, Equivocation said:

    Does anyone know if any of our brothers and sisters got out of Ukraine?

    I live in the Balkans and I still am a member of the Georgian congregation (Georgia is next to russia). Yes, many got out who left early.  Brothers were helped in Georgia and many went to Poland. Here in Albania we were asked to put up brothers but only 2 couples came. Both left for other countries afterwards such as Turkey. 

  7. 3 hours ago, Pudgy said:

    The solution that works for me is this: don’t believe anyone.

    That is the smartest way.  I listened to a journalist yesterday who cannot get anything published. She is on the ground in the war zone where the mass graves are supposed to be and took photos of the " mass graves" . The satellite took a photo from a distance and did not zoom in (deliberately) . There is a long row of 400 spaced graves and a whole lot of new ones that had been dug.  Some deseased military were put in there and civilians all  buried in individual coffins and each grave numbered. Some already have names on it. She spoke to the people digging the graves. ..they identified the city, the spot.... bottom line: there are no mass graves with  thousands of people thrown on top of each other.......it is war frenzied war  propaganda.

    In Russia the war propaganda is raging and Russians cannot see news any from the outside world..... it is part of the political system..... the King of the North - .....the beast. People there have a measure of freedom BUT if the people practice a religion the govt does not like, or demonstrate for human rights, say anything against the government - they are spied upon, are put in jail or even silenced forever.  Justice for the innocent and those without influence is not served. 

    Anglo America is the 7th head, the 2-horned  beast- the one powerful govt.  who speaks about sweet democracy and freedom like a lamb......and says it is bringing democracy to the rest of the world. But it acts like a dragon.  It has been bombing the middle east while Ukraine propaganda is raging. It has killed thousands of civilians in other countries throughout the last few years and jailed Assange because he managed to expose the war atrocities.

    In  Anglo-America one can walk around freely but journalists who bring the truth are discredited and hit-pieces written about them. No corporate newspapers accept independent stories...any longer......and when they do..... they rewrite them to suit propaganda. It has become an instrument of the state.  What do we call a government where media corporations and government work together ?  (Fascism). In 2018 the United Nations Migrant agreement had a clause in which (all member nations are bound to it), it stipulated that journalists who do not tow the UN-line must be "re-trained".  You can only get a job as a journalist now if your politics are globalist/ UN plan oriented.

    This was an indicator to me that truth is no longer allowed..... only propaganda. I have said all along, since 2018, that governments are doing what UN legislated in agreements. I have seen the thick "policies" file given out to journalists when they start work.  I never received one, or followed one of those files 38 years ago at the time I worked for a newspaper. I reported what I saw. 

    We have freedom.... but we only see what media corporations allow us to see. As you know, many journalists are cancelled or forced to leave corporate media and go to work on discredited independent sites..... 

    So now, a question? What is the difference between the two beasts? The king of north and the false prophet- Anglo America?  Not much. Remember it is the false prophet who with his signs mesmerize the people so that all follow it. 

    And one also has to consider this; rev 16: 13-16 

    "And I saw three unclean inspired expressions that looked like frogs come out of the mouth of the dragon and out of the mouth of the wild beast and out of the false prophet"

    "They are, in fact, expressions inspired by demons and they perform signs, and they go out to the kings of the entire inhabited earth, to gather them together to the war of the great day of God the Almighty. 15"

    Soon the UN will clamp down on independent sites. They will no longer exist. Political media will only feed the new government propaganda. When you get your new UN identity card..... you will be penalized of you visit any independent site which still exists.  You will only have access to internet if you do what they say.....in these times (I suspect) that  religions will also be cut off from internet if they do not tow the line which will devastate them. 

     Worship of the beast and image if the beast will be a requirement of all humans living on earth. In territory of the Kong if the north and south. 

  8. 7 minutes ago, Matthew9969 said:

    I just want to make sure your not preaching that all christian/ christian churches are in it for the money.

    Why is it that they are not in remote areas?  I hope you know the history of the Jesuits.... I read their rule book....... it is quite mercenary.

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