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Everything posted by Arauna

  1. When I see those words and some accusations after it.... I will not defend myself.... it is a trap to get into a a nasty argument - try your hate-OCD on someone else.
  2. Why is it that they are not in remote areas? I hope you know the history of the Jesuits.... I read their rule book....... it is quite mercenary.
  3. Ukraine is not the first war and not the last - with killing and cruel slaughter. When the same thing was going on in the middle east - america was killing civilians- no one said a thing. Media was silent. Now the media is turning Ukraine into holy angels who are suffering and all Russians are monsters. (All humans who do not live by righteous standards can quickly become monsters in some way. ) The countries now fighting each other are are "brothers" and both are egged on by, and supported by their highest clergy - the orthodox fraternity. Innocent people are suffering but only a few of them are not taking sides in this war. Even countries are forced to take sides now.... you are either King of North or king of South.... UN will soon turn against religion.... it is already negative towards it but will openly thwart the Pope, who has been promoting UN agenda 2030, and turn on those who practice religion. It will feel like persecution for them ....... but have they not been hearing the message ? .... Get out of her my people? When they come for us because we serve jehovah, we will know it and hopefully own it From Jehovahs perspective:- all those now dying will get resurrected. Jesus will judge them in true justice. Their suffering will be over and forgotten- forever, depending on their own choice. The resurrection hope and jehovahs justice must sustain us in these times when there will be much people around us suffering before death - such as Covid induced homelessness and food shortages which later will be almost intollerable. People will say: where is God, there is no loving God..... blame Him for human wickedness induced by Satan. That is the regular MO. We must remember - all those dying before the final Day of jehovah (not 24 hour day), will be eligible for resurrection. Jehovah has thought of everything. His plan is air tight. ..... no mistakes.
  4. Since Adam sinned the world is subject to futility on the basis of hope. All is futile - all ends in death and corruption........ but jehovah has provided the hope through his Son. And a future under the freedom from sin through his rule together with the Sons of God, the 14400 in freedom. The wickedness has systematically grown worse as humans now manufacture more ynthetic bio weapons and other weapons of mass destruction, animal, plant and human genetic engineering and other deviant forms of disobedience to the ethic principles of Jehovah. The possibility now exists that humans can go extinct.............so the world has definitely changed....... so the GB has NOT produced inaccurate doctrines as you claim,,,,, but have taught us the scriptures so well, so we ourselves can see when these things deviant things are going into fulfillment. In contrast with this you are still drinking milk....... do you not think it is time to start a bible study with JWs to learn the meaning of scriptures such as Roman's 8?
  5. Direct or indirect attacks come from many sources: John5:19: "the whole world is lying in the power of the wicked one" Eph 6: "Finally, go on acquiring power in the Lord and in the mightiness of his strength. 11 Put on the complete suit of armor from God so that you may be able to stand firm against the crafty acts of the Devil; 12 because we have a struggle, not against blood and flesh, but against the governments, against the authorities, against the world rulers of this darkness, against the wicked spirit forces in the heavenly places. 13 For this reason take up the complete suit of armor from God, so that you may be able to resist in the wicked day and, after you have accomplished everything, to stand firm.
  6. We do not care what you think. I only answer for the benefit of others and read their comments. Your rejection is obvious but sometimes you try to hide it. That is why I do not trust you at all.
  7. I would say that Satan attacks true worshippers more than those who are already on his side. He has a kind of hate-OCD. He just cannot leave them be. He goes away for a while and then comes back again and again,
  8. I assumed that too! but maybe I put it a little clumsily. I do not agree with brothers who do not think that imperfection can take place in the congregation - that is why I quoted JOB. He was a servant of Jehovah but that did not protect him.
  9. Before Armageddon (day of Jehovah comes) we will have collective protection (individuals may still be hurt) but the Day of Jehovah is the time we can be sure that the great crowd will survive. Previous examples - Rahab in Jericho and the Israelites first born when stubborn Pharaoh lost his first born son.
  10. No - it means they do what they please (where their own desires lead them), which may include the above behavior. God has standards and we have to follow them to get Jehovah's approval.
  11. The concept that we all can be tested by satan and must prove our loyalty to god under difficult circumstances - not only at a time when everything is going well with us.
  12. I do not get mad. I just do not like hate-OCD when there is evidence of it. And I usually show my distaste for it..... it gives a bad taste in the mouth, like wormwood. What to you mean by pre-history.....
  13. For me there is a massive difference between gods will - which is part of his plan /purpose..... and what he "allows" in satan's wicked system. He did give satan "permission" to test Job..... read the bible section again..... . One should not conflate the two concepts because then you will become like Job's friendly advisors who were not qualified to give him advice at all!
  14. I feel for you my sister. I am just glad that your love for jehovah was greater than the great problem ... and jehovah blessed you with a better understanding..... and in the new system he will bless you more by compensating you for the suffering. My pain came with my husbands death just after my daughter was operated on for cancer. The events after this..... I also wish I had had better insight and knowledge..... but that is water under the bridge.... I rarely think of it.... but just about the positive things I learnt since then....... which is a bunch ! I have been in two congregations where i have not approved of some treatment of someone.... now that i am older i will stay quiet until the time is right to say something. ... i am not a busy body at all! But i say something when things are evident and it is not a false accusation or a whim.
  15. Well, I disagree with these brothers. The story of Job tells us that we will be tested to extremes and scriptures in the new testament tell us we will be persecuted and mocked. Any opposite teaching is not the truth. If the world loves you, you are doing something wrong. During Armageddon we will get full protection. At present we can fail to ask jehovah what to do, due to imperfection..... or allow our desires to make bad choices in a given situation. It will not push us out of the truth but we can damage ourselves in many ways and those around us. The worst thing we can do is to hang onto bad experiences. When we think on them ....then we strengthen these memory connections jn the brain and the pain comes back more often. ..... and the viscious circle starts...... thinking on it strengthens memories again and again. This is where one must learn self-control..... and only we ourselves can do it. Praying and staying close to jehovah helps. Take focus of your own pain and put the focus on jehovah. I often think of a young sister who got involved with her boss. She later committed suicide. Her mother , who was sickly before this, was in and out of institutions (nervous breakdown)... she was such a lovely person but could not handle this. I used to marvel at her dedication and knowledge of the bible. Yes, we all have a breaking point and should not deem ourselves strong.... but we can develop skills to cope ...... and adversity does do this if we practice our faith. None of us is above being severely tested. Once tested severely, we have an understanding of how dangerous satan can be. He wants us all to fail.
  16. Of course I link "jehovah" to the org. We carry his name don't we? You are the one who is mentally in a box...... the hate-OCD box.... You are just throwing anything at me. So do not expect any answer - try to control the OCD.
  17. No, that is not what you did and you know it. You went far beyond talking to the brother u had a beef with..... ... so . Do not act all righteous. You are a stinker and you know it! You are a stinker! Twist my words for a nasty purpose! I stand up to anyone who does not treat others well. That is why I see through your MO.
  18. When I was baptized, I recall I was baptized in the name of all three - and we use the names of all three. You seem to only use Yeshua.
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