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Everything posted by Arauna

  1. America tries to surround its enemies with buffer states where they have control of the puppet leaders. They have done this with color revolutions in south America and eastern Europe. Ukraine is one of them. They are now working towards the same goal in Asia.... China is heavily invested in Pakistan .... so I do not know their MO but I am sure the leaders will try to leach as much cash out of this country as possible. When Biden allocated funds for the pandemic - billions were allocated to Pakistan ..... so I am not surprised that the elected officials are out when opposers receive the money. They allocated funds to their friends and then get some back via other methods. This is what happened in Ukraine.
  2. the world has become wicked and the problem is that most are moving away from god and also from his principles of good and bad. So it is just going to go into anarchy or persecution. Persecution because you are not falling in line with the new morality of the UN. They are the ones promoting all the child "porneia" in schools.
  3. When I studied Islam to the extent that I could distinguish a Shia from a Sunni when talking to them, I was astounded to see the U-turn most governments took on the violence inherent in the religion - especially after the term "islamaphobia" was coined. It fitted in so well with the extreme far-left agenda of being totally inclusive..... that jihadis are seen as good citizens and religious crimes are covered up - because the press was no longer allowed to mention their names (UK), race or motivations in press releases. I was shocked in 2018 when UN signed agreements with their member countries that press must be "re-trained" if they show any form of islamaphobia. It fits with the new philosophy that only whites can be slave owners and be racistic. A few years back I watched EU members in their meetings. I was also shocked when I discovered that they openly praised China and spoke of the "Chinese model" for the entire world. .... while fully aware of what China was doing to muslims and Falun gong. I warned friends where we were heading and I could see why satan would choose a central, financial government for the final beast ruling over humans because he wants totalitarian control. It will be a federation of digital currencies.... like old USSR under central banks... no other currencies allowed and no independent currencies allowed by law.. We are now experiencing a kind of cultural revolution the same as under Mao.... so everything is moving in one direction....... central emergency rule by UN under 10 kings. (Just as prophecied jn Revelation 17. ) all will be obligated to worship the beast and image of the beast or face the retaliation.
  4. The bible indicates they were thrown down to earth. They will be destroyed at the end of the 1000 years. The bible does give this information.
  5. I think, not long. One can reason that it was part of Jehovah's stated purpose, He would have given the angels of his Holy Spirit to oust the demons and Satan very quicky. We see the results on earth quite quickly.
  6. It was the war which brought forth the Anglo-American world power. But as I mentioned before: a combination of flame throwers, planes, tanks, chemical weapons, submarines, machine guns and all kind of weapons which really could take a lot of life. This became worse during WW2. Never before in warfare was all these weapons used and then WW2 used atomic power and improved technology - radar, air craft carriers etc. The class system which existed before WW1 also became less conspicuous.
  7. The birth pains in the last days - perousia - which culminates in Jesús coming to do the judgement (first separating sheep and goats) is NOT the same event as the birth pains bringing forth a heavenly child - the Son of god at the beginning of his Kingdom rule. The heavenly woman is involved in this birth. The birth pains of the last days (a symbol of the turmoil and pain in the last days) culminates in the day of Jehovah and there is no woman involved....it is merely an illustration of the painful conditions.
  8. Jesus is ruling in heaven amidst his enemies on earth but not yet ruling over the entire earth! He will only rule over the entire earth AFTER Armageddon. He has been ruling since 1919 over the spiritual paradise or the "land " But this is not earth wide. It is the secret place that psalm 91 talks of that belongs to those who offer him pure worship. So only those who are servants of Jehovah and are in this secret place serving him are in the " land".
  9. One must not mix up the birth pains of the time of the end here on earth with the birth pains of the Kingdom in heaven. The Kingdom is a heavenly organization while the earth is imperfect........ birth pains in a very imperfect earthly system will last very long and be very bad. Since this is the heavenly kingdom that is born from the heavenly woman (gods heavenly organization ) there must have been much excitement and some turmoil from Satan - who wanted to stop the inauguration.. but we know the result .... Satan was thrown out of heaven. I always have thought that the name for the baby coming through the canal is NOT a pain but a pushing. Nevertheless - this is an indication that the birth is eminent. Jehovah claimed the Son to be His. In a new capacity Jesus would now rule as the promised King amongst his enemies here on earth..... with Satan part of the terrible pains on earth during the final days and Armageddon. The theme of the bible is the future kingdom hope - so many prophecies were given to Daniel to indicate when Jesus would be born and when he would start to rule. Revelation gives us a deeper understanding of these events and the finale. . During this time when Jesús rules amongst his enemies - the earth would experience increasing pains
  10. Well spoken my dear. I do not look too deep into the evil things because it is just so bad and real. I always listen to hear about which prophecies... are coming to fruition.... so I distance myself while listening to be objective.... but one can still be propagandized unknowingly. Yes, a friend alerted me to the world governance summit. So..... it is not a conspiracy after all. Just like the conspiracy to kill jesus was not false news.... lol.
  11. Lol. Ramadan should have a camel. They are not supposed to eat in the day but usually feast al night to make up for the day.... the camel should do.
  12. Ah, come on! This is just a silly offended way of getting more attention on yourself! prophecies.xlsx
  13. My dear, I read it daily. I love the Insight books. The difference between me and you is that i love this food from Jehovah. do you?
  14. I am not angry at all - so do not ascribe this to me. I am just weary of repeating things. And by the way - you may think I need stimulation to think.... that is an assumption and not reality.
  15. I guess they have a lot of responsibilities at home and not much time to think about it - I have - but that taunt of yours falls on deaf ears. I am not here to please YOU. I have made sure for myself and I do not waste my time on people who are not really interested. If I had the slightest inkling that you would listen to me to try to understand a different point of view than your own - I would have taken the time to prepare an explanation. You are ready to taunt.... so stick with your attitude.
  16. I answered it extensively before - no use repeating myself and getting the same result.....sorry, if there was true interest I may attempt to look for the same generational information.... many people here - their main purpose is to taunt. I am trying to contribute only when I can bring something up that people do not know or a new thought.... or a different perspective. I do not want to get involved in arguments or give derailed people, who use their time to twist your words and spew out more deception.
  17. I surely know that there are many people who think they are so wonderful that they surely think they are anointed.... or they could have this psychological epiphany that they are anointed.....almost like a supernatural event outside themselves..... similar to people who have the emotional experience in the churches when they "receive the holy spirit" - sometimes it is not the real thing because this "miracle" can be psychologically induced. Or if a person was truly anointed ..... it does not mean they remain true wheat - they can become opposers of jehovah.... the Bible says, those who remain faithful to the end will be saved. Being anointed does not mean they are automatically sealed. While I am not denigrating your personal experience - it does not seem to me that you have remained in the fold of those participating in pure worship. Your knowledge seems to have dwindled since I first met you here...... sad to say. There is still time to repent and update your knowledge.
  18. That is why I firmly believe in vocational training. This is still the best education to prepare for life in a cheap effective way. University is a brainwashing farce these days. Even science is no longer science as we knew it. Most of the best science research is done by the top echelons and is done almost in secret by university departments who are doing outsourced work for DARPA and similar organizations. They are heavily funded by interests who patent their findings immediately and keep it secret. Tell me, what is 100 labs in other countries doing when they are secretly funded by USA government ? Is if a form of outsourcing of experiments not allowed under US law? Or is it done to hide US involvement? The generic degrees are useless....real science is outsourced or secret ... so rather take a vocational course.
  19. Jesus appointed them as the slave..... he did NOT anoint them as the slave according to the illutration. The only time a GROUP was anointed was when the first fruits of the Holy Spirit was poured out at pentecost.
  20. I do not have the time to look up the history again. I did it about two years ago. Tried to look for my old post but it seems to have been archived. I reasoned on the flood and the generations who were associated with the flood and afterward.... . I could have improved on my old reasoning if I hapoened to have found it. I just feel if I have gone to he trouble before and people still go on taunting without really wanting to reason....... I think the repeated excercise is not worth my time. I rather benefit myself by learning something new. Trying hard to benefit others on this forum is not met with appreciation but taunting..... like throwing pearls to......... a dead lion?
  21. I have never seen this in our writings....... Apostles where there when the Holy Spirit was anointing them in 33 CE and a few brothers took the lead in Jerusalem regarding decisions about circumcision etc. They copied and sent out the letters written by "inspired" brothers (Paul Peter, Jude, Apostles etc.) to all the congregations. So they acted like a central body sending brothers out. Paul was sent out to the uncircumcised and Peter to the circumcised. They did disperse the letters but were not called the slave. The slave is mentioned in the chapter which refers to the PEROUSIA. I think you left the JWs because you had the wrong understanding of a lot of things.
  22. our father (title) in heaven, hallowed be your name. This reminds me of the Law given to Israel where Jehovah is called ONE Jehovah, and his name is Jehovah from generation to generation! ... the god of Abraham Isaac and Jacob. Are you a child of Abraham? How can anyone of your friends say they are anointed when they do not even acknowledge that name of YEHOVAH.....or Jehovah.... This "Yehovah" is the newly confirmed pronunciation of Jehovah's name as it was discovered in more that 2000 manuscripts wherein the name has its vowel points - completely intact.
  23. The UN according to biblical prophecy is a LARGE threat..... and it already has teeth. Look up on Google - 2 years ago the UN was captured by the WEF. Who are the WEF? membership is between 60,000 dollar to half billion a year. Only the largest global corporations, countries, and rich individuals can afford to be in this inner circle which decide the entire world's fate. revelation 13: " And it was permitted to give breath* to the image of the wild beast, so that the image of the wild beast should both speak and cause to be killed all those who refuse to worship the image of the wild beast.16 It puts under compulsion all people—the small and the great, the rich and the poor, the free and the slaves—that these should be marked on their right hand or on their forehead,v 17 and that nobody can buy or sell except a person having the mark, the namew of the wild beast or the number of its name." I do not agree with everything this person said on this video below. A friend sent it to me yesterday. But if you ever thought the great reset and the new world order with a new digital currency is conspiracy theory - this gives proof that they spoke of it at the world governance summit last week. https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=4984302801615916&id=100001087374894 klaus schwab is the founder of the WEF in the 1970's. They have been working to get the UN Agenda 2030 goals realized.
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