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Everything posted by Arauna

  1. I have never read that all of them were anointed in 1914 and neither did I read (EVER) that it was a miracle - so your words are not just misleading but untruth!
  2. Do you know the definition of a miracle? Go read it again. An act of anointing is NOT a miracle. Cyrus the great was anointed by jehovah and he was a pagan!
  3. I GUESS hate-OCD is as deceitful as lying - as I said sin is sin- even if the perpetrator thinks he has a righteous ax to grind. So I leave it at that. You are not interested in any discussion.... just the spread of hate.
  4. They went through the tests after 1914 to 1919 in fulfillment of bible prophecy - also in 2nd world war - and they have done the work Jehovah gave them - they themselves, as well as WE know they are the slave. As I asked you before - please tell me any other group that is doing the job Jehovah said would be done earth wide... and feeding a united people the same food ..... world-wide .....and if you can show me this group, I may join you. But you yourself KNOW there is NO other group doing this work as prophesied in Matthew 24 :14 It depends what these other anointed are doing. If they do not want to work together due to imperfection.......and want glory for themselves - then they are not the true wheat. If this other group of wheat are jealous and are working on their own - then they are NOT true wheat and do not know how to cooperate BUT are wheat who became weeds. The true wheat will form one group and stay united. These other wheat THEMSELVES decided they are anointed and maybe they were NOT - that is why Jehovah rejected them, like Saul. So what about Matthew 24:45....... when was there a slave that could do this work and preach world wide? Mathew 24:14.... a sign of the last days. What about the prophecy in Ezekiel which indicates that there will be an administration? A lot of new brothers and sisters do not know how to preach - so the method they teach us is pretty sound and very good. I was in publicity most of my life and I think it is pretty good... so that all publishers can have a share. I DO NOT follow the instructions word by word ...... and I have never been in trouble because of it. BUT I am sure if you arrogantly preach something that is not in the bible, Jehovah will make sure that it becomes known and you will be corrected. And if you opt out after being corrected - then I am sure you are too hardnosed to take correction and it is better you do not spread false teachings. We cannot have a bunch of loose cannons preaching anything they please. There are many who believe they have more spirit than others but this does not mean they do! My dear you obviously do not know what propaganda is. They are NOT preaching any misleading political message. The message that only the kingdom of Jehovah is worthy of our loyalty is accurate according to the bible as is our stance of neutrality. I think you must also not just accuse wildly.....your accusations are all over the place.
  5. Yes - I see that the slave has identified the UN as the image of the beast right after it was created. It identified the harlot as the world empire of false religion. It identified 1914 as the beginning of the invisible rule of Jesus Christ. It identified so many things. Are you still waiting for a visible christ to come on the clouds down to earth to rule? Do you know what is the seven heads of the beast? Who told you that? A generation is overlapping and I have demonstrated it here on these pages many times. So do not show old magazines to bring on old discussions......... I reply with a question back to you...... do you see these things? And if you see them....... who taught them to you?
  6. I am fragile but not so old. I will only need attention when I am unable to walk. Many elderly people go through the same with their children popping in every other day or so. My children are in other countries due to circumstances - me being a refugee from my own country. MY mum's best friend died after she was lying on the floor a whole day with a stroke injury. This pandemic has made matters worse as people who are not family are supposed to distance themselves. I would feel mad if it was my friend.... but I would calm down afterward and realize that the person is no longer suffering and is in the long arms of Jehovah. Jehovah's hand will not be short during the resurrection.
  7. You have not said what is the lie..... to make wild accusations is not "logical reasonings". If they are not the slave, then please identify who is providing spiritual food world wide about the "kingdom" as verse 14 of the same chapter says. ..... then please also provide information which "slave is providing food world-wide to keep all Jehovahs people abreast with information on how to preach and teach (our main commission" ) and arrange meetings to build us up. They are not "perfect" but they are doing the job jehovah gave them. .... So once again please identify the "slave" that is doing all these tasks on a world-wide basis.
  8. That us brilliant that you brought it up! The question is directed at those living in the last days and asks each individual if they recognize the slave. It is a question directed at me and you. I recognize them to give me food at the proper time and I am happy in doing so! . If you do not understand - read it again. “Who really is the faithful and discreet slave whom his master appointed over his domestics, to give them their food at the proper time? 46 Happy is that slave if his master on coming finds him doing so! 47 T
  9. All sin = sin. Lying is the same as reviling and adultery the same as child abuse..... To Jehovah they are all worthy of death. In this sense yes, all sin is the same. ... When we add the emotional trauma attached to it - some more egregious than others.
  10. There are many animals which smell blood from far away (central nervous system). Some of them are omnivores. Dogs are pretty good smellers and yet there is a south American dog that lives on starchy foods and survives. So there are many anomalies. One must therefore be careful not to paint with a "one-story-only" brush.
  11. Things can get out of hand now and then.... that is life.... especially when there are a few hot irons in the fire.
  12. Sharks are actually the cleaning mechanism of the ocean. They have turned to eating meat but they can change in future. They definitely have teeth that are replaced regularly...... there were many tough plants on this earth before which grew humongous. We can only speculate and look at what we see now.
  13. I think I was to blame because I took someone to task. I now have to be approved by a moderator. Apologies to those who now suffer because of me.
  14. sigh - some people are more than hard necked. I just leave it here. He acts like a God out of the Hindu pantheon. Those ones with the frightening faces that do terrible things to human beings.
  15. Yes- I think the new world will be interesting.... to see animals return to their original purpose. Pre-flood: with the earth more lush and green-house esque......due to the water canopy, many animals were much larger than today. Animals adapt to their environment which includes weather and abundance of food and water. I was shocked when I saw a dinosaur which looks like the Indian rhino today.... just much bigger. .... made me realize we know very little.
  16. Peter is NOT the rock or head of the church/ congregation. So I will kindly correct you. Jesus was referring to himself when he said those words.... . Yes, Peter was like a rock when he stood up in the assembly when the Holy Spirit anointed them (Acts 2) and spoke about how Jehovah had prophesied about the gifts of the Spirit. Peter acted like a rock when he also referred to the other promises of jehovah on this day of pentecost. Peter did not even become the spokes-person of the Governing body - James was. This is a Catholic teaching that Peter is the rock of the church. As far as I know Peter was sent out to the Jews (not gentiles) and Paul was sent out to the gentiles. Peter wrote his 2 letters in the diaspora of Babylon.
  17. Observe how sensitive you are to any form of correction... then you call me nasty..... but you revile others. I will not stand for you to treat other people like a bully without showing you up for your behaviour. I am prepared to apologise when I am wrong...and . you will do well to learn some "humane" skills. You could become a skilful teacher..... but as jehovah says: the beginning of wisdom is the fear of jehovah. .
  18. Maybe you did not use the right words or you had it wrong. He is not God. ...... to give you such a severe judgment and treat you as if you intentionally mislead people is wrong. We are all learners here and we do not know everything and we have not all thought things through. I have had experience in writing so I try to express myself well but I have become a bit careless. (English is not my first language and my eyes are bad.... and for that matter I forget names - and he is not thoughtful of any of these failings.... in fact he reminds me of another very nasty ex-witness we had on here before. ) He has been wrong on many occasions (even if he does not think so)... and I have never seen him apologise so humbly as you did. Any kind correction of his "mistakes" allows him to call us all kinds of names and revile us. This blog does not belong to him and I say again: he is not God although he acts and talks like one.
  19. I think you can then write more clearly - but I think you are so angry that your smartness is hidden. Ordinary folk like me do not see it.
  20. Accusations my dear. I did not intend to defend her. Another misassumption on your part. You know very well who is the father of false accusations. I think I could have have a pretty good debate with you about the universal laws of Jehovah by just using the Mosaic law and universal principles taught by Jesus - but I would not risk the nastiness. You are NOT qualified to teach as you do not have any patience and you have no kindness or love. If I could learn something from you - you are sure to go and mess it up with total loss of self-control regarding accusations and reviling.
  21. That is love my dear. We are supposed to love our enemies. No mission one sets for yourself can be more important than love.... Read 1 cor 13.... the first few verses. If we cannot love our neighbor then we cannot love God whom we cannot see.
  22. So the opposite is also true. Before the flood some predators ate plant material and after the flood they ate meat. Epigenetics is also a field of study. I have watched leopards for instance: the mother has to teach the cub to hunt. Although the catch and play instinct is normal - the cub has to develop an instinct for killing.
  23. I hope you can recall that the bible said: narrow is the road..... - the holy spirit should help you recall this scripture and help you to leave off the felicitous and acidic remarks. Sometimes you are funny - but there is a time for everything. Unfortunately, I am a Christian who likes all kinds of people and can even put up with a few very nasty ones. But I am one of those who find myself. per occasion. to be nasty to those who respect nothing holy. Our fellow worshippers were talking about Dmitar above (I assume so). I have also been unkind to him on a few occasions because of him insisting to be totally obnoxious at times - mostly unfounded. I have tried to reach out to him.... but he does not respond to any form of kindness or even agreement. He puts himself above all of that. You are similar. You always have to turn everything into a inappropriate joke and there is little kindness or responsiveness to things wholesome. I wish I could hear a little wisdom from your mouth. I would listen. I am sure it is somewhere deep inside but it seems you will lose face if you do show your vulnerable side.
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