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Posts posted by Arauna

  1. 28 minutes ago, Pudgy said:

    You are obviously getting your theology from the movie

    She was speaking of God: he may have  originally created them for a different purpose.  There may have been animals that were created only to be carrion eaters. ... to clean up the animals that have died.

    For example - most group animals are usually herbivores.  It has now come out that the Rex moved in groups (groups of tracks were found). Their eyes are more to the side like a cow..... not a predator which has eyes which look straight ahead at its prey.  Its front arms are short...so how can it hang onto its prey- or push it down.  

    It came out recently that there were floating islands of trees on the seas.....massive  floating islands of hollow trees like bamboo.  Who says some dinosaurs were not the sea monsters / birds that lived on these islands?   There is way to little knowledge about these animals and there is much conjecture about how they lived.  Many of the dinosaurs have hollow bones like birds.  Many of these floating islands landed up on land during the flood and became coal deposits.  They have found the bark of these hollow trees in coal deposits.


  2. 32 minutes ago, Dmitar said:

    Satan was punished for his disobedience and free will.

    All moral creatures have free will to choose in every situation what they want to do.  They can choose to do it in Jehovah's way your their own way.  Free will is powerful because it is a quality that we received from Jehovah - but our free will has limitations.  A father watches over his child to check if he is going to hurt himself.  Daddy allows the child free will to play with many things.  Only when he may hurt himself or someone else the dad will intervene.

    Satan deliberately chose to go in opposition to his father. That is like a son who joins a gang just because his father warned him against it.  He then goes on to kill and then destroy his own life.

  3. 9 minutes ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    hen the logic of one sacrifice of Christ for the whole Universe should not be the final thesis.

    I do not agree. The THEORY of multiple universes is to give the evolutionists a way out of their conundrums.  The current theories do not give enough time for evolution to develop the complexity of life we see... so multiple universes give more opportunities for evolutionary "chances" to bring about life.  I did not make this clear in my comment above and some here  just assumed I believe in multi universes.  No this is not possible - math is not reality but a language tool (as I said).

    No matter how many dimensions there are in this universe - if there was perfect (moral) life in another part of it - then Jehovah need not have sent Jesus to die for us.  An angel became wicked (Satan) and a human became disobedient...so it is already an universal issue. Jesus is the ONLY perfect one from both realms (the invisible and born in the visible), whom Jehovah could use to provide the ransom. Other perfect angels could have come but they did not fit the bill.  Jesus was the only one directly created by Jehovah and Satan could have made the allegation that he has too much of a perfect life - as he did with Job.

    There are no other moral beings in other places, except the angels and humans.  Our animals cannot think morally because we are the crown of Jehovah's creation.  Animals, insects and other forms of lower life, even apes,  cannot appreciate beauty or look far into the future like humans can or distinguish right from wrong. 

    If there were no humans on earth to appreciate the beauty and generosity around them - then it would be as if the earth did not exist in a conscious moral way. Animals could not appreciate this earth. They merely act on instinct and survival.

  4. 6 hours ago, Pudgy said:

    there are an unlimited number of Multiverses, and 11 dimensions on this side

    A few years back there were 22 multiverses. before Hawkins died he actually reduced the number.

    The reason they have all these multiverses is that it allows for "chance" to create something.  We know this is absurd but this is how they make the jackpot of gambling on "chance" bigger. 

    These theories are calculations done by math.... but remember this: math is a language to express something.  It does not mean it is reality or truth.  It is just a tool.  Too many people forget this.

  5. 56 minutes ago, Dmitar said:

    You do realize Christ instructed the apostles, don't you.

    I add: There is a brazenness in women who want some form of control.  Of course elders can also overreact and see any form of " confidence" as a threat to their "authority".  The fact is that all of us are imperfect and can misinterpret what we perceive and subsequently "defend" our turf.......... actions which are totally unchristian and egotistic.

  6. 8 minutes ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    there enough "saints"? Who

    Why do you keep using the medieval English? Is it because it fulfills an alternate purpose?  The saints are today called the anointed. 

    It is almost as though you are promoting "apartheid" of the congregation and above them the "saints". ... 

    The prophecies in Ezekiel clearly point to the unity of the entire congregation, the little flock and the great crowd. 

    I am a woman, and I am pretty capable and not over- emotional as some women are.... but I prefer men to deal with problems in the congregation thank you.  


  7. 2 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    Adam and Eve are perfect. Angel xy is perfect.
    Adam and Eve sinned (as perfect individuals) and were punished for slowly aging, getting sick, and dying.
    Angel xy sins (as perfect individual) but does not punished to grow old, does not get sick and does not die.

    What's this all about?

    -Are there two or more kinds of "perfection"?
    -Isn't the punishment for sin

    Adam and eve started aging the minute they sinned. Sin brings death. They just took longer (950 years ) to die because they were perfect.... so it took longer. Satan being a  spiritual being started to deteriorate too. We do no know how.... but it will bring eventual death. He will live lmuch longer than humans before he dies. Having a spiritual body .... jehovah will destroy him before he dies by himself.   He was never immortal but mortal..... that is why God can destroy him. He has not received immortality.  

  8. 1 hour ago, Kick_Faceinator said:

    Dare any of you, having a matter against another, go to law before the unrighteous, and not before the saints?” 1 Corinthians 6:1

    Do not take a brother to a (secular) court of law...... In the beginning of the forming if Christian congregations, all were (saints.) .... referring to the anointed.  All were anointed in the time of Paul.  One would really have to turn over every rock today to find an anointed or even 2 or 3 if only they were to handle a case.... 

    This is why we have a slave to teach us..... and they act as administrators today ...... do u understand the practical impossibility if your suggestions? 

  9. 1 hour ago, Kick_Faceinator said:

    you’re then supposed to tell it to the whole church. Th

    I do not think it is loving to get the entire church/ congregation involved. This can cause sides.... a big boohaa.  It is not loving to expose any person in this way unless it becomes exceedingly serious.   Two or three is an exact number...  do only what the bible says..... and this 2 or 3 happens ONLY if u have tried numerous times to correct the matter.. between yourself and the offender. ..Those who know about the matter  are not supposed to talk to others as it can  become slander....... a serious offence. When it reaches the stage that ALL must know about a matter is when a matter is so serious that all should not eat or drink with such a person. 

  10. 16 minutes ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    We must stop claiming that we know the difference between a perfect man and an imperfect man.

    Romans: But God recommends his own love to us* in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.

    To be imperfect is to be sinful.  All men fall short of the glory of god. Romans 3:23 ( we are all sinners or "imperfect" in more tolerable terms.)  To be a sinner means to "miss the mark" of perfection. 

    I think we all understand these words. It is narcissistic to create a gorge over words....  that is a saying in my language.

  11. 9 minutes ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    should always appreciate and believe in the honesty and integrity of other people.

    The bible shows that we must hope if they are not following Jehovah's standards but I do not trust them just because they are human.  When I was a widow I learnt the true nature pf people - the hard way.  I was an innocent and believed all people to be different levels of good.  I have learnt the hard way.  

    Humans have perfection to the degree that they can perfectly accomplish the purpose and morals as instructed by Jehovah.  Without Him they are following their own ideas and can become fallible.  Only Jehovah has absolute perfection which is infallible. 

  12. 47 minutes ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    but they are guided by the spirit, ..

    This is a fact - one cannot say they have NO spirit.  This belies all the promises from Jehovah. They do have our trust because they are honest and do their best for us.  The prophecy in Ezekiel we have just studied indicates that there will be an administration.  Why? because they give us food at the proper time so the whole brotherhood remain in unity. Without this organization everyone will be doing their own thing and teach different things.  We remain one because we are united.  If we understand something differently we wait until better light comes. We realize Jehovah has to work with flawed human beings...... not infallible.   So you seem to have a beef with us.....  but you have NO trust.

    The prophecy in Isaiah 2: 2-4 indicates that in the last days Jehovah will have ONE people out of all the nations and law will go forth from Zion....   Surely this info needs to be redistributed?  So yes.... the organization is not your idea of perfection ...... but God never gave an indication that it would be perfect.  But they have been diligent to prepare us for Armageddon and displaying the qualities of god, which includes trust and love for god and for our brothers.

  13. 6 hours ago, Equivocation said:

    Seeing that it died with apostle John, this miraculous gift of speaking in tongues, along with the other ones,

    There were false Christians (weeds already amongst the Christians which would exploit this to their own benefit.  The Greek influence (gymnasiums in the decapolis  etc) was so prevalent as well. They stuck to the main tenants of the christian faith but it soon morphed into something more powerful.  Constantine the great saw the potential and exploited it.


    4 hours ago, Dmitar said:

    commentators here clarify the difference between "direct" and "indirect" prophecy

    If it proved to be true it is prophecy.  Today we just deal in direct prophecy received from Daniel, john and gospels - those which pertain to our day.  The other prophecies have mostly gone into fulfillment.  When we see it clearly manifesting so that there is NO doubt - then we can say it pertains to our day.

  14. 1 hour ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    when JW would talk about “prophets” he would use the terms “inspired”

    Go and read the insight again.  You are putting your own interpretation on it.  I prophet is only ' inspired' when he predicts the future and it comes true.....  We NO longer have those kind of prophets who predict the future.  BUT a prophet is not only  a person who predicts the future but definitely one who corrects the people when they are straying from Jehovah,  teaches the laws of Jehovah, and lays out the truth of the prophecies that were already written by inspired prophets.

    I am writing this from memory......  but I know all you said above is not in the Insight.  Your own interpretations are obviously more important to you than the bible. 

    There are false prophets too.  They abound at present.  


  15. 17 hours ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

    You have no more 'guidance' from YHWH or Yeshua than I do

    I agree, we can all ask for Jehovah's holy spirit and receive it. I do not know what she means by "guidance". 

    I know that the prophets in Israel received more Holy spirit than others so they could finish a specific task Jehovah wanted them to complete. This fits in with the meaning in Jehovah's name.  "He causes to become" makes people become what Jehovah needs them to be so they can complete a task he has for them.   Or Jehovah worked in them until the task was completed.  Take for  example Cyrus......  Jehovah anointed him and it is clear from his life that he had some diplomatic  skills that were exceptional.  But after he, as a pagan Zoroastrian, had completed the task assigned him (unknown to himself)  - he went to war again and again to extend his realm and was killed by a WOMAN!  it is clear that he did not receive Jehovah's Spirit any longer.

    Regarding the gifts of the Spirit - these went away after the Apostle John died.  The special gifts were given by the Apostles who "laid their hands" on those who had not yet received the Spirit.  They then could do the gifts mentioned in 1Cor 14.  But 1 Cor 13 clearly show that these gifts would eventually end and LOVE would replace all gifts in the congregation.

    I studied this very well after I came in the Truth because I ran into an apostolic sect in South Africa who believe they are the true Apostles (inherited the apostleship from the original Apostles who passed this on to the next generation). And they do all these weird falling down when receiving the Spirit etc. they talk in tongues and other "gifts " as well.

    The secret to understanding this very well is to look to the history in the bible on the "laying on of hands".   If I remember correctly it was only the Apostles who could do this or those who received a special Apostleship. ..... (to be sent out). 

    We no longer do the laying on of the hands and when John died these special gifts died with them. 

    Moses could do special signs.  Some prophets could do them as well as Jesus and Apostles.  Why?   These signs helped to establish the new congregation - that was the purpose.

    Hebrews 2: "For it began to be spoken through our Lord and was verified for us by those who heard him,  while God joined in bearing witness with signs and wonders* and various powerful works and with the holy spirit distributed according to his will.

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