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Posts posted by Arauna

  1. 16 hours ago, Pudgy said:

    will the horses come on the ships, or will they have to swim the Atlantic Ocean?

    2.)  will they be talking horses like Mr. Ed?

    3.)  would it be a prudent thing to stock up on apples, and carrots?

    I will answer you with a few questions which you can answer yourself:

    1)      What is the modern day equivalent of  chariots and ships - now don't be facetious.

    2) What do they feed these modern day equivalents?

    3)  will they really have to cross the Atlantic to win a tactical war or a financial war?  (Since Putin wants to be the head of Eurasia)

    4) How far will Jehovah allow it to go? 


  2. 14 hours ago, BroRando said:

    can you feel the momentum building? Things are about to burst heh? 😀

    My dear, I do not think it is ready to burst.  The "one hour " of the image of the beast and 10 kings is almost here.  This world government is going to be extremely oppressive according to Rev 13.  We are not there yet.... (But this is personal opinion - I can of course be wrong.

    The reason I think this way is this: Jehovah will prove beyond reasonable doubt that human rulership 666 without his principles will be oppressive and unjust and death will be everywhere - all the qualities that are satanic.... because He will be fully ruling... and people will become even more violent  with this new morality being taught to children and teenagers in schools. The young teenagers now living will be uncontrollable when the tsunami of anarchy breaks. DARKNESS will cover the earth - DARKNESS is related to INJUSTICE in Semitic language such as Arabic. 

    Extreme injustice will prevail that is why they will want to eradicate JWs in the end.

  3. 2 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    What has been meaningless for decades is calling Russia the King of the North and the United States the King of the South.

    You are saying Jehovah is meaningless by calling the rival kings  of the Greek period KON and KOS?   IN our time the same kings reappear and designated as the king North and south

    Daniel 11: “In the time of the end the king of the south will engage with him in a pushing,* and against him the king of the north will storm with chariots and horsemen and many ships; and he will enter into the lands and sweep through like a flood. 4


    So we just use the words Jehovah in his Word described it as.  Sorry if we bore you but it has a lot of meaning for us who go by bible's words and terminologies.

    And it makes perfect sense because USA is now forcing all the smaller countries to choose sides....... India has not yet because it plans to buy Russian energy at cheap prices....

  4. 3 hours ago, Space Merchant said:

    As for the New Normalcy, people have become increasing violent and have ill intent. Not sure how your faith community deals with that, unless you are aware enough for situational awareness.

    Yes, I believe Satan has control of everything. It is like à tsunami flood - the wickedness.  In the great tribulation we all will be tested to keep our Christian personality and faith in Jehovahs promises. Each person is responsible for their own faith. The GB is there to provide us with spiritual food but when the government cuts of electrical power (and blame Russia or some other EMP event ) we may be cut off from meetings and the support we give each other. 

    I agree, the UN plans to give WHO control (UN) and they are busy extending their powers.  WHO can then call a world  emergency and the whole globe governments will have to obey..... they can call a new pandemic even if there is not one.... in order to control us.  They have already started the severe environmental reforms.... banning plastic bags (soon to come) and 

    I think the 2nd lockdown will be worse and kill more people. I SPECULATE that it will be like the 2nd time the Roman's came back to destroy Jerusalem.  The UN will act as the entity of destruction..... call out peace and security and turn against religion. ... this is the beginning of the real great tribulation. .... just my thoughts. 

    The entire world is watching Russia while other plans with UN are going ahead.  Right until the end the King of North will be pushing. I keep watching the UN (image of the beast) because this is our clue on how far we are down the timeline..... 


  5. On 3/12/2022 at 3:16 PM, Witness said:

    the kings of the earth

    In the one scripture you quote: in it, it is clear that the Rider on the horse is Jesús who is fighting the kings of the earth.  The next scripture you quote is where is indicates that ultimately Jesus IS the ruler of the kings of the earth. Contradictory scriptures.  But a for a discerning mind it is not hard to understand.

    This is proof that you most probably are the most confused person on this forum.  You quote any scripture without discrimination of its true meaning.  Therefore it is not worth my answering you because I will just be barraged with scriptures which have the same  "search word" in it but with  different meaning in the context of the sentence.  It seems like you take a word - put it in google - and then just start quoting scripture.......   AND YOU are angry  because you feel you have the right .....  to be a teacher or a female leader of other persons in a spiritual sense?

    I will not answer the rhetorical question - I just question your judgement.

  6. 6 hours ago, Dmitar said:

    I have to ask everyone here, does anyone get the book of revelation? I

    Seriously, I understand and enjoy many of the prophecies about the time of the end. I do not think I have more insight than any one else. All I did was study the history of the beasts and looked into present history. 

    The UN has been identified as the image of the beast since the image appeared.  It is not hard to follow the history of the UN and its representatives as well as those countries, corporations, NGOs and mega-rich persons and leaders involved in the plans for the future as set out in UN Agenda 21 and agenda 2030.

    I understand what is coming, . .... I just do not know how far will jehovah allow them to fulfill their plans..... and what unforseen events of opposition  may stall them in completing it.  They are determined to get to their goals.... they have time and power on their side. Legislation is ongoing all the time which brings them one step closer to their goals  

  7. To argue about insignificant things wastes time. So I have not followed all the comments here about 1975. All I know is, I was baptised in 1973.  I studied with a very zealous sister who reasoned with me on the 6 creative days. She said that if the 7th creative day was 6000 years with a millenium rest, it amounts to 7000 years. This would mean that a week of equal days would amount to 49,000 years and after that the eternal Jubilee........ which mirrors the Mosaic Law. 

    She said there were a few problems, we are not absolutely sure of all dates....  and we do not know how long Adam took to give the animals their names.  I do not remember the rest. But more or less the 6000 years should more or less end in 1975....... So yes there was a lot of speculation...amongst all the fraternity. .......But u know how some people are: imperfection makes them go overboard; they become dogmatic or make rules out of nothing. 

    Jehovah has to work with very imperfect people....and a good sounding  idea (even if not practical) can proliferate.

    SO, IF JEHOVAH IS PREPARED TO WORK WITH IMPERFECT people,        WHY are our detractors  so dogmatic about this event in our past, when they themselves are extremely dogmatic about their OWN rules to JUDGE and reject ALL good things for the sake of 1975...... forgetting that they are imperfect themselves. They are stumbling over a stone of their own making.

    I did not hear elders on stage talk about it but it was discussed a lot in private. 

  8. 13 hours ago, Witness said:

    do you think Armageddon means to JWs?  It means the destruction of the "world" as they know it


    This is not the truth. It is a half-truth.... not spot on. It has always meant a world situation wherein Jesus destroys the earthly worldly powers under control of Satan as depicted in Revelation 19.

    Of course now we understand much more. ...... 

  9. 41 minutes ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    God for sure have sense of humor. Some aspects of his creation give evidence for that.

    Coming from Africa, I can attest to that.  We just arrived at a Safari camp when I forgot the kitchen window open.  In jumped a monkey and stole the sugar pot.  It lay broken outside the window but the two monkeys were sitting right in the sugar and eating it all up like a pair of toddlers.  Then they turned around and licked each others butts clean.  They sure gave us much to laugh at. Next day a warthog was walking around on his knees on our stoep (veranda) eating some carrots we gave him.  They do this in the wild as well !    I think we will have a ball with the animals in the paradise. Yes, Creation shows that god has a sense of humor. 

  10. 17 minutes ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    Let it be as you said

    This is why I am a witness - because the core principles have remained the same but the slave are NOT so arrogant to think that some of the prophecies and illustrations cannot be looked at again and re-adjusted with the help of Jehovah's Spirit. In other churches they stick to ideas promoted hundreds of years ago - even more than a thousand years and stubbornly refuse to adjust. 

    Here is the general definition of formalism: 

    • a follower or advocate of the basing of ethics on the form of the moral law without regard to intention or consequences.
      When this happens it means that a person may not see it from a new perspective regarding intention or consequences. 
  11. 12 minutes ago, Pudgy said:

    which there is not a single shred of evidence their invisible kingdom with an invisible presence supported by invisible people, or angels as the case may be is completely indistinguishable …… Based on facts…… From a delusional fantasy.

    I guess you do not know your prophecies.  There is MORE than enough biblical evidence as well as the reality of the events on the earth. The Great war was the first war that was called a WORLD war and also the weapons with the subsequent  world war (WW2) became more destructive and any war ever before - they killed millions more people in a short period of time than ever before in human history. 


  12. 6 minutes ago, Dmitar said:

    Yet, they quarrel about, who the wild beast is, lol! 

    I have not seen any JWs here quarrel about who the the wild beast is - maybe  ex-witnesses. Our literature is pretty clear on who the wild beast is,  I did see some comments about the first two heads that is not in line with out teachings but as far as I know there is no dissent about who the beast is.

  13. 3 hours ago, Pudgy said:

    No matter how badly screwed up our Theology is

    Sorry - broad strokes like that is not acceptable to me.  Our core teachings are absolutely solid!  no argument about that.  The few mistakes due to over zealousness or some human fault is zoomed into by critical people with superior feelings  and used as a pulverizer to trash everything!  Don't agree with you.  I was also around in 1975 and it was not as bad as you-all make it out to be.   

    Jesus always spoke the truth and the pharisees /(super apostles) found fault with him.  

  14. Jesus was accused of sedition because he preached about a kingdom not being of this world. 

    1 hour ago, Pudgy said:

    in Finland the government considers impairing a person’s right to vote in any way to be akin to a crime against humanity

    This reminds me of the jab.  They do not speak against the jab.  Soon the governments will become more adamant especially when they want to barcode everyone in some way and jab you every year.  Each individual will have to make their own decision as to what they will do...... no more holding of hands...and leading the toddlers along..  We must learn to think and please Jehovah because we want to!

    59 minutes ago, Pudgy said:

    altar of God

    I read an old JW publication in which it explains this very well.  It refers to Psalm 45 where Jehovah will prepare a body for Jesus and he laid it upon the Altar of Jehovah - in the greater temple sanctuary.  This altar stands for the "will of Jehovah".  Jesus came to do the will of Jehovah even right to his death.  So, do we do the bidding of men to stay out of trouble and worship the beast? Or do we do the will of Jehovah and stay faithful only to Him.   There is a difference to fighting for 'freedom' in a political way and only staying calmly and peacefully faithful to Jehovah because Jehovah recognizes our right to choose to serve him. Like Jeus we could be called seditious at this point.

    The Mosaic LAW given to the Israelites guarantees freedom of choice and a freedom to own your own property - no one should covet it and take any property of yours away.  So it is in the law of Jehovah.  BUT one must be cautious to politicize this freedom and stand up against government.  It should only be a religious choice.  Especially when the government starts to take away your property, and fine you, and even put you in jail, because you refuse to vote or obey mandates which takes away a choice. 

    We all will be facing these choices soon! Be careful not to politicize your choices.

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