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Posts posted by Arauna

  1. On 10/5/2021 at 6:57 PM, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

    ut can easily be seen to deliberately disobey God.  

    You apply motive to them of being deliberate.   (Have you ever run a world-wide brotherhood? ....and managed to keep them united and in peace? - NO).  You expect them to be perfect. They can make mistakes just like David and Moses did.  Moses spoke to Jehovah face to face and disrespected him,

    The spiritual temple in which Jesus is the high priest - he went into the presence of God (if you read Hebrews) to bring his sacrifice to be accepted in the Most high (the presence of Jehovah) of the spiritual temple.  

    The under-priests have the Holy - wherein the lamp stand gives them light, the show bread of food they consume to help them stay faithful and offer up prayers on the golden incense table. 

    So they ARE fed by Jehovah.  The spiritual food does not make them perfect but the ransom allows them to have a  righteous standing before Jehovah (despite their mistakes and weaknesses. ) 

    The bible says if you despise these "little ones"  ... well you should know what it says!


  2. 1 minute ago, Dmitar said:

    What are those warnings to a none believer that doesn't understand the first thing about scripture?

    What is a bad weather warning to someone who has never seen a water spout?  BUT Reasonable people will take a moment to listen. They always do.  It is the unreasonable people - the people who are occupied by fleshly things who do not take spiritual warnings seriously. 

    IN any case - where is your faith in Jehovah?  Do you not believe that it is HE who draws people and gives them Holy spirit to understand?  Do not shoot the messenger!

  3. 16 minutes ago, Dmitar said:

    since Christians should already understand the outcome.

    We understand the outcome but the steps to get there are just as interesting.  When you have been in the truth a long time, each new beam of light on a dark road gives one something to savor.  Prophecies - the bible says do not neglect prophecy.  Why?- this tells us where we are in the stream of time when we see things going into fulfillment and gets us excited about the future! We can lift our heads up! 

  4. 1 minute ago, Dmitar said:

    They just don't need to PROMOTE fear to have people comply.

    The secular authorities  has enough fear-mongering propaganda going to get people in fear-mode and to comply to their incoming fascistic future.  JWs do not preach hell-fire nor do we preach damnation but we do preach obedience to Jehovah's standards... and we have enough warnings in the bible to take this seriously!


  5. 1 hour ago, Dmitar said:

    Christians without promoting fear,

    it is not a fearful thing.  We know that there will be a great tribulation but that Jehovah will step in at the right time - so it is NOT a fearful thing but time to lift up your head when one sees these things going into fulfillment.  These people are atheists and pretty nasty but we have nothing to fear at all!  we will suffer but if we rely on jehovah and remain faithful we know each one will finish the race successfully!

  6. 6 hours ago, Dmitar said:

    What are those components within the U.N.?

    The UN is a corporation created by the leaders after WW2 to bring peace and security to the world.  It has worked towards this goal since 1945 and made several agreements with 193 nations which now are binding. All are bound by UN Agenda 2030 which is the plan for year 2030. It is like an image or plan in front of all the nations.  JWs identify it as the "image of the beast" which is scarlet and full of blasphemous names (because it wants to replace the government of Jehovah - do what only Jehovah has the power to do, to unite the entire globe and bring peace).  It looks just like the seven headed beast because the seventh head of the beast (anglo american worldpower and false prophet ) inspired its life.) The UN is an extension of the beast out of the sea. ... the world political system.

    Most countries received money from the world bank or IMF (other corporations which work in tandem with the UN)  during these Covid times to pay for Covid 'sleevers" and most of the loans were predatory  which required full compliance with the UN goals - including the WHO..... which is the UN health organization .... also a corporation funded by other big corporations.  When USA withdrew their money from the WHO (under trump) the biggest donor turned out to be Gates foundation with all his other health alliances such as GAVI.  Central banks are corporations working with the UN and financed by old money. They want to institute the central banks as the only banks in future.... run with a central database which is already under construction. 

    Many of the billionaires have charity foundations which sponsor UN goals and also sponsor NGOs and corporations in alliance with their goals -  it grows their billions into trillions because these corporations do their bidding.  These billionaires pay very little taxes to governments and their charity foundations get billions from governments to provide charity work in other countries such as vaccination programs etc. Their charities are like slush funds because they can spend their profits on furthering their own goals and world (UN goals)

    The UN gained teeth when Billionaires started funding NGOs to promote UN plans in every country at local level.... negating the  federal laws in every country.  Land reform and reform for the environment has been pushed through over the last 20 years. Now they are removing all borders and other nationalistic ideas to create one world order as planned.  They want one mindset - obedience to their goals which will later also incorporate unconditional obedience to the beast (worship of the beast). The WEF two years ago (which comprises the richest global companies in the globe)_ came on board and during Covid has pushed through the "great reset" which is also in line with UN agenda 2030.

    There are additional goals the WEF is pushing - such as the 4th industrial revolution which is also part of the US government goals.  This is why people like Schmidt and Kurzweil are now in key positions in the new government.  They will bring in the new transhumanist goals where human evolution is no longer left to natural selection but artificial MRNA and other therapies will take humankind into the new future where they will direct human evolution themselves..... 

    Bible prophecy going into exact fulfillment. Things are going their way quite nicely.  Those that do not comply when they bring in the digital world ... those will not only be left behind but may be removed from society. All kinds of pressures will be exerted to get all humans to comply....... 

  7. On 9/22/2021 at 8:15 PM, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

    "Pretend you know the year" and Jesus did not say "Give people false hopes"

    I have never said I know the year - I have said that certain signs on the UN is going into fulfillment......  The bible says lift up your head when you see these things happening!  It is not false hope.  For people who really do not care a fig - life will go on as normal....with NO false hopes...... just like before the flood when the water came and swept them all away!

  8. On 1/16/2022 at 11:40 AM, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

    Almighty God and Jesus Christ do not act that way

    Usually Jehovah searches for a reason to show compassion and mercy.  At Armageddon the chance for His mercy will be in the past. There comes a time when Jehovah has to remove the wicked because they will put an all-uot attack on his people.  Good people suffered because of the wicked.  So your view is really short sighted.  I have lived in countries where life is really hard for good people to live amongst the wicked, so I can understand that Jehovah has to bring an end to wickedness. 

    The world has turned wicked beyond redemption with lies, deceit and science which has gone unimaginably rogue.  If you want to deny what is going on - do so.  It is your prerogative.  Too many people will soon be dying from interventions which has nothing to do with them being wicked or good.  They are just no longer wanted on this planet and the wicked will have decided their fate. "unforeseen death" is the 4th and pale horse riding in this time.

    Jehovah is the one who will exact due punishment where justice requires it.  I do not think you have read the scriptures such as this one: And to the others he said in my hearing: “Go through the city after him and strike. Do not let your eye feel sorry, and do not feel any compassion.+ 6  The land is filled with bloodshed,+ and the city is full of corruption.+ For they say, ‘Jehovah has left the land, and Jehovah is not seeing.’+ 10  But as for me, my eye will not feel sorry; nor will I show compassion.+ The consequences of their way I will bring down on their own head.”11  

  9. 6 hours ago, BroRando said:

    new administration is being ushered in as you are reading this article and this time of distress is about to come t

    Unfortunately, it is now the time for the "image of the beast " to rule with its ten kings. When Jehovah thinks the time is right, he will put it in the hearts of these kings to turn against their former partners - the world empire of false religion. Then the last of all worldly structures will really start to fall apart - even those structures which belong to the kings who planned and are behind this "great reset. "

    The article above was done to inspire confidence in the kingdom government of jehovah. This is true.... jehovahs purpose will triumph above all these "beastly" endeavours. But it is still a little while longer..... our endurance is needed.  Jehovah is in control and allowing this to play out. Once all is done - humans will have irrefutable proof that human governments are totally corrupt and not worth having around. 

  10. 12 hours ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

    It's funny what some JWs like. To me it's all 'part of the world' but I suppose we all need to listen to something.

    There is a world-famous aria from "Norma".  It was very easy for me but I refused to sing it because it had religious connections. Today, I think, I was too strict.  Most people do not know the context and just listen to the music because it is absolutely beautiful.  On the other hand, I sang "queen of the Night"  and knew the opera was an allegory of the free masons.... but this was ok to me.   Just shows a little knowledge can be dangerous.

    I think music is a personal choice. 


  11. 2 hours ago, Arauna said:

    s Mars destined to be forever a planet of Robots ... or will it eventually be shared with the son

    I think we have different explanation of what a robot is but put that aside.... I knew they had put programmed machines on Mars but I did not know it was NINE.   

    The bible gives and answer:  Jehovah created the earth to be inhabited.  It is the perfect distance from the sun and when it is restored it is perrrrrfect for human life and animals.  

  12. 12 hours ago, Pudgy said:

    Is Mars destined to be forever a planet of Robots ... or will it eventually be shared with the sons of

    You are surely joking!  We have photos of Mars and I did not see any photos of robots - unless they comprise of nano-technology... lol

    So - you are saying that Jehovah created robots on Mars? Or are you saying Satan created them?  And if he did ... what was the purpose of doing this?....... since the bible shows that satan wants to destroy mankind.... and we are here on earth!  we are not living on Mars....  lol

  13. On 12/24/2021 at 6:34 PM, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

    We used to think they were being watched over on the ministry.

    I wonder if they think they are being watched over whilst writing hundreds of letters ? 

    I think of the scripture where Jehovah says that he knows if a hair falls off our head... and HE is the one that makes us grow with his Spirit.....  so he does pay attention to all we do.... whether we write letters in faithfulness  or preach over the phone ---- Jehovah is the one that makes it grow.

    On 12/24/2021 at 6:34 PM, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

    I do therefore wonder how Jesus judges us

    There is a scripture that says that the way we treat Jesus'  "brothers" is important.  You know it, so I am not going to search it for you.

    Of course, we need to get the mark from the man with the inkpot in these days for survival..... before Armageddon comes.  The true Christian personality is the identification which the man (Christ) with the inkhorn looks for. (Ezekiel 9)

    You always seem to have a veiled form of criticism....  so it is not strange that we are a bit careful around you.  

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