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Everything posted by Arauna

  1. You are surely joking! We have photos of Mars and I did not see any photos of robots - unless they comprise of nano-technology... lol So - you are saying that Jehovah created robots on Mars? Or are you saying Satan created them? And if he did ... what was the purpose of doing this?....... since the bible shows that satan wants to destroy mankind.... and we are here on earth! we are not living on Mars.... lol
  2. I think of the scripture where Jehovah says that he knows if a hair falls off our head... and HE is the one that makes us grow with his Spirit..... so he does pay attention to all we do.... whether we write letters in faithfulness or preach over the phone ---- Jehovah is the one that makes it grow. There is a scripture that says that the way we treat Jesus' "brothers" is important. You know it, so I am not going to search it for you. Of course, we need to get the mark from the man with the inkpot in these days for survival..... before Armageddon comes. The true Christian personality is the identification which the man (Christ) with the inkhorn looks for. (Ezekiel 9) You always seem to have a veiled form of criticism.... so it is not strange that we are a bit careful around you.
  3. Yes, the right wing in India is allowed to go unchecked. They kill those who eat beef. They are also persecuting those who become Christians.
  4. Apologies.... you know what I meant. Without getting technical - God is the sole source of Holy Spirit and Jesus has been given all authority. " That is why I am going away. The Holy Spirit cannot come to help You until I leave. But after I am gone, I will send the Spirit to you. - John 16:5-7
  5. They were responsible for leading the people away from Jehovah by teaching teachings of men - hence making themselves very important
  6. Deliberate reviling had no place among first-century Christians. (1Co 6:9, 10; 1Pe 3:8, 9) One guilty of habitually and intentionally vilifying others was to be expelled from the congregation.—1Co 5:11-13. As seen above - I am interested in the biblical meaning.
  7. 1 cor 6: "Do not be misled. Those who are sexually immoral, idolaters, adulterers.......... 10 thieves, greedy people, drunkards, revilers, and extortioners will not inherit God’s Kingdom. .. I have never read a positive contribution from you.... it always tries to create harm! ... hidden or with open attack!
  8. Hi Tom.... The seventh head of the beast (Anglo American) originates the league of nations and the UN. The UN is now calling the shots behind the scenes. These mandates and the environmental mandates - which you will see soon -is also coming from the UN. Who is behind the UN ? The WEF and DARPA/CIA technology. DARPA was involved in developing this bioweapon virus and its patents. ... since 2002. Many other bioweapon patents and geoengineering is also part of the military industrial complex. The nano-tech, brain research with chips; and conductor bio-materials is much father that we anticipate. Also the super-databases with the cloud which are being built for the UN. https://www.wfp.org/news/palantir-and-wfp-partner-help-transform-global-humanitarian-delivery (I just pulled up Palantir ). This database it seems will eventually include an inventory of all humans. animals, all food, water, our energy use, income and spending... and much more. When this is done - it will have 24/7 surveillance on everyone in the West (this is the plan) and will even be able to predict intent of a crime - so they say. The plan is to connect all people to the AI. I think UN will then have the teeth to openly call even more shots (because the people behind it will not reveal themselves). People like Gates are only the front-men....but very much willing to be used for a love of power and money. All the patents first go to British MI5 /6 in collaboration with the secret military organizations in USA. This is how FB was stolen and how Gates bought a company for very little and used its technology. FB and Microsoft as well as AI research through Amazon and Musk's companies has connections to the USA military complex. They all have done outsourced work for the industrial military complex. I do not know if UN will openly rule for an hour or if it will remain as it is now - time will tell. This is why this new transsexual/transhumanist philosophy is so divisive (more clay and iron). I have not yet researched the the UN Health agreement of 2005, but it apparently allows for a UN coalition army to go uninvited into any country which has anarchy -type of situation (they may use China because the UN is working with China too!) During this pandemic, thousands of people were bussed in across the border without being tested for the virus. They were all sent to small villages. The same is happening in Europe... The national state is no longer a state! Even the history is being rewritten and you are "far-right" if you dare to comment on a nation's rewritten history. Soon, anyone who is classified anti-vax or far-right or any group which is Islamophobic and so forth will face government reprisals (Jehovah will at some time put in their heart to turn against religion. South America now has far left governments now and it is only Poland holding out against the UN cross-border plans. They managed to change Austria 's PM and now this country has some of the worst lock-downs. I will not put it past the EU to manage a new govt in Hungary and Poland because the shenanigans against them is bad. It is about eugenics and transhumanism .... and the evil condition of humans who do not believe in God. We have seen enough history in the 20th century to convince us what atheist governments are capable of - the oppression and killing of their own citizens. I watched a personal interview with a North Korea woman. She said she was occupied with planning to get her next meal every day...... the battle for food keep people in a suppressed mental state all the time. The soldier which escaped to S Korea about 2 years ago//// he would have died if he did not escape. He had all kinds of parasites in his intestines..... and soldiers usually have better care than ordinary citizens. This new world government is a Coup d'etat by Satan... to take over the entire world to control all people. ...and get them compromised against Jehovah by its oppression. I think the final human government will be the most wicked cherry on top of the human historical cake! Satan likes deceit and hidden traps. This time the most wealthy people who want the earth for themselves are doing a stealth take-over. They figure that AI will make life easier for them and too many people on earth producing babies will be just too many consumers to feed - especially if they do not have useful jobs! How far they will get and just how ugly the reality will be, this depends on when Jehovah decides he has proven beyond reasonable doubt that human governments need to go forever! ...
  9. See above - The UN is the scarlet "image of the beast" which by the way is now running all human affairs..... and is the disgusting thing of destruction which will persecute the true people of Jehovah.
  10. YOu are WRONG - they believe like you do- that the beast is the anti-Christ - all thrown together! Now they have come up with a new idea! The vaccine is the mark of the beast - which JWs do NOT believe! We believe that imperfect human governments are the different beats.... the image of the beast is the UN.
  11. Russel wrote some of his books 140 years ago - What is your excuse for your deviations and inadequate knowledge of the bible! You want to be a teacher and lord it over the JWs but you do not understand half of what you say! I think I have now said enough. I hope you realize you are too prideful..... YOU rather have hate-OCD- revile the GB. ...
  12. Another falsehood..... YOu throw all the images together and hipe it makes sense - which it does not!
  13. The end war is between imperfect wicked HUMAN governments (under Satan - 666) versus Jesus Christ - the appointed King of Jehovah. This is clear from scripture. You are sloppy again. Read Revelation 19 where it discusses the destruction during Armageddon! "And I saw the wild beast and the kings of the earth and their armies gathered together to wage war against the one seated on the horse and against his army.g 20 And the wild beast was caught, and along with it the false propheth that performed in front of it the signs with which he misled those who received the mark of the wild beasti and those who worship its image.j While still alive, they both were hurled into the fiery lake that burns with sulfur.k 21 But the rest were killed off with the long sword that proceeded out of the mouth of the one seated on the horse.l And all the birds were filled with their flesh.m
  14. This same scripture that you quote says - WICKED men are like the sea - " “But the wicked are like the restless sea that cannot calm down, And its waters keep tossing up seaweed and mire. (You are a very sloppy bible student - as I have said before). YOu throw everything together and hope it makes sense......
  15. Everything as you go along! See the above example - You have GB-OCD:- everything is interpreted through this lens! No prophecy you utter does not have the GB in it! The beast is the GB; the man of lawlessness is the GB; I can go on and on with so many examples! The Beast is in the temple of god? why do you interpret it this way?.... Because your GB hate-OCD dictates it is the .... wait for it...... the GB.....
  16. You sound like a protestant....... I would say jehovah is the Holiest and his Presence; and here on earth it is the realm of His worship - as jehovah does not need buildings. This is why our other "prophet" on this forum is a tainted prophet. Her prophecies come from a severe case of OCD- hate of GB. ...... no need to ask why everything is painted with the same brush and color.... that is all she can prophecy about. Good example of wrong interpretation. Daniel 8: 20 & 21 clearly shows that two of the beasts are the Persian and Greek empire....... so if it depicts a political entity in Daniel....... how can the beast in Revelation suddenly become the GB? ..... as she is trying to imply. If you can fall for her reasoning then you will fall for anything!
  17. He is up in heaven - so he sends his Holy Spirit. Surely you understand this?
  18. I made a comment on the above. You OCD - style criticize the elders when you yourself cannot make heads or tails out of prophecy which you quote from the bible!
  19. Your incoherence amazes me. I say no more! But people here should realize you have no clue about the contents of the bible. You make your own up as you go along..... I have to sound rude on this one.
  20. Like Hitler's team chose the stories whict went on the air.... In a healthy situation ALL reporting is supposed to have no bias... and both sides published.... in a normal situation..so that people do not just hear one side. That is why I mentioned on this forum my shock in 2018, the UN agreement which had a clause which stipulated that reporters had to be "retrained"..... to tow the line. In China they do e exactly that. There is a virologist which fled China now giving interviews about Covid. She tells how she is threatened and her life in danger in a foreign country. The tentacles of CCP is everywhere - like a monster in the dark. In Germany a new reality was created for all it's people (gaslighted) and one had to believe the narrative or propaganda or feel the consequences...... this has been going on in China and already being imported in the West....... as I warned 2 years ago. The UN saw China as the model.....
  21. You use some kind of license to twist peoples words in order to put things in people's mouths- which they did not say. I think this is why it is so hard to talk with you..... it is the twisting which makes it hard....
  22. Finding something to gripe about everyone - self-appointed judge?
  23. I am happy that you are asking questions..... but you go out from the premise that the final war of Armageddon will be between Jews and gentiles. Read Revelation 19 and you will see it is a war between Jesus (righteous warfare as he rides a white horse) against all humans who do not accept his governance. There is only two sides: human rulership or Jehovah's rulership and his moral principles. These godly principles are the rules on which the new society will be based. The theme of the bible is the choice which Adam made. Human self-rulership and human choice of their own morals (good and bad) OR the good and bad prescribed by Jehovah and His kingdom which will restore the world to His original purpose. Right throughout history there has been all kinds of human rulerships and philosophies which people made up. Jehovah gave a list of the empires that would rule over his covenanted people... one can follow them in Daniel. The seven heads were egypt, assyria, babylon, persia, greece, rome and anglo-american empire - which came out of the little horn which came out of Rome. These governments come right down to our day. The trick is to see where revelation takes over from Daniel. It is quite clear with a little study. Daniel and Ezekiel gives events which will happen in our time as well. Revelation talks of the beast with the 7 heads (political system) and the image of the beast - which is scarlet and full of blasphemous names. The Image of the beast will turn against religion (the image in NOT the beast itself but gets life from the seventh head of the beast. ) Unfortunately, witness conflates all these - she is sloppy and not meticulous. In my study of the other prophecies - they went into fulfillment EXACTLY and meticulously.... I give attention to every word! I do not pretend to know it all - but I have had a keen interest in these things for quite some time and I am not loved because of this! However, I am not here to please people...... One must be prepared to be hated by those who have no fear of god but promote their own ideas!
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