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Everything posted by Arauna

  1. Advice taken - but I have to add. I usually like to hear people talk about their own experiences - how they fled - how they escaped and why. Such as Tibetan families, Uyger families who still have families back in China....and women who were picked up by the government - just before their babies were born - babies taken out, sterilized and the women thrown on the side of the road......far away from home. This is the kind of EXPERIENCES I have listened to. I like personal stories.... so one can evaluate all the facts to see if the story is fake or not. I do not trust any news. I worked for newspapers and paid for advertisements on TV - I know where their finances come from. Much of the news received large sums from CHINESE cover organizations. At present more than 50 percent of finances for TV stations and other media is coming from pharmaceutical industrial complex as is the FDA and most of the Allopathic health industry. Money talks. Hospitals and the entire system have been compromised by money. The smoking gun for me is the fact that the world-class virologists, excellent heart specialists and other experts, who know what they are talking about, are being silenced. One need not have a PHD to figure out that the world around us is a false world created for us by those in power.... and this includes China. The West is imitating China - as I said on this platform before.
  2. Just this week another CCP employee was taken into custody for trading secrets - it does not matter if CCP are technologically ahead or not.... their vicious methods are as bad as CIA tactics and propaganda...... The problem I have with all your writings is that you are as naïve as can be. It seems, you honestly believe the CCP are good boys and not capable of being bad to their own people ..... by everything you say in their defense. You obviously do NOT believe they are an ally to the king of the north! Soon the west will adopt their tactics. As I have long ago said on this forum - the UN and the EU and it seems now the entire south America - love the CCP surveillance state and will soon bring the entire world into similar passports which punish a person for eating to much meat, using too much energy, asking questions about the government and so forth!
  3. I think I will cut off the exchange right here...... Thank you - let it go!
  4. I asked this question because of your attitude - neither did your words comply with scripture.
  5. See if he can get a job there now! Unless he has some secrets he can and is prepared to sell!
  6. Knowing about something - does not 'attach' you to something! Obeying something all the time makes you a slave of that something for sure.... who do you obey?
  7. Yes because it is 'scarlet' and has blasphemous names ALL over (not just one the heads) - and it is an "Image" not the beastly political system..... get it?
  8. The Chinese are entering their air space as often as they want to and make a show of their power. They have done the same with all the other countries I mentioned above. They have sunk boats! This is not about right or left wing stuff in USA - You keep quoting right wing are to blame - lol ...... That is left wing propaganda! This is about the king of the north and its allies - and what they are getting up to.......not about left or right wing politics!
  9. You only believe what you want to. 5 years ago I have saw Chinese doctors in the USA call the hospitals in China which do the transplants (60,000 a year - for money) - and ask about body parts for patients and when they can get them - usually within 2 weeks (perfectly matched!) You do not believe Stalin killed many of his own people; you keep apologizing for Mao se Tung and all the other atrocities - you believe your own version of rewritten history - as the USA history has been rewritten too! So why would you believe that china is doing bad things? China is a paragon of virtue - because you have visited there and were not harassed! .... and why not? You did not ask any awkward questions or visit areas which are off-limits! Funny that I have a lady I met in the field which is too afraid to go back to china! Most of my friends who were teaching in China have all left in the last 2 years and will never go back. Many of my friends here in Albania have lost teaching contracts in china because the CCP believe that western teachers will be sneaky and teach about freedom!
  10. I do not think they look at USA media - The Americans think too much of themselves! There is better sources to get behind the truth! Falun Gong has been going on for 20 years and it has only received attention when the "financial pushing" came along about 5 years ago. Before that - and even now- the CCP are doing as they please! They have even listed the prices for body parts on the open market to try to give it legitimacy! Just look at the hong kong issue - you have a short memory!
  11. The organization has not said this... lumped all political power as the UN ..... The image of the beast is the UN and it gets life from the beast - this is in the bible.... and this is what they say. Yes - I have said this. I do not recall the GB saying this - so be careful what kind of crier you are!
  12. the eighth king is the UN - the disgusting thing of destruction - and it turns against all religion. I think you have some things mixed up - and I think you have the harlot also mixed up..... so would I trust you? Naaaa! The UN is the part that was - was not - and then came up again. First as the League of nations - then went down in the abyss during WW2- and then was given breath by the Anglo-American power - the beast which came out of the earth which is also the false prophet - as it preached democracy to the world.
  13. Not correct. Revelation speaks of the Image of the beast as being the eighth king for an hour! Although it is like an image of the World political system - the beast - it was created by the beast (given breath) and goes on to rule for an hour. The UN is that image and it it is inspiring all the propaganda now going out to the world. All governments (the beast) and financial corporations and banks are now working together to get the plan of the UN done by year 2030. They all have one thought! The image has put an ideal situation before them which sounds as if they will be the means for bringing "peace and security" to the earth. Some have more ulterior motives of course! Unfortunately, we know the UN is also called " the disgusting thing of destruction" because in its bid to reach its goal - Jehovah will put in the heart of the UN and the beast (they work together) to destroy all religion. This will lead to Armagedon. Their plans will start to fall apart at this stage and they will lose their money and cry over babylon the great. All the propaganda now seen is government propaganda promoting the goal of the UN Agenda 2030. The WEF has the same goals as the UN... an the new proposals to 'build back better" is part of the agenda. Even the POPE is promoting Agenda 2030 with his environmental propaganda. (The earth needs to be restored - we are in a severe situation ) .... However he environmental plans of Agenda 2030 of the UN will bring only GMO foods and franken meats and rations of all energy, food, water, land etc. You "will own nothing and be happy" was one of the slogans prompted by the WEF - which has upset many people. JWs do not care about material things but when they start to mandate what your morals must be and which God you must obey - then most people - those who love Jehovah - will not go along with it. When they attack - Jehovah will step in. While there is time - you can learn about this. Do not let your own ideas rule you like it did Cain, Most of your preaching comes from hate and not from love - that which is in the heart does come out. I apply this scripture to yourself: For the mouth speaks what the heart is full of." Luke 6:45. I see a lot of hateful folly in your writings - not much logic, and not an accurate knowledge of the bible - a little sloppy! I am writing from my memory - The beast has blasphemous names on its heads..... BUT the "image of the beast" (UN) is FULL of blasphemous names. There are also some other differences! The UN has become the means by which they want to replace Jehovah's kingdom government and rule to create peace and security! While all the previous heads have ruled over |Jehovah's people - this UN entity will try to replace all human government in opposition to Jehovah....... just like Nimrod did. It will be the ultimate 666 - imperfect human rule!
  14. Be more concerned with reading the bible because this cleanses the entire soul.
  15. Read your bible again! The one is an image of the beast.... which receives breath of life from the beast - the seventh head.
  16. False - the "image of the beast" is the UN - which is the scarlet colored beast. It is NOT the beast as you say. The UN itself is a corporation and all its organizations which work with it such as the IMF bank and World bank are all corporations - just as the FED is a private entity. Our taxes go to pay of the INTEREST the American government pays a private organization for printing our fiat money. The entire group of corporations and the new ones which have joined the UN , are all private corporations which have worked in outsourced tandem with the CIA and other secret government sectors. The WHO is also a private corporation as is the CDC and other health organizations who have been captured by the group of corporations now running the world in tandem with the UN as the front organization. I learnt a few days ago that a world health agreement was signed in 2005 with the UN. They apparently want to renew it now. This is why we see the entire health sector working "in lockstep" with the UN 's WHO - who in turn is bought and pay for by a criminal consortium of corporations of which a BIG stakeholder is our dear charitable, MR gates. If you saw the facts I mentioned above - without getting involved in politics - you would mention it to a few private friends - unless you did not care? I mentioned it here because it is a small group. I do not get involved in politics. If you saw a volcano ready to explode surely you would help your close friends to understand that BIG events are eminent. Similarly, I am the small village crier here. I am NOT a city crier or a political crier or anything else. I just happen to know what has been going on because I understood what the bible predicted about the UN and have been watching the UN...... that is all!
  17. News not always comes as a BIG block of shock! It can come quite like stealth! Like a thief in the night....
  18. Really? You are at present in the first world-wide lock down for almost 2 years and you say there is no evidence? I think you need a fact-checker.... and not those who are paid by the establishment.
  19. The trickle down effect... or the "share" effect? We have heard this for such a long time - that billionaires will share. Instead they created charity foundations that were secret organizations with which they took over the world. Sweden is capitalist as they make so much weapons for the world. Their social system is good but it will also soon fail. Human financial philosophy works only for a time.... then it falls apart due to greed and all the other selfish qualities humans have inside them. NONE of them work and we cannot make excuses for any of them!
  20. Interestingly - much of our modern financial laws - i.e. insurance law is based on very old 'maritime law' and the way people invested and pooled resources at the time. This is a subject I have not studied in detail, but you will be surprised how many of our laws date from this period. International supply chain laws are all based on ancient maritime law right up to this day!.
  21. I would call it stakeholder capitalism (Klaus schwab WEF-style...) - and the rest of the populous and small millionaires/billionaires are all losing money. All people are becoming more equal - will own nothing - similar to a feudal system. All people owing money on their houses will soon lose their property - it is part of the agenda 2030 plan for the environment. (definition of stakeholder - The primary stakeholders in a typical corporation are its investors, employees, customers, and suppliers.) So the largest corporations on earth and banks will later own all land, and all resources and we - the sheeple - will rent what we need from them and get our rations from them.
  22. Yes, how will you know when the UN is propagating peace and security...more than before...... or how will you know the UN has called out that all religion is now cancelled....... unless you watch out what the UN is doing. This is how I know about all the UN agreements. I found out yesterday about another 2005 UN World Health agreement which most nations signed.... I still have to search for more information to be sure...... but this is how I know what is going on and I can warn those who care to know. Each of us has a different gift or interest. How did Paul know about this? Titus 1: "A certain one of them, their own prophet, said: “Creʹtans are always liars, injurious wild beasts, idle gluttons.” he goes on to say this witness us true! and these brothers must be corrected. 15: " 15 All things are clean to clean people; but to those who are defiled and faithless, nothing is clean, for both their minds and their consciences are defiled."
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