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Posts posted by Arauna

  1. 16 hours ago, JW Insider said:

    hat means that the US spends about 15 times as much as China, p

    Frankly - the core argument is: whether China is totalitarian. You refuse to acknowledge that they are killing their own citizens and incarcerating citizens because they are not allowed to have a religion.  This is why these lengthy arguments lead to zero because the real issue is always negated and changed.... ... America is also doing so, or America is using money for this and that!  We all know USA has a CIA which is eveil and has overthrown countries and did terrible things. BUT - China is continuously having 24/7 surveillance on their own citizens in the cities and are eliminating citizens as though they are fodder!  .....a practice which will soon be in the west as China is the model for the NWO. The passport is a control mechanism being sneaked in. 

    As I said before - numerous times here!   We have an example of the Nazis :  the Jews themselves never believed that humans could do this to other humans and were slaughtered. ......  I on the other hand do believe that humans are fully capable of doing this! ... especially if government propaganda and surveillance is part of every day life!  it also buys the  silence of the majority and very scared citizens.

    16 hours ago, JW Insider said:

    I don't believe in all these end-time scenarios that you often predict are really necessary.

    Some of them have already come true - we are seeing totalitarian mandates spreading throughout Europe (without regard for the persons with underlying conditions).... - and I can quote you numerous scriptures which indicate that this will be the case! 

    I am just preparing my brothers for the worst scenario which seems to be coming to fruition. A totalitarian government can also push their idea of morality and eugenics on a propagandized population.  Those who fear and conform may find themselves marked with the idols the beast is forcing them to worship.  

    Of course I know that Jehovah will step in.... and stop their Babylonian tower !  But it will not be a picnic before we get to this point!

  2. 33 minutes ago, JW Insider said:

    were some businesses that wanted to try something related to this,

    Global corporations are involved in this - not small little companies.

    34 minutes ago, JW Insider said:

    such as people rushing onto trains at the last second to try for a free ride.

    This is nothing compared to the other problems they have!

    34 minutes ago, JW Insider said:

    hina is still a fairly backward and relatively poor country

    Like all totalitarian countries - most of the budget does go into surveillance and into the military - on this point you are correct.

    35 minutes ago, JW Insider said:

    China is not totalitarian

    Just like Russia is not totalitarian - but human rights is a matter of the whims of the leadership and dispensing with humans because they are "undesirable" or in the way is OK.  And I agree the west is very similar and worsening at present because the final goals of world governments are merging.  Satan is promoting one world counterfeit government to bring his brand of totalitarian peace and security to the world.  Any Chinese person who now speaks against anyone in government is breaking the "harmony" of society! ... and can be silenced!

    45 minutes ago, JW Insider said:

    a small minority of millionaires and billionaires will fight tooth and nail politically to avoid having their taxes go back to the levels

    They are the small millionaires that are not comparable to the trillionaires.  BlackRock assets are estimated to be 9 trillion.... Most of the noteworthy billionaires all have charity foundations that pay very little taxes and give donations to all the companies that promote their agenda. They also get billions from governments for dispensing vaccines and other services which enrich them and enrich their charities.

    47 minutes ago, JW Insider said:

    e poor in the US for example

    Listened to a speech made by Gates this week. He speaks about the poor etc but it is window dressing and he pays a PR company to enhance his image.....  He was friends with Epstein because Epstein knew someone who could be bought to obtain a Nobel prize for peace for him - to enhance his image. Love of self is evident! The wish to control is also evident as he has the greater stocks in all education, pharma, agriculture, and UN and private corporations which work with the UN.

    We are in the time of the end - I know you do not believe this - but believe me, this is the agenda that Satan has - the counterfeit single entity (UN) has been captured by the billionaires (WEF),which will try to bring their brand of peace and security as far away - disconnected from a creator - as possible. 

    They cannot openly say that they want to run things and their way is the best (which is an atheist, transhumanist singularity based on scientism).  They are slowly subjecting humanity to it in a lockdown strategy and mandates that have to be followed.  The stranglehold will be complete by 2030.  

    If a war breaks out - Russian and China will both flood the countries they want under their domain before the UN pulls everyone together  into their fold. 

  3. 2 minutes ago, JW Insider said:

    Consider the source, though.

    Please - understand that the ENTIRE political system is darkly corrupt and that China is not an utopia - that is in essence the  main message of the bible.  China was the testing grounds for the new policies being implemented in the West!  I watched many EU meetings and SAW with my own eyes and heard what was was said. China is their darling because it it tyrannically totalitarian since XI became the new leader. This is how they want to bring in the great reset! with tyrannical lockdowns and mandates for everything!  

    I do not really read Epoch times - I just watch the headlines.....  There are many organizations for human rights trying to stop the sale of body parts in China.  The far left press (CNN and the others you like very much) will never mention this  /or deny it ....... because they do not care for human life.  Babies being aborted at nine months and other atrocities going on is not really mentioned in the pro-eugenics and pro-transgender press.  In one day in UK two digit numbers of babies are  dying in ONE hospital alone after pregnant mothers took the new "sleever".   I have not seen anything in the far left press.  I do not like far right press either (I do not take part in local politics or I do not think it worth it to even have an opinion about it....) but one has to get news from somewhere and then use good judgment.  

    There are now international efforts to get China to agree to stop their harvesting of body parts and you are still denying  that it is a possibility!  This reminds me of the Kristalnacht .... German Jews did not realize that their government would go as far as to kill them.  We have seen so many genocides in the 19th century (including in China during the previous communist regime) and still you do not believe that a capitalist china, which is returning to Mao brand of communism can do this! Most of my friends who were working in China have left.  The only journalists allowed there now are the ones who have been bought and paid for!... or think China is wonderful!

    I leave it at that!  I do not argue about these things as I told you before - I saw this coming - and now we already have extreme countries following the Chinese model - and you are thinking that one part of Satan's world is not so bad! The west is as bad as the east but the king of the North's  (anti-religious - only worship of the state allowed) model is being followed. Only religion of the state will be allowed soon - the bible predicted this!  Russia is building nationalism with its resurgence of the empty Orthodox religion!


  4. https://www.theepochtimes.com/independent-tribunal-finds-china-committed-genocide-against-uyghurs-in-xinjiang_4148545.html?utm_source=ChinaDaily&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=2021-12-10

    I read about the Chinese Jews in China - how their synagogues have been demolished and how they have been treated. Same as Falun Gong and Islam adherents. Any group with its own culture that does not conform to worship of the state is defamed by propaganda and persecuted.  This is true Mao se Tung policy in a modern application.

    I still see China as the ally of the king of the North.  Russia has aspirations of an Eurasia and China wants to take over Taiwan. China is not a purring kitty cat - she is a dragon!..... and proud of it! 

  5. On 11/23/2021 at 2:57 AM, JW Insider said:

    doesn't mean that the US doesn't want shining examples of democracy producing strong economies.

    On 11/23/2021 at 2:57 AM, JW Insider said:

    A major point of all this news, especially the last couple of 60 Minutes that I watched, was to make sure that the US audience does NOT see any leftist/socialist government as "democratically" elected.

    Most people are still stuck in the war between the iron and the clay....(the little divisive wars in every country) when their focus should be on the eighth king who will rule for an hour - the scarlet beast (UN) who is the image of the world political system. At least it seems the whole globe  is following the plan or "image" the UN is putting in front of them in a "lockstep" fashion.  193 nations signed the UN Agenda 2030 and WEF trillionaires helping them to accomplish the great (economic) reset. The reset will focus on health and the environment to get us into the digital panopticon. (digital 24/7 total surveillance). To do this they will lock us down for health reasons for our 'own benefit' and environmental reasons because we all will die soon if they do not do this for the collective good of mankind. Yes, the earth is ruined by the very corporations who are now bringing about these oppressive measures which is creating a mass psychosis. Follow the money and the changed word definitions and the changed laws and you will see who is behind this! Already we can see what kind of rulers they will be by the measures that are being taken. Zero outbreaks of this virus is not possible because it is like a cold virus.... yet people who have just been in contact for a second are thrown into a prison for 14 days and it seems the prison guards can keep them there as long as they wish! (australia with austria and germany in lockstep)

    Heard this week that they want to abolish the Nuremburg Code!  That gives one a good indication of where we are heading.  The 'false prophet ' in the past pushed democracy like a prophet........ but behind the scenes with the help of leaders such as Kissinger and Klaus Schwab they realized that it is just a matter of  time when stocks will not be able to grow any longer. The system will need an economic overhaul.  They thought: One cannot have more and more consumers on the globe who do not have the skills to provide their part in productive labor...... and stocks cannot grow forever and yield profits for the privileged. They also realized that AI will make many people redundant in jobs such as the medical field, drivers, legal persons and many jobs we thought would always be needed.

    Under the great reset we are going into a virtual (metaverse) world where AI will take away these jobs. People will get medical advice online and the right fix on their genes will be loaded down by cell phone. Natural medicine is set to disappear and all medicines will be a form of gene therapy. Although AI does not have compassion - this will be the new enforcers of law.  One can go on and on.  No wonder there is talk of eugenics on the table as many of these leaders are atheist and known to support eugenics.

    The good news in all of this:  They were building their Babylonian tower in opposition to Jehovah and would work together for this. Genesis 11:6 Jehovah then said: “Look! They are one people with one language, and this is what they have started to do. Now there is nothing that they may have in mind to do that will be impossible for them.

    One digital language has now led to Xenobots made from a conglomeration of parts of cells with synthetic programming on them via CHRPR and given life by a frog cell. If these things get into water and proliferate we can ay good bye to all life on earth which can be crowded out. If they get into a human arteries - we are all dead or mixed with synthetic life.  Jehovah knew that humans without his standards will be up to no good (selfish and egotistical).

    As Jehovah did at Babylon - he will step in once again. He will mix up their plans before they have completed it.  Once there is proof beyond reasonable doubt of the extreme suffering and pain that is brought about by the most advanced human rulership - ever!  ..... Jehovah will put in their hearts to turn against religion!  This will create a division in their plans and their oneness of purpose. Their purpose will fall apart in front of their eyes and bring the greatest tribulation ever! 

    Globalization has linked all the largest corporations on earth.  They are all of them heavily invested in China and Russia too!  So, it is true that they will cry about their money as revelation 18 indicates. 

    The bible does not lie - if we think about it - it is happening exactly as written! May we inspire others to put their faith in jehovah.

    Sidenote: Our brothers will do everything needed to keep producing spiritual food. This is their commission - not to write about politics and divisive things but stick to a positive message. When the time comes that the panopticon wants them to accept worship of transgenderism or transhumanism, then they will refuse.

    GB update number 9 indicates that people will be able to attend meetings online when the rest of the brothers return to physical attendance. The article: will life return to normal has this to say:  "What it means for you: People have reacted differently to the pandemic and its consequences. Allow them their opinions, but respectfully stick to the good decisions that you have made. Be considerate of the unvaccinated, the elderly, and those with serious underlying health issues."

    This indicates that the GB has a balanced way of viewing this but I have noticed that some brothers promote the jab more than the kingdom message - lol.  



  6. On 11/22/2021 at 11:54 PM, Dmitar said:

    I would suspect an academic view

    Many academics are now agreeing on my opinion - especially those who are trying to publish studies on the heart problems young people now experience with the new obligated "sleever"  interventions.  Two reputable academics could NOT get their studies published (openly rejected) because all journals are now owned by those who are running the great reset. This is not science but scientism.  

  7. 18 hours ago, Matthew9969 said:

    ball of water existed for a long time

    I always imagine many volcanoes, eruptions and dense smoke (the elements of the skies were definitely not like today) and a cooling down process with very much condensation. Jehovah's spirit was actively moving over the waters, which was a by-product of the creation process of the earth itself, and overseeing the natural activities of the earth and the settling down of the powerful processes. Tectonic plates were often moving and settling - which shaped the original earth. Only thereafter, when things were ready and settled,  did Jehovah start with the preparation of the earth for human inhabitants - in 6 days or "periods of time".

  8. 41 minutes ago, Space Merchant said:

    efinatley have way more time on your hands than I do

    I am am almost 69 - and I have been interested in many of these things throughout my life.  That is why I do not remember all the names but my understanding of how it works is still intact

    Old money goes back a long way.  The money of the catholic church goes back to the time of the crusades.  Money in Venice, money from the colonies and the beginning of the modern day banking system which is based on usury and lending of money to governments for war.


  9. 27 minutes ago, Space Merchant said:

    some of which are Christian Capitalists)

    Most of them are NOT Christians but are globalists with transhumanist aspirations.  Blackrock value is 9 trillion for example.  There are people who fly under the radar such as the old money  i.e. Dutch east India Company (dutch king which owns Shell etc); English east India company (British queen who owns British Petroleum). Vanguard, Buffet and people like Ted Turner and others who hold similar atheist convictions together with the top global corporations that have more money than most countries - all the stocks of these corporations owned by the same group of billionaires (which includes the CCP military wing). And add to that all AI companies together with the digital companies (who all do secret contracts for DARPA, CIA, NASA and the other secret organizations and spy on enemies and citizens.)


    On 11/23/2021 at 5:27 PM, Space Merchant said:

    Capitalism is vastly different compared to back then,

    Capitalism took a turn when 'usury' became the way to make money but it also changed when gold or silver no longer backed the money system......... A central banking system, owned by a private cartel, can take control of all money.

  10. On 11/22/2021 at 2:35 PM, TrueTomHarley said:

    They have brought material prosperity to the masses and they do what they are told socially, making it easy to implement climate policy, pandemic policy, and any other form of social engineering desired.

    At the cost of treating all citizens with dignity and human rights.  So on the surface it is a success - lol.  Soon that system will be implemented in the west - then we will see how just it is!  

  11. On 11/22/2021 at 3:01 PM, TrueTomHarley said:

    problem with a Mercola and Breggin’s books—their limited perspective

    Most media people (mainstream and independent), who talk about the contracts signed by the  powers to be with the great reset, have a limited perspective. So we have to link up the dots with what Jehovah teaches us.  If you know their strategy and how Jehovah is going to work - you have the advantage!

  12. 40 minutes ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

    You must pray, then, this way: ‘Our Father in the heavens, l

    There are many scriptures that indicate we must have the name of the father and his son on us.  There are also many scriptures which say that we must call on the name of Jehovah to be saved.  I mean the entire Hebrew scriptures showed us who should be worshiped and his name is in the Hebrew scriptures thousands of times.  

    I am also a simple person but I have made it my business to find things out.   I did work in many countries  but it was because I was a refugee!

  13. 14 hours ago, Matthew9969 said:

    Romans socialist, jews capitalist?

    The Romans were ruling over the whole territory of Palestine (they gave the entire territory its name).  When Jesus was born the senate and triumvirate structure had been replaced by Julius Caesar as first emperor.  His adopted son Octavian became Caesar Augustus (the exactor). He was supreme emperor - a god - and the senate appointed Kings who ruled certain areas.  Herod was very smart and went to Rome to humble himself to acquire the Kingship. 

    Rome had much problems with the Jews because they did not assimilate due to their religion. Rome appointed kings in certain areas under Roman jurisdiction - which had to pay taxes to Ceasar........ which was basically a central dictatorship.  Rome was a 2 tier society - the rich - who did not work and the rest of society which comprised free men and slaves.  Only land owners had a say in the running of the country and had to go to war.  Palestine, during the Greek time fell under the Seleucids and later king Herod and his son were appointed over the territory of Israel.

    So one cannot compare it to today - but let us say the rich were capitalistic and the poor were dependents upon the state.  This later developed into the feudal structures. (after Roman times).

    The Jews who kept the law - looked after each other and in this way one can call the lower echelons of society a more socialist way of living but one cannot in any way compare it to modern socialism. 

    Humans have really tried all kinds of societal structures. Soldiers really played a large role in the stability of previous empires...... because invasions and attacks could come from any source.  The public barely subsisted and were vulnerable.  The rich were oppressive and looked after their own.... and assassinations, robberies etc were rife for families to climb the social ladder.  Very few lower class people came up the ladder in Rome.  Although, a land owner, Emperor Vespasian was called the donkey breeder. He was at the right places at the right time. 


  14. 1 hour ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

    o why don't you use Yehovah then ? 

    I speak arabic and understand the way the two  Semitic languages work. An ' Y'  sounds the same as y in yehwah.....   the first syllable in English is a little like the french J......  ...BUT there is NO Ye sound in the English language like the hebrew and we use the closest sound to the original sound.    I use the Ye sound sometimes my first language is afrikaans and we have a similar sound to the original hebrew - Just like Swedish - which I attended meetings in. 

    As I have said before - it is about the willingness to know and use the Name.  In arabic they still stick to the Yehwah form.   Jehovah knows we  are talking about him...and this has been the accepted form for a long time.   So to use a title like god is not a personal name.  The other 3 letters HoVaH also gives the name meaning in the semetic languages such as Aramaic, Syrian, etc.

    You know all this - I am sure -  Witness  is defaming and blasphemously denouncing the true name of  the living god.

  15. 3 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

    They are both sharply critical of the ‘great reset’ but they lose sight, imo, that a reset truly is needed. It is just that you can’t trust man to do it.

    Most  try to fight what is coming by various means or look to human organizations to resolve it.

    I listened to Kennedy give a summary of his book - it is quite damning near the end and shows the links between the military industrial complex - its secret branches and the pharma industrial complex. 

     here it is:  https://www.corbettreport.com/fauci/

  16. 48 minutes ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

    You have admitted that it is Yahweh not Jehovah. 

    There is so much new research on this subject.  You guys are behind!   The Hebrew scholar, Nehemiah Gordon,  discovered that no-one had gone in search of manuscripts with the point system of the name of Jehovah fully INCLUDED.  So he wrote a book about all the manuscripts he found online which had the name included with the point system. These prove that the name is pronounced Yehovah!  (Y is pronounced like in Yahweh). Not only does he give the place where the manuscript is stored or on exhibition but he also went to look at each specimen himself to ensure that it was not just a paper dot on the page.  IN some cases he had to get special permission and negotiated to see the original documents. He only found one which was not in real ink. So in conclusion: it is beyond reasonable doubt that the name is Yehovah because it is in writing.  No Jew or Hebrew scholar before him went in search of the name  because they  believed it should not be pronounced. He believes it is the best discovery ever to know the true name of god!

  17. On 11/20/2021 at 6:06 AM, NoisySrecko said:

    I consider only academic sources for my review in biological data.

    Most studies are paid for by someone who has the numbers skewed to reflect their view so they can make more money.  So rather follow the money (investments) and the laws that were broken to see which scientist or person is speaking the truth - these days that is the criteria!   scholars are al bought these days!


  18. On 11/19/2021 at 2:56 PM, TrueTomHarley said:

    this not the primary stated goal of any system of human rule—to benefit the people?

    The pretend to do so.... at least in the past they did.  They hid all the nasty deals and ugly stuff.  That is why some of the deals are coming out now and the final outcome just before Armageddon will be the worst in human history. We are going into the worst tribulation the world has ever seen and it did not come on us overnight - it turns out that a slow demolition of the old monetary system, education system, banking system as well as governance and laws was well planned and is being overthrown in a cultural revolution and biological and environmental warfare against the people - which was planned for decades.

    The problem is this: they think they can control it all - the revolutionary reset of the world....... but the true reset is coming from Jehovah!. 

  19. 17 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

    but Russia at the time was coming over ‘from the dark side,’ into democracy and free market.

    There was a time in the past that Russia also pretended to come out of it links to Marxism to a more free market - but it was a ploy to build up again. Very few countries escape once they are communist.

    Russia (large oil producer) made an agreement with Arabia to protect them (just as Kissinger organized in 1973 - to give protection in place of oil being sold in the dollar).  Now Saudi can sell in any currency and USA dollar is seeing the last of their crutch to hold up the economy.  Next day Russia made an agreement with another big oil country - Nigeria..... which also has big ties to China!   And to show disrespect to USA that they cannot do anything about the new deals - Russia and China put the new frightening nuclear supersonic missiles on their submarines - you know the ones that can go around the earth and cannot be shot down and then plunge down to earth  like an asteroid.

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