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Everything posted by Arauna

  1. Here again - the Horn with eyes was the one power which came out of Rome which ruled the seas and ruled over the earth from China to USA. "Rule Britannia, Britannia rules the waves". But they first had to overpower the other sea forces that ruled the world- the 3 nations which had colonies everywhere were France, Netherlands and Spain. Britain had to beat these 3 powers at sea, to become the seafaring world power it became with USA as its colony. This history is in the bible and should not be left out. People are inclined to jump ahead to conclusions because they know part of the answer.
  2. I think you must correlate history a little more. The Roman empire gave rise to the British empire, from which the Anglo-American world empire arose. When the kingdom under Christ was born (1914) the Anglo-American empire came into being and started its rule over the earth. They also began to rule over a newly formed nation of god on earth. The little horn is the British empire that bragged big things. It did rule from China to the west when it was a world navy power and started many colonies (the sun never set on the British empire). The league of nations only came into being after the first world war and went down in the abyss. It arose after the second world war and is called the disgusting thing of destruction - the scarlet beast with seven heads and 10 horns. I agree with you that the UN will be the instrument that will rule for one hour and ten kings (new kings who had not ruled before), as a matter of fact the UN is at present (in this week negotiating for world government. They will vote about this in May this year. So yes we are close. I see in you an eagerness to study the final prophecies - which is great..... but be careful.... you are leaving out some very important steps. I see you have the same problem as many people who analyze the scriptures - they throw a bunch of scriptures together which are not related and spin something out of it which is close - but not completely accurate because it lacks historical context. Since I love history, I can assure you that God is a perfect time keeper and every milestone is clearly defined in the scriptures. Every small aspect of his prophecies will go into fulfillment. One cannot bunch all of them together and make a narrative. While the UN is now playing an important role - it definitely did not start as early as you are implying.
  3. When is the UN coming to power according to Revelation - do you know? "And the wild beast that was but is not, it is also an eighth king, but it springs from the seven, and it goes off into destruction.12 “The ten horns that you saw mean ten kings who have not yet received a kingdom, but they do receive authority as kings for one hour with the wild beast. 13 These have one thought, so they give their power and authority to the wild beast. 14 These will battle with the Lamb,"
  4. When I worked for the newspaper (in two languages) several years ago. My editor said that good English for a 17 year old is what one must strive for. Flowery words do not work. It must be concise and clear for any age group to read. I grew up as a ten year old reading newspapers. I also worked for years in PR - for large government sectors and also a university. I always thought to myself: "why has the organization not opted for clearer and simpler writing - which is often used in publicity?" And then they did. .....
  5. I do not think we should answer you any longer - your mocking is not worthy of an answer
  6. We have enough present day data to make a conclusion. And soon we will have much more.
  7. I knew someone would fall into the trap of quoting Ligers etc. Ligers are still cat species ....and they struggle to reproduce.... and they are the same "kind".. I am talking of two different species creating a hybrid. Once the species are different there are problems in keeping the pregnancy or the offspring is infertile. Evolutionists believe that hybrids can produce offspring because it fits their religion of science. Jehovah built in barriers. Within a species there can be many changes. But species cannot change into a different species only adapt to new environmental factors. Have you seen the high percentage of babies which now die at birth and even after birth? That little drop of synthetic material is causing havoc.
  8. The subject was not "imperfection" but the manner at looking at a subject - that it can be interpreted in 16 different ways = which is not possible when one assumes that there is a best way of doing something or the matter of "truth". Truth is reality, unadulterated, unblemished, uncorrupted, and so on and on. Truth is not ten or 16 different opinions with all of them acceptable.
  9. I am from Africa (born, lived and worked there for 45 years) but now live in Albania..... which is not part of EU. I worked in many countries - Africa, England, America and lived in several others. But I found only in USA the idea that people have 16 ways to look at a "truth" or an individual way of doing everything - which is a deceit. Best practices was hard to implement. It was a cultural thing which I presume was taught in schools - just like tra.ns....g.en.de.r.is.m is now taught in schools - even pre-school. By the next generation it will be part of the culture
  10. Most people look at a problem too closely (micro) and do not see the outcome which may be in the future. I unfortunately look ahead into the "macro" or global - which stands me in good stead but it has other limitations. But overall:- to understand Jehovah's plans and to follow the outworking of his purpose, we need to look into the future to understand the bigger picture and then we look back into the micro events - to see how the past has fitted in exactly with the outworking of his purpose.
  11. I have seen this argument so many times in American society and expecially in the work place ; It is a form of indoctrination....... that each one sees things differently so there is 100 ways of doing a thing correctly .....that is why there are so many religions because everyone thinks their own way is the right way. People who speak like this have not sorted out in their own mind this question:- what is truth. Jehovah is the truth and HIs standards are the only truth or reality. This is why I could never fall for the American way of thinking ( I do not mean to hurt your feelings but many Americans think this way and it comes from the school indoctrination....... which is also closely related to the New Age way of thinking. It is deeply rooted in secular thinking or materialistic thinking.
  12. Evidence is hard facts. "Suggests" is not reality. If we are in Jehovahs love, He protects those He loves. But at times we may be tested like Job....but the outcome of Job is far better. He had more than he ever had before... ten more children, wealth... and in the resurrection ten more resurrected kids . . We must not be like Job's friends and ascribe an uncaring attitude to Jehovah. Jehovah knows what loyal love is . . And He is always loyal.... we do not because we stumble and waver. Jehovah even gave wicked kings victory in battle because of loyalty.... when they definitely did not deserve anything from Him.
  13. Lol- the ones who describe themselves as "good " always win. But as Jesus said- there is only One that is good. ... and in the world of reality - thankfully Jehovah and his moral standards of what truly is good... that will prevail.
  14. As we speak they are planning and working towards these goals but I never said they would attain them. When they turn against religion things will start to fall apart....their death star, Babylon ... whatever name you call it.... it will fall apart and jehovah will step in before all flesh dies off (animals included) and food and forests are genetically destroyed. Jehovahs purpose will prevail!!
  15. I guess you would like me to delete the scriptures about the beast with the seven heads which is about world empires and human governments that ruled over Jehovah's people.... I guess you would like me to scratch out the "image of the beast" from my bible so I live in darkness about what they are up to. NO- in my opinion it was given to us as a sign where we are in the stream of time. I guess I must ignore the scriptures at Revelation 16:13 - 16 which indicates that unclean "expressions" come out of the mouth of the false prophet and the world-wide beasly political system and leads all kings to Armageddon - propaganda. I can go on and on. What is the main themes of the bible, 1. ransom sacrifice provided by Jesus 2. Adam and eve chose independent rule from god and make their own governments (politics) and also chose their own morality of good and bad. Can humans rule the earth successfully without god and godly morality? The final battle between human governments 666 is on its way with Jehovah and his king in the final battle. ..... heavenly rulership or earthly rulership. Where do we put our allegiance? Many of the visions seen by Daniel is about rulerships and the timeline of earthly rulerships - until the 7th head (Anglo-American). I cannot imagine Daniel ignoring the fact that Babylon was ruling over the nation of Israel. He even discerned when they would return. The 3 men refused to worship their God and bow down to it. Today we know who is ruling and who is expected to be the 8th king for one hour.......and what they are doing but are you informed enough to know to what you are going to be showing homage to? Many churches have already accepted the new "morality" given them by the political rulers - are you?
  16. Everything in secular society has been politicised at present. For example, if you do not like "worldly morality" now pushed by the UN, you are easily branded politically with various kinds of labels. The world is totally sick as they are already dividing people in white or black, vaccinated or unvaccinated, minority or non- minority, and so forth. Hitler viewed JWs as anti- government because they refused in 1933 to salute his name in a hallowed way. Whether you are political or not.... you will soon be brandished with a political brush- no matter how Neutral you are. Jesus said to Pontius- my kingdom is no part of the world - but they went ahead and put on his stake - "king of the jews". How political is that! Neutrality on our part does not mean that you will not be maliciously branded as political somehow.... so surely you understand that. They accused jesus falsely..... so do you really think they will not accuse JWs falsely?. To know what is going on around you regarding transhumanism and how it is linked to the UN and WEF goals does not make one an activist- especially if you sit on the sidelines and allow them to play their games. I watch from a distance... i inform close friends about what is going on and only on this forum. But i have never encouraged anyone to try to actively oppose what they are doing. I abhor their decadence but will only actively promote jehovahs kingdom as a solution for this problem. We do nothing and do not get involved in their goals but like in the time of WW2 - we will have to choose if we willingly participate or not. That is the choice each individual has
  17. We do know this: Jehovah will allow them to go quite far to dismantle his creation but he will not allow them to destroy it all...... just like JOB. His life was spared and afterward he was blessed. We too will see salvation and the promises that Jehovah has given us on the restoration of the earth.
  18. True - I just listened to an ex-WHO top member (whistleblower) and she went into all the details of how they have broken all international laws and how they are doing a blatant power grab. As a scientist she says she never saw God in everything but after looking at the paperwork and how they are negating everything that is good, reasonable and ethical she says that one can only describe it as evil.... and she says people are just too naïve to think that they could not do these things. It is making the unbelievers think about God when they realize how bad things are going to become. Jesus was killed by conspiracy; Caesar was killed by a conspiracy; Guy Fawkes led a conspiracy against the British parliament....... but suddenly when one questions the logic of the lies, gaslighting and deceit - one is branded a far right, tin foil hat conspiracy theorist....... except for the theme of the bible we would be in the dark. Socker mums who question the new morality taught to 4 year old's in schools are put on a terrorist list.... BUT we expect Satan to use his minions to destroy everything Jehovah has created and destroy all sense of morality- so that Jehovah cannot save people even if he wants to. To tamper with humans being humans, destruction of animals, natural seeds and put artificial DNA material into everything so that no flesh will survive or be able to procreate. They are even planning to put DNA bombs on us which can spread throughout the population. It gets more and more shocking. It is NOT conspiracy - there is enough patents and paperwork to substantiate this. The only fact we do NOT know is this: how long Jehovah will allow them to go on - until what point after they turn against religion and propagandize their brand of peace and security. Next year they will inaugurate their brand of world religion when the "Abrahamic treaty" comes to fruition. (I think in august). When this does not work they will abandon it and then openly and instantly force everyone to obey them. This is my speculation on the "religion" matter. ... but we have to wait and see.
  19. The future for the world now (the UN has negotiated with all nations secretly and are to vote in May - to get world dominion - one vote for Africa for example will include all African nations. It may be postponed again until (next year) or they have the entire ruling structure in place but they are building it. They just appointed their head scientist or head transhumanist to lead the science team for the UN. The negotiations have NOTHING in it about keeping people healthy and happy - it is all about control and money to build the new Babylon. They have removed the clause about human rights - there are no human rights in our future. It will be a world where science is worshipped and if one does not worship the new science regime you will be sent for psychological re-education or liquidation. The bible is clear - they will persecute those who do not worship this new world power. They have started to degrade humans to animals = the food supply is deliberately broken down so we will have to eat bugs, blood products made also with human stem cells. We will drink recycled urine. One will not be able to buy food if you do not worship/blindly obey the UN. (The prodigal son ate with the pigs but it was real food). Our food will have artificial chemicals with the metals which our new genetic make-up will be able to absorb and build in to antennas to communicate with the internet of things/bodies. To them we are equal to animals = with no recourse when they use experimental science on our genes..... in our food, in all our medicine and "pricked" into you at regular intervals to turn one into a cyborg. We are the experiment to be used until they have perfected their methods to get everlasting life in their own "singularity".... they do not think that one EMP bast from Jehovah can destroy their whole system. Their hubris is equal to Satan's - if not more. This to me is worse than those highly entertaining sci-fi movies we saw in the 60s and 70s. These technocratic transhumanists do not believe in god and grew up with these ideologies as their only spiritual food while pursuing these highly lucrative careers with each new hidden patent. They are psychopathic in their quest to reach their goals and they have no respect for human life. They are also communicating with "aliens" though quantum computers - or so they say. These computers reach a point where one can communicate with other realms - so they say. Where does reality stop and the other realms begin! So they have crossed these barriers and I would give you a good guess who they are communicating with - just like the Third Reich had their castles where their leaders had seances to discover the darker sciences. It is not strange that scientists who do not believe in God always become spiritists! No wonder they are destroying the earth and destroying Jehovah's creation to bring their own plans to fruition. They are degrading the planet with their geoengineering.... yes it has been going on since 1957 and their chemicals in the air are now destroying forests and drying out root systems - everything! They are desperate to fix it now and are keeping us in the dark about the severe state of the environment - caused by their stealth application of their "sciences." Now they want to dim the sun in a kind of fake volcanic eruption to darken the earth from the suns rays. Humans are being degraded as they now are property of those who have already started the gene editing. Soon they want to use us for their new system as energy sources. Does this sound like a horror sci-fi movie? This is what they are planning and working towards.... and humankind will suffer more than ever before, before Jehovah brings Armageddon. They have been emboldened in the past two years. Do not be fooled by the beautiful reasons they will give to us to worship only them and their new system they are building. Sounds like a "death star" they are building. Large and magnificent in scope, run by power driven people. We know the outcome of star wars. Thank goodness the good ones win - after all we have the most powerful "good" power on our side!
  20. Obviously the person opening the topic does have an opinion about AI, even if he is not fully informed. I agree - Jehovah is the only one that can tell us what to do. NO AI or any other intelligence or artificial intelligence should have any control over our faculties - just like drugs or any other substance should not interfere with our free will to worship Jehovah. We must be sober and in control of our faculties so we can give Satan an answer by showing integrity by our free will.
  21. Depends on whether the person understands the full impact of AI - which most people do not. It is the dream of the world leaders (those running the world right now) to have all humans gradually turned into hybrids which can carry digital information and become part of the " Internet of Bodies". There is much more to this that meets the eye. https://www.rand.org/content/dam/rand/pubs/research_reports/RR3200/RR3226/RAND_RR3226.pdf Read under transhumanism, body hacking etc. Isn't this situation the same as before the flood? When angels came down and mixed foreign DNA with human DNA and Jehovah had to step in and bring the flood? Did you know that the Nephilim hybrid offspring would not have been able to spawn children because there is a natural barrier created by Jehovah when different kinds mix? Jehovah removed all foreign DNA from earth during the flood. There are now new groups on internet that are worshipping these hybrids that existed long ago. It has different names but I will not go into that. Did you know that hybrid babies that survive these new synthetic DNA technologies will not be able to reproduce. It seems that Satan wants to destroy Jehovah's plans for the earth once again. But we are sure that Jehovah is going to step in at the right time. And it is getting closer with each new step these hubris science leaders are taking.
  22. You have veered away from the subject you posted....and gone all superfine, self-righteous apostle on us. I do not discuss subjects with people who have your state of mind. You think you are superior.
  23. True, by the use of the word "merely" I meant that Jesus will always be a creation of Jehovah and Jesus later became the legal guarantee for our sins to be forgiven and a resurrection from a deserved death. He is the highest in the universe next to Jehovah and was elevated to this position by Jehovah. But our forefathers did see him in human form when he walked the earth. Never did Jesus ever think of being equal to Jehovah because Jehovah was his life-giver as well. He proved so faithful in what he said, thought and did that he maintained a "perfect" subjection to Jehovah. As a reward he received immortality and incorruptibility - given his own source of life. Jehovah trusted him completely.
  24. I like the thoughts you expressed above. Not only is it scientific but it also brings out the meaning of jehovahs name: he causes to become - in order for his purposes to come to full fruition. So he always accomplishes his full will. I may also add that jehovah's thoughts are much much higher than ours... and he is humble and allows us to be very close to him (he is our father and lifegiver),, but we must always have that higher respect, worshipful attitude and awe - because He is awesome! In addition, we have our physical fathers we can hug when we need a physical hug. The wholesome fear and love of Jehovah gives us a sense of purpose and direction. We are like little children playing in front of jehovah and He is the parent keeping a watchful eye on us.... we have freedom like a todler to go about our activities but the todler runs to His father everytime he feels threatened or needs assurance. We only understand partialy - as Paul said in 1 kor 13 - but one day we will understand a perfect relationship with Him and the full meaning of living in his love and approval while always recognising our limitations and our dependence on Him.... We can never be on the same level as Jehovah and have Him cavorting with us here on earth in physical form! He has other means to be close to us and we should appreciate that which he has given us. We can get closer to his thoughts by reading our bible regularly and meditating on it. We willthen think like a mature man.
  25. Yes - but are you now making Jehovah into a kind of angel that can materialize? .....with human desires who wants to mix with humans..... like the wicked angels did? The bible itself says the highest heavens cannot contain Jehovah.... I quoted the scripture above. Jehovah came down to see what was going on in Sodom and Gomorra. read the history in the bible. He can send his Spirit everywhere - he does not need to materialize. He can interact with us as I showed you above - and when we are perfect he ill come and speak to us like he did with Adam. Jehovah is so great that he keeps the universe from falling into chaos and keeps it working with his spirit / energy. If he takes his spirit away the universe will collapse.... so how can he make himself small to come here? You are giving Jehovah limitations ...... which he cannot have or does not wish to have. You are taking away from his glory. In any case we cannot put Jesus on par with Jehovah - he is merely a creation of jehovah and it was jehovah who emptied him to come to earth and be born as a human. Jesus also did not materialize to be born here. His life was taken from heaven and put in the womb of Mary so he could be completely human and grow from a baby to adulthood. Jehovah cannot die and he cannot come in a human body. But his first-born son can do this. This is why Jehovah asked him to come and willingly sacrifice his life in loyalty.
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