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Everything posted by Arauna

  1. I used to listen to him and many other scientists on Dr Mercolas website. Now it is blocked in the country I live in.
  2. Most studies are paid for by someone who has the numbers skewed to reflect their view so they can make more money. So rather follow the money (investments) and the laws that were broken to see which scientist or person is speaking the truth - these days that is the criteria! scholars are al bought these days!
  3. The pretend to do so.... at least in the past they did. They hid all the nasty deals and ugly stuff. That is why some of the deals are coming out now and the final outcome just before Armageddon will be the worst in human history. We are going into the worst tribulation the world has ever seen and it did not come on us overnight - it turns out that a slow demolition of the old monetary system, education system, banking system as well as governance and laws was well planned and is being overthrown in a cultural revolution and biological and environmental warfare against the people - which was planned for decades. The problem is this: they think they can control it all - the revolutionary reset of the world....... but the true reset is coming from Jehovah!.
  4. There was a time in the past that Russia also pretended to come out of it links to Marxism to a more free market - but it was a ploy to build up again. Very few countries escape once they are communist. Russia (large oil producer) made an agreement with Arabia to protect them (just as Kissinger organized in 1973 - to give protection in place of oil being sold in the dollar). Now Saudi can sell in any currency and USA dollar is seeing the last of their crutch to hold up the economy. Next day Russia made an agreement with another big oil country - Nigeria..... which also has big ties to China! And to show disrespect to USA that they cannot do anything about the new deals - Russia and China put the new frightening nuclear supersonic missiles on their submarines - you know the ones that can go around the earth and cannot be shot down and then plunge down to earth like an asteroid.
  5. To twist it like that and use those words! ....... wow! If you do interfaith or live a debauched life then you have automatically put yourself out of the congregation and do not receive holy spirit; and angels will not assist you any longer. God and his organization do not mix with unrepentant people who willfully continue to break his principles! It depends on how long you have done so! It is very few people who leave who have not broken some bible principles...... even if it boils down to a very stinky attitude!
  6. No disrespect, they will find new ways. There will be a break and then new attacks will start. Satan leaves and then comes back.
  7. They are banned in Muslim countries but they are high on the list of the United nations. It is one of two groups highly favored by the UN. Both have shrines in the UN building: the theosophists (a spiritistic type religion) and Bahai - which believes that all religions are good!...
  8. This is when I show them the overwhelming body of work that did come true! The fact that we are preaching the kingdom as the only solution for human problems in obedience to Matthew 24:14. This is truly the only solution in a world wherein it is getting more difficult to make decision - critical times hard to deal with when people do not have faith and are fierce! The prophecies now coming into fulfillment regarding pestilence on world-wide scale and food shortages in many places. One can go into other prophecies - but we do not want to overwhelm them!
  9. Sweden is more capitalist than capitalistic countries - Yes they have a social system in services to their people but they make a lot of money on manufacturing and exports. ...... for a peaceful country they really sell a lot of weapons.
  10. China - was following a capitalistic investment program to alleviate poverty - that is true (although they were not altruistic in their goals but more about modernization and industrial growth of the central government ///// but they always wanted to return to the pure communism which they have done now. There has always been a faction in the top echelons who believed that one can use capitalism to equalize wealth. But the belief is still that capitalism cannot grow forever and they point to the demise of the USA for this - which is also true, (stock markets cannot grow forever!). (Human systems are flawed - as we all know). In the west this has also overtaken most of the schools of thinking..... this is why communism is openly preached in the universities and no-one bats an eyelid. In the end - a neo- communistic central control model will engulf us all as pushed by their agenda of "environmental" sustainability..... which will further enrich those with money and those who made their money from the energy available before. They will be the technocrats and oligarchs of the future. Yes - when you have a centralized government surrounded by oligarchs - things work very well (think of Hitler's fascistic regime and the NWO now on our doorstep). All central governments work better because they control things much better than democracy - where all opinions are accommodated............ In communism there is justice for the controllers and those who support party goals but not for the poor. I know of many horror stories in china and Russia. Similar things are now happening in USA and people are outraged and do not understand what is going on. Try to go to court on a matter that is not popular and you will see how they throw it out of court! Even supreme court. This is why I think the Tumpers are a sad lot when they thing government can still fix what is going on. Anyone who wants to go to court on "sleever" court cases can forget it -we are already living in a semi-fascistic control..... and more to come. The CIA has been out of control for decades and this corruption has infiltrated all "secret" agencies. NASA, DARPA, and CIA are the worst. They have paid terrorists, smuggled drugs and people , and corrupted many governments, wasted billions and covered up their terrible secret experiments on people. They outsourced all shady jobs to private companies which are now closely linked to the NWO such as Blackrock and Tech companies such as FB, Microsoft, Amazon etc. Congress and Senate do not know half of what these organizations have done because there is no transparency of the budgets and the military industrial complex is out of control. Similarly with gain of function research. The chemical or pharma industrial complex is also out of control. .... which has infiltrated the food supply and may other industries. So yes - Anglo-American power is the 2-horned sheep who is a dragon. One cannot apologize for any of what has been going on. We cannot be naïve and apologize for any of these world powers. The orange revolution , the rose revolution etc - they have done this same maneuvers before and got away with it. Supercomputers were used in USA....... which were adapting from outside the country as they went along. Everything dome by math so as to look above board.......NOthing is what is seems. Many elections in the past in USA were also not clean....... and with justice.... even if people want to believe this. TRUST in government - lol True - in Africa the communist collective ideology fits in with African culture - this is why Africa was never a success and always went into dictatorships. Most of the leaders also received training under Libya, Cuba or Russia. True, because of a loss of religion, populations are now ready for the 4th industrial revolution which will bring in the transhumanist and AI revolution. With propaganda for sustainable development reaching an all time high - populations will soon be clamoring for more control of the environment and give up freedom of choice to get rid of their fears and feel SAFE under a neo-communist regime.
  11. I do not understand it this way. It does enter the core of the cell - but not the mitochondria. The S-protein is replicated in all cells through the MRNA print. Messenger RNA (mRNA) carries the protein blueprint from a cell's DNA to its ribosomes, which are the "machines" that drive protein synthesis. Transfer RNA (tRNA) then carries the appropriate amino acids into the ribosome for inclusion in the new protein.....The new protein is S-protein which is deadly to the body...... It does not stop (no poptosis). No off-switch.
  12. The virus has not been isolated - the MRNA they are putting in us creates spike proteins. The spike is the weapon. You described it better than I could. This is a bio-weapon and the patents have been around since 2005. They have been lying about it being a novel/ new virus. All the sequences have been patented in more than 2000 patents over the years. This is deliberate deceit. Most doctors do not know what is in the "sleever" because they do not have access to information and have to trust the "authorities".
  13. In the new definitions that they are changing "natural immunity" no longer exists. You only have immunity when you have had the "latest" booster. The S protein is the weapon because it replicates. and this protein has synthetic parts.
  14. I see this everywhere ..... want people to rebel and they can call them terrorists....because they want to put these people in the camps they are building. Afterwards they will get rid of the other deplorables and dispensables in the newly built gulags. This will be the worst tribulation the world has ever seen. We will be tested to the hilt..... be prepared to die.... and be tortured by solitary confinement etc. I feel for you my sister. What you experiencing will come in all countries!
  15. As you know - the NWO wants to control all food, humans, water, land, energy by electronic inventory of everything (electronic panopticon). They are endeavoring to genetically engineer everything so they own the patents and own everything! They 're trying to engineer animals, they are already well away with owning all plant genetics. The seed banks were taken over by Gates. By changing a small part of the gene they can patent it and everyone has to pay the syndicate for its use. Humans too - if you have a synthetic sequence in your genes inside you - you could potentially be owned. Today one of my friends in South Africa said they can not produce their own seeds - the crops are sterile - and they are forced to buy seeds from you know who! Jehovah is taking note I am sure! This is why - if I am till alive when they turn against religion at Jah's instigation - I will enjoy their crying when the financial system goes up in smoke while the smoke of Babylon the Great is still ascending!
  16. As I said before - the UN agreements are binding and I discovered a new agreement which Obama made just before he left office. The Kigali agreement allows the UN to come in with a neutral military's force when there appears to be anarchy in a country - the UN can override the countries' autonomy. This is why they are stoking so much discord with racism etc.... so UN can claim its stake. Agenda 2030 is like an image or plan they are holding out to all the nations in front of them and they are under obligation to follow it. 193 out of 196 nations signed Agenda 2030. The final prophecies are in place and being carried out. We are just waiting for them to get rid of religions and declare one world religion... or so it seems they are trying to do..... The WEF is implementing Agenda 2030 and a few of their own goals which is transgenderism and transhumanism. A future technocratic government which wants mankind to take control of their own destiny by helping evolution along (via gene therapies) to go into the direction they want to steer it. We are going into the nano-tech era where everything will be genetically engineered. A friend of mine in South Africa told me today one cannot produce your own seeds any longer (hybrid seeds to make seeds) - one has to buy seeds for genetically engineered crops. Why is this? Because they are engineering everything (even nature) genetically so they can put a price and ownership on it. if you own the patent then someone has to pay for it....... even humans, animals are not exempt. They are genetically engineering everything!.... even the S-protein!
  17. Totally agree with you. So one needs science where the experiment can be repeated or observed... empirical science. Science based on repeatable evidence. So let me correct my statement: I need evidence based science which proves that different genus of animals can mix and produce fertile offspring.
  18. I think science is science - bring me a good scholarly paper which shows how a few different species can hybridize and still have offspring then I will accept that I am speculating. Now is the time for you to make a joke to change the subject - lol
  19. English is not my first language - so I get by by negating puns, sarcasm and other methods of bypassing the subject. Often humor is employed as a distracting ploy. Not always .... but most times.
  20. well - I do not have american humor. I confess I do not understand it. I hope it was a joke!
  21. It could not properly survive and its fertility was not tested. I am sure no other animal would have let it mate..... or if it did, it would produce blanks...... there is no proof of fertility when "kinds" mix. Even within kinds there is often problems when they are too diverse. jehovah put this barrier in place. Evolutionists just love the idea. Darwin used finches for his theory - their beaks changed when the food source changed........ but most evolutionists do not mention that the beaks changed back again when the food source changed back. But the finches did not become eagles or fishes or anything else that can be stipulated another kind. Kinds cannot mix otherwise we would see many animals in africa that are mixed. Rhino with elephant, buffalo with hipo and all those kinds of anomalies. There is Zero of these interbred animals.
  22. I know what you are talking about this is the Liger - between lion and tiger ..... but fertility is rare and they are of the same KIND - both are large cats. So even in the same kind they sometimes do not mix. Jehovah put barriers in place. It is rare that different species blend such as a bird and reptile - you will find that different bears can mix and different dogs can mix such as wolf and dog.... but different kinds are infertile...... I know that evolutionists love to show this is possible because they do not accept that there are barriers to infinite change in genes....... but Jehovah put these laws of nature in place.
  23. That does not matter - hybrids cannot produce offspring. So if this DNA infiltrated humankind the Messiah could not be born in later generations. Satan tried to stop Jehovah's plan to come to fruition but failed. Jehovah thoroughly washed the world clean.... the flood was a violent event ... none of mankind's work before the flood remained. All earth was cleansed. There is enough evidence (current evidence) that hybrids cannot produce....
  24. Now that is even greater speculation than I gave you! Because my speculation is taken from the bible...... yours is your own idea completely - grounded on a bogus weather report?! Now that is more like it - so assume what you DO know - from the bible! It is natural to want to give something in gratitude - Abel had sheep so he gave that! His brother must have imitated him because the bible says he did not have love for his brother. he gave what he had..... "4 By faith Abel offered God a sacrifice of greater worth than that of Cain,+ and through that faith he received the witness that he was righteous, for God approved* his gifts,+ and although he died, he still speaks+ through his faith." God warned Cain about wickedness in his heart : he needed to get self-control or it will master him "gen 4:6 6 Then Jehovah said to Cain: “Why are you so angry and dejected? 7 If you turn to doing good, will you not be restored to favor?* But if you do not turn to doing good, sin is crouching at the door, and its craving is to dominate you; but will you get the mastery over it?” 8 After that Cain said to his brother Abel: “Let us go over into the field.” He had premeditated a murder because he was "warned by no one less than Jehovah himself! The above is in the bible so it is not speculation....... Intelligent human beings figured out many things before the flood.... how to make music instruments.....and iron.... How to make bitumen (Noah made bitumen for the ark....... so do not think along the lines of the world which say they were Neanderthals......they were intelligent and capable. exactly what is says - one need not speculate on it. It says they did ....... obviously they knew his name...... Adam and eve were still living and able to tell them for sure! We do not know if they called on him in faith because only Enoch was truly righteous..... Adam was also around to see the result of their own rebellion against Jehovah. Lamech's sons made instruments and iron. " The poem that Lamech composed for his wives (Ge 4:23, 24) reflects the violent spirit of that day. Lamech’s poem ran: “Hear my voice, you wives of Lamech; give ear to my saying: A man I have killed for wounding me, yes, a young man for giving me a blow. If seven times Cain is to be avenged, then Lamech seventy times and seven.” Evidently Lamech was presenting a case of self-defense, pleading that his act was not one of deliberate murder, like that of Cain. Lamech claimed that, in defending himself, he had killed the man who struck and wounded him. Therefore, his poem stood as a plea for immunity against anyone desiring to get revenge against him for killing his attacker." I have never seen a true hybrid bring forth child-bearing babies...... not if they are truly 2 different kinds. Even large cats do not always produce offspring which can produce offspring..... and that is one kind of animal..... Bingo - soon after we see Nimrod creating opposition to Jehovah.. again......and Jehovah having to step in. The history of humankind is evil because we have a flaw - sin. what do we learn from this? Every time man has a fresh start - they mess up again because of selfishness and greed and oppress and kill, it says - they took wives! So they must have taken human form - unless you have been influenced by the new philosophies - which most probable will say they were transgender - lol.
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