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Posts posted by Arauna

  1. On 10/30/2021 at 5:19 PM, JW Insider said:

    You can even find them discussed

    There are those who know how to get out of the chinese internet system.

    I saw today that CCP now has Satelite chompers (I forget what name they called them).  In outer space they chomp up all space garbage......... and CCP views all satellites (but their own) as garbage....  So we may see a space event soon like Pearl Harbour...... anything can happen... because China has been invading air space of a lot of areas which do not belong to them.

    They have satanic view of the world just like all other governments.... 

  2. On 10/28/2021 at 10:41 PM, JW Insider said:

    basic modus operandi of anti-China propaganda is to exaggerate a long list of item

    China is cooperating with the West to bring in the me-communistic government they have (especially the surveillance) into the West. Even the UN calling for it....  In Canada people are reporting to see Chinese soldiers in the areas which were once Indian territories. UN now have their own surveillance teams of a few thousand checkers of the internet for information they do not want us to know about!!

    Mexico is so dangerous because Chinese precursors to dangerous drugs are imported from China.. the manufacture process is completed there and brought in from there over the borders.  

    (apologies for the spelling - I do not see the mistakes....  If I work on the pad I do not see them at al!). 

  3. On 10/28/2021 at 10:41 PM, JW Insider said:

    continuing contact with several people in several districts of China is also ongoin

    You forget that ALL correspondence via internet is watched.....by the CCP army. People in China know this...... so would they talk of something bad happening in their local area? 

    Another matter: when all news is sent out and approved by the state- do you think they will openly declare their government sweat shops and mulim camps? If your answer is yes..... then I understand completely why you take the stance you do..... 

    LEARNT yesterday that China had access to all Western databases of DNA..... and are in a position to make bio weapons for the western blood types. While the West has none of theirs.  The West was helping China with "gain of function" Corona and the best secret still to be revealed is ...... part of it synthetic.   It is NOT a naturally gained of function or isolated  virus. 

    The one world government oligarchs in the west are as dumb as some of the scholars who are pro Mao se Tung type governments....... similar to UN image of the beast.... 

    This silliness will lead to us soon being under a system of digital passports where our health is connected to our income, our obedience to the state and approval for work as well as our behaviour........ whether we comply to the state or not (as in China) will be on one passport.  A technocratic dictatorship. 

  4. 5 hours ago, JW Insider said:

    This isn't true.

    Because your son was a naive student in China a few years ago and you were a tourist you know all a out Xi ping...... 

    Did you read the UN report and their warning to China and China's subsequent promise to stop harvesting organs (a few years back....)?...... and then they  proceeded as usual with the same business but made sure that it does not leak out again.. yet reports kept on slowly leaking out. The labor camps for muslims also leaked out.... 

    Xi Ping  has started to institute Mao se Tung policies. ..... that is also a lie. The predatory loans to Uzbekistan, Kazakstan, Tajikistan and all the other silk road countries  and Shri Lanka's subsequent warnings to the Philippines about the predatory loans are all Hogwash. Indonesia and Australua  have not run into problems with them either.....Cina's disregard for forests in Africa and decimation of fish (due to predatory agreements are also hogwash.....the extinction of black rhinos in north africa for their horns are also hogwash. I can go on and on about the many countries that have run into their deceitful traps. 

    Next thing you will say they are NOT imprisoning students in Hong Kong and NOT disappearing people who stood for freedom in Hong Kong. . I GUESS ALL THOSE INVASIONS OF Taiwan and Japanese airspace in the past two months is also a lot of hogwash....... it is merely propaganda........ China is the victim of propaganda....... China is not part of the beastly governments of the world and a good match for the predatory behaviour of the USA - both predatory beasts.

    The oppression of Tibet and other countries in the Himalayas to take control of the water resources are all lies and their invasion of Indian territory is all hogwash....... lol. 

    The institution of behaviour passports on their own citizens linked to their bank accounts is merely Western propaganda...... The Chinera- experimentation in their gene- labs is all ethical and above board and so it the Wuhan lab ........ all ethical, pure and clean. 

    Saw pictures yesterday of  700 year old Muslim mosque with its minarets removed, Chinese letters on it and the dome removed. It looks like a good old communistic building. Saw a few photos of a few mosques which have been "renovated".  

    Worship of the state is now required...... 


  5. 13 hours ago, Space Merchant said:

    f the Holy Scripture as Hate Speech,

    In China they rewrote the bible......and replaced worship of jesus with Xi Ping photos in churches. and in the west they are busy forming a new religion for us - which will unite all people supposedly. 


    World religions, UN unite for book on faith and action for the Earth | Earthbeat | National Catholic Reporter (ncronline.org)

    This should set you thinking - we will be required to put faith in mother earth with the new environmental goals of UN.

  6. 3 hours ago, Space Merchant said:

    but it seems there is going to be a mass exploit of the situation to be used on religious folks. More so granted there has been another attack on the First Amendment,

    All international laws have been broken in the rolling out of this.  Have you noticed they have made decrees but it is not passed through the congress and it is not law in the regular sense  but "mandates" from Biden - given to all companies to comply.  I think they are afraid to make it law because then they are breaking international laws such as the nuremburg laws.

    This whole thing is driven by getting companies to comply.  Most people need to work and later when they bring in passports and ID 2020 ,,,,,, one will definitely not be able to buy or sell. So most will comply.  I think the realization will start when people develop immunity disorders and cancers (more than usual - long-term effects will be bad) and they are requested to get regular boosters. 

    Yes - they will come for religion - most Christians are talking about the jab as the 'mark of the beast' and especially the gun-carrying conservative Christians will be targeted. This is why our peace loving organization is complying because I am sure Jehovah is directing them. They are also putting the Kingdom work first - keep on providing food at the proper time.  JWs will go down after we bring the "message". 

    Individuals like me, who have health issues and understand that this "sleever" can mean my death, may go to prison before the others. I understand and accept that.  The world is going to turn nasty soon. They will let us free for a little while and then the "climate lockdowns and restrictions" will start.   These people are determined to get their will done.

    Thanks to Jehovah.... they only rule "for one hour".

    (I was a little miffed tonight when I attended midweek meeting ... there is a Russian brother that always refers to the "sleever" ... basically he is a proponent of it ... and very self-righteous in his promotions.  I felt like asking him if he would take responsibility for my death if I felt pressured to do what he says!   But my silence prevailed.... LOL

  7. The Russian orthodox church is the state religion and they are building back communism better with building the "national family" ....... nationalism. Religion is the vehicle to build a strong family and family values.  (Hitler also built the family through nationalism). The philosopher in Russia whom all are following is Alexander Dugan. A staunch proponent of the Russian orthodox.church.  Any foreign religious entity will now have a target on it's back.

    Russia is the King of North - with its allies. While China is threatening peace in the far east with the  possibility of invading Taiwan...... and strutting its strength all over the area, Russia is showing its muscles in the Balkans and Black Sea area.  Instead of "peace" it has taken a little "piece " of land here and there..... just like Germany did some 80 years back. 

    Regarding NATO, Russia is issuing regular warnings..... I suspect that problems could erupt in the Balkans because Russia is supporting the aggressive stance of Russian orthodox countries. 

    Humans do not learn from history....... most don't learn from biblical history either. ...

  8. 9 minutes ago, Pudgy said:

    Could be worse, could be overlapping cows.

    Read my answer above - reply to that in a LOGICAL way please - without the ridicule........ that is - if you are capable of answering without ridicule.  Because many people  use ridicule when they are ineffective.  I see a confused emoji there - so I guess that is the only answer I will get. 

  9. I was thinking:  young men who arrived in Babylon during the first group of EXILES were about 15 years old... they were educated and lived in Babylon...... many of them (except Daniel) had died out during the 70 years of exile.... 

    Many of the EXILED generation were born and died in Babylon and many of them were born (let us say) ten years before the return to Jerusalem with their parents. Due to their different overlapping  ages,   their experiences regarding the exile were different BUT they were still living in the EXilic generation. The new age groups learnt about their homeland and temple from their parents and listened to stories from their grandfathers about Jerusalem and true worship of Jehovah at the temple.  This created a longing to go back in the new age groups. 

    The EXILES returned home to Jerusalem - a home they had never seen !  They instituted  pure worship after rebuilding the temple  Were they called EXILES from Babylon? Yes.  Did they view themselves as exiles in Babylon - even if they were born there? Yes. BUT THEY WERE NOT THE ORIGINAL EXILES......... THEY WERE PART OF THE OVERLAPPING GENERATION (THE DIFFERENT AGES) WHO MADE UP THE GENERATION who experienced different parts of the exile AND  WERE CALLED EXILES! 

    Someone who reads a lot of history understand this concept very well..... but many people do not read history. This is why we also speak of empires. Empires can last hundreds of years with a certain dynasty ruling..... but this empire usually has many individual rulers. The PERIOD is clumped together because the time is defined by many similar characteristics! And one dynasty ruling.

  10. 19 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    But if your grand child is going to watch ex-JW material it is easily possible that your influence (regarding the WTJWorg doctrine) will not be of any use.  On the other hand, every effort you would make to make a child an honest and responsible person is commendable.

    I used my example to illustrate how 4 generations could be living at the same time and have influence on 4 generations.  Your reply is an excellent example of changing the subject and using it for an excercise in mindless redicule -  hate-OCD at play.....

  11. 7 minutes ago, JW Insider said:
    9 minutes ago, Arauna said:


    I don't understand how we could be living together with

    You are right... I read too fast! But say, I die and my grandchild is 10 years old.... there is enough time to have an influence in the life of that child - to teach them about jehovah.... so there is yourself, your son and his son..... three overlapping  generations on earth together... and when people have children young,  it can become 4 generations if the first lives long enough. And the great grandfather can have an influence on all four generations! Just as the bible says!

  12. On 4/10/2021 at 2:46 PM, JW Insider said:

    fear that less physical gathering would result in more drifting, too much video content, less local participation and enthusiasm.

    Those who would have dropped out (even with physical attendance) would drop out.  ... because it shows what motivation  is in the heart. It is easier not to have to travel to meetings and many interested ones find it easier to attend online. Video's are very popular with the young ones - so adapting to the medium which suits them, is a very good idea!

  13. 18 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    se who do not acknowledge Jesus Christ and God and their rule, it is the Kingdom of Heaven.

    So, in that sense, the verdict/judgement was passed a long time ago and no "Judgment Day" is needed as a separate period of time in which people should be tried on the basis of some other criteria. For, according to such an interpretation, Armageddon is the only real turning point for

    As you know, I preached amongst Muslims.  The bible clearly indicates (notthe GB) that one has to accept the ransom sacrifice and have faith in the resurrection of Jesus to be raised yourself!  Muslims as well as other religions do NOT accept the death of Christ.  So you can decide what you think!  While many of them are very sweet they do not believe in the concept of sin.  They just want the mercy of god!

    The judgment Day is not what people think!  Judgment does NOT just have the meaning of giving punishment.  If you go to court- BOTH sides are heard to give a final judgment.  It will be the same under Christ's kingdom.  Those unrighteous ones who have a resurrection will be taught from the new scrolls that will be opened. They will be judged according to their deeds after learning the truth!.

    Ezekiel 9 talks about the angel with the inkpot that will mark everyone for survival through Armageddon. We are in this period right now!  The winds of destruction are being held back for the 144000 to be sealed and also for the great crowd to be marked!   We are marked according to our Christian personality.   Most other Christian denominations are ready to fight with their guns and are ready to stand up to the government (get politically involved!) which is the mark of the beast! .......Is that displaying the "christian personality"?  So you judge JWs when we say that few will be saved through Armageddon..... but the bible itself says this!  The bible itself says they must have the name of the father AND the son!   If you read your bible regularly you will feel guilty over any behavior that is unacceptable to Jehovah and adjust it according to the righteous standards of God - being NICE is NOT the criteria!      Accepting Jehovah and his Son means that we also accept those "principles " which most people find tedious and unnecessary!


  14. 5 hours ago, Pudgy said:

    SHOW a better track record than they have, to me they are the most probable option.

    The GB's continuous self-aggrandizement and self appointments

    So this is the greatest sin on earth ..... ?    A record of murder, deceit, grand theft as well as moral corruption is not worse?...... Because if you want me to identify most religions on earth and what their track record is then I have quite a few interesting world religions and some off-shoots for you! .... and what their track records are.   But you also have hate-OCD.  You only focus your hate on one group... that is plain for all to see!


  15. On 10/9/2021 at 11:44 PM, TrueTomHarley said:

    Now we are engaged in a great civil war,

    Yes - manufactured by modern philosophies.  Without Jehovah's standards of "good and bad" (morality) all human endeavors will fail.

    When I read about the Nano-science they are busy with and ready to put into us - I shudder to think that these people have not respect for life and definitely NO moral conscience.  Mankind has turned evil and money and greed has made it so!

  16. On 10/10/2021 at 2:20 AM, Pudgy said:

    Although he did not understand enough to realize who Jehovah and Christ Jesus really were

    He is like the man who hung next to Jesus - he will learn about everything when he gets a resurrection. Jehovah loves those who repent of their opposition to him and take a new road in life. Who bend their personalities to please his principled ways. 

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