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Everything posted by Arauna

  1. Adam and Eve knew what was right and wrong BEFORE they ate of the tree of good and bad Unfortunately many JWs are not aware of this - not taught well. We have free choice as a gift from jehovah..... We can can choose to do so many things as long as it remains within the "right and wrong" boundaries of Jehovah..... that is: in every situation one has choice to do the morally correct action in line with your conscience, holy spirit and the principles of from jehovah. Adam and eve had the inclination to do what is right..... until they seared their conscience How do we know Adam and eve understood right from wrong? Morality? Jesus was a perfect human on earth. He was surrounded by thieves, revilers, prostitutes and even satan who tempted him...... but he was not tempted to do wrong but in each situation CHOSE to do the right action. He never seared his conscience, did not speak from his own origin and did not violate the law - not because he was programmed to do what is right but because he exercised FREE WILL and CHOICE. Could he have sinned? Yes..... but he exercised his choices in the most difficult of situations - setting a wonderful example for us. So what does it mean that "adam became like us " knowing good and bad........ it means that they have made themselves like God to choose their own morality - they rejected the good and bad limits jehovah had set on them. From this point forward mankind was doomed because they would now rule themselves and create religions and philosophies to manage societies. All would fail to bring true peace, security and happiness. Soon the outcome of Adam's wilful choice of independence will reach the final conclusion: We have freedom in everything but jehovah created us to be part of him.... to do this we must remain within the moral boundaries he set for us, stay close to Him in his love and remain Holy. But we will do this by free will because we realize that to choose to be separate from him will distort us. We are free and yet bound to Him in a loving way. Jehovah is not a dictator. He wants us to realize that we should choose by free will to willingly choose his moral values because it is the only beneficial thing for mankind. Only if all people willingly show self-sacrificing love like Jesus can we bring happiness and harmony to earth. Self-sacrifice means that we will not use our free will to be selfish, choose out own way or ne hurtful to others in any way....
  2. Accusations, accusations like Satan. It is merely your opinion..... God had tremendous patience with the Israelites but sent them into exile because they were not keeping the Sabbath years, divorcing their wives and taking foreign wives, they were breaking the laws of God by taking property off the vulnerable, defrauding, divorcing and corrupting justice for the poir apart from all the disgusting false gods. I have seen no practice of this.... so you are more than a false accuser.... but I leave God to judge that. ....
  3. I do not agree with this statement. from the insight: The expression “tree of life” is used with regard to true wisdom, the fruitage of the righteous, the realization of a thing desired, and calmness of the tongue; it is also associated with the crown of life. (Pr 3:18; 11:30; 13:12; 15:4; Re 2:7, 10) They were put outside the garden because they had eaten from the tree Jehovah said they may not eat. There is no way he would guarantee their everlasting life if they had not passed the test. The tree of life did not have inherent life-giving properties in its fruit - BUT it represented gods guarantee of everlasting life to those he would allow to eat of its fruit Gen 2:9; 3:22 Your speculations are not correct my dear
  4. No - you are saying that - perfect example of twisting....... not a reasoning person.... so I think I am done with you.... you are interested only in being contentious as I clearly said before!
  5. That is only a false accusation. If we really had a decent discussion and not just OCD accusations , you may just discover that your statement is false. Logical thinking is not your forte - that is why you always just attach in a blind fashion - which is the crux of your MO. False assumptions and baseless blanket attacks.
  6. I did not say you stand against God. I said against Jehovah. .... there is a difference you know!
  7. Witness has been on here a loooong time. (patience has not been on here so long). I do feel bad because I have no more patience with them ..... because they are such deceivers. I actually prefer to go on the "closed side" right now so that I need not deal with these kind of pathological people. I accidentally stumbled on here again. I prefer the other side where there is a better spirit to deal with.
  8. He is obsessed with the GB (ad will use any excuse to get at them) ... that is why I call his mental illness Hate-OCD...... it is not a normal obsession against child abuse because, as you say, he will be having a war against all organizations who are really actively involved with this and have actually approved this! There is a present a split in the Catholic church because all the good priests are losing their jobs and the immoral priests are running the show.... I am sure he is not on their websites trolling them!
  9. You wanted me to change the subject by feeling all sorry for you. It was a bad ploy to use on me and then you try to shame me for calling you out! lol.... I have suffered a lot in my life too - very nasty stuff but it has made me kinder to the true underdogs and also less quick to judge others on face value! Good for you that you have a little sympathy for others......even if you acquired this quality only by your own suffering.... Your hardline stance against Jehovah does not seem to credit you as capable of deep love... your blanket and false accusations show you up for who you are! You have been measured and your hate has made you to be found wanting, my dear!
  10. I knew you were playing that card, I do not like to be manipulated by a viper.
  11. Who do you blame for that? The GB? - most probable you will..... someone has to suffer because of what happened to you, HEH? Your own poison is worse than the abuse you suffered. You will never be healed from what happened to you because of your poison. You were a victim .... but remain one......because you bring pain to other innocent people....
  12. hate-OCD in action! Ignore the above. It is the same as all the other comments!
  13. Yea, People like you are here... so of course it does not look united. I can name a few very controversial people on here who are apostate and make us look disunited.... lol.... I wonder how you could not figure that out for yourself? Either you are handicapped in some way or wish to ignore what is front of your eyes......
  14. I am happy to hear from our brothers what is going on in Russia. I have seen videos where they stage the Russian raids like theatre in Russia. They go into the homes like the brothers are real terrorists (with guns) and everyone in the street gets this theatre so as to be frightened of our brothers. They know our brothers do not have guns or do not vote but they do this to make everyone hate us. Why should we translate the court documents? We can rather use our time to preach! Those who want that kind of research can have them translated. It is enough to know that the orthodox church (hate for Jehovah's name) and nationalism is behind this hate of JW's. If you want to know more about this please investigate what alexander Dugan says about the orthodox church. His Eurasian nationalism and love for the orthodox church has brought in this new philosophy of church to build a national identity! Putin, all the Russian generals and leaders listen to his advice.
  15. Hate-OCD again. Blanket Accusations and more blanket empty accusations - without substance.
  16. You obviously did not understand what you were reading because this is a false accusation... MMMM Millions now living may never die but may live through Armageddon. You do not know what control is. Like a typical spoilt child which attacks without thinking.... tut tut... You have NOOO clue what true control control is.
  17. changing the subject! There is a big difference between showing virtue and being a nation over the entire globe!
  18. Some urinate all over the precious truth as revealed by Jehovah to his people...... but jehovah will soon make their houses into privvy houses. ... I recently read that scripture again somewhere. .... Yes, we cannot talk against our own best interests by going against jehovah's wishes. I often feel I am too outspoken and should tread more carefully too.... for in case someone gets the wrong impression about the Truth. But as you say there is enough manure here that can colour the cleanest class of truth. I noticed recently the scripture you quoted said " with" spirit and truth. I thought about it and realized that we must also be connected to jehovah by His holy spirit. If we are outside his approved presence here in the forecourt of his temple on earth then we will not walk by his Spirit.
  19. True. Miracles are rare. I would say a miracle is an unexplained event which has extremely beneficial results. That is a good definition. Now compare that to the miracle of Jehovahs people unitedly and in bonds of love are only promoting His ruling Kingdom. ..... while the whole world is in a state of growing violence, disunity and anarchy.
  20. I totally understand. You will se miracle happening in front of your eyes and will turn around and say: "it should not have happened on the sabbath!"
  21. Frankly, I do not care if Scholar is someone else with a double personality or this one is that one is not who they pretend to be! I say what I think ... and agree here and there....... I do not fall for personality or for so-called scholarliness ......so leave my so-called gullibility our of it!
  22. How about the miracle that there is ONE nation on the entire planet which is united? ,,,,, while the rest of the world is getting more and more divided. Israel had an uncircumcised heart and did not recognize some of the miracles in front of its eyes! What about preaching about this kingdom rule in the entire world! Mth 24:14
  23. You cannot see a difference between theon and theos (One means God and the other a god.) Some languages have a different letter to show indefinite article (a) and some omit it all together to show indefinite - such as semetic languages.
  24. True, we know when Jesus started ruling invisibly and we know we are deep in the time of the end... but the Day of Jehovah is getting closer as the alert watchman is seeing signs of activity by the enemy. But the actual Day of Jehovah is still a mystery!
  25. Now tell me you do not have hate - OCD. Same MO over and over.....
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