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Everything posted by Arauna

  1. Scripture taken out of context: “Lord, are you restoring the kingdom to Israel at this time?”i 7 He said to them: “It does not belong to you to know the times or seasons that the Father has placed in his own jurisdiction. They were not even yet anointed when they asked this question. They would understand things better a little later once they received holy spirit. Down the stream of time we have enough other evidence and many prophecies to help us to see where we are in the stream of time right now! And talking about "seasons" - Jesus also referred to the budding fig tree. One can know the season (but not the day) when the fig buds. Of course the TIME was too far off for the 12 apostles because the Messiah had just arrived! - they would not understand. Further down the stream of time disciples would be able to understand the season is ripe with the fruits (signs). This does not mean we will ever know the DAY and HOUR because only Jehovah knows when the issue of human rulership has been proven to be devastating to mankind beyond reasonable doubt and requires his intervention. This we do definitely not know! We can see we are here (the season has arrived) but we do not know how deep this tribulation will be allowed to develop. By all indications things are really speeding up! The figs are getting riper and riper and the pregnant lady are in birth pains every minute and will not go onto 12 months! LOL. The watchman must be standing on his post and keeping alert! One of the largest banks in China failed this week. (Lehman brothers type). Soon USA will have food shortages and energy crisis! The tribulation is growing and fear for the future! T deny what is in front of your eyes is to deny that figs can get ripe!
  2. definitely - it is useless to throw pearls before the dogs - ta-ta
  3. I can tell, you quote the bible but have not read your bible in quite some years! When I read Revelation, I see doom and gloom for those not offering up pure worship to Jehovah and SURVIVAL for those who do worship in Spirit and truth,,,,, So the good news amplifies for those who want to be obedient servants and brings joy, which is a fruit of the Spirit of god.
  4. Seems you are also a person with hate-OCD........ H...gh ... one recognizes these kind of people so fast... because they always attack when there is a breaks down in the logical thinking.... this is the MO.
  5. Yea - but only in one region - not world wide. These policies now ongoing is on a GLOBAL scale - NOTHING like this before!
  6. Yea but Jesus said the DAY and HOUR no one knows - he did not say you will know nothing! He gave many clear signs and indicated that the image of the beast will be ruling - like it is now! Some governments are now openly talking of the NWO such as 2 ministers in Australia this week - openly saying cooperation with the NWO is needed - it is ruling! So we just have to wait for a few more milestones such as turning against religions. The buying.....not being able to buy or sell is on its way to be fulfilled! So what more do you need to know that the fig blooms are showing that the season is here! when the bog day is np -ne knows but the signs are here!
  7. Well - 1914 is the year that Jesus was crowned as king invisibly in heaven and is backed by prophecy and real-time events. 2034 is a date that is merely speculative as the pushback here has shown. But this does not mean that people cannot give their ideas. You have to agree on one thing...... at least acknowledge that we have never had this situation in the entire world before ! One of lock down! already for 18 months! Something is happening !
  8. Agreed - but you judge others on all kind of false accusations! You know who is called the Accuser in the bible!
  9. We are NOT pushing for a date an time. If you cannot recognize what is going on in the world right now as the fig that is flowering then: woe to you!
  10. I speculate too! ... about 120 years...... We are all eager to see how things are coming to fruition. BUT what is happening in the world right now - lockdowns for health reasons and lock downs (soon coming) for environmental reasons with a counterfeit final government forming (a new world order or great reset of all social and ruling precedents), which will oppose Jehovah's incoming king and declare they are capable with their technology of bringing peace and "security"..... This is definitely going on and and a good indication of how far we already are into the time of the end. The great Day of Jehovah is coming near! Lift up your heads when you see these things starting to happen! I do not set my heart on dates BUT when people scoff - I say that the generation before the flood was 120 years.... so wait and see! The world reset is being pushed at an alarming rate at present! Maybe I should say nothing about what I think..... so as not to mislead people.... but I put it down on paper for people to weigh. If it is a feather - it will blow away and nothing will come of it but if it has substance one will see the fulfillment of it. I cannot unknow what I know - I have been a keen watcher of world events for a long time!
  11. Thanks for honesty! I am South African - we always come over strong-like. I do not get emotional about anything at all ( it may look that way), when he and those with hate-OCD say untrue things or accuse. I recognize it for what it is - a useless exercise against Jehovah and his people!
  12. What is wrong with me? please say honestly. I will not take offence..... I unfortunately do not have patience with those who have PROVEN themselves enemies of God. These are not innocent people who have been misled. They promote disobedience to God... their sin seems to be equal to that of Adam!
  13. I do field service regularly - just like before .... so we have turned to digital preaching.
  14. Ha- - are those the only scriptures you can up with? lol. I can show you the real ones but I do not waste my time... you have proven you are not sincere.
  15. The premier sign of hate - OCD........is the following symptom.: no matter what the subject ..... you shall find a way to push your hate agenda - related to the subject or not. The subject is irrelevant -it is the overpowering desire of hate that always wins and its repetitive nature of the disorder.
  16. I agree with sustainable development goals. Which person who loves the earth do not want this to take place? However, the global rich (show have an agreement with the UN) want an inventory of all animals, persons, food, water, energy, (all resources) so they can allocate to you food etc. according to your carbon record which they will measure (a carbon credit system etc.) Unfortunately the very people who want to control all people are the very same corporations/billionaires, who are responsible for all the environmental damage in the first place. The databases they will have on each person will take up tremendous energy to ,maintain... their own plans are not sustainable...... and they have a plan to get rid of a lot of people too! One of their old videos ( promoting agenda 2021) basically says - there are too many people on earth vying for resources.....
  17. I think there are 6 scriptures referring to the disgusting thing of destruction standing in the holy place.... Rome first decimated all surrounding cities before it came for Jerusalem. Similarly today the modern day disgusting thing will decimate before it turns on the people of Jehovah. The UN is this destructive force. They are destroying fresh water dams in USA - letting fresh water run into the sea and soon to remove dams. Farmers will not have water.... supply chains of meat are decimated etc. .... all for their Agenda 2030 plan. Much decimation and suffering lies ahead. Jehovah will judge these elites pushing this new secular world order.
  18. Exactly - I now live in a country where only one letter is changed to indicate if it is a definite article or not. This changes the meaning. It is NOT the same..... no matter how technical you try to get! ! Aranic is the same. AL-kalb - means the....dog AL- in front of a word. No AL means it is "a" dog Meaning? Different......
  19. What you do not seem to know is that Russel was NOT part of the slave. His group of bible students were like John the Baptist - they prepared the way. So there your argument flies out of the window even before we start to talk about the subject if he was "inspired' or not. .
  20. Theo-n and theo-s. See the difference? These are the two words in the scripture discussed above. One means God and the other "a god"
  21. As I have mentioned on this forum before - during the 18th century there was a new craze in Europe regarding pyramids and papyri from Egypt. many Christian denominations tried to see something prophetic in the pyramids. The founder of the Mormon religion bought a papyri and pretended it was a letter from Abraham when it was a portion of a Book of the Dead which came with a mummy.. He pretended to translate the papyrus and the 'Book of Abraham' was born. many people were fascinated and listened to him. it has now been proven to be a fabrication and yet many people still believe it. Why? because the science of Egyptology only opened up when Napoleon went to Egypt - so the craze for anything Egyptian was the craze of the age. It was the new science. The Egyptian script was translated by Champollion. So if you know this history - you will see all of the above history in its historical context.......... but alas! there is a short-sightedness that no-one will be able to cure!
  22. True - I do not take you guys seriously at all. I like to learn new things all the time but for a reasonable time now there are only OCD echo's and very little to really think or talk about or learn.
  23. Of course - and it is spot-on. Most apostates suffer from this compulsive behaviour of hate for everything to do with JWs. It is totally irrational and all answers are the same.... motivated by hate.
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