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Everything posted by Arauna

  1. That could be a dangerous attitude...... dismissiveness can ensure you are caught off guard. Both humans and satan went after their own desires. True, the entire system is now deceitful, gaslighting and have sinister goals. You do not understand the love of jehovah and his son. Why did God send his son? Why did his son give his life as sacrifice? For us to appreciate this incredible gift - what God has done - we can only give our total devotion to him in integrity and by free will and prove faithful.
  2. This includes his purpose and how it is slowly coming to fruition. My brother did some research on the Name and sent me a lot of information recently. But I will only copy only the piece below. This proves that Yehovah gave himself a very rare and unique name. Moses could not have thought up this name even if he wanted to! Whole Roots Most Hebrew roots are "whole" roots meaning all three letters of the root are present regardless of how the root is used in different grammatical forms. For example, the Hebrew root SH.M.R. has the basic meaning "to guard". Hebrew can use this root in dozens of ways, each with a different shade of meaning, such as the verbs SHaMaRti "I guarded" and hiShaMeR "be careful" (be on guard), the noun miSHMeRet meaning "duty" (which a person has to be on guard to keep), and the names SheMeR and SHoMRon. As a "whole" root, the letters shin mem resh are always present in words derived from this root. Hollow Roots The opposite of a "whole" root, is a "hollow" root. In "hollow" roots, one or more of the three letters of the root can be absent in certain grammatical forms. For example, the root BNH "to build" loses the third letter of the root in the verb baniti (spelled BNYty) "I built". In this form of the verb, the H of BNH drops and is replaced by a Yod. If you didn't know about hollow verbs, and saw the word baniti, you might think the root was BNY, when in fact it is BNH. Yehovah is from a Hollow Root The name Yehovah derives from the three-letter root HYH which means "to be". We know this from Ex 3:14 in which the Almighty explains his name as "Ehyeh Asher Ehyeh". The word Ehyeh is an "imperfect" verb from the root HYH meaning "to be". In later Hebrew, the "imperfect" form took on the meaning of "future", but in Biblical Hebrew it primarily expresses a repetitive action. In plain English, Ehyeh means "I am now and I will continue to be in the future". This is why Ehyeh Asher Ehyeh can be translated as "I am that which I am", but also as "I will be that which I will be". Both of these translations are correct, even if they are a bit inaccurate. An accurate translation would be: "I am now, and will continue to be in the future, that which I am now, and will be continue to be in the future". That's quite a mouthful, and you can see why most translations prefer to dumb it down. The word eHYeH has all three letters of the root HYH, which may lead you to conclude that HYH is a "whole" root. However, in other forms of the verb, the second and third letter drop, which means it is a "hollow" root. For example, HaYiti (spelled HYYty) "I was", is missing the third letter of the root H, and in its place, has a Yod. On the other hand, the masculine singular imperative Heveh (pronounced Heh Vay) "be!", is missing the second letter of the root, and in its place, has a Vav. This last piece of information is crucial, because it means in certain forms, the root looks like HVH, even though in fact it is HYH. This can be confusing because there is an unrelated root which really is HVH, which has an entirely different meaning from HYH. Yehovah comes from the same root as Ehyeh: the hollow root HYH. Yehovah is actually a combination of three verbforms: Hayah "he was", Hoveh "he is", and Yih'yeh "he is now and will continue to be in the future". Together Hayah, Hoveh, and Yih'yeh combine into the name Yehovah. This to me is so beautiful about his name! ... and of course is connected to his purpose!
  3. It is all about us - if we will be faithful by free will...... but what if the government takes your free will away?
  4. I wish to bring to your attention that the original writer above quoted most of Revelation 20. Straight from the word of God which in this chapter Rev 20 is quite clear to understand. It is clear also what is symbolic and literal. Revelation 19 indicates the day of Jehovah when jesus and angelic armies fight those who persecuted earthly subjects who were loyal to the heavenly kingdom. Similarly at the end of the 1000 years each perfected person will have the same test which Adam and Eve had - also as perfect people. The choice will be between Jehovah's "good and bad" and human independence from Jehovah / self-will to choose own rulership and own moral standards of good and bad .... j We are experiencing the results of independence from Jehovahs moral standards today...... but some never learn!
  5. Perfect people who have rejected God have lost their ability to show remorse because Jehovah does not give his spirit to them any longer. They are spiritually in darkness. This is why we as Imperfect people must be so careful. While we have the grace of Christ's ransom to cover us - we can still sin in the likeness of Adam.
  6. That your assumptions are wrong because it does not fit in with the rest of the bible. The perfect angels who sinned did not show remorse and neither did Satan or Adam. In fact there is good indication that those who were perfect and chose to sin do not show remorse. It remains a imperfect postulation. Jehovah has given us everything we need to logically think about the bible. There is no evidence that angels repent in fact it is states several times that they all will be removed forever! Srecko unfortunately is thinking emotionally. He would like all the wicked angels to be forgiven........ demonist thoughts.... taking sides of demons. No doubt unintentionally - but still very bad thinking...
  7. They did not have remorse..... the bible does not show this. Neither does Satan have remorse. ..... so you are working from a misconception and blaming God for putting them out of the paradise where everything was easy. God does not bring evil over anyone..... but they bring it over themselves by selfishly putting their own desires first - before God! God is not unjust James 1: 13-15
  8. . There is mitochondrial DNA and the number of generations can be counted. It is from this they determine that all people on earth are related through one woman. Pudgy, evolutionist theorists always give big numbers for hunter gatherer epochs - without much evidence. Then they also put the start of agriculture in a long period - whatever suits their theory. However, urbanization (meaning cities and civilization) goes back only 6000 years, some say 8000 at most. This is much in line with the start of city- states next to large rivers and canals to plant food such as Sumerian culture, Babylon and Harappa cultures. Even Egypt existed next to a large river which gave food to cities and transport. Close to cities one found diversity of jobs such as a priest class, scribes, and those who manufactured pottery, textiles and of course animal husbandry. Cities brought wealth. We see in time of Lot that 5 kings from the east came and carried Lott and his family away..... Abraham took his 300 slaves and went after them in war. To get them back. Cities brought large wars and eventually empires.. . After the flood, in Abraham's time there were many cities but the nomadic lifestyle was still viable with abundant free open land. Later it became more crowded as isaac experienced some problems with the wells his father had built. Groups of people were encroaching on each other. After abraham left Ur it was destroyed. Early history is filled with war and peoples taken captive as slaves. Pottery and items in trash is still a good way to identify civilizations and how they traded with each other.
  9. I do not trust any earthly organization any longer. Propaganda is now running the earth and leading to armageddon as Revelation 16:14-16 says. I realized this when they removed all articles from internet which suggested in came from a lab more than 14 months ago. I also realized something was amiss when certain medicines which are safe (which I use for my RA and have been safe for 70 years! ) saved my own life .... that something is seriously amiss with science and that science (fauci kind) is rogue science. I will not go into detail because these things are still banned. All I know is the rulers who are now ruling - they made an agreement with the UN two years ago. They are the most powerful pharmaceutical, energy, food etc companies in the world. WEF. When the dr who developed the MRNA tech was silenced and other virus researchers and bat researchers were silenced by big pharma and tech and their material removed by internet - I knew something serious was amiss. People do not really believe that the world is now run by psychopaths who have a transgender and trans-humanist agenda. Read up about the WEF and the 4th industrial revolution..... that is all I will say. Most cannot believe that humans can be so evil - but jehovah warned us that the world is run by Satan. When the world is now mostly atheist etc we are seeing that science is not used for the benefit of mankind but for more sinister agendas. The world does has had many conspiracies! Since ancient times there have been conspiracies. Banks conspire behind the scenes about rates - some have been caught! Caesar was killed by a conspiracy etc etc. We have conspiracies! This is a clever ploy to get people to accept what they are told and not think for themselves or to be branded different! There was a conspiracy to silence those who said that Corona came from a lab! Who was responsible for that conspiracy ..... some nutcases.... or the stable part of society we always trusted! I remember a time when most Germans were afraid to be different and went along with the narrative ... and we all know what that led to! The time of testing is here! https://www.escr-net.org/news/2019/corporate-capture-global-governance-wef-un-partnership-threatens-un-system#:~:text=Signed in June%2C the agreement,the UN and the WEF.&text=“This agreement between the UN,corporate capture of the UN.
  10. Who can prove that you and your friends who agree with you are NOT following your own desires.
  11. So has the catholic church....... but ...One first has to identify the time period we are living in according to Daniel 11. And Revelation 13 and 18, 19. One has to identify the Image of the beast and how close it has come to rule. Then one can identify where we are in stream of time and who is the king of the North in this time.
  12. They just identify - they do not do political discussion. Their job is to identify and to teach only the bible - How to get through Armageddon.
  13. I know who they are - just watch the news with discernment. The GB gives us the information and gives biblical reasons for it. You are also supposed to do self study too. They just tell us the " image of the beast" is the UN and give biblical reasons for it. You can watch the UN yourself. If they say the King of the north is Russia - you can watch it for yourself. They cannot write a political magazine. They write only what is Biblical and discreet - especially now in the time when the political propaganda is so messed up. The bible gives us what we need to remain faithful. This is the GB main goal.... to teach us the bible and help us to be faithful. After Armageddon we will see how Jehovah predicted everything spot on. Those who have been watching international affairs are not bothered by the propaganda - we know what is going on. I can witness to the fact that the "image of the beast" identification is spot on! The GB identified it correctly!
  14. Moses was a prince before and well-educated. He was the chosen one of Jehovah. Something to say when they came up against him.... Yet, when others treated him badly he remained mild tempered. So why can we not comply without a temperamental attitude. This attitude beats me. I have told sisters who work with me in Arabic field (preaching to Islamic people) to wear a long dress with sleeves - no matter how hot it is. They can wear a long cotton dress. Why? I understand the Islam culture and how it may affect their attention to our message and respect for women. These sisters could become difficult if they want to - but I will not take them along. Am I a dictator ? ...or am I watching out for them, for Jehovah and our message!
  15. People also come from very diverse backgrounds with tattoos allover, tattoos in their hair and previously had no sense of what is decent or common...... I met a young man on field service with God is dead tattooed on his shaven head in georgia. We had an interesting conversation....
  16. The bible indicates that it was offspring of Abraham who first received this instruction to cut the foreskin. So obviously everyone was born with a foreskin. This was an indication to Abraham's offspring of the promise. Moses later wrote it down as part of the Law. It is obvious that Adam was born with his foreskin.....and that an effort had to be made to take it off! LOL. I never thought I would ever hear this absurd quest for proof - LOL
  17. Very popular in Sweden and all over Europe now...... but for those who serve Jehovah this is not appropriate.
  18. Albania was a communist country before. People were forced to cut all beards because they did not tolerate Islam - which likes untidy beards. Here is Albania a neat beard is acceptable because of the past history here. We met a very religious south African man in Rep. of Georgia and still keep contact. He has what we call in my language a small goat beard. A small pointy beard. If he ever had to become a JW, his beard will be too weird to keep. There are many kinds of beards that are not acceptable as meeting the neat criteria because it looks cult-like or weird and may identify one with weird practices. Manbuns are not acceptable for the same reason.
  19. It was part of the Abrahamic covenant before it became law. So he was done as a baby, I guess. No instant cameras or FB then! lol
  20. What a caring husband you are! Thanks for the information. Yes, I also believe in empowering myself with knowledge of natural medicine because most doctors were raised on the mothers milk of big pharma. Doctors who believe in natural supplementation etc are now called quacks..... and the situation in the world is such that they are openly making war on natural health products and doctors who speak truth - with the help of big tech. Cancelling articles and even books which can save lives... The world is in Satan's control more than ever before!
  21. From what I remember in the bible reading - it was a death sentence to not be circumcised. Moses did not take care as meticulously as he should have. His wife was astute and saved the day!
  22. My reply is on record for all to see. Reasonable people will look, see and learn and they will then recognize the trolls, the hate-OCD personalities. I need not reply to hate. Reasonableness and understanding of the law is needed.... and why theft laws are in place...... this is clear for all to see. Whether these laws will be enforced with justice is another matter. The legal system in USA is crumbling.
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