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Posts posted by Arauna

  1. 7 hours ago, Anna said:

    way this could happen is if they all became socialist dictatorships.....and then banned all forms if religion,

    The united nations is bringing in an electronic money system and a covid-19 passport dictatorship which will surveille everyone - including what they will buy or sell. 3rd world countries are now receiving help from the IMF etc to survive Corona.  There are predatory strings attached to them receiving financial help.  They have to tow the line. It is very possible that by 2030 the UN Agenda 2030 will be fully implemented.  Biden is accelerating UN Agenda 2030 with all his executive orders for sustainable development. The emergency powers given by Trump has played into the hands of the World Economic Forum - which has an agreement with UN to assist with money to have the UN plan implemented ........ to bring world 'peace and security' and the earth saved by "sustainability'........

  2. https://www.jw.org/en/library/magazines/ws20130715/jesus-parable-wheat-and-weeds/

    Just to clarify: The weeds have been separated since 1914. Matthew 13:42... at Armageddon those weeds still living are thrown into the fire.... 

    6 hours ago, BroRando said:

    re already dying the second death of everlasting destruction. 

    Al humans are in state of death but these do not have a future if they have sinned against the spirit of Jehovah. This leads to 2nd death when they die - prior, or during armageddon.


    7 hours ago, Anna said:

    We used to say that Babylon the great was  "destroyed" in 1914 because

    We used to say it has 'fallen' - because its false teachings were widely exposed and the true wheat were freed from its false teachings.  It will be destroyed at Armageddon.


  3. 4 hours ago, BroRando said:

    Al l the tribes of the earth are beating beat themselves in grief. 

    I do not completely agree - wait until there are food shortages and more lockdowns etc.... and more tyranny.  This is the beginning of the great tribulation.  If you know what happened in Jerusalem lockdowns (sieges) then you will have a good inkling of what is waiting for mankind on a worldwide scale.

  4. 11 hours ago, BroRando said:

    There was an Arabic term used in Biblical times when a Ruler fell from grace, the term used was 'His Heaven has Fallen!"

    TH-L-M is 3 letters in Arabic. (TH is pronounced like ' the' in English.      Thalaam means darkness and THULM is injustice.  These two words use the same consonants. 

    For me it is fascinating that darkness (no light) is equated with injustice.  There will be terrible despair and mental darkness when the world is without the justice which comes from Jehovah.  He created us to live with his brand of justice ...... not this culture of sexual justice, color-of-your- skin justice,  and much more which is now the new philosophy permeating the entire western world and its justice system.

    What is more - this type of justice will be forced onto all mankind and humans with different views will face penalties when they do not compromise their views.... .  If you have been marked as a sexist due to sticking to marriage as between a man and a woman etc.  - anyone who is on your phone list or has contact with you will also face penalties irrespective of their own views.  This is already happening in China and they are busy exporting the 'social justice'  ideas into the health ID which everyone  will soon be required to show when you go out to shop (buy) .... or sell.   Christians will pretend not be Christians because they will be targeted as they are known to have more  conservative sexual views. 

    Yes - the world is going completely in opposition to Jehovah and the powers now in control are forcing their world view on everyone in order to bring their brand of "peace and security".

    There is much going on at present which I can show you. So it is not a matter of speculation as pudgy has indicated. Bible prophecy is already going into fulfillment so one can watch what is going on.

    For example - the UN is now dictating all policies to western governments including the sexual policies in school.  2 years ago the UN made an agreement with the WEF (World Economic forum).  Look at their website and google the Agreement. 

    The WEF (DAVOS crowd) are all the richest people in the world and 'old money' such as prince Charles, together with people like Kissinger and other world leaders and the G20 nations.  Look at the member list on the WEF website - most are the largest global corporations together with the central banks. They have already taken over the world's food supply, water, energy, land and much more to position themselves as the new world leaders.... a kind of a techno-corporatocracy with UN showing the way with its Agenda 2030 policies (sustainable development or save-the-earth policies). 


    We are heading into the final phase which will trigger the great tribulation.  This WEF believes in dismantling the world economic system to bring in a new and better (equalized) world where food will be rationed etc. All humans will receive digital money from a central bank (linked to UN) and points taken off for their carbon footprint. They are using the pandemic to restructure the financial system which will give them control over every living being (and thing) on earth  Their motto is 'build back better'.  (they are building an inventory of everything and they already know your views because they have been building a profile on all of us for at least 10 years with their super computers and databases and tech companies as all complying - they are Davos allies. 

    We know how this is going to end.  It is the last attempt of humans to bring total equality (except the rulers who devised this plan) to all humans and to control their speech so they do not disrupt "the harmony" of society.  It will be a fascistic government which will control all to bring "peace and security.". 

    It is here folks! and it has come so stealthily that most JWs are not aware of it BUT luckily we JWs have been preparing for it spiritually! Because this is the only thing which can save us - our relationship with Jehovah!   So if it suddenly hits JWs-  they were expecting it all along.  But many worldly people have NO clue.......the darkness (no light from Jehovah) together with extreme injustice will soon become more openly practiced.

    The only reason I know about it is because I set a goal to watch the world and to see what is going on. I am not smart or have no special insight.....  I just watch world affairs in the light of bible prophecy.


    I read the other day that China has so many satellites in space now and there is so much debris up there..... it set me wondering if we would start seeing literal signs in heaven ..... lol.   Some are saying that a war is inevitable and Satellite warfare is on the cards.  Just speculating!  But in all seriousness - many people will realize that the human rulership has messed up - darkness on earth - NO future hope as individuality is crushed and a collectivism is enforced!  They will wish to learn about Jehovah but it will be too late  because religion will have been destroyed. 


  5. 3 minutes ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

    trying to pretend that only

    I do not have time for your trolling.  I do not pretend - I know!!!


    4 minutes ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

    If Jesus didn't die completely then the ransom would not have been paid. I

    Please inform which religions believe that Jesus put his SOUL in death...."The soul that sinneth it shall die".  Jesus only received immortality AFTER he was raised up. It was a reward for his faithfulness.

  6. 21 hours ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

    cowardly to compare

    The questionnaire above is in line with the teaching that the soul of Jesus was not immortal before his death - so he really died completely.  He did not exist for 3 days.  please confirm which other Christian religions believe this? According to you it must be a looooong list. If you do not understand the ransom - then you are not saved - period.

    • "The following questions were prepared by the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society in reply to a request for debate from the Moody Bible Institute. The Society proposed that if they could satisfactorily give them Bible answers to these questions, then they would be willing to debate. An answer was never received.

      1. Was Eden on earth or in heaven?

      2. Was Adam created mortal or immortal?

      3. If Adam had not sinned, would he have died?

      4. On account of sin Adam died, so does that prove he was mortal?

      5. Is there a difference between eternal life and immortality?

      6. If Adam had lived forever, would you call that immortality?

      7. Can a person live eternally, and yet, not be immortal?

      8. If Adam could not go to heaven without dying, and could not die without sinning, does that not prove sin was a blessing to the human family?

      9. Did Adam lose an earthly or heavenly home?

      10 If Jesus came to restore what Adam lost (Luke 19:10), what will be restored?

      11. Was Adam a single individual, or two individuals in one?

      12. If composed of two parts, soul and body; which one was Adam?

      13. What was the responsible part that could think, feel, and act?

      14. Which part was it that sinned, soul or body?

      15. If it was the soul, then why does the body have to suffer?

      16. If it was the body, then why does the soul need to be saved?

      17. In Genesis 3:11 (“Who told thee thou wast naked?”), which part of Adam did God talk to, soul or body?

      18. What is the “thou” referred to in Genesis 3:17 (“Thou hast eaten”)?

      19. If you say it refers to the soul, then to what does the word “thou” refer to in Genesis 3:19, 20 (“Dust thou art, and to dust, thou shalt return.”)?

      20. How many different penalties were passed on Adam for sinning?

      21. Was one penalty pronounced against the soul, and a different one against the body?

      22. Then, explain Ezekiel 18:20 and Ecclesiastes 9:5, 6, 10?

      23. Is the penalty mentioned at Genesis 2:17, different from Genesis 3:19?

      24. If there was only one penalty, what was it?

      25. Does the Bible say the penalty against Adam, was death, a returning to the dust?

      26. Or, an endless life of misery in a burning hell?

      27. Suppose that all that happened in Eden, no Savior had come; where would the human race spend eternity (righteous David, for example.)?

      28. Did Jesus really die when he was impaled at Golgotha?

      29. Or, was it only his body that died (implying that Jesus soul is immortal)?

      30. If Jesus had an immortal soul that did not die, and that immortal was Jesus himself; have we not been misinformed that Jesus died for sinners?

      31. Why not just say that the body Jesus lived in died for the body Adam lived in, and that the real Jesus did not die at all, and the real Adam (and the rest of humanity) simply was not (were not) saved?"

  7. 11 hours ago, Patiently waiting for Truth said:

    blasts Jehovah's Witnesses

    I visited an old age home as a reporter many years ago in Africa.  The Afrikaner whites are an extremely religious people.

    They showed me a sweet looking elderly couple in their 80s.  The old lady became hyperactive due to 'adrenal issues' and was on the go (hyperactive) in excess.  The old man was a very relaxed quiet type of guy.... not easily roused.

    Once day a nurse came into the room and the old man was strangling the old lady.  They had to put them in separate rooms from then on and watch them. 

    Yes, living confined with dementia or other health issues can bring out the worst in anyone / or in each other. The JW elder may not have taken the old man seriously enough to report him to a psychiatrist or to the police.  What else could he do? Remove the old man from his own home? 

    These are issues which are hard to deal with in the elderly..... and not all end up in real murder.....The man is still head of his own household and it is a tragedy the situation was out of control.  Some old people also get a controlling streak which aggravates with age.  Having served god for many years I will leave it in the hands of Jehovah to judge the situation. Maybe the old man could not watch her suffering any longer ?  His frustration with her was too much? 

    I do not have a 'blanket' respect  for all judges after seeing the level of lawless judgments in USA, UK, Canada, Australia and NZ. It is like the period before the Israelites were exiled from Jerusalem....  Judges were more corrupt than the people to  benefit themselves.  I see a similar pattern today.  So do not take this judge's censure too seriously. There are good judges and useless ones.  This one just wanted to get back at JWs.  He is not a thoughtful person.

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