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Posts posted by Arauna

  1. 1 hour ago, César Chávez said:

    It's not an American thing to brainwash people with simple logic.

    Americans do not think they are brainwashed -  but they think in a certain way.  I realized it was the schooling when I worked there.  Similar today.  The whole nation is going ahead with the post modern philosophy thing..... why?  Because people are too afraid to call out the lies - they are politically correct.  The world is going one way - because they do not call a lie out any longer - it is merely a difference of opinion.

  2. 1 minute ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    My  little daughter is dying

    I was in this situation when my daughter was so sick I knew she would not last long if the doctor did not see her.  I begged him to see her.

    2 minutes ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    little daughter is extremely ill.* (*near her end

    She was extremely ill -  she has cancer but I did not know it. If the doctor had not seen her she would not have had her operation and survived.  It was my pleading that made him see her - I had to wait a few more weeks to get an appointment.


    2 minutes ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    By now my daughter must be dead,

    This I can understand because if my daughter did not see a doctor I am sure she would be dead.

    You know what - this is typical of your rhetoric.  You have never had problems - I guess - not real ones.  So you can sit and nitpick on trashy ideas from your own making. I see NO discrepancy in any of these sentence because I have been there and I would have used and could have used the same words.... for the same situation.

  3. 24 minutes ago, César Chávez said:

    , a lie is an opinion. T

    In America they call everything opinion.  a lie is not an opinion. I worked in USA for many years and one of the things which struck me was the indoctrination of the people (brainwashing in schools no doubt) to be "polite" to call a lie  an opinion.  I grew up in a country where a spade is called a spade.  A lie is a lie and an opinion is an opinion. 


    24 minutes ago, César Chávez said:

    ASK, don't just go off!! 

    I did not go off - I just called it a lie to say that JWs change scriptures.  That is your opinion about my ignorance.  Any case - if you think you can get through to these people - forget it. They are a bunch of  deceivers and they are here to derail anyone who believes in Jehovah.  This is why I just pop  in quickly now and then.  I no longer deem it important to read through all the garbage - especially since my eyes are bad..  So maybe I am guilty of not paying attention to their lies.... lol..... I do not care .... why do you? 

  4. 50 minutes ago, César Chávez said:

    o stay within the wheat harvest to continue its spoilage

    Do you know when satan sowed the weeds and when they became powerful?  This is important to understand to really know the meaning of the parable.


    57 minutes ago, César Chávez said:

    o have the same old ideology that Christendom has offered for millennia

    It is obvious that you never had a clue of our teachings or are simply lying about what you know.... 

    58 minutes ago, César Chávez said:

    DEMAND proof, when you have none to offer

    We of course want proof - as our correct pronunciation of Jehovah's name has now been proven.... 


  5. 2 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    you need to provide some authentic evidence of the continuity and permanence of understanding that does not change due to “human error”

    How about this - I know of many teachings that have been the same almost since the inception of JWs:

    1. Most religions teach that the soul is immortal and  can go out of you and float in mid air up to heaven or go down to hell! We have stayed with the same teaching!

    2. The name Jehovah - it has now been proven that 2500 manuscripts exist with the point system which indicates YEHOVAH is the correct pronunciation in Hebrew. And the name actually has much deeper meaning than most realize.

    3. Jesus put his soul in death - yes he really died! We are the only ones who believe this as far as I am aware.

    4. Neutrality - no voting and no active participation in politics.

    5. The kingdom is a real government - not something invisible in your heart

    6. 144000 go to heaven and the rest are the great crowd

    7. Most will live on the earth forever.

    8. 1914 itself is a date that has stood for a long time..... despite the scoffers that laugh at us and the mistakes about the end of the perousia..... 

    I can mention more - so despite the scoffers that present us as shifty shift - changing teachings all the time  - the ABOVE stable teachings which have NeVeR changed, proves you are the deceiver and accuser ..... not the witnesses. 


  6. 6 hours ago, 4Jah2me said:

    Equality Act. 53% of Jehovah’s Witnesses,

    yes - they call you for your opinion and people do not realize it is a political poll. Thank goodness Jehovah is not as harsh as you are.  People all over act in ignorance and they want to sound as though they are fair to others.

    Especially if they ask if LGBTQ can have their rights..... Most people who care for others will agree that they should have their rights.  They have the right to choose the lifestyle they want BUT it does not mean we approve of it.... as the questions above proves.

    Most witnesses do not understand these new laws..... that it will be detrimental to our future. They have already passed draconian measures in Australia.   

    Do not judge the JWs .... Remember the scripture where it says ....... if it is mistakes you only look at Jehovah - who can stand before you?

    Mistakes are very different to deliberate sin - like choosing to back a political party or stance.

  7. I remember just about everything from the revelation book and follow world politics. If you have seen any of my writings you will notice that I have written about the "image of the beast" already having power behind the scenes. UN is now setting world policies and the agreement they made with the WEF just about 2 years ago basically confirms that JWs was spot on from the first revelation book.

  8. On 2/19/2021 at 3:55 PM, 4Jah2me said:

    highly religious community is seen by victims and survivors of child sexual abuse 

    This is the new post modern theory and critical race theory...... lol.  Yes they will eventually turn against all Christians that DO what Jesus said.  Meanwhile the rest of the world is indoctrinated in this new theories and they revel in it.

    In Australia it has been outlawed to help any person in a Christian way who have had a sex change. Even psychologists may not help them if they realize they made a mistake by having a sex change.

    Wonderful world we are living in...... not allowed to help another human being in psychological suffering because it goes against mainstream indoctrination.  BUT children getting religious education is child abuse.

    In Australia a child can be taken away from parents and given hormones without parental consent - if I remember correct - at age of ten.  Would you not call that child abuse??????


  9. I still do field service with my Swedish friend.  They write letters when they see an address but do not write down the address.

    I presume it it does not pertain to an organization one belongs to. One usually gives permission for your address to be held by an organization.  If this is not lawful then your work may not keep a record of your address or for that matter your bank details to receive a cheque or your pay.  This is a ludicrous  and frivolous court case. 

  10. 1 hour ago, 4Jah2me said:

    I can see some practical reasons for bringing in tighter restrictions, but of course it is worrying that it might be misused. 

    More human rules usually catches the innocent as well as the perpetrators. So yes, we do not print books in France any longer due to their other discriminatory laws. 

    It is to be expected - life will become tough and oppressive in last days

  11. 5 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

    The elderly sister has the beginnings of Alzheimer’s.

    I have worked with people with Alzheimers - n the beginning they can still function but get disoriented very quickly and unfortunately become very emotional and sometimes depressed. They repeat some older stories over and over and sometimes display anxiety. It is hard to deal with, so you will mentally have to prepare for this. Anger also comes up quickly.  If she loses her faith - Jehovah knows she has been faithful all this time.... He will be just.

    I think it will be harder on you to watch this deterioration and on those in the congregation who will not understand what is going on.  I suggest you read a book about Alzheimers or dementia because they often have very similar manifestations.

    Do not take her moods to seriously and talk with her calmly and kindly. Go with her through old photo albums and play her favorite old music.  Short term memory is bad and long term memory is good - so she may tell you a few things you never knew - lol

  12. 16 hours ago, xero said:

    At that time the righteous ones will shine as brightly as the sun in the Kingdom of their Father. Let the one who has ears listen.

    When this gathering takes place of those who cause stumbling, the good wheat are taken up to shine in the kingdom of the father.


    4 hours ago, 4Jah2me said:

    Because they were written for the 'time of the end' which is yet to happen.

    We are already in this time - the conclusion of the Parousia is very near...... it just depends on how long the UN and its kings rule. UN already ruling and dictating policies in the world.  For example - WHO ordered a lock down for Corona and all governments in the world complied.  Only two (that I know of ) followed their own Corona protocol - Taiwan and Sweden...

    Most countries will soon lock down everyone in the fortress of the 'internet of things' wherein everyone will be monitored.  We will all be monitored all the time so the governments can follow through on the plan of "sustainable development" on the earth.  UN Agenda 2030 is the sustainable development plan. 

    4 hours ago, 4Jah2me said:

    , it comes from those taking the lead in the Organization

    This does indeed refer to those who cause stumbling but not necessarily the GB - you are inserting your own interpretation in it. Suddenly in your mind it refers to those 'taking the lead'' ....but the scripture does not say so..... lol..... talk about jumping to your own conclusions!

  13. 7 hours ago, Matthew9969 said:

    jw's who do not have people who care for them are doing ok, physically as well as spiritually.

    Lockdowns are a great problem. We are doing field service and encouraging sisters online due to this circumstance. Yes, the very elderly have problems but Jehovah is just and kind and he will remember their faithfulness in the past.  It is not the GBs fault that we have a pandemic, neither is it Jehovah's fault..... it is Satan's world we are living in. GB will obey the law until they force us by law  to disobey god...... then we will kindly and passively disobey man and obey Jehovah.

    The world tide is turning, becoming totalitarian and secular - several countries now ruling by decree under emergency measures.  10 years imprisonment in Britain for visiting Portugal..... a decree not passed by the lower house. They are already turning against religion in USA - especially white Christians.  Saw a report this morning given to Biden against Christians labelling some as extremist and a new law tabled law under number 350.

    If your mum's faith is lagging it is because she is locked in - we are supposed to be encouraging each other and giving physical hugs and warmth...... There were illegal experiments done on people (MKULTRA) in USA. Depriving people of sensorial input destabilized them and drove them mad. 

    Yes we are living in extreme times and set to become worse. If you trust me enough you can send me your mum's telephone number and I will communicate with her now and then and support her. 

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