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Everything posted by Arauna

  1. Lockdowns are a great problem. We are doing field service and encouraging sisters online due to this circumstance. Yes, the very elderly have problems but Jehovah is just and kind and he will remember their faithfulness in the past. It is not the GBs fault that we have a pandemic, neither is it Jehovah's fault..... it is Satan's world we are living in. GB will obey the law until they force us by law to disobey god...... then we will kindly and passively disobey man and obey Jehovah. The world tide is turning, becoming totalitarian and secular - several countries now ruling by decree under emergency measures. 10 years imprisonment in Britain for visiting Portugal..... a decree not passed by the lower house. They are already turning against religion in USA - especially white Christians. Saw a report this morning given to Biden against Christians labelling some as extremist and a new law tabled law under number 350. If your mum's faith is lagging it is because she is locked in - we are supposed to be encouraging each other and giving physical hugs and warmth...... There were illegal experiments done on people (MKULTRA) in USA. Depriving people of sensorial input destabilized them and drove them mad. Yes we are living in extreme times and set to become worse. If you trust me enough you can send me your mum's telephone number and I will communicate with her now and then and support her.
  2. A donkey can produce an offspring.... too good a name. A mule is more like it.... cannot produce life - like the evolutionary god.
  3. Lol - in your mind yes - because you are so far gone you do not even know how far beyond help you are. Just the mention of Mr T's name triggers you into thinking someone is a T supporter
  4. Due to my eyes I listen to things more frequently..... but you are giving away your age. LOL. The world is changing.....
  5. You are now a language expert as well - lol Ephesians 1:9 uses different words for the power - dynameos - and "energeian kratos...... and then the word for spirit is another word: "pneuma which always refers to a force in motion..... So what I see is a person who thinks of himself as an expert on evolution and the bible and knows very little of both because his thinking abilities are not what he himself thinks they are...... I am sure there is a psychological name for that - but I will not go down to your level of name calling.
  6. You have not proved yet that anything can come from NOTHING. You know the basic scientific approach of "cause and effect" ? But science goes out of the window with evolution - it boils down to the fact that it is merely a belief, a theory, a religion, a imaginary story which quickly vaporizes under scrutiny of empirical or real science.
  7. power is latent energy which can be put to use - the energy of god is always active...... you are so old school - lol
  8. I see you answered Anna but not the main theme of the bible. You ignore that which indicates that there was a choice involved with adam and eve and it is about godly rulership and morals...... I guess that was too hard to answer or just dismissed ...... lol. The bible has a logical and consistent theme which is knitted into the fabric of the entire bible - this proves the bible was inspired by a higher entity who had a timeline with milestones.... which has been completed on time.
  9. Then everyone who listened to a radio in the 1930s and 40's are Satanists and Nazis ... because this was the technology used at the time.
  10. True, there are scriptures which refer to the spirit of god which is translated as "active force" or dynamic energy..... The spirit of God is never latent - always moving and active..... and the name of God is the same - the name He gave himself. "He causes to become" is what it means and ........ in fact, he is always 'causing to become' because his energy even keeps the universe active. If his energy is removed the universe will collapse. But is seems AlanF thinks himself a scholar of languages as well because he refuses to accept that the bible uses the correct word when it says YHWH used his active /dynamic energy to create the stars. He tries to make the texts ineffectual ........ BUT despite this - the bible is superior because it has a main theme, what I think of as an ongoing 'project going throughout the bible" and it has a timeline with milestones that need to be reached. A project is run by a project manager!! Many milestones have already been reached and this indicates that the last milestones of Armageddon, 1000 year reign will definitely also be realized. An example of two of the milestones are: God brought Israel (offspring of Abraham according to the promise to him) out of Egypt without a war. The most powerful nation on earth with many forts on its border just let Israel walk out with their gold and silver together with some Egyptians who went with them. ...... (hmmm). They then entered the land god promised them and defeated powerful and wicked nations to take the land...... As a chosen vehicle of Jehovah, this nation would have ups and downs but eventually the son of god (jesus Christ) was born (as promised) which provided the legal guarantee for all of mankind to be redeemed. These are just two of the many main milestones in the plan (or project of god) which has been administered throughout the ages. Humans who lived in different time periods, spanning hundreds of years apart in some cases, wrote about this main theme in 66 books without help from another human. This indicates a higher authority which inspired it...... and provides proof that it is totally different to other holy scriptures. The bible itself convinces me that it is the word of god by this main theme or project (which I call the restoration project of the earth) to complete fruition. As predicted - god will soon prove that humans cannot rule themselves and will ruin the earth (Rev 18:11). God will have to step in to save us from ourselves. Ephesians 1:9 & 10 " by making known to us the sacred secretk of his will. It is according to his good pleasure that he himself purposed 10 for an administration at the full limit of the appointed times, to gather all things together in the Christ, the things in the heavens and the things on the earth.l Yes, in him 11 This morning I read the Moabite stone again. It is a pagan inscription where Israel was defeated but it uses the name Yehovah and it tells how Moab defeated 3 cities of the Israelite northern kingdom under Omri and killed its inhabitants (viciously for their pagan god). ........... How nice that a pagan stone confirms the nation of israel's existence and the name of their god. (I just added this note because AlanF will say they did not exist or some other lame excuse in order to not believe the bible and its "project manager" who tells us about the conclusion and outcome of his restoration project.) I use these terms because it is project management terms and it a fitting analogy for the bible's total message.
  11. read Genesis 11:6.... science and technology is a danger to society now. they are using it in dangerous ways.... far more than we realize..... Jehovah will have to step in to save us from ourselves.
  12. Calling me stupid is a badge of honor. If someone like you (with No logic whatsoever and as gullible as they come) was in any way positive towards me, I would know I was in trouble!
  13. Ah, thanks for correcting me..... I forgot .... Dawkins is a mommy... and he produces milk which make people believe in make-believe.
  14. I watched the first two - loved it. This is really the crazy world we are living in. They must have been trained by the wackedemia.
  15. I sent you the proof in a video where Dawkins willingly talks about aliens that seeded the earth - lol .... but you pretend it does not exist.... I watched many of his videos .... and debates... I was not impressed .... so why should i waste my time further to read a book of his.... I will not waste my money? I rather read about the cell construction and about "Information" which exists in every living thing as well as the order of the universe - natural law. This tells me there is a creator!
  16. Brutus conspired to kill Caesar; Lenin conspired to bring about a revolution; CIA has conspired to arrange the fall of several other governments; MKULTRA covered up their tracks regarding the torturous secret psychological experiments on unknowing American citizens, Operation Paperclip arranged for Nazi criminals to come to USA secretly, acquire research positions under new names......and perpetuated their crimes on US soil. All of these 'secret goings on and other conspiracies" in your mind do not exist because people are not sinful and wicked. Conspiracies are not possible - especially if one puts your trust in a human government with censoring capabilities........ Now I wonder who of us (me or you) is living in "Alice in Wonderland " with "Goldilocks weather conditions" where life springs from nothing and people never sin or do bad things such as "conspiring"?
  17. I am in the world - so I know what is going on. I am a witness by choice .... living in the real world. I am no part of the world but this does not mean that I am not on planet earth and conscious...of what is going on..... . lol
  18. what a lie! We do not find good advice or good ideas in any of these other publications.... it is watered down to our tastes. I read science, philosophy, history and much about current events .....and much more but I still enjoy our bible studies the most!. It is not a matter of fear ut a matter of choice!
  19. A fool says there is no God...... yet you know well enough that witchcraft truly exists. So you are aware that Satan exists but refuse to acknowledge jehovah? How stubborn is that. There is one thing you cannot deny is that "information" is everywhere in the universe. The very mathematics you use is a language which conveys information, the DNA - is the organization of information and the organized sequence of how the information is used to build proteins etc. ..... the operating system of humans....and animals...... information is in everything!
  20. People like you take it seriously - we do not. The Orwellian dystopia is on our doorstep and you are oblivious of it....because you are looking in the wrong place for it. That is how smart you are!
  21. Many ancient cultures speak of the evil eye and it has remained until today in many cultures. It is basically to look at someone with envy. The only problem is they are totally superstitious about it.
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