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Posts posted by Arauna

  1. 12 hours ago, AlanF said:

    Power" in the sense used by Old Testament authors is in no way the same concept as "energy" as u

    You are now a language expert as well  - lol   Ephesians 1:9 uses different words for the power - dynameos - and "energeian kratos...... and then the word for spirit is another word: "pneuma which always refers to a force in motion.....

    So what I see is a person who thinks of himself as an expert on evolution and the bible and knows very little of both because his thinking abilities are not what he himself thinks they are......  I am sure there is a psychological name for that -  but I will not go down to your level of name calling.

  2. 12 hours ago, AlanF said:

    First you have to prove that Adam and Eve existed

    You have not proved yet that anything can come from NOTHING. You know the basic scientific approach of "cause and effect" ?  But science goes out of the window with evolution - it boils down to the fact that it is merely a belief, a theory, a religion, a imaginary story which quickly vaporizes under scrutiny of empirical or real science.

  3. 9 minutes ago, AlanF said:

    The Adam and Eve story is unique, but it certainly doesn't reflect reality.

    I see you answered Anna but not the main theme of the bible.  You ignore that which indicates that there was a choice involved with adam and eve and it is about godly rulership and morals...... I guess that was too hard to answer or just dismissed ...... lol. 

     The bible has a logical and consistent theme which is knitted into the fabric of the entire bible - this proves the bible was inspired by a higher entity who had a timeline with milestones.... which has been completed on time.

  4. 6 hours ago, Matthew9969 said:

    ow are jw's disassociating themselves from these satanic pagan communication platforms?

    Then everyone who listened to a radio in the 1930s and 40's are Satanists and Nazis ... because this was the technology used at the time.

  5. 3 hours ago, Anna said:

    Bible is also completely unique compared with the gobbledygook of other so called spiritual texts.

    True, there are scriptures which refer to the spirit of god which is translated as "active force" or dynamic energy.....  The spirit of God  is never latent - always moving and active..... and the name of God is the same - the name He gave himself.  "He causes to become" is what it means and ........ in fact, he is always 'causing to become' because his energy even keeps the universe active.  If his energy is removed the universe will collapse.

    But is seems AlanF thinks himself a scholar of languages as well because he refuses to accept that the bible uses the correct word when it says YHWH used his active /dynamic energy to create the stars.  He tries to make the texts ineffectual ........ BUT despite this - the bible is superior because it has a main theme, what I think of as an ongoing  'project going throughout the bible" and it has a timeline with milestones that need to be reached.  A project is run by a project manager!!  Many milestones have already been reached and this indicates that the last milestones of Armageddon, 1000 year reign will definitely also be realized.

    An example of two of the milestones are: God brought Israel (offspring of Abraham according to the promise to him) out of Egypt without a war.  The most powerful nation on earth with many forts on its border just let Israel walk out with their gold and silver together with some Egyptians who went with them. ...... (hmmm). They then entered the land god promised them and defeated powerful and wicked nations to take the land...... As a chosen vehicle of Jehovah,  this nation would have ups and downs but eventually the son of god (jesus Christ) was born (as promised) which provided the legal guarantee for all of mankind to be redeemed.

    These are just two of the many main milestones in the plan (or project of god) which has been administered throughout the ages.  Humans who lived in different time periods, spanning hundreds of years apart in some cases,  wrote about this main theme in 66 books without help from another human.  This indicates a higher authority which inspired it...... and provides proof that it is totally different to other holy scriptures.  The bible itself convinces me that it is the word of god by this main theme or project (which I call the restoration project of the earth) to complete fruition. As predicted - god will soon prove that humans cannot rule themselves and will ruin the earth (Rev 18:11).  God will have to step in to save us from ourselves.

    Ephesians 1:9 & 10 " by making known to us the sacred secretk of his will. It is according to his good pleasure that he himself purposed 10  for an administration at the full limit of the appointed times, to gather all things together in the Christ, the things in the heavens and the things on the earth.l Yes, in him 11

    This morning I read the Moabite stone again.  It is a pagan inscription where Israel was defeated but it uses the name Yehovah and it tells how Moab defeated 3 cities of the Israelite northern kingdom under Omri and killed its inhabitants (viciously for their pagan god). ........... How nice that a pagan stone confirms the nation of israel's existence and the name of their god.  (I just added this note because AlanF will say they did not exist or some other lame excuse in order to not believe the bible and its "project manager" who tells us about the conclusion and outcome of his restoration project.) I use these terms because it is project management terms and it a fitting analogy for the bible's total message.


  6. 45 minutes ago, AlanF said:

    because he believes in aliens seeding life on earth"

    I sent you the proof in a video where Dawkins willingly talks about aliens that seeded the earth - lol .... but you pretend it does not exist....   I watched many of his videos .... and debates... I was not impressed .... so why should i waste my time further to read a book of his....  I will not waste my money?  I rather read about the cell construction and about "Information" which exists in every living thing as well as the  order of the universe - natural law.  This tells me there is a creator! 

  7. 22 minutes ago, AlanF said:

    conspiracy theories

    Brutus conspired to kill Caesar;  Lenin conspired to bring about a revolution; CIA has conspired to arrange the fall of several other governments; MKULTRA covered up their tracks regarding the torturous secret psychological experiments on unknowing American citizens, Operation Paperclip arranged for Nazi criminals to come to USA secretly, acquire research positions under new names......and perpetuated their crimes on US soil.

    All of these 'secret goings on and other conspiracies" in your mind do not exist because people are not sinful and wicked. Conspiracies are not possible - especially if one puts your trust in a human government with censoring capabilities........ Now I wonder who of us (me or you)  is living in "Alice in Wonderland " with "Goldilocks weather conditions" where life springs from nothing and people never sin or do bad things such as "conspiring"?

  8. 19 hours ago, AlanF said:

    JWs are afraid to read any material not coming from the Watchtower Society

    what a lie! We do not find good advice or good ideas in any of these other publications.... it is watered down to our tastes.  I read science, philosophy, history and much about current events .....and much more but I still enjoy our bible studies the most!.  It is not a matter of fear  ut a matter of choice!

  9. 11 hours ago, AlanF said:

    facts is as the sin of witchcraft?

    A fool says there is no God...... yet you know well enough that witchcraft truly exists.  So you are aware that Satan exists but refuse to acknowledge jehovah? How stubborn is that. 

    There is one thing you cannot deny is that "information" is everywhere in the universe.  The very mathematics you use is a language which conveys information, the DNA -  is the organization of information and the organized  sequence of how the information is used to build  proteins etc. ..... the operating system of humans....and animals...... information is in everything! 

  10. 20 hours ago, xero said:

    to me the chronic fascination humans have with body parts is odd. I don't obsess over a drumstick or a bowl of oatmeal.

    You are not noticing what is going on in the real world out there. Human trafficking brings in 38 billion dollars per year...... child trafficking the most disgusting part of it. In schools all children are being sexualized with the new transgender doctrines and taught critical race theory.....in every class.... so yes - incase you have not noticed the entire world is going back to the time of Canaan - Sodom and Gomorra.... where anything unmoral is ok to indulge in - turning people into mere animals.

    As I said before - satan wants every person on earth morally compromised so that they lose their opportunity to be redeemed.

  11. 14 hours ago, AlanF said:

    Few organizations have more of the Orwellian

    Soon you will know what true Orwelian dystopia is - you who put your faith in human science, human philisophy and human governments. 

    You use the word Orwelian lightly- without understanding what you are saying - you do not "know" all , even if you think you do.. You evaluate what we teach in a fleshly and materialistic / evolutionary way .......I can only feel sorry for you. 

  12. 4 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    have never heard of them refusing to play another piece of

    I never sang the anthem or any religious songs because this will put one on the side of a human government or other religions who do not accept the name of Jehovah as their God.

    . Yes, there are classical composers like Tchaikovsky who was homosexual ...... but his preferences were not in his music...... he was forced to commit suicide when it came out in high society that he was homosexual. I watch several ballets with his music and listen to his symphonies and sing a song he wrote.

    Do you not think that sexually explicit posing for pictures awaken  fleshly desires in men?   The bible warns about this....... thinking in a fleshly way and promoting fleshly desires. To you it seems to be nothing - but it will not bring approval from Jehovah. But maybe you do not care? It is nice to be an attraction when you are young....

    There are many JWs who have given up a life of making a lot of money or making a name for themselves. They follow the example of Jesus who did not go after materialism or a kingdom with influence. It is called "the narrow road"..... but some find it too narrow....... they are not prepared to give up selfish pursuits.

    We have been in the perousia a long time but now we are in the first lockdown in the history of the world!  The signs are here and yet people are still eating, drinking and going on as normal.  Did the bible not warn us that people will start mocking about the end and that the love of many will cool down? 

    I have been in the Truth since the age of 21. I did not grow up in the Truth. Did I make mistakes, yes I did. Did I get up after falling and go on under Jehovahs hand.  Yes, I did.  Am I happy that I did not follow a world-carreer (which was in my grasp).  I do not look back one day! Jehovah has been kind to me and we will soon be under a very totalitarian government....... just as bible predicted. One will not be able to buy or sell if you stick to the moral principles of jehovah.

    Habakuk said.... the time is panting to the end.  Jehovah wants the lost sheep to come back. Are you back? 

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