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Everything posted by Arauna

  1. The scripture shrecko quoted himself indicates this - that god and authorities are separated - they are not the same. They are mentioned separately. Pay to god what needs to go to Him and to the secular authorities their due. Mark 12: Jesus answered: “The first is, ‘Hear, O Israel, Jehovah our God is one Jehovah, 30 and you must love Jehovah your God with your whole heart and with your whole soul and with your whole mind and with your whole strength.’ This is the greatest and first commandment. “We must obey God as ruler rather than men.”—Acts 5:28, 29; when they brought the apostle peter and others before the Sanhedrin - the authority of the Jews - recognized by Rome John 18:36 Jesus answered:a “My Kingdom is no part of this world.b If my Kingdom were part of this world, my attendants would have fought that I should not be handed over to the Jews.c But as it is, my Kingdom is not from this source.” matthew 26" Then Jesus said to him: “Return your sword to its place,a for all those who take up the sword will perish by the sword.b Romans 12 17 Return evil for evil to no one.a Take into consideration what is fine from the viewpoint of all men. 18 If possible, as far as it depends on you, be peaceable with all men.b Only when the secular authorities forces one to violate the instructions of god - then you do not rebel but obey what god requires.. Nebuchadnezzar forced all his subjects to bow down to the image he set up in the valley but three young Judean men refused to bow down to his mage - they disobeyed state orders! They were prepared to die and be put in a fire! So we obey and are peaceable as far as possible. 1 peter 3:15 But sanctify the Christ as Lord in your hearts, always ready to make a defense before everyone who demands of you a reason for the hope you have, but doing so with a mild tempera and deep respect.b Jehovah has always separated his worship and the state -( except when he is the ruler. As in the time of Israel , the throne belonged to Jehovah.) At Armageddon all those who obey the beast and have its mark will be destroyed. This is the mark of the political system. Jehovah's worship will be separate and clean (no other false god will his people bring before Jehovah - no worship will be given to the state and the revenge they can bring upon us will not deter us from obeying our father an put his wishes before that of men.
  2. The violin comes in at this section of the song called: bla, bla, bla! Here is a graceful way of saying it in an old Gershwin song! Lol. I do not take your taunt seriously!
  3. You yourself said give to god what god requires..... but it seems that Caesar is more important to you because if Caesar requests you to disobey the law of god then you seem as though this carries more weight with you. Any case, it is discrimination if you target one group of people because of their religion. The government also has responsibility to uphold their own laws. When Paul asked to go to Caesar - the governor did not decide what he thinks is more important. No, he acted with fairness and saved Paul from the Pharisees by sending him to Caesar. It is therefore not wrong to question if authorities are fulfilling the law accurately or being too lax on some people or too strict on others.
  4. No..... you got it all wrong.... but I do not have the time now to explain. I am on my way to bed it is late here in Albania
  5. You categorize me because you cannot believe that such an %$s-brain like me can come to my own conclusions.... how arrogant you are! Remember the old saying: arrogance comes before the fall!
  6. Not interested in your peeves. I do not take sides in politics remember? You on the other hand, quickly put people in categories ... so you can get rid of them...or call them something not worthy of consideration - dehumanize them. You have bought hook line and sinker into the new post modern philosophy.
  7. I guess the conspiracy to kill Julius Caesar never existed.... how naive can one be! !. Call everything that you do not agree with a conspiracy... when right throughout history there were terrible conspiracies!. It seems YOU are the one who have swallowed the propaganda that all humans are wonderful, sinless and would not hurt a fly.... not even conspire to hurt a fly! That is what this new great reset wants you t believe. I kinda understand now ..... how you came to believe the jibberish, infantile theory called evolution.
  8. Lol - ha-ha- - I do not trust any political human or any human organization at present. Too much corruption and propaganda going on - propaganda dividing people and propaganda leading to Armageddon.
  9. It functions like the place you said I will pull my ideas from - that is what I meant - lol
  10. Read the two books by a guy like yourself - a wonderful atheist that believes that human's brains must be enhanced by chips and being connected to a computer - matrix style... to live forever. They do not for one moment think that someone can unplug them! That is the level of their intelligence
  11. This is one of the conclusions he reaches after reading Schwab's two books:. "They believe that the role they are ostensibly to serve is as the “enlightened stewards” of society, taking the liberty of reimagining everybody else’s lives." He also warns. ... But read the conclusion for yourself. These super rich people ,some with no degrees, but this does not deter them to decide what is good for the rest of mankind -based purely on the power they have because they have lots and lots of money. ... and the technocrats who think they have all the knowledge to decide the future of humankind. But WEF is following the UN agenda 2030 which focusses mainly on saving the environment. The environment is officially more important than human lives. A science tyranny is waiting us.
  12. I have never said that! That is your assumption smarty-pants! I hope that I will be thrown in prison with a few non-witnesses who stay firm and refuse the new morality which will be pushed on everyone! I will have a ball preaching to them!
  13. That sentence tells me you have NO understanding of the Nazi movement at all . LOL. Hitler wanted anyone who did not agree with him or fight with him -dead. Hence if you did not go to war for the regime you deserved death...... not work on a beautiful rural farm in fresh air..... lol
  14. lol - you do not get it. The world is soon going to be more totalitarian.....under a technocracy....... and you will love it. You will love it when others cannot 'buy or sell' because of not accepting the "new post modern morality" which will be forced onto everyone as the family values are being destroyed. Your atheist compatriots will be running the world and will ban all religion.....as they have done in the 20th century in all communist countries..... Here is the catch. It was prophesied by Jehovah and the enemies of god is going to fulfil every word in revelation 17, & 18. Why do I call it atheist neo-communism \ communalism? I again listened to the poems of Karl Marx being read this week........ He hated god so much that he swore he would get revenge on god by using an atheist and materialistic philosophy to get control of the entire world ... the second step was to get this " regime / philosophy" to suppress all religions so that no-one can qualify for the grace of god. All people will be forced by the regime to let go of all morals..... as they are doing now. This atheistic philosophy killed 100 million people and was ruthless in the 20th century with gulags, killings and starvation.... this is what is waiting for the world now. People who do not go along with the new free for all sexual standards -which will destroy the family - (as china are now separating children from parents) will be cancelled, liquidated and thrown into prison. You will feel so happy... I am sure.... but then (if you are still alive) you will see the heavy hand of Jehovah as he annihilates his opposition for once and for all. When human science and Satan oppress humankind - God will have to step in to save humans from their own sinfulness and wickedness. Jesus refused the kingdoms of the world when it was offered to him by satan..... this new bunch of technocratic dictators will accept and run the world on materialistic and atheistic lines. They will even promise people ever lasting life in a computer - lol. Have you listened what some of these technocrats are saying about the 4th industrial revolution?
  15. Tom, this is not a reply to you but merely a reference to this. This is so lame.... We can think for ourselves. i.e. The platypus is such a unique animal ------ it must have been at many locations at once where diverse animals were developing - so diverse in fact that it has some features other animals do not have. To be able to borrow strips of DNA from other animal's be what it is today. I leave it at that because i have already said that nature cannot count (to split the chromosomes in half for the female and half for the male). and neither can it know which beneficial strips of DNA to cut and paste in a new creature by "chance"... Too many 'beneficial' chances like hitting the jackpot over and over. LOL. Allan can call me all kinds of names but his name calling does not prove a thing.
  17. Sounds about right.....They will kill you thinking they are doing their god a favor - lol
  18. Those are my very own words deary - I do not need creationist to open my mind and the things I wrote came from my own research! And thinking things through by myself! If by chance I use the same phrases it is because i came to the same conclusion they did.
  19. He has absolutely nothing I can learn from or wish to imitate - an empty shell of death ... a lover of death, not life. He cannot even the celebrate the wonders of the lives of the animals in creation. Their magnificence in design. The Platypus is an anomaly in every aspect of its features. The sea horse has a square tail and the male carries the eggs and gives birth to them., the sex organs of the hyena is like no other ... there are just too many things to mention that to argue with someone who loves death. I rather talk with an atheist who has been misled. He is an atheist because it replaced his religion. he wants to do as he pleases. This is the reason most people do not choose sides with Jehovah. They think that following their own desires gives them freedom BUT they are still slaves.
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