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Posts posted by Arauna

  1. 2 minutes ago, AlanF said:

    conspiracy theorists

     I guess the conspiracy to kill Julius Caesar never existed.... how naive can one be! !.  Call everything that you do not agree with a conspiracy... when right throughout history there were terrible conspiracies!.  It seems YOU are the one who have swallowed the propaganda that all humans are wonderful, sinless and would not hurt a fly.... not even conspire to hurt a fly!   That is what this new great reset wants you t believe.

    I kinda understand now .....  how you came to believe the jibberish, infantile theory called evolution.

  2. 5 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

    oo lengthy for me,

    This is one of the conclusions he reaches after reading Schwab's two books:.  "They believe that the role they are ostensibly to serve is as the “enlightened stewards” of society, taking the liberty of reimagining everybody else’s lives."

    He also warns. ... But read the conclusion for yourself. 

    These super rich people ,some with no degrees, but this does not deter them to decide what is good for the rest of mankind -based purely on the power they have because they have lots and lots of money. ... and the technocrats who think they have all the knowledge to decide the future of humankind.  But WEF is following the UN agenda 2030 which focusses mainly on saving the environment. The environment is officially more important than human lives.

    A science tyranny is waiting us.

  3. 1 minute ago, 4Jah2me said:

    They were not allowed to work on farms or elsewhere, J

    That sentence tells me you have NO understanding of the Nazi movement at all . LOL.  Hitler wanted anyone who did not agree with him or fight with him  -dead.  Hence if you did not go to war for the regime you deserved death...... not work on a beautiful rural farm in fresh air..... lol

  4. 1 hour ago, AlanF said:

     you have nothing to say about the lies your idiot compatriot in stupidity has told.

    lol - you do not get it.  The world is soon going to be more totalitarian.....under a technocracy....... and you will love it.  You will love it when others cannot 'buy or sell' because of not accepting the "new post modern morality" which will be forced onto everyone as the family values are being destroyed. Your atheist compatriots will be running the world and will ban all religion.....as they have done in the 20th century in all communist countries..... Here is the catch.  It was prophesied by Jehovah and the enemies of god is going to fulfil every word in revelation 17, & 18.

    Why do I call it atheist neo-communism \ communalism?  I again listened to the poems  of Karl Marx being read this week........ He hated god so much that he swore he would get revenge on god by using an atheist and materialistic philosophy to get control of the entire world ... the second step was to get this " regime / philosophy" to suppress all religions so that no-one can qualify for the grace of god. All people will be forced by the regime to let go of all morals..... as they are doing now. This atheistic philosophy killed 100 million people and was ruthless in the 20th century with gulags, killings and starvation.... this is what is waiting for the world now.

    People who do not go along with the new free for all sexual standards -which will destroy the family - (as china are now separating children from parents) will be cancelled, liquidated and thrown into prison.

    You will feel so happy... I am sure.... but then (if you are still alive) you will see the heavy hand of Jehovah as he annihilates his opposition for once and for all.  When human science and Satan oppress humankind - God will have to step in to save humans from their own sinfulness and wickedness.  Jesus refused the kingdoms of the world when it was offered to him by satan..... this new bunch of technocratic dictators will accept and run the world on materialistic and atheistic lines.  They will even promise people ever lasting life in a computer - lol.

    Have you listened what some of these technocrats are saying about the 4th industrial revolution?

  5. 10 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

    quote-mining charges against the WT.

    Tom, this is not a reply to you but merely a reference to this.  This is so lame....   We can think for ourselves.  

    i.e. The platypus is such a unique animal ------ it must have been at many locations at once where diverse animals were developing - so diverse in fact that it has some features other animals do not have. To be able to borrow strips of DNA from other animal's  be what it is today.  I leave it at that because i have already said that nature cannot count (to split the chromosomes in half for the female and half for the male). and neither can it know which beneficial strips of DNA to cut and paste in a new creature by "chance"... Too  many 'beneficial' chances like hitting the jackpot over and over.  

    LOL. Allan can call me all kinds of names but his name calling does not prove a thing.

  6. 13 minutes ago, TrueTomHarley said:

    Maybe THAT is the ultimate assessment of what one’s beliefs do for a person

    He has absolutely nothing I can learn from or wish to imitate - an empty shell  of death ... a lover of death, not life.

    He cannot even the celebrate the wonders of the lives of the animals in creation.  Their magnificence in design.  The Platypus is an anomaly in every aspect of its features. The sea horse has a square tail and the male carries the eggs and gives birth to them., the sex organs of the hyena is like no other ... there are just too many things to mention that to argue with someone who loves death.

    I rather talk with an atheist who has been misled.  He is an atheist because it replaced his religion. he wants to do as he pleases.  This is the reason most people do not choose sides with Jehovah. They think that following their own desires gives them freedom BUT they are still slaves.

  7. These things are really happening but the apologists for China here on this forum do not understand how information is suppressed in these countries... it is leaking out even under heavy death penalties for citizen reporting......and by the way it is coming to the entire world.

    Neo -communism is spreading. Why do I call it communism?   the purpose of Marx was to subvert ALL religion so that no person may get any redemption of god. To destroy all family values and morals..... 

    Marx wanted revenge on God on a world-wide scale.  I listened to some of his poetry today and his purpose is stated absolutely clear in his poetry.  .... He wanted the whole world in the hands of Satan.  How do those who love atheism and materialism intend to do it?  By materialism.  They promise everyone a utopia where everyone will have the same stuff.  Nothing for the soul.... just stuff. ... But with it comes oppression which destroys all old culture (like Mao se Tung destroyed the real Chinese culture in China and replaced it with materialism.) Now the last step is total mind control - no religion and worship only of the state.

    We are on our way to this outcome in the West on a pretty fast track. a totalitarian system where everyone will be forced to accept the state morality (no religion allowed) and only worship of the state.  Daniel 11 from verse 36.  Not even love of "women "  allowed....... rings a bell with this transgender culture. 

  8. 19 hours ago, AlanF said:

    then proclaims her righteousness and superior intellect.

    I have said no such thing!  I am an ordinary pensioner - to your standards a nincompoop because in your mind all JWs are idiots. ......  the only thing I am better at than you is: I think things through step by step.  This has helped me tremendously in my life.

    Nature had tremendous foresight or predictive skills: almost godlike in scope

    By coincidence, not only did the male develop perfectly and separately from the female but also developed in perfect compatibility - each with different functions (eggs/sperm and many other differences) which complement each other perfectly; they developed simultaneously and yet separately by chance and were ready for each other at the same time.  Did nature 'plan' to develop both sex organs perfectly at the same time/ because it ‘knew’ what the species needed to survive?  These gaps are too many for logic conclusions – it favors blind belief on the part of evolutionists.

    Additionally, if nature “knew ahead of time” how to cut and paste selected bits of DNA from other genera to duplicate the same functions in a different species together with totally new genes – does this not prove that nature has intelligence which can ‘decide” which parts to ‘cut and paste’ or save from one operating system onto another? Are evolutionists not simplifying the process so much that they are like a toddler who can shut his eyes to what he does not want to see?

    To me - these coincidences are unexplainable miracles. Some evolutionists do acknowledge they still have NO leads as to how the sexual organs came to develop so perfectly in synchronization – yet function so differently while developing separately. Mathematical logarithms do not explain away the extreme complexity of the biological and chemical processes involved. Logarithms merely try to explain it away by “chance or possibility”  without taking into consideration the extreme complexity of the chemical building blocks themselves. This enlarges the pool of possibilities to “zero”.

    If evolution were true: would nature not have selected the easiest way to survive instead of such a complex  way (2 partners) for the species?  Would it not have kept both sexes in one unit for better survival of the species such as found in simpler life forms? When one looks at the numerous different kinds of sex organs and their strange methods of pro-creation in many different species, then one comes to the conclusion that nature was indeed a theoretical God with access to a higher form of intelligence because it got it absolutely right over and over again. The different kinds of sex organs or procreation boggles the mind! And in all of these the parts function perfectly together – unexplained miracles – which defies critical thinking and logic.

    Additionally - nature can count..... because half of the chromosomes (23) are in the male and the the female donates 23.... which gives 46.  Are you sure they developed separate by chance?  Lions have 38 in total..... 19 donated by female and 19 donated by male. Again - nature can count.  The sable antelope and the shrimp also has 46 chromosomes - same as humans.

    There is a fern with 1440 chromosomes - 720 pairs........ it reproduces by spores.  The diversity in nature is too complex to explain away by "chance" 

    The mathematics of hitting the jackpot spot-on over and over so many billions of times in a row seems like something with ‘foresight’ was manipulating the process.  

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