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Posts posted by Arauna

  1. On 1/18/2021 at 8:38 PM, AlanF said:

    understand that situation, mutations played little or no part in it. Rather, natural genetic variations -- not mutations -- were selected by environmental conditions.

    Lol.  Do you 7nderstand what you are saying?  That is the problem with evolutionists.... they don't think things through.

    If I have a windows code to operate my computer and I suddenly develop a few "variations"  in the code or a few mutations.......... I will have to get the trouble shooter in to find the "variation"  so he can get the computer to run again.

    Genetic code is a more complex operating system than a windows system.   

  2. 32 minutes ago, AlanF said:

    Hundreds of millions of fossils have been found over

    Yea, all different species in graveyards which were formed by water in catastrophic motion........ only adults of the different species........ fully  formed and twisted in unnatural positions.  Adults were running for their lives when they were swept away. 



    Lol: A friend recently asked me this question: If I gave you all the necessary elements to build a piece of bamboo and I added to that unlimited time - would you be able to build it?   I said yes - with eons of time I am sure I could figure it out!  
    Then she said: Here is the catch: you may not use your brain – just leave it to chance!   (Without my intelligence I can have eons of time but will not accomplish anything.)
    This is an answer to the question about 'entropy' being able to 'build' up complex working machines in perfect sequence out of random chaos.

    It cannot hit the jackpot over and over in sequences of billions of times unless it is somehow orchestrated. 






  3. 2 minutes ago, Ann O'Maly said:

    plates do not move rapidly. Read an Earth history book sometime.

    I have seen a simulation of the rapid movement of Pangea  during the flood.  

    All the events you guys describe happened by one little mutation by one little miracle mutation over billions of years when earth was perfectly stable .....is not mathematically possible.  It would take one protein to be built this way ...... longer than the universes existence..... 

  4. 3 minutes ago, AlanF said:

    Mutations occur by chance.

    Yes, but it is  RARELY is beneficial.  The number of incorrect mutations would have exceeded the benefits.... Just to create one protein would take longer than 500 billions years. 

    I have mentioned before that "goldilocks conditions" would be needed for the right chemicals to stay together and not diffuse back into the  "soup" without a membrane to keep it together.  Perfect conditions for millions upon millions of years when the earth always has unpredictable weather and disasters.  Not possible.... that is a dream...... not even a theory.

  5. 18 hours ago, AlanF said:

    depth sufficient to cover the highest mountains

    The mountains became higher with the rapid movement of the tectonic plates......we find sea life above the mountains.... .. it was a catastrophic event.   There were volcanoes and the water violently broke free from the bottom if the earth as well as the water band above the expanse breaking ...... furthermore ..... weigh a bucket of  water........ feel how heavy it weighs..... that pressure of the water after it came down and the tsunamis it formed  wrecked the old world completely.  It also explains how fast the layers of sediment formed. .....also  coal and oil.   One needs pressure to form coal  and NO oxygen present.  Water can do that!

  6. 3 minutes ago, AlanF said:

    Many books proving that all manner of intermediate

    Most of the pics are sucked from the imagination of an artist.... True scientists acknowledge there are too many unexplainable gaps.  

    If millions of changes took place to grow each animal...... where is the evidence?  Most animals arrived fully formed....... writing books dont make it true.... drawing trees dont make it true..... it just means you  believe the theory of the writer without proper evidence .

  7. 1 minute ago, AlanF said:

    decline gathered a great deal of steam

    When the usury system was introduced in 1913. When the FED became a private institution and all American taxes went to private bankers.  WW1 AND WW2 and many other wars and coup de Tats were orchestrated by our govt. to get control of wealth and get all countries on a usuary system.

    Soon we will be taken over by those 1% wealthiest  who own the wealth and global corporations in the world. Small banks will disappear and everyone will be dependent upon the central bank in their country..... tied to the international bank of settlements, UN banks and central banks.  

  8. 30 minutes ago, AlanF said:

    fact is that not a single supposed miracle can be proved to have

    Not one of the miracles in evolution have been proven...... no fossils to prove the interim stages... why?   Because complex life exploded on the world scene (each specie fully developed) in one layer of the earth...... called the Cambrian explosion. 

    At least the Talmud writes scathingly of Jesus - so we know he czme to earth. ..... part of a prophecy and part of the plan to redeem mankind.  Many artifacts exist from the period of the israelite kings .I.e. a seal from the "house of David."  Hezekias tunnel, pool of Siloam...... the kings really existed...  Etc.  Israel is a "living history" .... they have been celebrating passover for 3500 years and the saving of Israel during time of queen ester for 2500 years.  I can go on and on. 

  9.  Faith according to hebrews 11:1  "Faith is the assured expectation of what is hoped for, the evident demonstration of realities that are not seen."    The evidence of realities  is not just seen in the complexity and synergistic designs in the physical creation , but very well noted in the main theme of the bible which "purpose" has slowly  been taking shape throughout the ages.  To restore mankind back to God. Many steps of this plan has been fulfilled but the final 1000 years is a reality still hoped for.  If all other parts of the plan came true (i.e. such as the timely arrival of christ) then the final part of the purpose is assured.

    There is no way that people who did not know each other and lived hundreds of years apart could write about " one theme" throughout the bible  without some help.  The main theme is logical, consistent, coherent, and has continuity.  I.e  continuity...... David was born in Bethlehem and Jesus was born in Bethlehem.... in the Davidic line (genealogy), abraham went on mount moriah to sacrifice isaac and a 1000 years later this same spot was purchased and the temple was built by solomon. 

    The main theme is about human rulership.... that it is always oppressive and imperfect.... Adam chose independence from the sovreignty of God by using his gift of free will in a selfish way.  Human rulership is therefore predicted  to be a miserable failure because most people make up their own morality "good and bad" as they go along.  Humankind broke their relationship with God. 

    God immediately made arrangements to restore his purpose but only after he has given humans a chance to rule themselves..... which will end badly. God will have to step into humankind's affairs to save them from themselves.  He will have proven beyond reasonable doubt  that humans cannot rule themselves successfully without Him.

    Jehovah will eventually only use  those persons who willingly choose to be under His direct rulership and willing to obey his self-sacrificing moral standards..as taught by Jesus, the christ.   Successful rulership can only be just and righteous when all humans are equal under god and God ( who can read hearts ) will administer perfect and equal justice.  Humans are always imperfect and are bias...... even if they bring in one set of moral laws - they will still fail because "human rules over another to his detriment"..... for example: USA are supposed to have equality because it has laws in place..... but if it is not equally enforced ....... then there is no equality. UN will being in one set of morals and it will fail ! 

    Miracles are also interesting.  Can one accept a miracle as a reality when it advances a specific plan and was predicted ahead of time?   

    The trillions of miracles in evolution has no plan, happen by random chance and does not have a stipulated purpose or a final outcome predicted...... just random events.  Even the " intelligent information " sprang into complex patterns " and has no explanation except that it is chance. Trillions x trillions of miracles with no purpose.

    The bible on the other hand has steps which lead to a final outcome which has been predicted.  Each step was predicted and fulfilled exactly on time  and also exactly as predicted.

    Biblical Faith is not blind........ evolutionary faith is blind because there is no proper fossil record and there is no outcome or purpose. 

    Biblical faith has historic "evidence" that many of steps in the plan has already happened ...... so we have an assured expectation that the final outcome will also be as predicted. 


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