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Everything posted by Arauna

  1. No - you do not understand the ransom sacrifice. If there was other perfect creatures living in another part of the universe than Jehovah would not have a need for a legal precedent here on earth to play out namely,: that no other creature / government can rule independent from Jehovah. I foresee the govt. releasing so-called allien information (propaganda ) to get many to leave their faith........ be careful.
  2. You cannot even explain the zillions of miracles in evolution that took place "per chance" - there is no evidence that explain any of them (only theories) and then you want us to explain a much greater being - BUT at least our miracles have a purpose and did not take place per chance. There is also enough evidence of God's existence by the intricate "information" in every aspect of the universe. DNA (an operating system giving instructions in sequence of every event to take place), mathematics, different energies and frequencies - natural phenomena that all operate by natural LAW etc. So yes, start to explain these natural phenomena and look into that more thoroughly before you judge and take sides with human inadequacies.
  3. If you believe all the claptrap about the dinosaurs the "scientists spin. We have been here before on this forum - how the earth was much different before the flood..... etc. If you did not learn anything then .... I will once again be talking into the wind...... I have better things to do with my time,
  4. I have seen quite a few old programs where Dawkins (one of the high priests of evolution) says that alliens could have "seeded" the earth.......he said this during debate..... This explains where life came from? Negating the question and answering it with a side-issue.
  5. I do not believe that other "thinking " creatures equal to humans exist. The bible tells us about angels and demons and humans who can understand "morality". The reason I give is this: when Adam and eve were disobedient they created a universal issue which had to be resolved. Jehovah allowed humans to rule themselves to prove that all government independent from jehovah would fail....... this would not have been necessary if there was other moral life in the universe which had remained faithful to jehovah .....or even unfaithful.... because the issue would have been resolved there. Instead jesus provided the ransom sacrifice here on earth. So it was here that the issue was first challenged. I am aware of more and more programs on internet pushing the existence of extra-terrestrial life. Soon they will try to give evidence of this to mislead many away from the bible..... in fact the way sumerian history (to prove alliens) has been twisted is shocking. But the gullible will believe this - because the ransom is tied up with the universal issue. Those who do not understand the ransom fully will fall for this propaganda.
  6. Negating the main reason I used this example in the first place..... typical evolutional thinking. Negate the real issue and answer a side issue.
  7. I am Clueless heh? I just typed this in and guess what? It is interesting to note that the H1N1 flu strain that caused the 1918 Spanish flu pandemic was extinct until very recently. This strain has been recently resurrected to allow for its scientific study and is closely guarded in a containment facility in Atlanta, Georgia.Mar 20, 2018
  8. I did not claim that - this is a lie. Yea - I have a life ... I do not spend all my time on here . I have read some answers on other websites and was not impressed.... that is why I still believe in YEHOVAH.
  9. That is how these people think - they label someone - and then (in their mind) they have answered and dealt with the matter sufficiently ! They refuse to look into it...... because they are afriad they may have to let go of their 'religion'. The book I mentioned before is a scholar and mathematician - The Devil's Delusion: Atheism and Its Scientific Pretensions is a 2008 book by David Berlinski. It discusses atheism and religion, defending the religious point of view. He is not religious himself but makes these arguments because he can! I guess he does not know where to start to be religious. He is born a Jew and does not know where to search for the biblical truth.... or just not interested....
  10. This is one case - the majority of dinosaurs were deposited in 2 long gullies in USA with a large island in the middle. This is the geological facts. One incidence does not prove the majority of fossils buried together in a long grave wrong. I follow the newest evidence...... I just typed into my google and this came up: there is unbelievable amount of evidence for this! https://www.livescience.com/8340-world-largest-dinosaur-graveyard-linked-mass-death.html
  11. There is more than enough geological evidence. The flood was a very violent event as I said before. Everything on earth was destroyed. Most of the dinosaurs were deposited in graveyards hundred of miles long which were gullies. The water pushed the dinosaurs into gullies. .... and it was adults which were buried. Most adult animals had lost their babies along the way of running to higher ground as the water moved in. All over the world the deposits of dinosaurs are found in long gullies - china, USA etc. Most of these animals are also in positions which show that they were dumped there in violence on top of one another. Their bodies often in twisted shapes. There is much more evidence but if one only reads literature that proves the opposite - that is what you will believe.
  12. No - but we know that they may have come from across the Mediterranean because Egypt was known as a bread basket. Rome later on got their wheat from Egypt. Jacob came from Canaan for wheat on more than one occasion.
  13. By saying that you have no clue about fascism. Anything that is contrary to your thoughts is fascistic - no doubt
  14. Today in science if you go against the main thought - you will be ousted. Just think of transgender issue, or the Covid 19 issue. If you go against the organizations in control ( the money behind it) you lose your voice - forever.
  15. You focus on one spelling mistake because you do not have real proof of fossils - how invertebrates suddenly became vertebrates, how the wing suddenly developed.... how the Cambrian explosion produced fully developed animals when only a few trilobites could be found in the previous layer ...... so NO progressive development found (no fossil record) in the millions of years in between the two layers....and suddenly we find rhino and dinosaur and various animals together - conveniently left out of all evolutionary records. And don't bother to answer with another "theory" which cannot be proved ....or the insults - which are the only thing you are really good at.. I do not waste my time any longer on a person like you who can only insult and cannot provide empirical evidence. Peer reviews are also not acceptable because it just means that scientists stand together to protect their turf and do not have any respect for the truth. It is a religion masquerading as a science and playing beautifully into the hands of satan's goals. Unfortunately I have lost respect for many of the sciences..... they now produce results which their money sponsors desire. Just look at the global warming fiasco for one.... example Apart from this - the math does not add up and I will not even go into the protein and nano-technology aspects which prove evolution a myth or a religion .... because one needs a lot of imagination to find merit in this theory (but so do a lot of novels have imagination) and a lot of blind faith to stick to it. I am not ashamed of the homework I have done on the subject and for that matter any other bible subjects. I just feel sorry for you because people like you start to believe their own human brilliance above that of the creator. As Roman 1:20 clearly says: those people who reject the glory of god have NO excuse. They are like unthinking animals who flitter from one "theory" to the next. They like to bluff themselves. because they really believe they are sophisticated and intellectual .... when they cannot even think for themselves that the first cell needed a ' membrane' to keep its contents in place. The contents of the first protein would have dissipated into the surrounding fluids without a membrane......... just by chance a membrane and the particles needed for the first whole protein chain developed side by side ((miracle) - when it takes months for an entire team of nano-technologists to build ONE amino-acid which will go into the protein chain.........Furthermore, they believe that the earth was stable for millions of years....... no bad weather , no disasters, vulcanos etc etc... so the complicated chemical particles were stable for millions of years and could form to create a complicated chain which folds only in a specific way and could stay together and bind together over millions of years to form one protein. The "fairy-take "goldilocks " conditions were perfect for millions of years so that these amino acids would not dissipate. The millions of miracles (each random change which happened by chance) which is needed to happen in evolution is more far-fetched than the few miracles mentioned in the bible. Mathematics has proven that it would take more years than the universe has existed to create one protein chain...... it is so complicated. The cell structure is so complicated... it is an entire factory with a transport system and two different kinds of DNA in different parts of the cell. A kind of operating system like windows....... Mitochondrial DNA which up till now was believed to only come from the first woman and our 46 genes, junk DNA and epigenetics combined to make us a unique person. Mathematicians have written about the deceit in the mathematics of evolution and the tests to determine the age of fossils. I believe i gave you the name of the book I was reading at the time of our previous discussion on the subject. Your distain does not bother me...... I have only pity for you.... and those with your kind of mindset.
  16. Anna, it seems you are impressed by a show of scholarship and not the real thing. Insider likes to use the babylonian chronicles and stars because then he can look smart, The olympiad method is much easier, quicker and more accurate AND less debate and controversy. You need not use the stars either.... This date of 530 BCE as cyrus' death is set in stone - no controversy about it. ..... and the beauty of it....... It fits with the biblical chronology. (JWs do not adapt biblical chronology to fit with secular chronology but Visa versa.
  17. Well said. He has not said one sentence that made me think twice..... all I got from him was insults. .... true blasphemer.
  18. True, there are no dates on tablets. They usually refer to some great local event...most of these, in our time cannot be tracked. I happened to take out a book with translations of tablets when I worked at the university. Yes there are theories about stars etc.... but descriptions of these events are not that accurate..... so we can be making mistakes. I think these people will believe what they want to believe. They are forming camps now. Propaganda is rife in these statements that there are "dates" - without substantiation - and are often repeated and people start to believe the fallacies.
  19. Evolution is more like a " religious doctrine " than science. Scarce evidence is provided for the "miraculous" claims and when one scrutinizes it closely one sees all the deep flaws. These flaws usually have been accepted by peer review because some person thought up another highly unlikely theory to explain gross inconsistencies ...... and then it is accepted by the high priest. Its foundation and subsequent bricks is like a clump of sand. The biological mathematics are so messed up. Ie. The rate of mutations ........ one can take the flu of the great war WW1. This virus has already gone extinct. Due to the number of mutations it has not survived. If humans are as old as they say we are, our own mutations would already have made us go extinct. Mutations are destructive - rarely has a beneficial outcome. But we know why mutations occur from the bible ..... and we know there is a God who will rectify this soon.
  20. The babylonian empire fell - if you know the entire book of Daniel well - you will know it gives us a summary of the march of world powers one after another. The four beasts mentioned are Babylon, medea-persia, Greece and Rome. The 70 years was the end of babylonian dominion - Babylon would NEVER have set Israel free so jehovah replaced them with medea-persia at the right time he had determined before. 70 years to be exact - to release Israel to go back.. Tyre suffered a blow under Babylon but its island was not destroyed - that only came later when Alexander the great destroyed it. Babylon only became a wilderness much later when the salt deposits made the land infertile. You guys like to argue over the silliest details because you want to be right at all costs - to satisfy your egos. This has nothing to do with God or the bible....... you want to humiliate Jehovahs people who believe in him only and associate with his people. Your institutions - from whom you receive your mothers milk - will not save you..... Only jehovah can save ...... and you have taken sides against him in favor of secular knowledge. I prefer to drink His milk than your skewed secular interpretations of the bible.
  21. I do not believe scholars have any acceptance of the bible...... it is about being credible to peers who do not accept the bible.
  22. 🤣 Love it! I speak 6 languages- and you? Tech tonic. .... you focus on words or spelling mistakes when you cannot answer ..... is that a "scholarly" tactic? I am living in Albania.... so when you are online in the day it is already deep in my night. I guess you think you are superior...... but your atheist conduct is similar to that of AlanF. ..... Science is now the God of this world..... unfortunately. Soon we will see a science or tech dictatorship take over the world with the "great reset" .... then you will experience the wonders of corrupt human knowledge and you whow ' your god' cannot save you
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