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Everything posted by Arauna

  1. The same communist tactics all over the world now and a clamp down on human rights, free speech etc.
  2. Crazy when 666 says this - when they know full well that Aids, hepatitis C, syphilis etc is a death sentence. My baby daughter had cancer and had a full day surgery without blood - and survived! She did not get anaphylactic shock - a common reason people die from after they receive blood..... but blood is never put on death certificate as reason for death. They come through surgery well but on 4th day develop this shock to the body due to blood and die. On the death certificate: complications of surgery ..... never the true reason for death because they make too much money on it.
  3. That was the flood - not 50 millions of years. That is where the marine fossils come from all over the earth - on all the highest mountains.
  4. I have, and I have come to the conclusion that the earth-wide flood is responsible for the layers we see on earth today.... and the movement of Pangea as it is today. There is a model which explains much of it. The flood was a destructive event with tsunamis, earthquakes, volcanos erupting and major movement of Teutonic plates There are many geologists who say that there are too many unexplained phenomena when one holds onto the theory of evolution. According to you - that which immediately puts and end to your endless speculation about evolution is of-topic - lol. If you had an answer it would not be off topic
  5. Jer 29:10 “For this is what Jehovah says, ‘When 70 years at Babylon are fulfilled, I will turn my attention to you,a and I will make good my promise by bringing you back to this place. We all know the Babylonian empire as a empire that dominated the world scene came to an end when Cyrus conquered it. Yes it continued for a long time after that as a city but not as an empire ever again. So what are you trying to prove?
  6. Why do you not rather talk about the highest mountains in the world which all have fossils from the sea in its layers. and the Cambrian explosion which brought forth in ONE layer all the different fossils and all are fully developed!
  7. The religion of evolution (which poses as a science) is out of whack with reality.
  8. LOL - one can now determine the number of generations from the DNA...... and it does not go far back. LOL Turkish propaganda. The "handbag" is similar to the symbolism in ancient Assyrian depictions. We all know that the dating of artifacts is a BIG scam. One has to give the layer of the earth it was lifted from and then a mathematical formula is aplied to determine age. If one does not give the layer of the earth it came from - different labs give totally different dating results for pieces of the same artifacts. The universe cannot come from nothing. Energy had to come from somewhere.
  9. YOU and Witness are the jealous ones - we work alongside the true anointed remnant
  10. Any writer needs to sensor all the time if one wants to publish........ this is the hardest part of writing - to remove the excess! I am too lazy for this now..... it is hard work!
  11. In your mind yea! LOL. You really show your logic and lie openly now. Do not even go to the language line ...... even that is wrong!
  12. No you have it wrong - we are serving at the foot of the throne! on earth. the earthly part of the courtyard is here on earth as a nation separate and in unity serving Jehovah. Those who are not in peace and unity or have ulterior motives - those people leave! Is 66:1 " This is what Jehovah says: “The heavens are my throne, and the earth is my footstool.+Where, then, is the house that you could build for me,+And where is my resting-place?”
  13. At least I agree with you on that. It is not important to me BUT it is very important to you...... that is why you have hate-OCD.
  14. Yes - but non-WT models accept the 50 years and not 70 years. WT chronology fits all the biblical events and the number of years the bible talks about. We put biblical chronology above secular chronology ..... because we accept the bible as word of God. Many false Christian religions do not care if things match up. They believe in a trinity, immortality of the soul, Jesus did not really die because he was immortal - he did not receive immortality as a reward for faithfulness to God etc. etc. ....So if these fundamental teachings are not important to them how can one expect them to challenge a few wrong years in the secular chronology?
  15. Because there are people like you who believe they are anointed because they only want influence over others - a woman wanting influence over others...... I recall there is a scripture in the bible about that ?????? ....and now one of your avid admirers will answer and say I should not be sexist.... lol. That is why you criticize the true anointed because you want "position" or influence. When you could not get this you turned to the only way open to you.... try to destroy them. I recall there is an angel who also has this mental attitude. You did not even answer my question because you have not ever thought about it! I know you are not anointed - because I have read the answers I have seen here on this forum. This is all I have to say. Do not bother to reply with hate-OCD because I will not read it.
  16. I bet it has not crossed your mind even once that you could be that slave?
  17. I do not think I have wisdom but all the studies I have done is to get a better understanding of the mindset and the cultures which Israel was dealing with. It is imperative to understand the mindset of ancient nations if one wants to understand the reasons behind their actions. Today I was looking at Roman culture in the time of Julius Caesar and realized how important rhetoric was in the senate.....and everywhere else a person wanted to be noticed. No wonder they looked down on Paul because he was highly qualified spiritually (knowing the mosaic law as a Pharisee) but did not display rhetoric in the Greek way (he must have trained in it but refused to come to them with worldly wisdom and high-class behaviors) but in power of Jehovah's spirit and in humility!
  18. Maybe you are the one with no insight - because he may be correcting you and you are too obtuse to see it. The fact that you cannot see the connection between the gods and the stars indicates that you have no clue of Babylonian culture. They did not have science - religion was their 'everything' - superstition spells and all.
  19. Thank you - I made a copy of your notes and will look at it when I have more time. I noticed that you quoted a section which equates star with worship of certain gods. This is what AlanF and his ilk do not understand and therefore reject the equation of the stars with the predictions and spells and associated health of people - they just see it as pure science and not as a religion. Science as we know it today did not exist in ancient times in the entire middle east.....they observed the planets and stars as part of their religion. I quote: " 'The zodiacal constellations were made objects of false worship from early Mesopotamian times onward. Certain qualities were attributed to each of the different constellations, and these were then used in astrological predictions based on the particular position or relationship of the celestial bodies to the signs of the zodiac at any given time. As shown by the text at 2 Kings 23:5, such use of astrology was introduced into Judah by foreign-god priests whom certain kings had brought into the country. Jehovah God long before had prohibited such star worship on penalty of death.—De 17:2-7. Astrology was a predominant facet of Babylonian worship. The predictions based on the zodiac by her astrologers, however, did not save Babylon from destruction, even as the prophet Isaiah had accurately forewarned.—Isa 47:12-15; ' There are many scriptures referring to the disgusting practices associated with the star and moon worship which originated in Babylon. Ur and Haran (both cities which Abraham lived in before crossing the Euphrates in 1943 BCE) were moon god cities. For example the star of Ishtar was associated with Venus - if you do not believe me go study some more..... I am writing from memory.... You will recall that Ishtar and Baal worship was the male and female fertility gods. Babylon had the Ishtar gate. "So he put out of business the foreign-god priests, whom the kings of Judah had appointed to make sacrificial smoke on the high places in the cities of Judah and the surroundings of Jerusalem, as well as those making sacrificial smoke to Baʹal, to the sun, to the moon, to the constellations of the zodiac, and to all the army of the heavens." Alan F is so dismissive of anything does not does originate with him..... thank goodness I have done my own research - not because I want to be smart - but because I love Jehovah and want to understand the background of the bible.
  20. You are forever interpreting my feelings - lol. ...... I am an African which you seem to forget - we always come over a bit strong.
  21. Some JWs fall into some kind of sin and do not feel repentant. They find Jehovahs laws too restrictive and then quickly disfellowship themselves before they are accountable for their misdeeds. There are not always good reasons for leaving Jehovah - while I believe this is rare possibility - it is not the rule.
  22. You sound like a family member of Noah..... 120 years. Many years preaching and preparing the physical "sign" in front of them BUT their hearts remained like a stone. Only when the rain started coming did they realize this is it because they had never seen rain before. In about 7 months time I would like to see your observations and your scoffing again. No signs EH? The horses which started running in 1914 is running much faster now and gaining momentum. Pangs of distress is already every minute.......
  23. I thing this is deceitful of you to say this. I think you will find fault just because he dared to call about you. The smallest thing will make you mad.
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