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Posts posted by Arauna

  1. 1 hour ago, JW Insider said:

    that 7 of those 43 years could have been spent in madness?

    This why your arguments are useless. You do not definitely know for sure if the seven years accounts for madness or if it includes the years that nebuchadnezzar did duties for his father as regent. As I said..... he went to war in the name of his father..... 


    Too many assumptions. Like evolution these scholars are too cocksure......  It is merely a useful tool. 

    Astronomical dating can be a powerful tool for establishing absolute chronologies, but...
    it can easily produce precise and impressive looking results based on invalid assumptions –
    results so precise and impressive they may not be questioned by scholars in other fields.

    —John Steele, "The Use and Abuse of Astronomy in Establishing Absolute Chronologies."

  2. On 9/2/2020 at 7:00 PM, JW Insider said:

    Are you saying this is a bad thing? Perhaps it

    China only does predatory loans. Unfortunately you think so much of your own opinions that you believe only that which confirms your own opinions. You are tremendously contentious because of this. 

    I have LIVED 45 years in Africa and still have many friends and relatives there. So why would I argue with a smartypants? 

    You also cloud your own judgement by saying Amerika is promoting bad stories about China and Africa to draw attention away from it's own deeds.  The truth is: in Africa itself - it's people do not care about America - they are trying to survive all the time while their corrupt leaders are selling them out to China. Rare minerals and other natural resources are already in the hands of China.  They do not care what USA thinks. In actual fact the problems in Africa have always been UNDER REPORTED.......... the suffering, wars, genocides, predatory loans by China and UN...... 

    USA only happened to focus on it now because it suits them........ it does not mean it has not been ONGOING.  Today 300 boys abducted in Nigeria..... why this got publicity heaven knows because the abduction of girls has been an ongoing problem as well as the destruction and murder of entire christian villages. 

    China has also been a problem for quite some time....... and they have said nothing.  I feel sorry for the Chinese citizens.... who have to deal with the CCP and its military who have infiltrated every sector of life in China and doing the same in other countries. It is its military wing which has been donating money to US universities and lending money to other countries.....  


  3. 4 hours ago, Anna said:

    published BBC news

    Thank you Anna. I have seen so many articles with similar content from reputable news sources. The UN recently also condemned this. ..... which was surprising because they use China as a model. I have also seen more stories about the organ harvesting despite the fact that journalists cannot enter China without being followed around by secret services. Only "responsible"  journalists allowed which means: pro-CCP journalists

  4. 3 hours ago, JW Insider said:

    You claim here that Nabopolassar was surrounding the Assyrian forces in 611. But the Watchtower teaches that Nabopolassar had died about 14 years earlier, and that Nebuchadnezzar had already taken over for Nabopolassar 14 years before this event. In fact Nebuchadnezzar had already taken Ezekiel into exile 7 years earlier according to the Insight book, Nebuchadnezzar, not Nabopolassar was just months away from besieging Jerusalem:

    You say many things without giving dates. Nabopolassar was getting old and his son was already presented as king (very important event) and married to the median princess. I speak from memory when I allege that nebuchadnezzar fought several battles in the name of his father when his father was alive. If I remember from the studies I did years ago he received the news of his father's death when he was at carchemish. (This according to secular history).

  5. Besides I have been reading up about the syncronization of all the middle eastern civilizations and their important dates - how all of them have been synchronized with the Egyptian dates so that they all make sense when put into one time-line. Every time on this forum I have brought attention to this you have outrightly rejected the thought.... but anyone who has studied some Egyptology knows about the controversies surrounding this egyptian chronology. Even the Hittite dates are synchronized to fit in with Egyptology's chronology..... and there are errors. So all time-line synchronized with it are not accurate.

    Although egyptologists reject the bible and only accept secular dates...... their entire egyptian chronology is based on a single date they assumed to be correct when champollion lifted a single  "biblical king" from the bible to pin his entire chronology on it - shishak.  It is quite ironic that they accept a WRONG biblical king to base their entire incorrect chronology on yet reject the bible.

     BUT champollion's  unfortunate choice has put the middle kingdom out by more than 350 years and the new kingdom by 20 years. Because of this, I only accept biblical chronology and very careful with the accepted secular "scholarly" dates.  They have been synchronized with incorrect Egyptian dates.

    I had a struggle to copy (stuff hands) the first 2 paragraphs under Egyptian chronology on wikipedia. It brings attention to the fact that there is NOT consensus on the secular egyptian dates.  Please look it up.

    You will see that biblical chronology is NOT the same as the secular chronology - no matter how hard you try to converge them.  The battle of Josiah against Egypt took place 629 BCE  when Josiah was killed. The Egyptian king then took  time  to install the youngest son of Josiah on the throne. 3 months later he was removed and jehoiakim was made king.... he ruled for 11 years before being removed  by Babylon and replaced by Sedekia - who was dethroned in 607 BCE. Many rebellions and changing of vassals. Quite a lot of biblical events between these 2 dates too!

    Secular date for carchemish between Nebuchadnezzar and Necho ii is 605.  Secular dates do not allow for detailed biblical events because it rejects the bible.

    What chronology would you say is more reliable? Biblical or secular.



  6. 10 minutes ago, JW Insider said:

    the previous thread that spun off this one, I explained exactly how the Watchtower came to the conclusion they did.

    You tend to use the "old publications"  and not the newer evidences provided by the insight book etc. - so I do not trust you when you quote watchtower. I have seen in the past how you cherry pick the "old publications".  So you need not quote them again.


  7. 14 hours ago, AlanF said:

    Spirit literally means "breath of God". Now, God,

    Neshamah means ' breath ' in its restricted sense. Ru'ah has a much wider application. It is an "active" wind or energy which brings visible results. It is always in motion and cannot be controlled by humans..........whereas  "power"  - can be latent or active..... so much for your lumping of all 3 words together in such a sloppy way.


  8. 14 hours ago, AlanF said:

    Still no connection with E=mc^2 -- the Watchtower arguments are demonstrably false.

    There are many respectable scientists who are JWs and many other scientists who are Christians.   They find the statements in the bible , which borders on science,  highly compatible with science.  You make many wild, arrogant, statements without giving proof.  You come across as patronizing -  as though you are the only one who understand science. Science is only a tool to understand the natural world. It is not a God and not an explanation of everything as you pretend it to be. 

    As I pointed out earlier - scientists are just imperfect men who can make errors and are prone to ego, lying, evil , professional jealousy greedy...etc. just like any other educated or uneducated person.  (This Corona virus fiasco is a good example of science or rather, the scientists who run the science.  And it seems they think they can run the world under a technocratic - corperatocricy in future under the UN...... lol. We know, bible prophecy indicates a major failure for humankind and their science.)

    Evidence is there that atheists make science their God..... but it is an extremely  imperfect God.    Science lacks the mathematic formulas to connect the different sciences together and cannot even explain the energies that exist - such as magnetism and how it connects with weak and strong energies and gravity - to get to  one conclusion for the universe and earth.  There are string theory and quantum theory - all theories that give a little explanation and are NOT compatible.... they give explanations only to a certain point ...... and then it lacks that which is needed to explain it all.

    Do not pretend here on this forum that science has the answers - it only pretends to have the answers. The reality is - is it extremely DEFICIENT. 

    14 hours ago, AlanF said:

    Idiot savants have

    I have not seen any "scientific " argument from you which is based on science- you mostly revile others... that is all.  You are a perfect advertisement for your godlessness.

    14 hours ago, AlanF said:

    more knowledge of "science" than any other educated people of their time. And in most cases their expressions reflect the common misconce

    I suggest you read up on that history and your eyes will open up.  I am not here to teach a person who makes wild statements. I like to speak to logical, human being which is prepared weigh evidences.  Even in modern times there is a flat earth society..... so what do you think they believed 4000 years ago?

    14 hours ago, AlanF said:

    excellent observers and had good knowledge of mathematics. S

    I said moses was educated.  It is interesting to read the construction dimensions given for the tabernacle.... either moses or God gave those dimensions and they seem accurate and detailed.. Come to think of it - even the arc built by Noah is very much a stable construction - similar in dimension to the large modern ocean liners..... just to give 2 examples.  I think you are unscientific - and your dismissiveness makes you so. A true scientist searches for the truth and follows it - wherever the conclusions may lead him to. You are too scared to do that. You may just have to re-evaluate your false claims

  9. 4 hours ago, JW Insider said:

    yet the WTS is quite happy with the possibility that the proclamation could have happened a full year later leaving six months or less.

    The culture of the Babylonians were so set in its traditions that to deviate from it would create unrest with the people.  Nabonides was hated by the people because he did not attend the festival of Akitu. He was shirking his duty with the God  of the city and could bring great misfortune to the people - such was the superstition. 

    The festival of Akitu was centered around the King as representing the deity if the city - Marduk.... and a great king (if he was smart) would definitely attend this and allow himself to be crowned. it was a time of great festivity and the people participated... so if it did not take place they would feel bereft of its significance. It is similar to Alexander the Great being crowned in Egypt according to Egyptian customs.... not his own customs.  This brought him much respect in Egypt. He was later buried there.

    Akitu was held for 14 days and started in the first day of NISSAN. The cultural history of the period tells me that Cyrus would have had himself crowned as 'king of the four corners of the earth' at this festival.  Assyrian kings also had themselves crowned there. it was the most important festival on the pagan calendar.


  10. 5 hours ago, AlanF said:

    ancient Hebrews knew nothing of the modern concept of orbits.

    True - but you demeaned the questions asked by the bible writer. It is clear that Moses was a thinker and was also an educated man - having access to the highest education of the time, as well as a man who communicated with jehovah. 

    A sheeple can come to the same conclusion..... Anyone can see mostly order in a universe where things can go badly wrong if there were not cycles. Ancient star watchers (priests) knew which morning star was on the horizon every day of the year. They made advanced calculations regarding the stars and wrote it all down. Any anomaly was noted so as to link it with earthly events - so as to be able to make predictions. They knew how trustworthy the events in the skies were - recurring year after year.

    In job we find description of natural cycles such as the water cycle etc. Your skepticism blinds you to many realities of the past.


  11. 5 hours ago, AlanF said:

    Anyone who would translate the words in Isaiah as "dynamic energy" is out of his mind."

    As I said before - the spirit is " projected energy" to accomplish a purpose.  Spirit and power are related. 

    To deliberately ignore that connection is like reading excellent evidence that evolution is not possible and then to go ahead and ignore it. 

    What if you "think" you are brilliant and not a savant.  I will take an idiot - savant any time. If later he lost the help of God  - it does not demean the work he did. However, the NW translation has been revised on 2 occasions I am aware of. 


  12. On 12/9/2020 at 9:48 PM, AlanF said:

    What does it mean to keep the stars in place? Ce

    Most stars stay in orbit so as not to create chaos. We see occasional changes - which is entropy - it leads to chaotic incidence. The universe we can see with our eye is mostly organized with each star in its (orbit) place.  If each moved where they please we will see continual explosions/fusions etc.  So this verse is asking us to "think" about what we see.

  13. On 12/9/2020 at 9:48 PM, AlanF said:

    does "none are missing" mean? Missing

    The bible is not a science manual. It is a book which gives us the history of how God is still on track to reach his final outcome of his purpose - while allowing wicked mankind to rule themselves with their own governments of choice in the interim period.  God just steps into humankind's affairs  when his final purpose is in jeopardy.

     Describing his power/dynamic energy/ projected energy / spirit is just inviting us to look around us and open our eyes. To make sure of the evidences of his existence and power. "Not one if them is missing" means that God can count billions of stars....... something I doubt any human can do without a computer.  So we are asked to ' think'  about things.

    The same issue still exists today. Human rule, or acknowledgement of the sovreignty of God. Now, at the apex if human discovery, when science and tech has become the new God of the 4th industrial revolution,  people look to science and technocracy to fix all the problems on the globe. Yet at present we face the biggest threat to the continuance of human existence than ever before due to humankind's mismanagement of things, our own selfish desires for power and control.   

  14. On 12/9/2020 at 2:35 PM, Srecko Sostar said:

    generally, is considered to be book for all people, especially for people who are "poor in spirit". In

    The bible is a book of education for all people to get a glimpse into the ways of God in order to honor him in the right way. It should elevate the mind with good insight into the world and moral principals to guide the reader to distinguish right from wrong so that they walk in justice...... and in this way make their paths straight and successful. In no way does it dumb us down....  but lifts up.  This I have often seen in Africa where some people have little secular education and yet are able to soar above superstition etc.


  15. 1 hour ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    are "guided by spirit" is in reality nothing more than fact that they receive "projected energy" ....

    But you forget that his "Spirit " is always projected with a specific purpose in mind. So when you pray to Jehovah for spirit it should have a sacret purpose in mind and you will definitely  receive spirit for this purpose.

    (Sorry that my answers are intermittent today as I am applying for residence in Albania and going in and out of appointments today). 

    Your definitions of active force definitely indicates that energies are used for different purposes - so jehovah does give constant attention to his living and inanimate creation. Bringing about change in line with his purpose. 

  16. 8 hours ago, AlanF said:

    dynamic energy" a Proper Translation In Isaiah 40:26?

    Years ago I did I study on the word 'spirit' and came to the conclusion that it meant "projected energy". .......jehovah's power / spirit is always active and directed - regarding our physical realm never in a dormant state. In the bible the words for power and spirit are closely associated.

    Every piece of the visible universe has Jehovah's active energy in it. I came to the conclusion that the universe would collapse if Jehovah withdrew his 'energy' from it because all matter is energy in one form or another and it is many of these different energies which scientists have not yet come up with ONE formula to describe it all.  This is the illusive or magic formula these scientists are searching for, when 'sheeple' like me can come to good conclusions about it by studying the bible - the book scientist disparage. 

    But Mr AlanF is turning the conversation away to another aspect -  to get a 'spiel' on the translation of a 'word' in Isaiah 40 to disprove the "power" which in this case means "truth",  of God's word. 

    He disparaged the bible above by giving incorrect quotes from his memory. 

    I answered with 3 short refrences from the bible..... 

    Please Mr Alan F  explain to me why you did not find it appropriate to rather ask about the translation of the word "nothing" in the following scripture written by Moses under inspiration 3,500 years ago? 

    job 26:7 " He stretches the northern sky over empty space, suspending the earth upon "NOTHING".

    Scientifically - we no there is.  With the naked eye, it really hangs on nothing. 



  17. On 11/24/2020 at 8:19 PM, JW Insider said:

    only partisan people among your government workers results

    What outsiders do not understand is that tribes in Africa vote according to tribal parties.  Everything is partisan. That is why there are always low-key genocides going on. Elections are always unfair even if they are certified by so-called independent watchers. This is how Mugabe ruled for 37 years and could starve all the tribes that voted against him.


  18. On 11/24/2020 at 8:19 PM, JW Insider said:

    would still be allowed the opportunity to pay taxes.

    LOL......so she is wrong in saying they do not do their civic duty......... except, not voting for her.  This is a problem in Africa..... if you do not vote, you are persecuted, if you vote wrong, you are also persecuted....  so it is good that this civic duty is one JWs refrain from. No mark of the beast. 

  19. On 11/24/2020 at 3:15 AM, Space Merchant said:

    You really need to be very careful with Atheism... The Scriptures is quite clear on being vigilant and careful around specific philosophies.

    Agreed, human philosophies are deadly. All the -isms such as darwin-ism, athe-ism, human-ism etc.  This replaces the bible to give people some meaning in their lives.... but it leads to spiritual death.

  20. On 11/24/2020 at 3:46 AM, Space Merchant said:

    ll be the ones to prosper through various levels of trials, the willingness to even preach about the gospel when Scripture will most likely be censored 100%, for Scripture bans in some schools is already a foreshadowing.

    I agree - there are indications in the world that those persons who believe in the ransom of Christ will be persecuted.  We will prosper in the sense that even if we have extreme hardship we will maintain integrity towards God and the Christian principles Christ taught us, so we maintain our friendship with god.

    It is Satan's aim to get us compromised with this world and its political system so we do not get everlasting life.  If we do have the mark of the beast we will not qualify for life.

    Just like in time of Hitler - most JWs maintained integrity.  Hitler was destroyed but Jehovah's people flourished after this time. So yes, with the help of God we can maintain our integrity.

  21. 14 hours ago, Witness said:

    Read the letter. 

    Mr Chavez - she is too worked up to understand much. 

    All her efforts are much ado about nothing  and a  'manufacturing of outrage'.  I joined UN press to get news too!  There was no other source of news available about the decisions of the UN at its meetings but the UN news department itself - at the time. I later left them when I could get more material online. I joined as a member of a NGO (non-government organization) and did not pay any fee to join.  OXFAM and many charity organizations are NGOs!

    The UN started with only 50 members in 1945 and was an  importent international organization because at the time it was viewed as a reliable organization even though we knew that in future it would be turn against religion, and take over from the 7-headed beast.  For that reason I am still watching  UN events.

    The UN itself is a non-government organization - intergovernmental    Here is the definition of it its public information department: 

     "The United Nations (U.N.) Department of Public Information (DPI) defines the NGO as “a not-for profit, voluntary citizen’s group that is organized on a local, national or international level to address issues in support of the public good. Task-oriented and made up of people with a common interest, NGOs perform a variety of services and humanitarian functions, bring citizen’s concerns to Governments, monitor policy and program implementation, and encourage participation of civil society stakeholders at the community level.”

    Since 1992 the UN has been working on Agenda 2021. After this (especially after 9-11)  its international actions in the last 20 years has started to take on a sinister character.  Much internal corruption, that is growing exponentially, and collaboration with many corrupt private NGOs all over the world as well as super capitalists has turned the global world organization with 192 members out of 195 nations into a place where super-capitalists have control over  technology, banking, media, legal, and human rights organizations. ... and its power is growing as super-global corporations which provide food, water and energy is joining its ranks. I.e. Monsantos-Bayer. Look at the list of attendees at DAVOS and you will have a good idea of the new and old super corporations which are joining the ranks.

    I have complained many times on this forum that Arab nations and China (who have no clue of human rights) are now in control of human rights. 

    RUSSIA AND CHINA veto many beneficial actions..... controlling things to go their way on the security council.

    For example, not only does Bill Gates own most shares in all the corporations that will manufacture the upcoming  vaccinations , he also owns the patents for the technology that will be used in them.

    He (and many billionaires) do not pay taxes because they all have charity organizations which their money is given to. These charities give mega donations to NGOs or corporations that promote their financial interests (tax free).  NGOs additionally get billions in "grant money" from governments and they use it for purposes they deem fit. ... which further line the pockets of those billionaires, NGOs and those involved with the UN. I.e vaccination "testing programs in Kongo and India.

    These are now dictating health policy to the WHO.  The world AIDs fund has also  been a slush fund for the super rich. Gates himself is the biggest money contributor to the WHO.  UN has been bought and paid for.  This is why I am warning that UN now has the teeth to act.... something it did not have before. BUt a corrupt organization with super-capitalist technocracy running things does not augur well for the future. IT WILL BRING THE WORST TRIBULATION THE WORLD HAS EVER SEEN. I call it a technological corperatocricy or science dictatorship.

    Soros set up a NGO in Ukraine in order to stop corruption........ and it became the biggest corruptor of the society and the legal sector. He is also funding all DA offices in USA and many front organizations. His Open Society charity is behind many sinister plots....... THAT IS HOW HE MAKES HIS MONEY.  READ up how he almost broke the UK economy and how he is not welcome in many countries any longer and is facing criminal charges in 6 countries....  But of course the naive people here will look it up on the super-capitalist owned media and call it conspiracy lies.   Soros is funding corrupt  prosecutors who do not follow legal procedures but make up their own rules as they go along...... in Ukraine the people who were trying to prosecute  Hunter Biden for corruption was FIRED. ........ Read up about the Color revolutions - big money involved in the overthrow of governments and it seems USA may be following the same pattern.

    The world is totally corrupt and the super-rich and UN & collaborating NGOs is behind it.  Most local NGOs for " sustainable development " in the USA is changing the LOCAL laws without the people's consent. They are changing the laws in line with agenda 2030.  NGOs for sustainable development are often funded by the  Council on Foreign Relations (which was given power by the first president Busch after the first UN Agenda 2021 was signed by more than 170 nations). ...... which by the way is legally binding..... eventhough the agenda itself does not say so. 

    I can go on about this non-government organization - which started in idealism - has been totally corrupted and taken over.  It used to be an organization without teeth but has enough teeth now to lock down the entire planet - think on that.

    TO SUM UP:  the UN had not much power a few  decades ago...... but in last 15 years is exponentially growing its beastly teeth ..... together with those who are giving it money and support.  It will soon be able to gobble those up who dare to stand up against its all encompassing policies.

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