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Everything posted by Arauna

  1. We have been known throughout the world as Jehovah's Witnesses since 1935 and have brought glory to Jehovah's name since then - preaching and carrying His name throughout the world. Our worship is legalized by jehovah.... not men.
  2. Why did the parents not report it? Are they dead? Usually the parents (direct family members to the girl) are asked to report it - not an uncle.
  3. Agreed, human philosophies are deadly. All the -isms such as darwin-ism, athe-ism, human-ism etc. This replaces the bible to give people some meaning in their lives.... but it leads to spiritual death.
  4. I agree - there are indications in the world that those persons who believe in the ransom of Christ will be persecuted. We will prosper in the sense that even if we have extreme hardship we will maintain integrity towards God and the Christian principles Christ taught us, so we maintain our friendship with god. It is Satan's aim to get us compromised with this world and its political system so we do not get everlasting life. If we do have the mark of the beast we will not qualify for life. Just like in time of Hitler - most JWs maintained integrity. Hitler was destroyed but Jehovah's people flourished after this time. So yes, with the help of God we can maintain our integrity.
  5. Mr Chavez - she is too worked up to understand much. All her efforts are much ado about nothing and a 'manufacturing of outrage'. I joined UN press to get news too! There was no other source of news available about the decisions of the UN at its meetings but the UN news department itself - at the time. I later left them when I could get more material online. I joined as a member of a NGO (non-government organization) and did not pay any fee to join. OXFAM and many charity organizations are NGOs! The UN started with only 50 members in 1945 and was an importent international organization because at the time it was viewed as a reliable organization even though we knew that in future it would be turn against religion, and take over from the 7-headed beast. For that reason I am still watching UN events. The UN itself is a non-government organization - intergovernmental Here is the definition of it its public information department: "The United Nations (U.N.) Department of Public Information (DPI) defines the NGO as “a not-for profit, voluntary citizen’s group that is organized on a local, national or international level to address issues in support of the public good. Task-oriented and made up of people with a common interest, NGOs perform a variety of services and humanitarian functions, bring citizen’s concerns to Governments, monitor policy and program implementation, and encourage participation of civil society stakeholders at the community level.” Since 1992 the UN has been working on Agenda 2021. After this (especially after 9-11) its international actions in the last 20 years has started to take on a sinister character. Much internal corruption, that is growing exponentially, and collaboration with many corrupt private NGOs all over the world as well as super capitalists has turned the global world organization with 192 members out of 195 nations into a place where super-capitalists have control over technology, banking, media, legal, and human rights organizations. ... and its power is growing as super-global corporations which provide food, water and energy is joining its ranks. I.e. Monsantos-Bayer. Look at the list of attendees at DAVOS and you will have a good idea of the new and old super corporations which are joining the ranks. I have complained many times on this forum that Arab nations and China (who have no clue of human rights) are now in control of human rights. RUSSIA AND CHINA veto many beneficial actions..... controlling things to go their way on the security council. For example, not only does Bill Gates own most shares in all the corporations that will manufacture the upcoming vaccinations , he also owns the patents for the technology that will be used in them. He (and many billionaires) do not pay taxes because they all have charity organizations which their money is given to. These charities give mega donations to NGOs or corporations that promote their financial interests (tax free). NGOs additionally get billions in "grant money" from governments and they use it for purposes they deem fit. ... which further line the pockets of those billionaires, NGOs and those involved with the UN. I.e vaccination "testing programs in Kongo and India. These are now dictating health policy to the WHO. The world AIDs fund has also been a slush fund for the super rich. Gates himself is the biggest money contributor to the WHO. UN has been bought and paid for. This is why I am warning that UN now has the teeth to act.... something it did not have before. BUt a corrupt organization with super-capitalist technocracy running things does not augur well for the future. IT WILL BRING THE WORST TRIBULATION THE WORLD HAS EVER SEEN. I call it a technological corperatocricy or science dictatorship. Soros set up a NGO in Ukraine in order to stop corruption........ and it became the biggest corruptor of the society and the legal sector. He is also funding all DA offices in USA and many front organizations. His Open Society charity is behind many sinister plots....... THAT IS HOW HE MAKES HIS MONEY. READ up how he almost broke the UK economy and how he is not welcome in many countries any longer and is facing criminal charges in 6 countries.... But of course the naive people here will look it up on the super-capitalist owned media and call it conspiracy lies. Soros is funding corrupt prosecutors who do not follow legal procedures but make up their own rules as they go along...... in Ukraine the people who were trying to prosecute Hunter Biden for corruption was FIRED. ........ Read up about the Color revolutions - big money involved in the overthrow of governments and it seems USA may be following the same pattern. The world is totally corrupt and the super-rich and UN & collaborating NGOs is behind it. Most local NGOs for " sustainable development " in the USA is changing the LOCAL laws without the people's consent. They are changing the laws in line with agenda 2030. NGOs for sustainable development are often funded by the Council on Foreign Relations (which was given power by the first president Busch after the first UN Agenda 2021 was signed by more than 170 nations). ...... which by the way is legally binding..... eventhough the agenda itself does not say so. I can go on about this non-government organization - which started in idealism - has been totally corrupted and taken over. It used to be an organization without teeth but has enough teeth now to lock down the entire planet - think on that. TO SUM UP: the UN had not much power a few decades ago...... but in last 15 years is exponentially growing its beastly teeth ..... together with those who are giving it money and support. It will soon be able to gobble those up who dare to stand up against its all encompassing policies.
  6. We have never said that. The world trend now is to turn against those who are different or do not agree with the common view. ...... a ploy which is very common in Africa. Soon they will turn against Christians. My hope is that they put us in prison with them and we can teach them about jehovah and the true condition of the dead.
  7. "Later though, if you are lucky enough to have freedom....... " Lol...... the generation that is now at university is the generation that did not have religion in schools or at home....... and what do you see? Highly emotional kids with no moral direction - prone to violence and a personal "right" to set things straight by means of violence. Like waves of the sea with no moral discretion or stability. A value system which teaches that one can choose your gender at age three, have sex when and with whom you like - do whatever you like - and that we are no higher than any other animal on earth. We are led by instinct like animals. If someone does not want to have sex with you they are discrminating against you. Hence it is ok to kill those who do not like the new value system of what they view as " total freedom.".... so the social engineering can be complete. Get rid of those who do not like this value system. A child with no value system (it was the Christian system which taught us to treat others the same as you want to be treated) has little respect for life. The atheist person usually falls victim to other human philosophies (they replace religion with human philosophy with such -isms as 'human-ism ' dawin-ism etc- because they have to find for themself some "value-system". These newfangled value systems are leading to a moral deathtrap. Why? Adam and eve chose their own right and wrong....... it led to mankind's killing spree for 6000 years and much more to come with young kids who have no idea of morals.
  8. Yes it is only JWs that are cruel but the government laws are never cruel - just negligent. Children of any age had to face their rapists in court until 2007. Only then did the law change where their testimony could be taped taped and played in court. We do try to live clean lives and do make mistakes but people like you expect us to be super-human beings which we are not. May Jehovah judge you according to your attitude.
  9. Two science papers came out which PROVED that hydroxychloroquine does not help Corona. It received massive media attention. When it was rejected a month later by the scientific world because of manufactured numbers and payments etc. - no one in the press publicized it except one medical website. BUT now the rejection of this medicine for Corona is almost universal. It is NOT allowed to be prescribed in first world countries. A doctor can lose his medical license if he goes against the protocol and the UN rule is enforced. I used this medicine for quite some time for RA and used it twice during this Corona time. I am almost sure I had the virus in February 2020 because I preached to Chinese and Arab tourists in Tiblisi for at least 2 hours a day. I self-quarantined before these measures became public and used the medicine before Trump mentioned it on media. After this everything was overreaction and damnation. Many people died who could have been helped by this safe medicine (but elderly life to them is worthless because it is politics and power that are more important). This example tells you how dystopic the world is and how untrustworthy EVERYTHING is. Truth is almost no longer available. Even wikipedia etc is run by the media Moghuls who all invest the in the same companies. For example: Gates has invested in all the vaccine, food producing, digital tracking companies and have funded all the right people to promote a specific agenda. it seems that the rich have all the right inside information..... Even our preaching of the truth has halted to some extent.... and this is the only truth I accept and believe in, I believe these promises from Jehovah is the only reality. However, we are humans and want to make sense of things even if we know there is no transparency and we are being played..... by Satan's propaganda which is moving the world into only ONE position....... that of total opposition to Jehovah's incoming government..... as clearly indicated at Revelation 19.
  10. He fought in the Spanish war - and I never said he was not a leftie. But he understood extreme socialism very well because he lived it in the trenches That is why both his books are comments which reflect the communistic system. So what do you think of Animal Farm and 1984? Will these kind of things happen in a transparent society with freedom of speech or will they take place in a society where there is suppression of transparency and there is only ONE ruling party choosing both sides of an election? I am want to know you view on this.... your personal opinion - not someone else's please! That is what Orwell describes so well. Good luck to find good evidence these days or anything else - we are already living under suppression of truth and evidence - fake numbers, fake scholarship, fake specialists - paid and bought for. There is no more reality or truth.... Satan's system has already winning completely! Agreed. I like it when documents are produced to prove what was going on....... but sometimes these also disappear once it is discovered that people know about them and they were forgotten in some obscure place..... to be discovered and then be removed. Yes - main stream media will NEVER DO THIS only independent news do this. Their reporters are so good and truthful they do not follow the policies of their media Moghuls. They are smart too! They will ask a perpetrator of a crime - did you do it - and if the answer is no.... they will publish it all over the media that they were innocent and not even bother to investigate!. This is not how I learnt reporting but for the last 20 years this is how it has been done. I think you know very little about far right by saying this. Far right loves all forms of Capitalism because they believe in trickle down economics of corporations. They do not stop monopolies (that is why US government is in such as mess) and they like capitalism so much that Aien Randt is an icon. They do not realize the weaknesses in both the systems and argue that one is better than the other. I do not take sides with any of this because all these human systems are garbage. I merely point out the similarities in extreme capitalism and extreme socialism (communism). They are now working together to bring in a secular world order which will fulfill bible prophecy. All the global corporation owners have "charities" which do not pay taxes but give their money to organizations which further their goals of control and their greedy pockets. Do you really weigh evidence? When your writings criticize the GB in so many subtle ways. My personal opinion is this: you hide behind so-called evidence which amounts to throwing a lot of other peoples opinions together to prove a point. You believe in presenting both sides so faithfully (political correctness even to the point to present the case even for wicked reasonings) that you may err at seeing the truth of a matter and full-out choose sides with Jehovah. While I do not contest that you are a good person with excellent qualities, a superior feeling of moral high ground could get one into trouble. I do say that you are misled by your own opinions and own standard of morality...... and not accept Jehovah's standards of rejecting that which clashes with his Word. Your own opinion is more important.
  11. You believe the far left press - I know Africa- I have seen the callousness, the murders, the hunger and the extreme corruption of its leaders as well as the communist influence on the culture.. I know the murderous and violent mentality - you do not. Your naivity about Africa, present times in China (not that of a few years ago) and other subjects do not give me much hope about your insight. To you I sound like a crazy skeptic but I have not lived in the American dream or the American bubble. So let us just leave it at that. You can quote all the articles from far left press as you like..... I just think you think too much of your perceptive abilities and are taken in with your own "research capabilities" which frankly, does not stand up to the immoral world we are living in today and the 'big brother dystopia' which is already hanging around in most countries of the world and most people have not put 2 and 2 together yet. Researching the way you do was good enough 20 years ago..... To do a Google or other search is not enough for the times we are living in. So pasting down a lot of articles may convince others - but I have lived it....... what about all the articles you do not see because of suppression of the real news. The world is going downhill fast and the 'media propaganda' is one of the main reasons for it. Owned by only 5 people in the world, the skewed media is killing all independent media that is still in existence. Soon we will only see the news they want us to see. 1984 was written by a man who had LIVED and fought for communism. He knew what he was talking about. I suggest you read it again. As I said to you before - even the super capitalism in the world now resembles the ideology of karl Marx. Communism and super capitalism are working together to create a new world order to bring "peace and security". A world governed by a central body dictating one morality and ONE policy in a totalitarian way is on the horizon. And it is almost here. This is the UN bible prophecy (image of the beast) going into fulfillment right now as we speak. Bible prophecy is going into fulfillment where you will not be able to 'buy or sell ' if you go against the "one idea" promoted by a totalitarian government and break the "peace" by thinking independently. Satan cannot bring peace to this world by allowing freedom of thought like jehovah does. He will control all thought....... including research and press. I have said this to you so many times...... but you have never even considered the possibility....... because you trust only your own understanding. I do not trust my own understanding because people like you force me to continually re-evaluate my thinking...... and in fact..... I am prepared to think differently when I see 'evidence' to think differently. But your firm belief in "rewritten 'history" (as they are doing with Islam and many other things which promote the distopia) .... makes me think that I am correct. Time will tell of course.......
  12. Now that is truly an 'African' thought. That is exactly what has happened many times in Africa. That version of "democracy" is clearly understood in Africa. Mugabe starved the area of people who did not vote for him but voted along tribal lines. The current head of WHO (ethiopian) did the same. He withheld medicine and food from 2 million ethiopians. .... this is contested by those who like him and say it is spreading fake news. The same with Mugabe..... it was so unbelievable to the western mind that most did not believe it. This idea of retaliation is spreading...... soon it will be in USA.
  13. "How dare you think.."...... moral high ground, arrogant words..... contentiousness..... egotism. I will not try to reason with you because you are beyond being reasonable.
  14. By YOUR superior standards of course as you have appointed yourself judge and executioner of what is acceptable. I remember a group of people with this attitude. They decided to kill the true messiah. The only part of your statement that is a acceptable is that the world is morally corrupt.
  15. The Muslim government is not stopping terrorists from attacking Christians in most vicious ways. Christian villagers have been murdered and daughters taken as slaves. This is not a surprise in such a corrupt country. Many people have already lost their jobs but it seems that Satan is really starting to use governments to put the screws on us.
  16. If you noticed Bahrain, Maldives etc are all Muslim countries who do not allow other religions to be practiced in their countries... even if it is another brand of Islam. One cannot compare this to JWs. We allow people to choose their religion - but we cannot condone those who are traitors to Jehovah. We do not mix with those... but we do not stop them from practicing their new choices. In most Muslim countries you can go to jail or be killed for practicing another religion. Bahai religion is banned in Iran and persecuted...most have fled the country. Iran now executes apostates on the smallest of pretexts....
  17. No surprise - what can one expect from any ideology which promotes only worship of the state with no morality.
  18. It is not just the muslims but 'conscientious objector's ' organs that are removed.
  19. I really like your language. It accurately reveals whom you are a slave to to! I feel empathy for the Chinese people who are living under the CCP (the oppressive central government of China) at present. This does not make me a Chinese communist or a supporter of them. Similarly, many Germans suffered under Hitler. Learn to think with logic and reasonableness....
  20. The city of Ur was a moongod city, Haran where Abraham lived until his father died was a moongod city. Sinai was also known to be a moongod region. Moon worship was as prevalent as sun worship. Many desert regions worshipped the moon because of the dew that came at night.
  21. The Pope is spearheading "sustainable development" which is part of agenda 2030 of the UN. All these celebrations are to further native culture and sustainable development. The Pope is also spearheading the Abrahamic covenant.... also promoting the plans of the UN (riding of the beast?)
  22. I knew it would soon leak out that JWs are amongst them. The world has not yet 'named' us as persecuted although other leaked stories indicate "conscientious objectors". China and other totalitarian states are part of the King of the North.... Daniel 11: 36 to the end of chapter. There is an economic pushing going on for the wealth of the earth and the opposition to Jehovah's people is unspeakably fierce. The catholic church in China have removed all icons in the churches and a arge picture of the CCP leader and two other members are worshipped. The Pope is at present renegotiating the contract with the leadership of CCP. CCP appoints all bishops and knows all members ....... this is how CCP can suddenly clamp down. They have rewritten the Catholic bible to take out anything offensive which does not promote worship of the state. Bizarre compromise from the catholic church ....... but what does one expect from one of the "man of lawlessness?" Recently the Pope had sharmins (spiritistic native Amazonian Indians) dancing around their idols at the Vatican which was a huge UN Amazon nature celebration. The Pope is leading the implementation of the UN's sustainable development program called Agenda 2030. He is also leading the Abrahamic covenant or agreement which will soon be signed by 3 major religions (riding the beast?") In the agreement of peace the 3 abrahamic religions acknowledge that there is only one God. (There is no mention of Christ as the one who gave the ransom. He is not mentioned but omitted......because the other two faith are anti.... our redeemer. We will soon see how events pan out.
  23. Evidence provided by UN I suppose.......this is why I leave off talking to you: you have enough time to sit in front of your computer all day and look up articles written by PRO_UN sources and put it on these pages. I do not have that kind of time BUT I have been watching the UN for a longer time than you have and believe me - you do not want to be under their rule! Their people are as corrupt as they can come. So dominate these pages by quoting irrelevant data produced by the "right" people with the credentials YOU approve of. I have more important things to do than arguing with people who have ONE skill only - that of looking up articles which confirm their bias....... like many of the scholars you quote. I am in the process of moving countries and so may not be here on these pages again. I think it not worth my time.... LOL - scripture relates to service to jehovah - so we can do it in peace. That will be the day if I pray for trump or Biden!
  24. yes - he will for once and for all in human history prove that humans cannot rule the earth successfully! ... it will be beyond reasonable doubt.... because humans will bring the worst rulership ever on earth and use the height of human discovery to oppress fellow humans and perpetrate the worst atrocities against humankind. It will stand forever as the worst kind of rulership ever!
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