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Everything posted by Arauna

  1. The disgusting thing is related to being the god in the place of the true god. UN wants to bring peace and security which is the expressed will of Jehovah when he restores this earth under His government. this is agenda 2030 : " to end poverty and hunger everywhere; to combat inequalities within and among countries; to build peaceful, just and inclusive societies; to protect human rights and promote- gender equality and the empowerment of women and girls; and to ensure the lasting protection of the planet and its natural resources. We resolve also to create conditions for sustainable, inclusive and sustained economic growth, shared prosperity and decent work for all, taking into account different levels of national development and capacities." it also goes on to say that peace and security is not possible without sustainable environment - which is true. BUT they see themselves as the only organization to spearhead and get all countries to cooperate with this plan.... to achieve these goals. Sounds like a piece out of one of our books - the only problem is they want to bring it in under the policies of the UN - who is a very corrupt organization. Jehovah is not corrupt and his people are willing to work together willingly. NOT BE FORCED INTO IT WITHOUT THEIR CONSENT and to suppress any opposition to the plan.
  2. I quote agenda 2030: We+resolve,+between+now+and+2030,+to+end+poverty+and+hunger+everywhere;+to+combat+ inequalities+ within+ and+ among+ countries;+ to+ build+ peaceful,+ just+ and+ inclusive+ societies;+ to+ protect+ human+ rights+and+ promote+gender+equality+and+ the+empowerment+ of+women+and+ girls;+and+to+ensure+the+lasting+protection+of+the+planet+and+its+natural+resources.+We+resolve+ also+ to+create+conditions+ for+ sustainable,+inclusive+and+ sustained+economic+growth,+ shared+ prosperity+ and+ decent+ work+ for+ all,+ taking+ into+ account+ different+ levels+ of+ national+ development+and+capacities" The plan is to have this MOSTLY completed by 2030 AND THEN COMPLETELY BY 2050. How do you think they are doing it? At LOCAL level through NGOs which receive money from the government. LOCAL LAWS ARE BEING CHANGED UNDER THE BANNER OF SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT - EVERYWHERE. They have already changed many of the rights on the ground - what you are allowed to do on your own land. MY SON LIVES IN NZ and is living on a farm which was set aside for this plan. only a small part may be used for cows. "This+is+an+Agenda+of+unprecedented+scope+and+significance.+It+is+accepted+by+all+countries+ and+is+applicable+to+all,+" In+ these+ Goals+ and+ targets,+ we+ are+ setting+ out+ a+ supremely+ ambitious+ and+ transformational+ vision.+ We+ envisage+ a+ world+ free+ of+ poverty,+ hunger,+ disease+ and+ want,+ where+all+life+can+thrive.+" SOUNDS LIKE THEY WANT TO BRING PEACE AND SECURITY ! SATANS VERSION OF JEHOVAH'S GOVERNMENT. See below where they talk of peace and security linked with sustainable development. 'A+world+which+invests+in+its+children+and+in+which+every+ child+grows+up+free+from+violence+and+exploitation.+" SOUNDS WONDERFUL - EXCEPT THAT THEY UN HAS BEEN ACCUSED OF RAPWE ETC WHICH IS NEVER ADDRESSED. THEIR OWN STAFF ARE FIRED FROM THE UN IF THEY EXPOSE THE CORRUPTION IN UN. THEIR LIVES BECOME A NIGHTMARE BECAUSE THEY ARE DISCREDITED AND THEIR LIVES MESSED UP. THEY HAVE TO TOW THE LINE. MOST HAVE EXTREME POLITICAL VIEWS WHICH ARE CLOSER TO MAOIST VIEWS. THEY ARE NOT APPOINTED TO POSITIONS IF THEIR VIEWS TO NOT COMPLY! A GOOD EXAMPLE IS THE LEADER OF WHO - HE GENOCIDED SOME OF HIS OWN PEOPLE AND YET RECEIVED A POSITION AT UN..... AND HE WAS NOT APPOINTED BECAUSE HE IS A MEDICAL DOCTOR BUT BECAUSE OF HIS POLITICAL VIEWS... sponsored by China. CHILDREN ARE NOW LEARNING SEX EDUCATION (ENFORCED BY THE UN (UNESCO) THAT TEACHES THEM FROM AGE 4 TO TOUCH THEMSELVES AND TEACHES THE GROSSEST FORMS OF PORNEIA...... IF YOU DO NOT KNOW ABOUT THIS GET YOURSELF EDUCATED ABOUT IT! THIS IS PART OF THE QUEST TO GET CHILDREN OUT OF THEIR CULTURE AND RELIGIOUS TRADITIONS SO THEY WILL COMPLY WITH THE ONE WORLD VIEW AND NOT DISSENT. ... IT IS LEADING TO THE ONE WORLD VIEW! children are being programmed in a new way of thinking. + A+ world+ in+ which+ consumption+ and+ production+ patterns+and+use+of+all+natural+resources+— from+air+to+land,+from+rivers,+lakes+and+aquifers+to+ oceans+and+seas+— are+sustainable. We+reaffirm+the+outcomes+of+all+major+United+Nations+conferences+and+summits+which+ have+laid+a+solid+foundation+for+sustainable+development+and+have+helped+to+shape+the+new+ Agenda.+ These+ include+ the+ Rio+ Declaration+ on+ Environment+ and+ Development,+ the+ World+ Summit+ on+ Sustainable+ Development,+ the+ World+ Summit+ for+ Social+ Development,+ the+ Programme+of+Action+of+the+International+Conference+on+Population+and+Development,+the+ Beijing+Platform+for+Action+and+the+United+Nations+Conference+on+Sustainable+Development.+ We+also+reaffirm+the+followJup+to+these+conferences,+including+the+outcomes+of+the+Fourth+ United+ Nations+ Conference+ on+ the+ Least+ Developed+ Countries,+ the+ third+ International+ Conference+ on+ Small+ Island+ Developing+ States,+ the+ second+ United+ Nations+ Conference+ on+ Landlocked+Developing+Countries+and+the+Third+United+Nations+World+Conference+on+Disaster+ Risk+Reduction SOUNDS WONDERFUL - BUT IT WILL TAKE SOCIETY BACK TO A STATE BEFORE THE FIRST INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION - EXCEPT THAT THE CONTROLS OF THE 4TH INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION WILL BE UPON OUR CHILDREN. +Climate+change+is+one+of+the+greatest+challenges+of+our+time+and+its+adverse+impacts+ undermine+the+ability+of+all+countries+to+achieve+sustainable+development.+Increases+in+global+ temperature,+sea+level+rise,+ocean+acidification+and+other+climate+change+impacts+are+seriously+ affecting+ coastal+ areas+ and+ lowJlying+ coastal+ countries,+ including+ many+ least+ developed+ countries+ and+ small+ island+ developing+ States.+ The+ survival+ of+ many+ societies,+ and+ of+ the+ biological+support+systems+of+the+planet,+is+at+risk. THIS I AGREE WITH - BUT THE WAY THEY ARE GOING TO IMPLEMENT THIS AT SUCH AS QUICK PACE IS A MAJOR RESET OF THE GLOBE. IT WILL HAVE TO BE DONE WITHOUT CONSENT OF THE PEOPLE BECAUSE MOST PEOPLE DO NOT BUY INTO THIS PLAN. THIS WILL INCLUDE WHAT WE ARE EXPERIENCING NOW - A LOCKDOWN OF MAJOR PROPORTIONS TO BRING A NEW WORLD ORDER WHICH WILL NOT LOOK LIKE THE ONE WE HAD BEFORE. THIS MEANS THAT MANY PEOPLE MAY DIE AS THE FOOD SUPPLY CHAINS ARE DISRUPTED, ENERGY REQUIREMENTS ARE CHANGED, TRANSPORT IS CHANGED ETC. .... TO BRING A SUSTAINABLE ENVIRONMENT. THE ENVIRONMENT IS NOW MORE IMPORTANT THAN THE PEOPLE BECAUSE PEOPLE ARE DAMAGING THE ENVIRONMENT. THEY BELIEVE THIS. THERE IS TALK OF EQUAL INCOME FOR ALL. (WHICH I WELCOME BECAUSE IT WILL HELP THOSE FAMILIES WHO ARE SUFFERING WITHOUT WORK AND ARE LOSING THEIR HOMES RIGHT NOW.) AI IS TAKING AWAY JOBS THAT WERE PREVIOUSLY DONE BY PEOPLE, SUCH AS DRIVING TRUCKS. THEY ARE CLOSE TO SELF-DRIVING CARS AND TRUCKS JUST TO NAME ONE EXAMPLE. MEDICINES AND JUSTICE CAN ALSO BE APPLIED BY AI...... SOUNDS WONDERFUL! A COMPUTER PROGRAMME IS ALREADY DECIDING WHICH PEOPLE GET BAIL AND WHICH NOT! + It+ also,+ crucially,+ defines+ means+ of+ implementation.+ Reflecting+ the+ integrated+ approach+that+we+have+decided+on,+there+are+deep+interconnections+and+many+crossJcutting+ elements+across+the+new+Goals+and+targets THIS INTEGRATED APPROACH HAS BEEN GOING ON FOR MANY YEARS. THE TOP COMPANIES AND FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS MEET AT DAVOS, BILDERBURG MEETINGS, G20, AND G10 (THEY WANT TO INCLUDE INDIA). COUNTRIES AND CORPORATIONS SUCH AS ALL BILL GATES'S CORPORATIONS, MONSANTOS/BAYER ETC HAVE BEEN PART OF THESE MEETINGS. IF YOU KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT THE HISTORY OF THESE COMPANIES WHO ARE INCLUDED IN THESE MEETINGS IT SHOULD BE A RED FLAG! + Never+ before+ have+ world+ leaders+ pledged+ common+ action+ and+ endeavour+ across+ such+ a+ broad+ and+ universal+ policy+ agenda.+ We+ are+ setting+ out+ together+ on+ the+ path+ towards+ sustainable+ development,+ devoting+ ourselves+ collectively+ to+ the+ pursuit+ of+ global+ development+ and+ of+ “winJwin” cooperation+ which+ can+ bring+huge+gains+to+all+countries+and+all+parts+of+the+world. THEY WILL ACHIEVE THIS BECAUSE IT HAS BEEN PROPHECIED..... HOW FAR THEY GET I DO NOT KNOW. WHEN THEY TURN AGAINST RELIGION IT WILL HAIL IN ARMAGEDDON. We+reaffirm+the+importance+of+the+Universal+Declaration+of+Human+Rights,+as+well+as+ CHINA AND MUSLIM COUNTRIES ARE RUNNING THE UN HUMAN RIGHTS COUNCIL - THAT SHOULD GIVE YOU AN INDICATION OF WHAT KIND OF JUSTICE IS WAITING FOR THE WORLD. CHRISTIANS ARE BEING GENOCIDED IN NORTH AFRICA AND SLAVERY OF BLACK AFRICANS BY AFRICAN MUSLIM NATIONS - THIS IS BEING IGNORED BY THE UN. (CHINA NOW PUTTING TIBETANS IN RE-EDUCATION CAMPS)! BLM DO NOT CARE ABOUT THIS BECAUSE THEY ARE ACTUALLY A MAO-IST ORGANIZATION (funded by China). SO NO-ONE IS GIVING ATTENTION TO THE PLIGHT OF black CHRISTIANS IN AFRICA. The+new+Goals+and+targets+will+come+into+effect+on+1+January+2016+and+will+guide+the+ decisions+we+take+over+the+next+15+years.+All+of+us+will+work+to+implement+the+Agenda+within+ our+own+countries+and+at+the+regional+and+global+levels ALL NATIONS WHO SIGNED THIS AGREEMENT ARE BUSY WITH THIS WITHOUT THEIR POPULATION'S CONSENT. PEOPLE ARE KEPT IN THE DARK BECAUSE IT WILL CAUSE AN OUTCRY. +We+will+equally+accelerate+ the+pace+of+progress+made+in+ fighting+malaria,+HIV/AIDS,+ tuberculosis,+hepatitis,+Ebola+and+ other+communicable+diseases+and+epidemics,+including+by+addressing+growing+antiJmicrobial+ resistance+and+ the+problem+of+unattended+diseases+affecting+developing+countries.+We+are+ committed+ to+ the+ prevention+ and+ treatment+ of+ nonJcommunicable+ diseases,+ including+ behavioural,+developmental+and+neurological+disorders,+which+constitute+a+major+challenge+ for+sustainable+development. THE PROBLEM IS THAT THE CORPORATIONS THAT ARE GOING TO PROVIDE VACCINATIONS FOR ALL OF THIS HAVE A VERY BAD RECORD! ! I HAVE STUDIED THE ORIGIINS OF THESE CORPORATIONS AND THE MONEY TRAIL. ALL NATURAL MEDICINES WILL BE REMOVED AS IS ALREADY HAPPENING SO CORPORATIONS ARE THE ONLY ONES WITH THE POWER TO ADMINISTER MEDICINE THROUGH APPROVED DOCTORS. ALL PROTOCOLS WILL BE PRESCRIBED AS HAS HAPPENED WITH THIS CORONA VIRUS. GOOD MEDICINES LIKE HYDROXYQUININE WILL BE BANNED FROM THE PRESCRIPTION LIST. DESPITE THIS, THE INJURIES TO CHILDREN ARE TRICKLING OUT. THE PEOPLE TRUST THESE VERY CORPORATIONS WHICH ARE CAUSING THE NEUROLOGICAL DISORDERS! I GREW UP RECEIVING 2 VACCINATIONS - POLIO WAS ONE OF THEM. I HAD ALL THE CHILDRENS DISEASES AND DIPTHERIA.... WITHOUT VACCINATIONS. NOW CHILDREN ARE FORCED TO HAVE SO MANY VACCINATIONS INCLUDING VACCINATIONS FOR VENERIAL DISEASES BEFORE THE AGE OF 9. SOME COUNTRIES HAVE ALMOST 60 VACCINATIONS BEFORE THE AGE OF 14. MOST OF THESE VACCINATIONS DO NOT NEED TESTS AS WAS RECENTLY SEEN IN A COURT CASE IN USA - FOR THE LAST 20 YEARS THE FDA HAS NOT GIVEN PROOF OF ANY TESTS! ! AND VACCINE MANUFACTURERS HAVE ALMOST BLANKET PROTECTIONS BY LAW! 30, 000 DOLLARS IS WHAT A PARENTS GET FOR A CHILD THAT IS DEPENDENT UPON THEM FOR THE REST OF THEIR LIVES! We+commit+to+making+fundamental+changes+in+the+way+that+our+societies+produce+and+ consume+goods+and+services.+ technical+ assistance+ to+ strengthen+ developing+ countries’ scientific,+ technological+ and+ innovative+ capacities+ to+ move+ towards+ more+ sustainable+ patterns+ of+ consumption+and+production.+We+encourage+the+implementation+of+the+10JYear+Framework+ of+ Programmes+ on+ Sustainable+ Consumption+ and+ Production+ Patterns.+ THIS MEANS THE INVENTORY AND DISTRIBUTION OF FOOD (PER PERSON OR UNIT) AND ONLY THE USE OF LAND FOR FOOD PRODUCTION - AS ALLOWED BY GOVERNMENT. LARGE SWATHES OF LAND WILL BE SET FREE TO REST. ONLY WILD ANIMALS ALLOWED ON THEM AND NO PEOPLE. LARGE PORTIONS OF CALIFORNIA ETC. LOOK AT THE MAPS THAT THE LOCAL GOVERNMENTS HAVE RELEASED AND YOU WILL GET A SHOCK. LAND WHICH WILL BE FREE OF PEOPLE - PEOPLE WILL BE REMOVED FROM THESE AREAS. LAND RIGHTS WILL DISAPPEAR. SOME OF THE LAND IS ALREADY UNDER CONTROL OF THE UN. We+recognize+the+positive+contribution+of+migrants+for+inclusive+growth+and+sustainable+ development.+ +We+will+cooperate+internationally+to+ensure+ safe,+orderly+and+regular+migration+involving+ full+respect+ for+human+rights+and+the+humane+ treatment+of+migrants+regardless+of+migration+status,+of+refugees+and+of+displaced+persons.+ UN COMPACT 2018 SAYS THAT GOVERNMENTS MUST PROVIDE EVERYTHING FOR MIGRANTS FOR FREE AND ONE IS NOT ALLOWED TO SAY OR DO ANYTHING PUBLICALLY AGAINST A MIGRANT...... EVEN IF THEY COMMIT A CRIMINAL ACT. THESE LAWS HAVE ALREADY BEEN ENFORCED IN MOST OF EUROPE. ONE CAN GET A SENTENCE OF 2 - 6 YEARS IF YOU SPEAK AGAINST A MIGRANT ON SOCIAL MEDIA AFTER THEY HAVE ATTACKED YOU PHYSICALLY AND INJURED YOU. THEY ARE PART OF THE PROTECTED MINORITIES SUCH AS LGBTQI, BLACK LIVES, TRANSGENDERS AND MUSLIMS. FACEBOOK AND OTHER MEDIA HAVE STARTED TO ENFORCE THESE LAWS AS WELL. JUSTICE IS NO LONGER JUSTICE. PROTECTED MINORITIES HAVE THE PROTECTION. JOURNALISTS WHO WRITE ABOUT THIS HAVE TO BE RE-EDUCATED! DOES THIS BRING A RED FLAG OF WHAT JUSTICE WILL BE LIKE IN FUTURE? YOU BETTER GET USED TO IT! THESE RIOTS IN USA IS A GOOD INDICATION OF WHAT HAPPENS WHEN GROUPS OF PEOPLE LIKE ANTIFA ARE PROTECTED BY GOVERNORS WHO ARE PRO-AGENDA 2030. States+ are+ strongly+ urged+ to+ refrain+ from+ promulgating+ and+ applying+ any+ unilateral+ economic,+ financial+ or+ trade+ measures+ not+ in+ accordance+ with+ international+ law+ and+ the+ Charter+ of+ the+ United+ Nations+ IF YOU THINK THE UN IS NOT ALREADY RULING AS AN IMAGE (SETTING POLICIES) - FORGET ABOUT IT. MOST NATIONS ARE COOPERATING AND COMPLYING WITH ALL REQUIREMENTS. We+acknowledge+that+the+United+Nations+Framework+Convention+on+Climate+Change+is+ the+ primary+international,+intergovernmental+ forum+ for+ negotiating+ the+global+ response+ to+ climate+change.+W 179 NATIONS OUT OF APPROX 200 NATIONS SIGNED THIS. CLIMATE CHANGE IS THE MOST IMPORTANT ISSUE ALL NATIONS ARE WORKING ON. UN ALREADY DECIDING THE POLICIES. THE "GREEN DEAL" IS A GOOD EXAMPLE OF THE GOALS OF THE UN. The+ global+ nature+ of+ climate+ change+ calls+ for+ the+ widest+ possible+international+cooperation+aimed+at+accelerating+the+reduction+of+global+greenhouse+ gas+emissions+and+addressing+adaptation+to+the+adverse+impacts+of+climate+change THIS MEANS REDUCTION OF AIR FLIGHTS, CARS ETC... JUST THE MOST IMPORTANT TRAVELLING. LUCKILY MOST AIRLINES HAVE ALREADY GONE BUST DURING CORONA.... AND AIR TRAVEL IS SOMETHING OF THE PAST t.+We+reaffirm+that+the+protocol,+another+legal+instrument+or+agreed+outcome+with+ legal+force+under+the+Convention+applicable+to+all+parties+shall+address+in+a+balanced+manner,+ COUNTRIES WHO DO NOT COMPLY FACE PRESSURE AND ALSO BOYCOTTS. We+ recognize+ that+ social+ and+ economic+ development+ depends+ on+ the+ sustainable+ management+of+our+planet’s+natural+resources.+We+are+therefore+determined+to+conserve+and+ sustainably+ use+ oceans+ and+ seas,+ freshwater+ resources,+ as+ well+ as+ forests,+ mountains+ and+ drylands+ and+ to+ protect+ biodiversity,+ ecosystems+ and+ wildlife.+ YES BY GIVING PEOPLE GENETICALLY ENGINEERED FOOD FROM THE MAJOR GLOBAL FOOD SUPPLIERS. DAMS MAY BE REMOVED TO LET NATURAL WATER FLOW....HYDRO ELECTRICITY MAY NOT BE USED BUT NATURAL WATER FLOW . MANY OTHER PLANS TO KEEP EVERYTHING NATURAL AS NATURE INTENDED. I AGREE WITH THIS IDEA ..... IT IS THE IMPLEMENTATION THAT IS THE PROBLEM ..... IF THEY SUCCEED IT WILL BE WONDERFUL (MANY PEOPLE MAY DIE OF THIRST IN THE MEANTIME AND HAVE TOO LITTLE WATER TO WASH OR COOK.) NEVERTHELESS WE WILL INHERIT A BEAUTIFUL CLEAN EARTH AFTER ARMAGEDDON. sound+ management+ and+ safe+ use+ of+ chemicals,+ the+ reduction+ and+ recycling+ of+ waste+ and+ the+ more+ efficient+ use+ of+ water+ and+ energy.+And+we+will+work+to+minimize+the+impact+of+cities+on+the+global+climate+system. AGREE WITH THE CHEMICAL STUFF. MOST PEOPLE WILL LIVE IN CITIES. AND SPEED TRAINS AND TRANSPORT WILL BE PROVIDED IN THE CITIES. TRAVEL WILL BE LIMITED OUTSIDE CITIES. I HAVE WATCHED SOME SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT MEETINGS ONLINE AND IT IS QUITE SCARY ON WHAT THEY PLAN FOR US. IT SOUNDS WONDERFUL BUT THE FREEDOM WE HAD BEFORE TO GO INTO NATURE WILL BE A NO-NO. IF CRIME BREAKS OUT IN A CITY THEY WILL JUST CLOSE IT UP AND LET PEOPLE MURDER EACH OTHER... OR SEND IN ROBOCOPS...... DRONES OR THE LIKE. We+ will+also+ take+account+of+population+ trends+and+projections+in+our+national+rural+and+urban+ development+ strategies+ and+ policies.+ We+ look+ forward+ to+ the+ upcoming+ United+ Nations+ THEY ARE PUSHING ALL KINDS OF PROGRAMS TO LIMIT NEW BIRTHS. ABORTIONS AT 9 MONTH IS ALREADY AROUND IN SOME CITIES. CHILDREN ARE TAUGHT PORNEIA, TRANSGENDERISM, TO KEEP THEMSELVES SEXUALLY ACTIVE WITHOUT PRODUCING CHILDREN. THERE IS TALK OF VACCINES (WHICH, BY THE WAY, WAS TESTED IN AFRICA) AND OTHER METHODS. THESE ARE THINGS WHICH THE PRESS ARE FLAGRANTLY TOLD TO IGNORE AS 'CONSPIRACY" BUT GO AND WATCH THE MEDICAL TESTING THAT IS GOING ON AND YOU WILL FIND ANOTHER REALITY. THE SYNTHETIC GENETIC FIELD, NANO-TECHNOLOGY ETC IS FRIGHTENING. THEY CAN SILENTLY USE THIS TO MAKE PEOPLE SICK.... AND NO-ONE WILL BE THE WISER OF IT. THIS WEEK AGAIN THERE WAS A WARNING FROM THE BILLIONAIRE WHO IS DOING NEURO-IMPLANTS AND AI RESEARCH FOR BETTER LEGISLATION. THERE IS NO LEGISLATION TO CURB WICKED ADVANCEMENT. HE STAYS AHEAD OF THE CURVE BECAUSE HIS COMPANY IS INVESTED IN IT.... BUT AT REGULAR INTERVALS HE WARNS AGAINST IT. HE IS NOT PREPARED TO GIVE UP HIS ECONOMIC LEAD. Sustainable+development+cannot+be+realized+without+peace+and+security;+and+peace+and+ security+will+be+at+risk+without+sustainable+development.+The+new+Agenda+recognizes+the+need+ to+build+peaceful,+just+and+inclusive+societies+that+provide+equal+access+to+justice+and+that+are+ based+on+respect+for+human+rights+(including+the+right+to+development),+on+effective+rule+of HERE IS THE CRUX OF THE MATTER - IT WILL ALL LEAD TO PEACE AND SECURITY. MOST GOVERNMENTS HAVE BOUGHT INTO THIS AGENDA AND THEY ENDORSE IT AND ARE WORKING TOWARDS IT THROUGH THEIR 'FOREIGN COUNCILS'. EUROPE, AUSTRALIA, NZ, SOUTH AFRICA, CANADA (THEY WILL BE TESTING THE VACCINE THERE! IT SEEMS) +Factors+which+give+ rise+ to+violence,+insecurity and+injustice,+such+as+inequality,+ corruption,+poor+governance+and+illicit+financial+and+arms+flows,+are+addressed+in+the+Agenda.+ FACTORS TO VIOLENCE ARE IDEOLOGIES AND WORLD VIEWS THAT ARE AGAINST GOD. UN PROMOTES VALUES WHICH WILL NOT LEAD TO PEACE AND SECURITY. TO FORCE PEOPLE TO HAVE PEACE WITH EACH OTHER IS NOT THE SOLUTION - TO TEACH PEOPLE MORALS IS THE SOLUTION. BUT THIS IS WHY THEY WILL NEED ELECTRONIC SURVEILLANCE - TO CONTROL PEOPLE. THIS LOCK-DOWN HAS HELPED WITH REDUCTION OF ARMS FLOW, CHILD TRAFICKING.... WHICH IS POSITIVE. AN ELECTRONIC MONEY SYSTEM WILL IMPROVE TAX EVASION AND OTHER CRIMES. HOWEVER IT ALSO GIVES THEM A TOOL FOR OPPRESSION AS IS SEEN NOW IN CHINA - A SOCIAL CREDIT SYSTEM. s.+It+will+facilitate+an+intensive+global+engagement+in+support+of+implementation+of+all+ the+Goals+and+ targets,+bringing+ together+Governments,+ the+private+sector,+civil+society,+ the+ United+Nations+system+and+other+actors+and+mobilizing+all+available+resources. GEORGE SOROS AND OTHER MAJOR CORPORATIONS ARE IMPLEMENTING THIS IN SOUTH AFRICA AND OTHER COUNTRIES.. DONATING MONEY AND WORKING THROUGH CORRUPT NGOS. THE UN AIDS FUND HAS BECOME A SLUSH FUND ETC. THE NGO AGAINST CORRUPTION IN UKRAINE WAS FOUND TO HAVE THE MOST CORRUPTION (lol). YES - ALL CORPORATIONS AND BILIONAIRES ARE WORKING TOWARDS THIS GOAL.... WHICH SOUNDS WONDERFUL BUT THE MARKETING OF IT IS MORE BEAUTIFUL THAN THE REALITY. LOOK WHAT IS HAPPENING IN SOUTH AFRICA AND AUSTRALIA AND YOU WILL GET A GOOD VIEW OF WHAT IS WAITING FOR THE WORLD. DRONES ENFORCING un'S WORLD HEALTH ORG. RULES. PRISON SENTENCES ETC. HYDROXYQUININE BANNED AS A MEDICINE WHEN THERE IS PROOF THAT IT WORKS. INCONSISTENCIES AND MAJOR INJUSTICES! I CAN GO ON AND ON AND ANALYZE THE DOCUMENT FOR YOU.... BY SHOWING THE HISTORICAL RECORD OF THE UN AND ITS CHANANIGANS. By+ 2020,+ maintain+ the+ genetic+ diversity+ of+ seeds,+ cultivated+ plants+ and+ farmed+ and+ domesticated+animals+and+their+related+wild+species,+including+through+soundly+managed+and+ diversified+ seed+ and+ plant+ banks+ at+ the+ national,+ regional+ and+ international+ levels,+ and+ promote+access+ to+and+ fair+and+equitable+sharing+of+benefits+arising+ from+ the+utilization+of+ genetic+resources+and+associated+traditional+knowledge,+as+internationally+agreed 2.a Increase+ investment,+ including+ through+ enhanced+ international+ cooperation,+ in+ GENETIC DIVERSITY IS DISAPPEARING BECAUSE COMPANIES LIKE MONSANTOS ARE REPLACING FOODS WITH GENETICALLY ENGINEERED FOODS - SO THEY CAN OWN ALL THE PATENTS. SEEDS ARE INFERTILE SO THEY ARE THE ONLY COMPANY ALLOWED TO SELL THIS SEED. THIS IS ONGOING AND NOT MENTIONED IN THE DOCUMENT. THE BEAUTIFUL DREAM OF BUIODIVESITY IS A SCAM WHEN MONSANTOS (OF WHICH GATES OWNS STOCKS AS WELL) IS GENETICALLY ENGINEERING FOODS AND TAKING PEOPLE TO COURT WHO ACCIDENTILY HAVE BEEN FOUND TO HAVE CROSS-POLINATION ON THEIR LAND. THEY LOSE THEIR FARMS. YES I CAN GO ON AND ON. THEY REAL PROBLEMS THAT CORPORATIONS MAKE - THE POLUTION BY THE CORPORATIONS ARE NOT ADDRESSED. THE CORPORATIONS ARE PART OF THE PLAN... THEY ARE HELPING TO BRING IT IN BECAUSE THEY WILL BE THE BENEFACTORS OF THE PLAN. BP, MONSANTOS ETC ARE THE BIGGEST POLLUTERS... AND THEY ARE THE ONES GIVING MONEY TO BRING IN THE PLANS. Most of these corporations or forums include the 4th industrial revolution in their plans. what is the 4th industrial revolution. I suggest you find out.... it is quite frightening.
  3. Yes - spiritual darkness is coming because governments will not allow dissemination of the truth or the bible. We may have to go on what we have already assimilated.
  4. If they are not resurrected as they were before then it will be a clone - not be them..... Jehovah will resurrect them with the same attributes and attitudes they had before. The biggest education program of truth will ensue. What about many of the ancient Chinese who did not know about Jesus - what he did for us? What about the ancient Aztecs who did not know about Jesus as the one to heal us under his rulership. They will have to be taught about Jesus and accept the ransom sacrifice to benefit from it. Those new scrolls will do the job.! What he said makes perfect sense...... It gives those people a chance to gain everlasting life!
  5. Correct. As you know I write everything from memory..... getting older. I am not arguing over history - who is right or not. I am showing how the disgusting thing of TODAY is in its place. That was the reason for mentioning the emperor in the first place. Do you see the disgusting thing is starting to take control? It is because you approve of a 'centralized government' and control of environment to the extreme extent where all food and water will be controlled. As I said before ... you are a little blind because you do not THINK things through. HOW this will work is the biggest problem thinkers have with this plan. It is all beautiful dreams to sell it to the public..... but not well thought out. The world economic forum at DAVOS gave a very good idea of what will happen in future. Look at their page about transgenders and LGBTQ. Mr Schwab gave a speech and in his speech he also referred to the Great RESET and the 4th industrial revolution which is part of the plan. Do you know what is the 4th industrial revolution? The great reset is taking place right now. How long it will take I do not know but all I know is that we will NOT get out of the lockdown soon..... if they have their way! While I know that Jehovah will step in to rescue us from the DISGUSTING thing, I may be forced to accept it when it starts to rule. It does not mean that I approve of it. ... and when it forces LGBTQ on us with its beautiful promises of equality for all - I will not approve of it. I will separate myself from it. Just a note: Vespasian had ruled over Africa for a long time and knew that this area was the bread basket of Rome. No emperor would last long if the food supplies did not reach Rome. This is why there were 3 emperors in such a short period and he came out on top.
  6. If she attended meeting she would be accepted back and if she requested to come back they will definitely accept her. As Deut 32 says: The Rock, perfect is his activity,cFor all his ways are justice.dA God of faithfulnesse who is never unjust;fRighteous and upright is he.g 5 They are the ones who have acted corruptly.hThey are not his children, the defect is their own.iThey are a crooked and twisted generation!" People always shift the blame for their own wickedness or their own imperfections on others. Yes - there are injustices - but nothing one cannot get over. I had a terrible thing happen to me in the truth. I had so many things go wrong. At one stage I thought Jehovah did not love me any longer. I was mistaken.... the defect was my own..... So yes I understand ..... more than you think. I was a young widow, I had a daughter with cancer .... just to name two things that made my life unbearable.... If you think people treat a widow with kindness - think again. I had a woman tell me that I must have been wicked in secret - that is why god punished me so severely. The world is a wicked and unkind place. .... People are imperfect everywhere.... You just don't feel it because you are not vulnerable...... and live and do what you please. I was vulnerable for many years and being a witness did not make it easier. In fact that added to my stress from the world.
  7. You just throw scriptures mentioning food together without distinguishing between spiritual and physical food... While the thought is nice it is not accurate.... Going into past arguments again and who is right and wrong and .... whatever...... - old men's EGOs at play..... LOL Always going into the OLD behaviour patterns where it is comfortable.
  8. You do not see it - do you? You are wasting your time!
  9. The 'disgusting thing' only appeared in the end of the end times - Rome. Signs of wars with the terrorists were there since Antiochus 4 put Zeus in the temple..... unrest lasted a long time. It escalated badly after the death of Jesus. Rumors of war was rife and terrorist incidents. The Romans were at the end of their tether when they came to Jerusalem in 66 CE....... unfortunately Valerian had to deal with death of Nero first and left for Egypt to cut off the food supplies to Rome. Today, the disgusting thing is here and is already deciding policies. ... the world lockdown of WHO is a result of it. ..... do you not UNDERSTAND what you see? So UN just needs it to take more control of the world together with its 179 allies. By 2025 it will be the entire financial system....... but it seems they are trying to accelerate it. They are also accelerating the 4th industrial revolution.... which is the control of the population's biological health and much more... as well as all resources such as food, water, land etc.. We do not need to use only the Babylonian chronicles. The Greek Olympiads tells us much more. We have been through this so many times!!! The death of Cyrus is an historical date..... proven..... Ok - so now we go back to the past..... again..... LOL.... what does this prove... that we are now going backwards? That JWs were WRONG? What about the information such as the Festival of Akitu etc etc. ... the exact date of Cyrus's death. We have also been through this before and people stubbornly stick to their (past) guns because they NEED to have MORE insight than the GB.... how silly can a person's ego be! It is ego - nothing less. It is not smart at all.... "Fully" .....and the point????? Was it holy spirit that helped them?... we do not know....... How much holy spirit do you pray for? Or do you quote from the past to show how little spirit they had? What is the point??? of this? What do we know about the PRESENT........ that is the BIG question..... My question is this: do you discern ANYTHING about the present? Does smart-blindness really help any of you quibblers to understand? Like my husband always says:- there are some people who are in love with their own smartness.....they never learn much. Quoting up the past is not a skill - it is a deterrent when it is not combined with understanding of what is going on in the PRESENT. We do not learn from history if we do not learn to THINK about it and adapt it to new circumstances.. I know what I say here will wash over your backs - but at least I said it. The signs are all here and you are still quibbling about the "signs" and the time we are living in?? EGO trips. that is all it is.
  10. Wait until next year..... when we come out of more lockdowns and the Monetary system is reset. The stocks at present are artificially high.... but the food lines are getting longer.
  11. No - we are just glad that things are really heating up...... which means our faith has not been in vain. That is all. Yes we are uncertain but not without a ROCK to lean on. Jehovah is our fortress, our crag. In him we trust. The GB are cautious - more than ever before and rightly so. He will be in control of the final outcome.
  12. There is a German, Australian on GB and those who help them are from all over the earth. So what is your beef?
  13. Do you keep up with catholic news? I do... There is a terrible chasm......in the church. Do you know about the debauched parties at the Vatican? etc? The Man of lawlessness (false christian religion) will be revealed before the end.... those who do not adhere to Jehovah's principles/morals.
  14. That is why in the end they will turn against us.... we expect that. But we cannot sit on the fence. We take sides with Jehovah's government while being totally a-political and totally NON-violent. We are not pacifist because we promote faith in Jehovah's future government. The bible indicates that Armageddon will be against the hardened rulers who will oppose the incoming kingdom government. Read revelation 19. The sign will be there that Jesus wants to take over. We will give a warning message - even if we all are in prison....... which I hope will happen because we will strengthen each other and our incarceration will send a clear message. Before Armageddon, many people will die of hunger, joblessness, viruses, natural disasters......(the 4 running horses of Revelation). These people who die prior will get a resurrection. If the UN plan is anything to go by - they want to reduce the earth's population and bring in the 4th industrial revolution....... mix human DNA will synthetic DNA or reprogram our DNA - just like before the flood when Satan was behind the hybrid race that could not produce children..... . So by the time Armageddon comes it will be the hardened criminal oppressors/atheists who will stand up against Christ and his heavenly armies. Just like Noah's righteousness condemned his generation - the same will happen soon. We stay faithful to Jehovah and may he give us the strength to do so......
  15. I see what you are doing and your attitudes. That gives me insight into the lives of those who think themselves superior to judge others. They cannot get on with their lives because they want to DESTROY......... mmmmm I wonder who has that kind of attitude.... There are many who come back..... for your information...... That is still an open option to all.
  16. Your understanding seems to be challenged - lets leave it at that....
  17. Most ex-JWs get on with their lives .....but there are a few that develop problems....because they cannot go on to pursue their own life and desires. They are the ones who display revenge symptoms or hate-OCD.
  18. Yes, amazon owner is the richest person on earth because he gets the cheapest post office rates in the world! Tax payers of USA pay for all his shipping. What is more - he is constantly being bailed out by the government as an essential service - such as during Corona. JWs give an essential spiritual service and in case you have not noticed - shipping is expensive - except when you are Mr beeee zos...and have fascistic links to the government.
  19. It sure does if one looks at the number of businesses who are broke, people who are no longer paying their mortgages, banks on verge of collapse and joblessness. It seems that this lock down will last until March next year too! ...maybe even beyond this date..... also depending on election outcomes and if Marshall law is implemented. .... if one listens to rumors. The world is changing. China has rolled out their digital currency and every Chinese now has to accept it.
  20. After reading about MKULTRA and all the goings on behind the scenes and how history has been hidden from us - I do not trust any government and think that those career politicians who have been in congress for 30 or more years are part of the problem - they have been totally corrupted. The CIA and other secret organizations charged to keep us safe has so much powers that there can be a large part of it that could go rogue without the other good agents knowing it. They can be running a double organization because there is no-one to check up on them..... This is when unlimited powers are given to people - they abuse it and become a law unto themselves.
  21. Robots are already being used in policing. So policing could in future be done by artificial intelligence...... what is so sarcastically "good" about this is: it does not ask questions or take emotions into account.
  22. It is a maoist -type revolution funded by those with the money to pay for hotels and transport. Those who want chaos.
  23. Thank you Cezar for laying it out. This is China unscripted program - they are interviewing a reporter from BUZZFEED. Very interesting are the 'reasons' people were sent to these camps. She conducted interviews with 27 people who had been in these prisons. They also have three kinds of these prisoners and they are not processed through the regular courts.... there is a lot to learn from this young reporter. Today - I see a similar situation as before the second world war. Hitler was industrializing his country and their exports were boycotted throughout the world (the reasons behind this and who was behind this I will not go into). Today, whether it is justified or not, they are now boycotting China in a world-wide situation similar to Hitler. They saw events in Hitler's country and things in CCP-china that they do not like.... and targeted the industrial exports. China may suddenly attack somewhere.... like Hitler. In the chaos, Russia may also annex some places it has had its eye on - to complete the strategic idea of Alexander Dugan, that of an Eurasia. This is just guesswork..... but Daniel 11 indicates a 'flooding'. It may just be economic as has been happening all over the world with the aggressive economic policies of China and Russia... or it may be more than that. In the end the plans of the UN will come to fruition and people will look to it to provide policies...... as it has been doing during Corona. Centralizes policies and monetary control as well as "sustainable development".
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