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Posts posted by Arauna


    23 hours ago, 4Jah2me said:

    they are d/fed for ten years but not allowed back yet for some reason.... 

    If she attended meeting she would be accepted back and if she requested to come back they will definitely accept her.

    As Deut 32 says: The Rock, perfect is his activity,cFor all his ways are justice.dA God of faithfulnesse who is never unjust;fRighteous and upright is he.g  They are the ones who have acted corruptly.hThey are not his children, the defect is their own.iThey are a crooked and twisted generation!"

    People always shift the blame for their own wickedness or their own imperfections on others.  Yes - there are injustices - but nothing one cannot get over.  

    I had a terrible thing happen to me in the truth.  I had so many things go wrong.  At one stage I thought Jehovah did not love me any longer.  I was mistaken.... the defect was my own.....  So yes I understand ..... more than you think.  I was a young widow, I had a daughter with cancer .... just to name two things that made my life unbearable....

     If you think people treat a widow with kindness - think again.  I had a woman tell me that I must have been wicked in secret - that is why god punished me so severely.

    The world is a wicked and unkind place. ....  People are imperfect everywhere.... You just don't feel it because you are not vulnerable...... and live and do what you please.

     I was vulnerable for many years and being a witness did not make it easier. In fact that added to my stress from the world.     


  2. 18 hours ago, JW Insider said:

    to give them their food at the proper time?

    You just throw scriptures mentioning food together without distinguishing between spiritual and physical food...

    While the thought is nice it is not accurate.... 

    4 hours ago, JW Insider said:

    , although of course, Allen Smith would never admit that Carl Jo

    Going into past arguments again and who is right and wrong and .... whatever...... - old men's EGOs at play.....  LOL  

    Always going into the OLD behaviour patterns where it is comfortable. 


  3. 1 hour ago, JW Insider said:

    when they asked him for a sign of the end,

    The 'disgusting thing' only appeared in the end of the end times - Rome.  Signs of wars with the terrorists were there since Antiochus 4 put Zeus in the temple.....  unrest lasted a long time. It escalated badly after the death of Jesus.  Rumors of war was rife and terrorist incidents.  The Romans were at the end of their tether when they came to Jerusalem in 66 CE.......  unfortunately Valerian had to deal with death of Nero first and left for Egypt to cut off the food supplies to Rome.   

    Today, the disgusting thing is here and is already deciding policies. ... the world lockdown of WHO is a result of it. ..... do you not UNDERSTAND what you see?   So UN just needs it to take more control of the world together with its 179 allies.  By 2025 it will be the entire financial system....... but it seems they are trying to accelerate it.  They are also accelerating the 4th industrial revolution.... which is the control of the population's biological health and much more... as well as all resources such as food, water, land etc.. 

    1 hour ago, JW Insider said:

    20 year offset that the Watchtower uses in order to place 607 as the 18th/19th year of Nebuchadnezzar when Jeremiah says that Jerusalem

    We do not need to use only the Babylonian chronicles.  The Greek Olympiads tells us much more.  We have been through this so many times!!!  The death of Cyrus is an historical date..... proven..... 

    1 hour ago, JW Insider said:

    the year 1943 the Watch Tower Bible

    Ok - so now we go back to the past..... again.....  LOL....  what does this prove... that we are now going backwards? That JWs were WRONG?   What about the  information such as the Festival of Akitu etc etc. ... the exact date of Cyrus's death.  We have also been through this before and people stubbornly stick to their (past) guns because they NEED to have MORE insight than the GB.... how silly can a person's ego be!  It is ego - nothing less.  It is not smart at all.... 


    1 hour ago, JW Insider said:

    1914 wasn't fully "discerned" until the 1940's

    "Fully" .....and the point?????  Was it holy spirit that helped them?... we do not know.......   How much holy spirit do you pray for?  Or do you quote from the past to show how little spirit they had?   What is the point???  of this?

     What do we know about the PRESENT........ that is the BIG question.....

    My question is this:  do you discern ANYTHING about the present?  Does  smart-blindness really help any of you quibblers to understand?   Like my husband always says:- there are some people who are in love with their own smartness.....they never learn much.   Quoting up the past is not a skill - it is a deterrent when it is not combined with understanding of what is going on in the PRESENT.  We do not learn from history if we do not learn to THINK about it and adapt it to new circumstances..

    I know what I say here will wash over your backs - but at least I said it.  

    The signs are all here and you are still quibbling about the "signs" and the time we are living in??  EGO trips. that is all it is.   



  4. On 9/19/2020 at 12:42 AM, 4Jah2me said:

    You people seem to be in panic mode

    No - we are just glad that things are really heating up...... which means our faith has not been in vain. That is all. Yes we are uncertain but not without a ROCK to lean on.  Jehovah is our fortress, our crag. In him we trust.  The GB are cautious - more than ever before and rightly so.  

    He will be in control of the final outcome.

  5. On 9/19/2020 at 5:48 AM, Jack Ryan said:

    sending says their Government will be destroyed. 

    That is why in the end they will turn against us.... we expect that.  But we cannot sit on the fence.  We take sides with Jehovah's government while being totally a-political and totally NON-violent. We are not pacifist because we promote faith in Jehovah's future government.  The bible indicates that Armageddon will be against the hardened rulers who will oppose the incoming kingdom government. Read revelation 19.  The sign will be there that Jesus wants to take over.

    We will give a warning message - even if we all are in prison....... which I hope will happen because we will strengthen each other and our incarceration will send a clear message.

    Before Armageddon, many people will die of hunger, joblessness, viruses, natural disasters......(the 4 running horses of Revelation).  These people who die prior will get a resurrection.  If the UN plan is anything to go by - they want to reduce the earth's population and bring in the 4th industrial revolution....... mix human DNA will synthetic DNA or reprogram our DNA - just like before the flood when Satan was behind the hybrid race that could not produce children..... .   

    So by the time Armageddon comes it will be the hardened criminal oppressors/atheists who will stand up against Christ and his heavenly armies.  Just like Noah's righteousness condemned his generation - the same will happen soon.

    We stay faithful to Jehovah and may he give us the strength to do so......

  6. 17 hours ago, 4Jah2me said:

    You have no idea what ex-JWs want to do.

     I see what you are doing and your attitudes.  That gives me insight into the lives of those who think themselves superior to judge others. They cannot get on with their lives because they want to DESTROY......... mmmmm I wonder who has that kind of attitude....

    There are many who come back..... for your information......  That is still an open option to all.  

  7. 13 hours ago, Jack Ryan said:

    buy the same exact thing on Amazon for $45!!! A

    Yes, amazon owner is the richest person on earth because he gets the cheapest post office rates in the world!  Tax payers of USA pay for all his shipping.  What is more - he is constantly being  bailed out by the government as an essential service - such as during Corona.

    JWs give an essential spiritual service and in case you have not noticed - shipping is expensive - except when you are Mr beeee zos...and have fascistic links to the government.

  8. 11 hours ago, Anna said:

    Seems like 2020 is quite distinct from any other. It even looks distinct on paper:

    It sure does if one looks at the number of businesses who are broke, people who are no longer paying their mortgages, banks on verge of collapse and joblessness.  It seems that this lock down will last until March next year too!  ...maybe even beyond this date..... also depending on election outcomes and if Marshall law is implemented. .... if one listens to rumors. The world is changing.  China has rolled out their digital currency and every Chinese now has to accept it.

  9. 16 hours ago, Anna said:

    But anything is possible...

    After reading about MKULTRA and all the goings on behind the scenes and how history has been hidden from us - I do not trust any government and  think that those career politicians who have been in congress for 30 or more years are part of the problem - they have been totally corrupted.

    The CIA and other secret organizations charged to keep us safe has so much powers that there can be a large part of it that could go rogue without the other good agents knowing  it.  They can be running a double organization because there is no-one to check up on them.....   This is when unlimited powers are given to people - they abuse it and become a law unto themselves. 

  10. Thank you Cezar for laying it out. 

    This is China unscripted program - they are interviewing a reporter from BUZZFEED.  Very interesting are the 'reasons' people were sent to these camps.  She conducted interviews with 27 people who had been in these prisons.  They also have three kinds of these prisoners and they are not processed through the regular courts.... there is a lot to learn from this young reporter. 


    Today - I see a similar situation as before the second world war.  Hitler was industrializing his country and their exports were boycotted throughout the world (the reasons behind this and who was behind this I will not go into).  Today, whether it is justified or not, they are now boycotting China in a world-wide situation similar to Hitler.  They saw events in Hitler's country  and things in CCP-china that they do not like.... and targeted the industrial exports.  

    China may suddenly attack somewhere.... like Hitler.   In the chaos, Russia may also annex some places it has had its eye on - to complete the strategic idea of Alexander Dugan, that of an Eurasia.

    This is just guesswork..... but Daniel 11 indicates a 'flooding'.  It may just be economic as has been happening all over the world with the aggressive economic policies of China and Russia... or it may be more than that.  In the end the plans of the UN will come to fruition and people will look to it to provide policies...... as it has been doing during Corona.

    Centralizes policies and monetary control as well as "sustainable development".



  11. NO - THE IMAGE OF THE BEAST IS THE EIGHTH KING according to revelation 17 and 18 and this "disgusting thing" which stands in the place of Jehovah, will declare peace and security.  However, the "internet of things" may be the method by which they will achieve a surveillance on everyone to control everyone and also control crime and keep people locked in place so they cannot move around without permission.

    The 'god of fortresses' has not been discussed by our Governing Body yet .... so I will just venture my own ideas on this....  it is the new god mentioned in Daniel 11.  It may be the internet of things by which they secure everything - yes everything on the planet.  They already keep databases but will expand this to include absolutely everything on each person.... such as crime, use of energy, habits of people, what they think and say on internet etc.  It is already going on. They already have a profile on each one of us. They can just expand this to include health, DNA, etc.

    It is only now that computers have reached the strength by which they can keep these massive databases and the speed of calculating logarithms and plan outcomes and look into a single persons whole profile in a matter of seconds.

    While looking at bible prophecy combined with the direction human innovation is moving into; and what is going on in the power structures this is the conclusion I have come to.  It is not infallible because I am not a prophet but it is just logical conclusions on the bible and the power the rich now have to implement it by means of propaganda and manipulation of all human organizations to obtain their goals while the rest of mankind is divided.

  12. 1 hour ago, JW Insider said:

    West would love to push their own surveillance and social credit score

    China is the experiment for it - and yes - it is coming to the west...... similar to China.  In the cities it is already rolled out but still needs to be rolled out in rural areas. 

    They started to manage the Corona virus with it.  I saw a few videos where people were in public areas when their Corona credit score became a yellow or red.... meaning they had to go into quarantine and they wailed aloud so everyone can hear.... 

  13. 10 hours ago, Witness said:

    which are the anointed - to be trampled

    You are NOT anointed because you do not believe what the bible says about the soul... Remember I showed up your false ideas a while back?  you believe in the immortality of the soul....  so Your Jesus did not really die because he is immortal. So I do not want to argue with you .... let us just leave it there.

  14. 13 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

    Do you know my wife?

    LOL-  When my husband and I are in conversation and people give directions or instructions or mention some obscure fact...... I remember.  When he asks the question again from the person we are talking to... I usually give the answer to him.... LOL.  The listening aspect..... 

    My husband is a very smart, gentle and humble human being. He reads a lot - but eclectic stuff.  He is a very good husband because I doubt any other man would have been able to stand me. It must be because his mother was British.

    I am typical afrikaner /boer - not in my thinking but my manners.  My mothers side was Swiss, German and Yugoslavian. Very straight, direct but friendly and I hope - kind. ... and my accent is strange.  

    .....So your wife says the same?  But she will only be able to say so if you are a very good husband.  Otherwise she will be afraid to say it...... LOL.  I guess, but I think you know how to get out of every situation with your golden mouth and humor.

  15. 1 hour ago, JW Insider said:

    hese conversations tend to go in a lot of different directions

    Yes - I expected that.  I think you like to look at ONE thing at a time a be absolute sure of its black and whiteness - then go to the next part.  Unfortunately communism is a mindset.....an ideology expressed in the various manifestations I have spoken about. Consequently one must see its many expressions in the many facets of how it is expressed in human behavior such as love for central power, absolute control of people, extreme deceitfulness, extensive use of subversion, lack of trustworthiness, hate of transparency, hate of any form of criticism - even in private, thought crime, worship of leaders, a hate for religion, human or animal life or preservation of nature (such as killing all birds etc).  I doubt one can have numbers for that.  All the qualities come straight out of Satan's bible.

    These mentioned qualities lead to unjust imprisonment, human torture, forced confessions, sectors of society who become expendable, hiding/ cover up of evidence, killing of those who witnessed it, public deceit, NO transparency,  and lack of truth of information, government propaganda  etc etc. Those are not concrete substances one can google or find written down.... unless actual deaths have been documented by research and this usually happens long  AFTER the actual events - not while they are ongoing. And then concrete numbers are hard to uncover. The suffering that the people went through, while people were under this attack by their own government, will never be documented.  very few writers in USSR survived to write about their experiences in the gulags. Only Jehovah knows about that. 

    You yourself do not believe the number killed under Stalin because most of the people who knew what was going (those around Stalin in high positions)  were themselves liquidated to hide evidence...... so 'absolute' black and white numbers are hard to come by.  This does not mean they did not happen just because it is not in black and white. The numbers are way beyond 20 million even if there is only proof of 20 million.  The number of 20 million is still staggering and the mindset that led to this is totally satanic.  And those who helped to cover up were in extreme fear of their lives....before they themselves were liquidated.  One saw a similar mindset under Nazi National Socialism.... with emphasis on 'socialism'. 

    Collectivism/socialism in themselves sound wonderful BUT because it is under human rule, Human socialism is totally different than theocratic socialism.  Most witnesses do not see the difference.  Human rule always ends in disaster and human socialism is one of the worst forms of government because it "sounds" so good and the marketing of it sounds so wonderful. (agenda 21 is another one that sounds wonderful and the marketing department is in full swing - deceitful and dis-topic). Socialism does not respect the individual.  BUT - under theocratic rule the individual's choices are EVERYTHING!  The people must have a social mindset of willingly giving up their rights by CHOICE for the greater good of someone else.  A sacrifice for someone else.  Giving up what you want or even need for another - willingly. This is totally different to be forced into an equality of outcome and a suppression of you will, choice, religion etc. I think you have not really meditated on this but just like numbers. 

    If a serial killer only remembers 20 murders but there is evidence that he was at ten other scenes one can assume that may have been responsible, especially if the MO was the same.  But he may only receive a death sentence for 20. Same with Stalin, Mao-se Tung, North Korean gulags etc.. look at the MO...... 

    That is why I wanted you to listen carefully to the interview so you can catch some nuances of what is going on. Her interview will be removed by google if she said more and she is aware of that.   Google is working with the CCP. Extreme capitalism  also has some of these features and that is why I have been saying all along (for about 12 years) that extreme (global) capitalism and communism will eventually merge to form a highly oppressive world government in future. Some of these features are already visible in the radical left in USA and other areas of Europe, Canada and  Australia. Since China went all Capitalistic for a while before kicking out journalists who are not prepared to be followed around, interrogated, their footage removed, etc, CCP are moving toward the true communism........  Mao se Tung is back on the list of Chinese hero's. 

    If I suggested to  you the riots in america are pure subversion, tao-istic style, you will most probably tell me I am nuts .  I have told you many times on these pages that all the visible TRENDS smell like a commie rat.... no numbers available but the true numbers are in the funding of subversive organizations.  Follow the money trail and you will find the rat.  But the evidence is in what they say and the behavior.

    Similar to the French revolution, and Russian revolution they were using a normal human desire of equality (which is the right of each of us) to stoke the revolution and afterward these very same people were expendable. Satan's marketing department pictures these aspirations as being noble aspirations..... but it leads to death and destruction of human lives. 

    No wonder Jehovah teaches us to stay away from politics because it is ALL  illusion.  Propaganda is now going on everywhere to cover up nefarious goals - even in the west because a socialist color revolution /take-over is in the making.  China unfortunately deserves some bad publicity because they have been getting away with some of their most heinous crimes. The focus was off of them for several years - especially the falun gong issue.

    1 hour ago, JW Insider said:

    much prefer to look at the entire picture

    No, That is why you are confused by the different aspects of the same thing.  You do NOT look at the entire picture even if you think you do. You just like numbers or a book to confirm the facts.  Not much else....  If exact numbers cannot be produced then you are not interested in all the 'signs' that there are extreme dis-topic problems. 

    I have listened to umpteen interviews of people who fled China and North korea - as I said to you - I have no doubt in my mind of what is going on. Knowing the nature of Islam and Communism  - I can see the full nature of the world that will be exhibited very soon.  As the bible says - The beast will win because it will destroy all false religion - so Islam's days will be numbered....but it will still sow havoc.  Communism will grow ( a new version of it) because of the nature of its control....

    We will have to get ready for extreme suffering until Jehovah steps in. The 8th beast will be the most ugly one and the most oppressive beast ever in the history of mankind.  The fact that they want to stuff all humans in high rise building with rationed food, water etc.... should give you an indication of the suffering that is coming.  Crimes against humanity is already going on under our noses and we have become accustomed to the propaganda and the hiding of the true facts.  The marketing department for Satan's system is in full swing.  With Satan it is adapt, obey or die - the father of death. Those who try to bring the truth are now cut out of social media - which is only the beginning of our thought crimes.

    Religion will soon be a thought crime.

    3 hours ago, JW Insider said:

    false claims one beast will claim about another

    Fully aware of that BUT china has gotten away with too many crimes. It is only now that it suits USA to bring attention to it....... but it is too late. 

    3 hours ago, JW Insider said:

    ind a dozen more people still living in China to converse with

    Yes - you will get a very honest answer ......  when it is a known fact that their phones are currently all monitored by the government and their social credit score will go down immediately if they just talk about freedom in a western way.. or answer your questions honestly.  The thought crime will bring down their social score and they could lose their way of life.  I do not think you understand how serious it has become.  

    3 hours ago, JW Insider said:

    n tell that you are steeped in propaganda,

    I have been saying this for 12 years... it is a long time.... long before it became convenient for USA to suddenly smear CCP.

    When I discovered that western governments do not see Islam as a threat and it became Islamophobic (or far-right) to mention Islam I knew there was propaganda at play from western governments. They are pushing an agenda. 

    It just so happens that I discovered it is UN Agenda 21 and agenda 2030 which wants borders removed and all people (regardless of religion) mixed into one.  The UN immigration Compact 2018 is clear that one may not speak against Islam. 

     It is Satan's way of creating one world government under Satan.  An evil imitation of Christs rule.  I realized this when I started to study Islam before 9/11......  and then discovered that Karl Marx had the same aspirations. By the way: Zionism has similar aspirations but one is NOT allowed to talk about that either.  It is remarkable how Satan is using human laws to cover up these facts regarding these ideologies.

    I do not have affiliations to any human government but I am not blind as to the 'mental attitudes' going on.  It so happens that I honestly believe that any human who wants to control another  has a satanic attitude ..... that is why  I tend to notice these trends very quickly.  Being a woman helps a lot.  I see patriarchal attitudes everywhere (even in the truth sometimes with some brothers - a woman should not know too much you know... ) and I therefore cannot blame the far-left for the new aggressive sexual revolution which is part of cultural communism but unfortunately - this is also totally inspired by Satan. 

    3 hours ago, JW Insider said:

    can tell that you are steeped in propaganda

    And you are not.  Interesting...... I am a refugee and alien resident - literally.  So I see things sometimes which other do not see.  Hopefully soon, my husband and I will find a place where we can face Armageddon together.

    The eighth king is not yet here openly but it is already ruling underneath everything......  The UN coalition with 179 countries that signed agenda 21 and all the earthly princes who are giving their foundational charity contributions to fund its operation....

    Time will tell if my eyes have been seeing  spooky things........ I sincerely hope so.... because suddenly the worst time in human history is upon us....... This Corona is not going away and I 'suspect' they may keep us in semi-lock-down for a long time - until the financial system has been reset.  Many will die of hunger - and the false "show' of governments who pretend to care - this will dissipate.  Riots  and upheaval will ensue but will be squelched until they announce a solution from UN. This will be implemented and bring a resemblance of peaceful future..... then it will suddenly turn against religions.... 


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