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Posts posted by Arauna

  1. 20 minutes ago, JW Insider said:

    hat I said was correct in that she said nothing ab

    No, she said nothing about this but that was not the purpose for me citing it.  It seems you learnt nothing else....  so I think with you it is a matter of just being right ..... not learning anything else.... So we are definitely on crossed wavelengths.  As I said before, people who follow THE METHOD LIKE SLAVES, which I think you always do.... think in very narrow bands..... they only quote the bits they want  or  have to have the facts spelt out in absolute black or white. So you will be a good scholar AFTER there is ample proof that China was up to very bad stuff.  BEFORE ... or while it is happening  ... I do not think that is  your forte.   I mean there are so many red dragon flags everywhere!!! 

    The fact that China is in trouble with so many countries does  not ring a bell with you.  Australian journalists just fled from China and were almost imprisoned.  In Africa they caught Chinese who were mining gold and messing up the environment and they claimed to have the rights.  A whole cash of ivory was found, bones of other rare animals, live tortoises, pangolins etc.  I told you that China or Chinese do not care for the environment.  I hear regularly of these occurrences.

    The CCP built that massive dam against expert advise.... now their own people are suffering with floods.  In Nepal and Tibet - it seems you learnt nothing from them building  thousands of dams.......  ruining the environment and holding their neighbors hostage with water. That was mentioned in the video I posted.

     Only when CCP /China attacks others countries you may wake up and say - they were part of the beast and an ally of King of the North.  


  2. 14 hours ago, JW Insider said:

    WP journalist interviewing Elizabeth Economy, China expert who has worked on the Council on Foreign Relations.

    I have always said - because woman have to obey much more than men and we usually have to do things for others - we learn to listen better than men do.  

    As a journalist I learnt to listen very well - to be able to go back and write about the interview. I not only catch all the important points - but the attitudes.  Elizabeth did not talk about the camps but she did speak about how the Chinese  'control' and how they manage their affairs with those states they have taken over and even the relationship with these neighbors. That to me was very significant. 

  3. 12 hours ago, 4Jah2me said:

    1939-1945 World War,  was that normal to you ?  

    Definitely not.  Normal to me is when a person reflects Jehovah's standards in personal life.... even if they are persecuted for it.  Then they are acting with "soundness of mind."  Normal in the public sphere under Satans system is when people can get on with their business as usual without having to face violence, riots, extreme disruptions, hunger, poverty etc..

  4. 6 hours ago, Anna said:

    they are "finally" free!!

    They are "free" to follow all their own desires.  I do not mind those who leave and do their own thing - it is their choice... and I wish then well  and even hope for their repentance when they come to their senses.

    However, when I am constantly  "confronted" by those who are NOT happy in their so-called new freedom and do not get on with their own goals.... and then take all their time to persecute JWs, the GB etc.  In their mind they think they should rescue us so we can do what we like as they do.  Some mask their hate for Jehovah's people in a pseudo-morality of goodness of trying to save us from ourselves.  They do not recognize OUR CHOICE! in the matter.  They just want to hit back and do not want any of us to get life from Jehovah but want to sow doubt and drag others down with them.

    These kind, are far from repentance and may only reach that point when they become hungry like the  prodigal son.  Some remain harsh and nasty.....  I have noticed this kind of harsh and extreme, unrelenting critical attitude in many of the true apostates.

  5. On 7/26/2020 at 6:19 PM, JW Insider said:

    When someone changed thousands to "for all we know, there might even be millions" the new number changed to "millions" without Western media even batting an eyelash. 

    Well there are just too many reports coming out of those who have suffered.  And new camps keep going up ...... one can look at them (and the activities) on google earth. 

    Our government is also now more aware how corrupted our politicians are by the big money they made in china during the boom - so most of them are compromised... on both sides of the isle.  Millions of dollars at our universities have been coming in from Qatar and China ... compromising their departments doing research and opening up science research for theft.

    Silent wars have silent weapons.

  6. 23 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

    he way that I have phrased it is: “Why kick the old lady when she is down? We kicked her while she was up.

    Excellent phrase. Babylon the Great is in the death throes.....  There are parts of it that is still going strong but I suspect in countries where one can be killed for not attending mosque they are religious in name only.  I met many Iranians here that hate their national religion.

     I am a natural autodidact because I had to study my singing parts by myself.  Interpretation is also important....   so I used to analyze the music.  When I was a reporter I  learnt to listen to people closely - read the signs and feel the feelings.  It was then that I also learnt to look at the bigger picture - not just the small details.

    Scholars sometimes are so engrossed in small details that they miss the big picture.  They also go around in circles - quoting the bits that fit and ignore the parts that do not.  I have seen this in Islam, evolution, and many other fields of study. This is how evolution became so strong.  They just answer the bits that they can and ignore the bits they cannot answer and in the end a massive body of work has been produced in the so-called scientific METHOD  that superficially looks as if the proof is there but it is actually based on circular reasoning.... just strengthening the bits that fit.... and quoting the bits that fit.

    Regarding the hours - I think it is good if we should report.... because it helps us to determine who is weak and who is busy preaching.  There is no other gauge. 





  7. 2 minutes ago, JW Insider said:

    nothing about control of water, nothing about Falun Gong, nothing about Uyghurs, nothing about problems in Mongolia

    You missed quite a lot.  Even if you took notes.  She said that the other countries cannot expose the water problems or they will face backlash from China.  She also said that they are replacing local populations with Chinese,  forcing muslim women to marry Chinese.....

    She said a whole lot of things like this which gives you the subtle nuances of what is really going on.  She named the shocking number of CHINESE dams that were built by China in these countries and this water is controlled by China. She named the destruction of the environment. She mentioned the islands built by China in the South China seas which were not supposed to be militarized..... and then were.   All this indicates that China is not to be trusted because they do not keep their contracts.  It is a well-known fact that China uses contracts which sound good to lure the victim - then when the deal is done they do not keep their side of the bargain.  

    Indonesia is now refusing to pay their loan because of shoddy work done by China.  Australia had to remove their journalists...... many things happening every day.... and you still think that china is not part of the beast?    The entire beast is part of Satan's system - not just USA.  China is included in that beast.  They have been the silent part of the beast but because they have become mao-ist under Xi ping the world has now woken up to their long term "dragon-like" plans.


  8. 36 minutes ago, 4Jah2me said:

    final part' is just scare mongering,

    I think you are the one that is not understanding.... I had a stronger word in there but decided to change it..... We are in a lock-down.... not just in one part of the world but all over!  And you still think things are normal...... wow... it is not. 

    People who have lost their jobs are getting unemployment for 6 months and already many people are abandoning the payment of their homes.  Insurance companies are starting to refuse to pay out...... there are high-jacking of trucks with food on board etc etc.  Soon more riots and anarchy will start up so we may see Martial law being rolled out later.  And voting will bring more problems with leaders refusing to concede (on both sides).

    World-wide famine is on the cards with food becoming very expensive..... so I think you are the one doing  mongering.....


  9. 10 hours ago, JW Insider said:

    Yes. (Of course, the primary one is the lie about curing cancer and other diseases with exercises alone, and the claim that using human medicine to help with disease is not effective and shows a lack of faith.)

    Scientologists believe the same.  We do stigmatize them because so much money is involved in moving up the ranks.  people die because they do not take treatment... the same accusation against us for not taking blood.   However this does not merit government persecution and all that is going on in china. God gave us free choice to choose out own religion no matter how wacky.  

    10 hours ago, JW Insider said:

    We now know from documentation that they made false claims enemies

    It was the government apparatus behind them which gave false information - such as the propaganda before the Busch war against Iraq.

    I listened to a program about CIA .....and their influence on media. Their influence in Hollywood etc. How they pay newspapers to place articles that are echoed and amplified over and over in all media.  Same old tactic as communist countries use.  We think governments are good...... they are mechanisms of Satan.... and USA is a dragon just like China.

    10 hours ago, JW Insider said:

    I've given examples before

    USA has been sold out to China and middle east - the news items you quote most of the time are compromised..... so you also believe propaganda which puts Falun Gong in a bad light (say that the body parts story is false) and makes China into an innocent angel that has been maligned.  China was sterilizing women during the one child policy - they used the fetuses for these same purposes....... and later went onto using adult parts.   I have watched many videos of these forced abortions.    This government is ruthless - an instrument of Satan.... and it does not matter if it is 250 thousand Muslims in jail or one million....... the PRINCIPLE that they are doing this remains the same.  It can easily go from 1 million to 3 million.  There is air footage of large prisons going up all the time....... 

    Watch the last video I posted.  This is a person who is part of the Council of Foreign relations - one of the top organizations in USA and one that is appointed to follow through on agenda 21.  What I like about her is that she is balanced. But when one listens carefully one sees what is going on.   You do not believe any of this because the propaganda in our media is controlled (you will be surprised by whom) but you do not accept this fact.....  

  10. 11 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

    powerful atheist faction has arisen that would eradicate everyone clinging to worship of God—us no less than they.

    I agree - 


    12 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

    I see brothers equally rude on social media with regard to tweets mentioning religion—appending insults that have little to do with the topic under consideration. Do they think themselves witnessing?

    I am not here to witness.  I am here to share thoughts since I do not believe that people come here to learn anything.  I like to learn what I can but not all have the same mindset.  I apologize if I have been rude.  I know I have been. 

    12 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

    Judge Rutherford’s day, announcing that religion is a “snare and a racket.

    It was needed at that time because religion was still powerful.  Today it is not needed any longer.

    12 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

    keep on harping over false religion—

    The man of lawlessness is now being revealed as  christian churches go along with UN agenda 2030 (politics) and accepts LGBTQ... and 9 month abortions.  I listened to a podcast of a woman talking about how the extreme criticism has taken over many of the evangelicals and they lose faith in the bible.  They are going along with the immorality of this world.  Satan wants to compromise every single person on earth regarding MORALITY so they are not acceptable to Jehovah any longer.  That is why I stipulate that Satan will bring in a new morality (which he already has ) but he will go further.  He will use government (UN and its allies) to force all humans to follow it at peril of their lives.  The enforcer will be a totalitarian government like is happening in China.

    12 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

    This is a point of great ridicule among ex-Witnesses,

    If they have this attitude - they are not material for repentance..... They will mock no matter what one says.   They have the hate-OCD.   I have seen this attitude many times before. While I wish they will repent I do realize that the chances are slim.  They remind me of the high priest who went to Jesus on the stake and told him to get down and help himself .... same attitude.

    12 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

    Keep an eye on those who cause division

    I think more than ever that there is so much propaganda out there that it is better to just read the bible.....  Unfortunately I am inquisitive ..... and most in the world gobble up the propaganda being spewed out by satan and his demons (rev 16:14-16).  So I have found it handy in the field to know what is going on. The youth are very much tuned into the 4th industrial revolution and futuristic things.... so I have found it is good to acknowledge or validate their knowledge but to subtly correct their thinking where is clashes with Jehovah's thinking. It is nice for me to meet people who watch the world and usually they have some false notion.....They are usually very surprised to find a sweet little old lady who knows what they know and can direct them to the bible to see how it fits in with the purpose of Jehovah.

  11. 1 hour ago, Witness said:

    where it states “he will honor a god of fortresses”, it is speaking about the King of the North? 

    Totally in agreement with you.  Read Daniel 11 and you will see the King of north is the one who honors the God of the fortress. However, the king of the North (Russia) has totalitarian alliances such as China, Iran, Libya, and North Korea is assisted in every way by China etc. So they are ones who are secretive about government (closed behind their fortress walls) and who control everything about their citizens. Electronic surveillance is being rolled out in areas that are not yet surveiled and controlled.

    However, the world does not exist in a vacuum and that is why I see that UN (who uses China as their model) like the control aspect and are using China as a model.  They want to roll out this surveillance all over the world with either facial recognition or other more advanced means.  The algorithms will do the work.  Algorithms have no sympathy for humans or a capacity to listen to humans.... you become a number and the justice is black or white.

    1 hour ago, Witness said:

    desecrates the temple fortress” and abolishes the daily sacrifice

    These totalitarian governments such as china have already abolished all religion (even its traditional religions) and of course we are waiting for the UN - when it gets into power - it will turn against a strong religion like Islam (all religions) when it has served its purpose.  Islam is totalitarian but of course when UN comes in it (UN) will desecrate all gods and be a god itself. All hell will break lose because I understand Islam....... lol. 

    Our daily sacrifices to Jehovah will be illegal by law  but we will not riot or accept as other religions will - so we may go unnoticed for a while when the financial system totally collapses. When we start to preach a final message openly and with courage - and in fear of our life - the final persecution on us will ensue.

    1 hour ago, Witness said:

    man of lawlessness”

    The 'man of lawlessness' is false religion - who has not taught the morality of Jehovah (taught lawlessness and act without regard for god's laws). They have a veneer of religion but allow abortions, LGBTQ etc.   False Christians are already being exposed as we speak because they are going along with the 'beast' of this world  by teaching LGBTQ and soon to add P.... there is a open drive by UN to promote this.  They are heavily compromised by the "beast" political system.  The pope is promoting agenda 2030 everywhere he goes! Sustainable development.... 

    2 hours ago, Witness said:

    JWs honor the same god of fortresses, as the King of the North. 

     That is false because you yourself have not identified the king of the north. We do not participate in any political drives of the king of the north and have no political aspirations.  We do not vote or take sides.  Just watch from the sidelines and some of us (like me) speculate how things may move along. We expect to be imprisoned by them ad we are already being imprisoned. 


    I agree with you that Jehovah is our hiding place - our fortress - our crag - our rock.  We put NO trust in anything this system has to offer and live by the morals in the bible.  Not all of us are perfect...... but that is what the ransom sacrifice is for.

  12. 2 hours ago, Melinda Mills said:

    they took no note until the Flood came and swep

    They were in the ark for seven days before the rain started.  They understood that the rain would soon start.  The exact moment they did not know.

    We can see the signs - but the day and hour is not clear.  The signs are there for us to remain ready.  Jehovah is loving and gives us signs.  He does not do anything without warning us. 


  13. I listened to an interview of a very high up government expert on China who currently serves on the Foreign Relations council (which by the way is pro-agenda 21).  These people are life-long government advisors because she also served under Obama etc.  Foreign relations council was given additional response to Agenda 21 by Busch.

    I thought it was a well balanced interview. :   


  14. 2 hours ago, JW Insider said:

    but so far we are doing fine in our congregation.

     Our congregation is fine too but there are individuals who have lost their jobs and have some depression. Others have to live with unbelievers and the houses are very crowded here in Rep of Georgia. Across the world suicides are sky-rocketing and child abuse, families are in each others hair all the time.

    Knowing what I know and with the heavy lock-down here I was feeling it too about 2 months ago as I am a very tactile person and need people around me.  But I have adjusted and thanks to Jehovah I feel upbeat.  Uncertainty is a terrible master and the younger you are the more it affects one. One of our brothers here started pioneering..... really innovative ways to preach.

    Even if the end drags on - panting to the end - and we face ridicule for waiting for it......  the downward spiral has started .... of this I am certain.  The economic analyzers are going bonkers....... nothing makes sense except for those who understand the "reset" and they want to use some gold again to back the new monetary system ........ but when they turn against religion all of them will be crying and their gold will not mean much.  

    At present time they (technocrats) are very confident everything is working out the way they want it - no matter how many people may suffer. They are working behind the scenes on the logarithms and strengthening people's bias' on the internet. People are becoming more and more radicalized. I have also slacked in my contributions and was thinking about it today.... so I better do the right thing.

    We are refugees as well.  I am busy packing so that we can leave here as soon as the borders open up.  Corona has caused problems for this government and they are set to change the requirements to live here.  So we are leaving soon.... we will watch for the right time to leave. It is great here - we do not want to leave but we need more security. We are going closer to Italy..... in the Balkans.  Will give my new location when my husband and I are both safe.  We were planning to face death or Armageddon here in Rep Georgia but now we will go die in another place or (if Jah wills) face Armageddon there. 


  15. We are sitting during the first lock-down which may last at least till march next year but there is talk that it will last until all are vaccinated. By that time the world economy will be restarted in a new format to suit UN agenda 2030. 

    Millions will die of hunger, suicide, job losses all over the world.  A controlling form of scientific (technocratic) UN government will later take over and lead us to the wonderful situation where they can call peace and security.

    The next milestones for agenda 21 and 2030 is a new money system by 2022;  2025, and 2030 dates they have set for certain goals/ milestones.  By 2050 they want the 4th industrial revolution to be complete.  Hopefully Jehovah will intervene before then. 

    Jehovah is allowing them to go the whole way with their new god of science and what I think is the 'god of fortresses' - a world database (including DNA) of all people which will secure every person within the grasp of the authorities.  Anyone who does not do as told will find themselves outside the system and will struggle to survive. 

    The plans they have is anti-human .... so I really hope it happens before the 2030 milestone (by which time I will be close to 80 and my chances are not great of being around.)  I feel for the youth living now  (70 CE) and know that Jehovah will resurrect all those who die from hunger and suffering before His Great Day - that is my comfort.

    I suspect that this lock-down will be like the first lock-down in Jerusalem. Once they open up it may be 3 and half years before they lock us down for the next phase of agenda 21 - the 2030 plans.   By this time many will  have died and the vaccinations (which will be administered regularly according to new indications) may have unprecedented side effects. 

    The final lock-down will see them in total control and they will destroy all religion -  If I am around I will walk in the streets like Jonah and be glad to shout that the time for their destruction is here.  May Jehovah grant me the power and courage to do so.......

  16. 10 hours ago, JW Insider said:

    This is more and more true as the world gets more divided, more partisan, and more nationalistic.

    True - the Iron and clay is absolutely acrimonious.....the world over in every country. ... Except in totalitarian countries like Iran, China and Russia, North Korea because individual rights are 'no longer' tolerated - with emphasis on 'no longer' for China. Journalists or human rights lawyers who have opposing opinions go to jail.... or people are secretly killed with poisons or commit suicide (Russia) or just jump from buildings.... such as 6 people in one day recently in Hong Kong (China), or are openly and publicly executed in Iran. North Korea has 3 different types of gulags. Most citizens are hungry all the time.

    Some countries have gone far-left in their way of suppressing human freedoms.  In Australia drones are catching people who do not obey the Corona law.  In some radical-left states in USA they are allowing anarchy. Members of these funded  organizations are bused in and their hotel expenses paid to riot. These people are anti-nationalism, anti-police, anti-american identity, anti-religion,  anti-constitution, anti-family unit and anti-culture.  It is a  perverted form of mao-ism. BLM leaders have openly said they want a communist system with equality outcomes for all humans. (Of course these are all the wonderful buzz-words but when this system comes, they will be the first to be the fodder for a hungry regime that chews up lives and spits it out. They will have done their job of causing anarchy and are now expendable.

    Atheist regimes DO NOT RESPECT LIFE! ... and if any of you really think they do, then you are living under a dark cloud of misunderstanding. It is Judaeo- christian values which gave more humane values to the world. Atheism is lurking at the door in USA.... with laws being jammed through which erodes you rights to freely talk about your religion, eroding the quality of life by means of morality, and respect for life itself. 

    The UN's has done a good job with this new modern philosophy (pushed by UNESCO for many years), which has been inculcated into the new generation at schools and who are now all of voting age.  The democrats are totality aligned with UN agenda 2030 and are working towards the new secular world order........ which will definitely be a  totalitarian technocratic regime or science dictatorship - whatever you want to call it.  The constitution and country borders will disappear according to this plan. 2030 is the next big milestone for this plan. Democrats seem to be set to win.... and US may be one of those countries who willingly gives over its autonomy to the UN once its national borders are not longer there - as planned NGOs following instructions of agenda 2030.

    The new sex education has rolled out and will now be taught in all schools. It sexualizes children from age 4.  It openly teaches all forms of disgusting porneia to children and is 'normalizing' it - pushed by the UN-ESCO.  This is their way to secure the future and reduce human population on earth.  Lock-downs will keep people separated and people can then indulge in porneia - like animals..... because that is what we are according to science. According to agenda 2030 every drop of food, water, energy you as an individual use will be measured. 

    The UN wants ONE world technocracy and they are on their way of achieving it. 

    My interest in China is not to take SIDES against China or sides FOR china as some of you here are doing but to show you all which KIND of system will be ushered in by the UN since China is their model. China also signed up to Agenda 21 and the milestone of Agenda 2030 - and China are the model. 

    So why is the new system tested in CHINa?  They already have the technology installed and their people are already under surveillance with social crediting etc. The algorithms, facial recognition etc. are being refined in China. Most tech corporations are experimenting in china  - anything is allowed.  The World tech corporations are working WITH china - and cooperating with it and testing out all the new "science" which will be gradually unveiled.  It is too shocking for us old people to imagine but the youth are being indoctrinated to be accepting of it. 

    People like Elon Musk, Bezos and others are the ones doing the research on AI and trans-humanism.  Making of synthetic DNA etc is part of this new 4th industrial revolution. Jehovah will have to step in to save us from DNA-extinction like before the flood!


    I reiterate: my interest in China is not to take SIDES against of FOR China but to show you all which KIND of system will be ushered in by the UN since China is their model.  it HAS ALREADY GONE TOO FAR..... NO-ONE CAN STOP IT.  ONLY JEHOVAH CAN!


    10 hours ago, JW Insider said:

    jehovah's Witnesses raised many red flags in the early days of Hitler's rise by speaking out against Nazism, documenting and reporting the existence of and conditions within concentration camps, and distributing literature about it, Milakovich said.

    Just repeating old history is not a good exercise otherwise one makes the same mistakes.  One has to think about the similarities, consider the new players, their histories and the new innovations.  Evil people learnt that they can be exposed - after WW2 these atrocities came out.  Today, they will ensure and use methods to ensure that news cannot come out until it is too late and no-one can do anything about it.  They will not use the same weapons but use ones which are undetected.  Technology has changed and much more lethal anti-human weapons are now available.

    Silent wars need silent weapons.....

    But the news is still managing to trickle out.....

    As I said before, situations change.  Yes, we are in a similar situation today where aggressive regimes are encroaching on other nation's territory. History is repeating itself but the political scenario which is heralding a new totalitarian regime has changed. i.e. Iran is funding so many revolutions in the middle east which is de-stabilizing it. World 'magnates' have funded several  "color-revolutions of which Ukraine is only one country.... and are apparently now trying to do the same in USA. 

    To understand Chinese methods, please watch the interview above.... my link above.  Her father was the ambassador to this area years ago and she has spent many years researching all the issues going on there.  Do yourself a favor.  I read all kinds of information and make an assessment if they know their subject and are talking the truth. She has watched how China has taken hold of all the water resources in the entire region etc. 

    To think that JW org will be in a position to blow the whistle this time round is ludicrous.  NO religion is allowed in China.  So if they focus attention on the plight of Witnesses in China, the authority will immediately start a witch-hunt just for the JWs.....and they will be maligned in the press as falun gong was.  They will not go to prison..... their body parts will be used.  So nothing will remain to report upon.  There will be no proof as family members are all targeted.  There will be no-one left to talk. Our organization is discreet.  It will never put our brothers in greater danger than they are already in.   To expose the injustice of people in prison (Russia) is a totally different situation than to expose people who are already being liquidated and all family members liquidated as well.  The GB will not want this kind of blood on their hands.  They will just warn us about trends they see. 

    China is not the same as Russia.  Russia still allows state religion to build nationalism.  This proves to me that you have not thought things through (good a repeating other peoples writings but you do not think things through in the light of new information) and you do not understand the nature of totalitarianism.  If you can give me the names of journalists who are allowed to interview 'random people' in China and are allowed to move around freely without an escort I will be very happy.  These people must also not have any financial, family ties or other  ties to China which would compromise their honesty  in any way. They should have no interest in covering up the real facts.  

    Since 2013 Xi Ping has been clamping down on his own people.  Foreigners were lucky but I have read quite a few stories of Westerners who got out just in time.  Last week one of the major, mainstream group of journalists got out of China by the skin of their teeth.  They were released after being detained.  The head office decided to remove them from the country. 

    JW org  have already identified the king of the north and mentioned that it has allies.  What more can they do now?  We are in the downturn leading to Armageddon with extended lock-downs sure to come to control people during times of hunger, joblessness and unrest staring us in the face.

    The new financial reset  is upon us and most probably will be digital money..... The UN has strengthened its grip on developing nations by lending them money during this lock down to get by...... and it has all kinds of strings attached. 

    Now is the time to just trust in Jehovah.  The justice system has been compromised internationally - China is sitting on the human rights council together with Islamic countries. All the nations with the worst human rights histories.

    International courts are shams now.... bias rampant and all courts politicized. JWs will no longer be treated as before.... with digity ......that is for sure. 

    The god of fortresses will be everyone's master in the sense that you will not be able to dodge it. Satan is taking over the system with those who are against Jehovah and his future kingdom in the most powerful positions.  The situation is building up where they will literally stand up against Jehovah's kingdom.  When we preach against them they will be shocked because they will think all humans to be docile sheep accepting their technocratic rule with surveillance. 

    I will b excited to see how this plays out.....

  17. 20 hours ago, JW Insider said:

    Amnesty International has been caught in promoting much more American propaganda than Human Rights Watch, for example, but this does not mean that any one story is either true or untrue.

    And all pro-china articles are truth?  Do you know what you are saying?  Listen to the interview above.....  ... I am sure you will not because the owner of the newspaper who were prepared to listen to her is falun gong ......and they all lie as you already know.... .  The CCP cannot lie or use pressure or propaganda....

    Nevertheless do yourself a favor and listen to her and see for yourself if her integrity is suspect...... 

  18. Below is a fascinating interview with a woman who knows Tibet and all the rivers, glaciers, forests in the whole area occupied by China.  I found the interview with her very informative right to the end.  She is frustrated because the west pleases China and does not publish anything about the use of water and destruction of forests by China - actua;;y they protect China. 


  19. Question: Is it really about MORALITY or are they going after all christian religions? .....to create a false impression of morality and the false impression they are trying to hold some people accountable.  This question is valid since we are aware that the largest child sex trafficking rings have high up government officials, lawyers, judges, child services and other social services involved in the trafficking - even top charity foundations.  And this is only the tip of the iceberg because the world is under Satan's control.

    Sweet deals are given to top government officials (or rich people) of which Epstein and prince Andrew have become the only two faces. Ms Maxwell is awaiting trial but it seems that the previous immunity given her by the sweet deal done in 2007 may hold up in court - or she may also be suicided - so that the other high up officials are not exposed.  Time will tell. Ordinary people are desperate to see some justice done.... even though they do not realize the entire justice system in the world is now rotten and compromised. Top officials tell low down honest cops to leave cases alone!  I follow court cases and see the results of people being harassed by law (they lose all their money in order to fight manufactured  charges) .....and others (with the right connections) who get scot-free after having perpetrated heinous deeds......  It reminds me of the justice in Israel before Jehovah allowed them to go into exile.  Listened to a guy yesterday who spoke out about Epstein's money schemes - he worked for secret services.  His own charges were also "disappeared"  because he was implicated in Epstein's schemes   .......and was let off.   One can do heinous things if you are a security asset. 

     Hollywood and media is rotten with it too! A few ex-child stars have spoken out. But money and power speaks and protects..... it is also WHO you know that is busy with the same despicable deeds in secret who can cover up for you. BBC itself was racked with scandals which are only now seeing the light and the perpetrators got away with it because they are well-known faces.  This will only be sorted out completely when Jehovah brings all things which were done in secret into the open when he is the judge.

    UK police ignore the Muslim gangs raping children but prosecute Christians.  In UK there is a big public controversy at present in the public domain because the Muslims want a BBC documentary banned. It has only aired once. The  BBC documentary (took 11 months of under cover work and interviews) was aired last week which exposed the Muslim Clerics marrying 9 - 16 year old girls for a few hours to old men (pleasure marriages where the father receives money for pimping his daughter - and which is common practice in Shia Islam).  Clerics give legal marriage documents for only a few hours, days or months and when the contract is over the girl goes back to her father....... he literally acts as a pimp.   The man can treat her any way he likes.  If he sodomizes her and does not break her virginity then the price is less. 

    I studied with a woman who told me that young girls do fall pregnant and the babies are aborted. Another thing going on is prostitution.  When a Muslim man in anger cries out divorce three times - the wife is divorced.  She can only go back to her husband ( according to sharia law) AFTER she has slept with someone else...... (This happened because the prophet changed the law after sleeping with his adopted son's wife.... and sent her back to his son.)  So married women have to pay another man a lot of money to sleep with her, or have the service provided by a cleric.....and most of the women are forced into this - they do not want to do it.  Why is this not exposed more?  

    That sounds very moral to you I am sure!     I wonder why you do not use your energies to go after the real crimes but pick on the easy ones to humiliate.   I am not apologizing for the Catholics but I clearly see that jewish priests and imams are not prosecuted because they are a protected minority.  They CANNOT be seen as predators or racist..... no they are innocent little lambs according to the new worldly way of thinking. if one speaks against these things in UK you can get a 6 year prison sentence.   Only the Christian sexual crimes are highlighted.   Do you not think that Satan is behind the hate for all Christians? ... even if they are false Christians?  

    Jesus did not fix all the problems while on earth.  He kept Jehovah's laws perfectly and by his integrity proved that Jehovah's way of ruling is righteous.  Similarly - JWs try to live lives of integrity.  The odd person perpetrates a very wicked crime which cannot always be proven....  but there is a promise that |Jehovah will expose every hidden thing.

  20. here is another one for you - but I guess this is also American propaganda:

    According to Amnesty International, victims of the Iranian regime's systematic torture include children as young as 10 years old. "[V]ictims were frequently hooded... punched, kicked and flogged; beaten with sticks, rubber hosepipes, knives,... suspended or forced into holding painful stress positions for prolonged periods; deprived of sufficient food and potable water..." (Image source: iStock. Image is illustrative and does not represent any person in the article.)


    The Iranian regime has significantly ratcheted up its human rights violations. The United Nations and the European Union, which preach about human rights, completely turn a blind eye to the regime's abuses."


    ......So we must ignore amnesty international because it is propaganda - depending on the news outlet which takes the time to report on it.  'Tabloid press' does not take the time report on such things.... and with tabloid press I mean most of the media that belongs to one oligarch..... 


  21. 17 hours ago, Michael Krewson said:

    be so frustrating for someone who likes the idea of logic and more black or white thinking.

    The WHOLE world is in the power of Satan - and all the governments are part of the beast.  This is why it is important to look at the world as if one is analyzing trends - in order not to take sides.  Trends can tell us where things are leading to - so as to see where it looks possible for bible prophecy to go into fulfillment and one can stand aside and look on.

    I do like to know what is going on..... but very careful not to get involved in the sides.  One cannot take sides between parties or countries because they all are the beast.  BUT it does not mean one is taking sides when one points to realities going on in countries or areas where people do not have access to much information.  A lot of bad information is deliberately covered up in this world - such as child trafficking; human rights abuses; killing in the name of religion; corruption in justice systems;  abuses perpetrated by science corporations etc.  These are carefully covered up and compromised leaders are all given a pass s - even if their hands have been involved in dirty deals and they are financially compromised. 

    It seems as if the top echelons of society all know each other and cover for each other.  They even get sweet deals when they have been criminal. This thugocracy is going on in most countries.  I cannot think of a country or major organization where top people have not invested in the corporations that are advising governments; or are supposed to give oversight and are compromised financially  - which actually is a form of fascism (corporatism with government together in the same bed).


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